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牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit1-Unit4重点词组归纳大全 U1

1. 同意(某人)agree with sb/what one said agree to one’s plan/idea/advice 同意做某事 agree to do sth

2. 吃完eat up 被吃完( sth ) be eaten up 3. 非常有条理 be well organized

4. 保持….井井有条 keep …..in ( good ) order 5. 炫耀 show off

6. 有足够耐心做某事 be patient enough to do sth 7. 为某人重复语法规则 repeat grammar rules for sb 8. 向某人解释语法规则 explain grammar rules to sb

9. 提出新的想法 come up with new ideas = think of new ideas 10. 对…都好奇 be curious about … 11. 成为一个会计 make an accountant

12. 整天光工作不说话 work without speaking all day long 13. 对…满意be happy/pleased/satisfied with … 14. 以---给人留下深刻印象impress sb with sth

15. 赢得某人的很高赞誉win high praise from sb 被某人称赞be praised by sb 16. 本身/亲自 in itself

17. 公司总经理 the general manager of the company

18. 要么….要么…., 不是….就是….. either …or …..(就近原则) 19. 既不….也不….., neither ….nor ….. (就近原则) 20. 不但….而且…., not only …. but also …. (就近原则) 21. 既….又…. both … and …. (谓语用复数形式) 22. 要么领先要么落后 either take the lead or fall behind

23. 时刻准备接受新挑战 be ready to take on new challenges any time 24. 把A与B连起来 connect A to B 25. A被连到B上 ( A ) be connected to B 26. 注意pay attention to sb / sth / doing sth ( to 介词)

27. 高标准地工作work to high standards 28. 和…一样 as good as …

29. 作为医生,你再怎么仔细也不为过。As a doctor ,you can’t be too careful. 30. 做手术好几个小时do operations( on sb) for several hours / operate on sb 31. 把…奉献给….devote one’s time/lifeto sb / sth / doing sth (to 介词) 32. 尊重某人respect sb

33. 发现做某事难find it difficult to do sth (it 是形式宾语,to do是真正宾语) 34. 适合….be suitable for sth / doing sth

35. 接受别人的建议follow/take/accept others’ advice 36. 三思而行think twice (about sth/doing sth )

37. 焦虑太多而睡不香worry too much and can’t sleep well 38. 代表阴历的一年represent a lunar year 39. 以固定的顺序出现appear in a fixed order

40. 生于同一生肖的人们people born under the same animal sign 41. 生于兔年的人people born in the Year of the Rabbit 42. 把----划分成divide …. into…. 被分成be divided into …. 43. .一个12星座的循环a cycle of 12 star signs 44. 取决于 depend on …..

45. 正是你自己掌控你自己的生活与未来。It is you who shape your life and your future . 46. 不是那么回事That’s not the case. 47. 有其父必有其子。 Like father ,like son . 48. recommend sb as …推荐某人当….

49. have many strong qualities for +职位有许多当…的强劲品质 50. 在许多人面前演讲make a speech in front of many people 51. 缺课be absent from school

52. 当…的最合适人选 the most suitable person to be …


1. (sth ) look good on sb 某物穿在某人身上好看

( Sb ) look good in sth 某人穿某物好看 2. feel sleepy 感到困倦 fall asleep 入睡

3. explain sth to sb 向某人解释某物

4. be painted blue 被涂成蓝色 paint …. blue 把…涂成蓝色 5. ,such as +名词短语 诸如某物/做某事

.For example+句子

6. create a warm and comfortable feeling 产生温暖与舒适的感觉 7. prefer to do sth = would rather do sth 宁愿做某事

prefer not to do sth = would rather not do sth 宁愿不做某事

prefer A to B 比起B更喜欢A prefer A with B 喜欢加上B的A

prefer doing A to doing B = prefer to do A rather than do B= would rather do A than do B 比起做B件事更喜欢做A件事

8. cheer sb up使某人振作起来 sb. be cheered up 被振作

9. remind sb of sth 使某人想起某件事 remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 10. hope for success希望成功

11. require strength in …. 在…方面需要力量

sth. require doing =sth. require to be done 某事需要被做 sb. require to do sth. =need to do sth. 需要做某事

sb. require sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事 sb. be required to do sth. 某人被要求做某事 12. be of some help to sb = be helpful to sb = help sb 对某人有帮助 13. make it + adj .+ to do sth 使做某事….

make it easier to take action 使采取行动更容易 14. make a decision 做出决定

make up one’s mind to do sth = decide to do sth 决定做某事 15. have difficulty ( in ) doing sth 做某事有困难

have difficulty with sth.

16. ask sb for help 向某人求助 ask sb for some advice 征求某人意见 17. get married ( to sb ) (与某人)结婚

18. be used for doing sth = be used to do sth 被用来做某事

be used to doing sth = get used to doing sth 习惯做某事 19. in ancient China 在中国古代 20. promise to do sth 承诺做某事

