
更新时间:2024-01-27 20:13:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载




1 the labor party’s electoral strategy, which was based on a tactical alliance with other minor parties, has proved successful.


2 the government troops recaptured the city from the rebels at the cost of two thousand casualties.


3 by a stroke of good luck, Genelle, who had been buried in the rubble for more than 26 hours

由中风的好运气,Genelle,在废墟中被埋超过 26 个小时

4 my brother wasn’t badly hurt, but he injured his leg and had to limp around for a few weeks


5 the aircraft was subjected to a test of temperatures of minus 65 degrees Celsius and plus 120 degrees

飞机受到的零下 65 摄氏度的气温下测试和零上 120 度

6 tax incentives combined with cheap labor will attract companies to the western regions of our country away from the east coast


7 to my surprise, the opening speeches sounded more like declarations of war than offerings of peace


8 after a three-day siege by the police, the terrorists who had seized the restaurant had to give in


9 once we stepped off the plane and onto the prairie, we were greeted by a gust of raw and biting wind


10 being young and impatient, they are inclined to dash into the jaws of danger where an experienced fighter might bide his time

作为年轻和不耐烦,他们倾向于冲进鬼门关的危险在哪里有经验的战士可能会等待时机 11 the harassing budget problems of the past few months have taken their toll on her health and there are shadows beneath her eyes


12 workers who have to work on weekends are paid twice the nor-mal wages. And in the case of nations holidays, they get triple pay

必须在周末工作的工人都是双倍的工资,也不误。在联合国假日的情况下,他们得到三倍的报酬 第二单元

1 before Anglo-American westward expansion, there were already a number of settlements in the mid-West.

在英美的向西扩张之前, 已经有大量的中西部地区的住区。

2 we are confident that the introduction of a automate assembly line will eliminate most of today’s human errors.


3 warmer air is able to hold more water vapor than cold air and so has higher humidity. 暖空气是能够容纳更多的水蒸气比寒冷的空气,因此具有较高的湿度。

4 in most communities in the united states, the local American red cross chapter has been authorized to take control of certain local pubic buildings in times of emergency.

在美国的大多数社区,授权当地美国红色十字章在紧急时刻采取控制的某些地方的公共建筑。 5 traffic control establishes a set of rules and instructions that drivers, pilots, train, engineers, and ship captains rely on to avoid collisions and other hazards. 交通管制建立了一套规则和指令,司机,飞行员,训练,工程师,和船长依靠以避免碰撞和


6 in the past few decades since the launching of the first artificial satellite in 1957, thousands of man-made moons have been rocketed into the earth’s orbit. 在过去几十年自从 1957 年发射第一颗人造卫星,数以千计的人造月亮已经被发射火箭送入地球轨道。

7 the thunder crashed so near the house that the glass vibrated in the windows 雷声隆隆这样在窗户的玻璃回荡在房子附近

8 radio telescopes have provide valuable information about other stars and about the magnetic fields of other plants in our solar system, especially Jupiter 射电望远镜提供了有价值的信息,关于其他恒星和其他植物在我们的太阳系,尤其是木星的磁场

9 at the beginning of the race, the runners were bunched together on the track 在比赛开始时,跑步者被绑在了一起在赛道上

10 from the control tower, air traffic controllers coordinate aircraft movement both in the air and on the ground


11 further troubles developed in October 1995 when the tape re-corder in the orbiter Galileo got stuck in the rewind positions for 15 hours.

在 1995 年 10 月,当磁带重新科德在伽利略人造卫星被困在倒带职位 15 个小时进一步发展了麻烦。

12 in 1978, at the beginning of reform period, approximately 11,000 Chinese students went abroad to pursue further studies.

1978 年,改革时期,初大约 11,000 中国学生赴海外进修。 第三单元

1 the waitress was so rude that Jane didn’t tip her. 女服务生这么粗鲁简没给她小费

2 racing takes everything you’ve got – intellectually, emotionally, and physically.

赛车需要你的一切 — — 智力、 感情和身体上。

3 although the structure of the building hasn’t suffered, the surface is badly damaged.


4 she received an increase in pay and it has made a difference in her attitude towards work.


5 she appeared very nervous one evening. I asked her what was wrong, and she blurted that she had fallen in love with Phil.

她显得非常紧张的一天晚上。我问她怎么了,和她脱口而出,她坠入了爱河与 Phil。 6 l looked at Tom’s pictures and found some of them so amusing and funny that l couldn’t help chucking.

她显得非常紧张的一天晚上。我问她怎么了,和她脱口而出,她坠入了爱河与 Phil。 7 your goals have to be measurable so you’ll know when you are making progress. 你的目标必须是可测量的所以你就会知道当你正在取得进步。

8 salespeople often try to learn about the needs of the prospective buyer to make themselves more persuasive.


9 we have only five months to make preparations for the trip to the south pole. 我们有只五个月时间准备这次旅行向南极。

10 Prof. Lee’s eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she talked about how her new teaching method worked in her college English class.

李教授的眼睛闪闪发光与热情,她谈到她新的教学方法如何在她的大学英语课堂。 11 in my senior year l took a crack at writing a novel, but with-out much success. 在我高中最后一年我带裂纹在写小说,但用了很多成功。

12 to reduce weight, l am now learning to play golf with mu business partner, who plays like a professional.

为了减少重量,我现在学习打高尔夫球亩商业伙伴,像一个职业的扮演者。 第四单元

1 the general ordered this troops to quickly towards a advantageous position. 将军命令这军队到迅速向一个有利的地位。

2 people would think the seven-year-old couldn’t even reach the pedals, let alone drive the car.


3 in a sense, we are witnessing the vanishing of national boarders in many areas of economic activity in the world today.

在某种意义上,我们正在目睹今天消失国家住宿生在世界经济活动的许多领域。 4 the tower built at the turn of the century became a landmark of the city. 塔建在世纪之交成为了城市的地标。

5 in a book entitled a short history nearly Everything. 在一本书题为短的历史几乎一切。

6 it seems neuroscience is threatening to displace physic as the queen of the sciences.


7 it is only natural for the people to challenge the establishment especially when the economic outlook is gloomy


8 if anything, this movie appeals to the patriotic feelings of the people and helps to strengthen national unity.


9 Julius Caesar in this play is a man full of contradictions at times at times strong and confident, but at other times old and frail .

朱利叶斯 · 恺撒在这出戏是一个充满矛盾的人在时间有时坚强和自信,而在其他时候老和虚弱

10 the newly launched website aspires to create a virtual com-munity of common interest via exchange of views on the future of the internet.

新推出的网站渴望创造出虚拟的 com 社区通过交换意见对互联网的未来共同感兴趣。 11 what Ann advocates just shows how divorced from reality she has become


12 after investigating the behavior of pendulums, Galileo was able to use them as time measurement devices in many of his experiment.

侦查行为的钟摆、 伽利略后能够使用它们作为时间测量设备在很多他的实验。 第五单元

1 in a way I prefer shopping online because it is more convenient and saves time . 一种方式我更喜欢网上购物,因为它是更方便,节省了时间。

2 the success of mechanics in discovering reliable and useful laws of nature suggested to Galileo that all nature is designed in accordance with mechanical laws. 力学中发现可靠和有用的自然法则的成功向伽利略建议所有自然都符合力学定律。 3 a vacancy exists for a sales manager at our Paris office. 在我们巴黎分公司的销售经理有职位出缺。

4 if you are over 18 and in good condition, it’s completely safe to do the job . 如果你是超过 18,在良好的状态,它是完全安全做好这份工作。

5 plastics can be made hard as stone, strong as steel, transparent as glass, and light as wood.


6 coat the shoes with polis , then rub hard with a soft cloth to give a shine. 鞋子与城邦,然后用软布,使其发亮用力擦。

7it was probably just a spicy joke to them, but wasn’t funny to me at all. 这是对他们来说,可能只是一个辣的笑话,但对我一点都不好笑。

8 Michael’s praise for my wife opened my eyes and taught me to show gratitude for her day-to-day heroism, which I had hitherto taken for granted.

Michael 的赞扬我的妻子睁开双眼,教我表达感激之情,她日常的英雄,我到目前为止已经理所当然。

9 the waitress did bring us clean plates eventually, but with bad grace. 最终,但坏的恩典,女服务员确实给我们带来清洁板。

10 some scientists believe that human beings are born with a instinct for using their arms and legs to stay afloat.


11 in order to pay the bills, Linda pawned her grandfather’s gold watch in secret. 为了支付账单,琳达典当秘密她祖父的金表。

12 fish instinctively fight their way upstream against the current, and many water birds and animals have the ability to travel long distances. 鱼本能地战斗途中上游逆水,和很多水鸟类和动物有长途旅行的能力。 第六单元

1 to stimulate consumption, farmers now can buy household appliances with government subsidy.


2 and until recent years the role of preventive medicine has suffered comparative neglect


3 it only slows down the rate at which they multiply. 这只会减慢,它们繁殖的速度。

4 the economic planners are seeking to achieve a fairer distribution of wealth throughout society.


5 and blankets since the 13 century and much of its prosperity today is still founded on those industries.

自 13 世纪以来的毯子和今天的繁荣仍然建立在这些行业。

6 I’ve heard of a company that provides guidance and help so that you can decorate your house to your own taste.


7 to prevent widespread famine, the un report calls for a joint effort to develop new high-yielding crops adapted to hotter climates and drier soils.


8 carrying large quantities of cash could be dangerous and inconvenient.



9 the world bank decided to grant Hungary a loan of 66 million dollars to streamline its fragile financial system

世界银行决定授予匈牙利贷款 6600 万的美元,以简化其脆弱的金融体系

10 I’ll send you a fax with detailed information about the proposed project. 我会给你发传真与有关拟议的项目的详细信息。

11 it was Deng Xiaoping who pointed the way to our opening-up policy and fundamental economic reforms


12 mayor Lewes was taken aback and utterly bewildered by the unexpected question put to him by a reporter

市长刘易斯是一惊,完全莫名其妙的意外的问题,记者向他提出 第七单元

1 my mon, as moms tend to do, had divined my state of mind rather shrewdly and moved over to the bed in a thoughtful kind of way


2 the accident damaged the nerves controlling his arm movements. 这次事故损坏控制他的手臂运动的神经。

3 in an expression of solidarity, the workers registered their support for the mew leaders and pledged loyalty to the trade union.


4 the Arlington national cemetery is a sacred place for Americans, who come here to mourn those who gave their lives in the service of the nation.


5 the pills are coated in sugar and easy for children to swallow. 这种药片是涂上糖和易于儿童吞下。

6 despite the contempt expressed in the past for the American prin-ciple of “publish

or perish.


7 a hundred and twenty people have been killed after terrorists exploded a bomb in the cockpit of a plane they were trying to hijack.

三百二十人丧生后恐怖分子引爆了一枚炸弹在他们试图劫持一架飞机的驾驶舱内。 8 she stood there motionless, her eyes filled with tears- whether of shame, frustration, or grief it was difficult to tell.

她站在那里一动不动,她的眼睛充满了泪水-是否的羞耻感,感到沮丧,或悲伤很难告诉。 9 tom told me on the phone that he is to be transferred to new York and invited us all to his farewell.


10 should we take revenge on those who have be-trayed us ? I think we’d better forgive but not forget

我们应采取报复那些已经被塔我们吗?我认为我们将更好地原谅但不要忘记 11 the earth revolves around the sun and also revolves on its axis 地球在围绕太阳公转,还绕轴自转

12 the spokesman denounced the charge as “completely irresponsible”, 发言人谴责收费作为\完全不负责任\, 第八单元

1 science is built up with facts, as a house is with stones. But a col-lection of facts without proper analysis is no more a science than a heap of stones is a house. 科学是建立了事实,因为房子是用石头。但事实没有适当分析邮册是科学而不是一堆石头房子。

2 no matter how I tried, I could nor remove the paint that was smeared over my car. 无论我怎样努力,可能也不删除涂抹的油漆在我的车。

3 how can one’s heart not be warmed by the sight of so many young people waiting in line to donate blood?


4 empires dissolve and people disappear, but a good song never passes away.


5 the girl began to moan and thrash about on the bed when the pains returned in full force


6 the guy, when drunk used to become belligerent: in that case his wife would keep him out of the way if her friends happened to drop by.

那个醉汉用于成为交战时: 在这种情况下他的妻子会让他的出路如果她的朋友碰巧路过。 7 Denmark’s numerous small lakes are formed in small hollows left in the ground by melting ice the glaciers.


8 to make our climb easier, our guide had cut a trail through the tangled trees and undergrowth that led to our next campsite.


9 to cultivate a fine taste for literature, one should study the classics instead of reading whatever he can get his hands on.


10 the carpet on the floor was stained and torn, the windows nearly opaque with dirt, and the walls lookup as if they had never been repainted since the place was constructed .


11 located at the edge of the town, henry’s apartment is taste-fully bare, illumined softly by concealed lighting.


12 most bird species that nest or feed in trees hop about on both feet when on the ground .


3. Interactive stuff


4. Act out what you read


5. Babies this age usually damage their playthings

5。这个阶段的孩子通常会损害他们的玩具 6. Imitate you


7. They understand and remember new words

7、他们理解并记住新单词 8. The most mentions

8、最多的人 9. Gets excited


10. Adore for themselves



Guided reading

1. Prices and the economic status of the consumers

1,价格和消费者的经济地位 2. Haute couture


3. Developing countries” new wealth promote haute couture

3。发展中国家“新财富促进高级时装 4. To maintain a luxurious brand image


5. Sales and exclusive image


6. Foreign visitors have spent more in the US

6、外国游客在美国花了更多的时间 7. Focusing on sales volunme

7。注重销售体积 8. A decreased


9. An adverse effect


10. Poor economic conditions


Timed reading 1

1. Serve as role models for young women across the globe

1。作为全球青年妇女的榜样。 2. Taller and thinner


3. Was extremely thin but healthy

3,非常瘦,但健康 4. The 1990s


5. They report too much about bony models and celebrities

5、他们的报道太多关于骨模型和名人 6. Help women accept and love their body

6、帮助女性接受并爱他们的身体 7. The body mass index(BMI)


8. That is confident , and perfectly fine with being who she is

8、这是自信的,她是一个完美的人 9. Being excessively overweight


10. A very short time period

10、很短的时间内 Timed reading 2

1. Talent is the only criterion for the prospective winners of the awards


2. Michell Obama wore his design to the presidential inauguration ceremony


3. Cultural diversity of the fashin industry and the growing influence of Chinese



4. Most of them graduated from the same fashion design school

4、大部分人都是从同一个时尚设计学校毕业的 5. Unique market positioning


6. Take part in some international fashion shows


7. The recognition of the market is more important than the stage success

7、市场的认可比舞台上的成功更重要 8. A promising market


9. The expansion of their influences to the rest of the word

9、他们对这个词的影响的扩展 10. Innovative ideas

10、创新理念 Timed reading 3

1. They feel enthusiastic about them


2. It encourages unnecessary consumption


3. The use of energy and harmful chemicals

3、使用能源和有害化学物质 4. To make clothes dry easily


5. Consumers are not explicitly warned of its threats to health


6. They move their factories to low-wage regions and countries


7. The environmental and social impacts of the fashion industry

7,时尚产业的环境和社会影响 8. Luxury items


9. Low-paid and illegal labour

9、低收入和非法劳动 10. Our spending power


Unit 4

Guided reading

1. Money has little effect on people”s feeling of happiness


2. What people realize in not consistent with what they do


3. Compare their salaries with those of others


4. We desire for much more when we have more

4,我们渴望更多的时候,我们有更多的 5. Sampling analysis


6. Psychology and sociology


7. Good personal relations

7、良好的个人关系 8. How to live our lives

8、如何生活 9. Money


10. Something is missing

10,缺少的东西 Time reading 1

1. Its market share


2. It absorbs heat within the atmosphere


3. The boom of modern industry


4. There was no cost for them to emit greenhouse gases

4,他们没有费用能排放温室气体 5. Label a price on emitting GHG


6. Greenhouse gases can be included as pollutants


7. Have a better performance in the stock market

7,在股票市场上有更好的表现 8. Taxation or regulation

8、税收或监管 9. Falling behind


10. The markets

10、市场 Timed reading 2

1. The role as a medium of exchange


2. The agreement between two traders on the terms

2、双方协议的条款 3. Animal skins


4. Lydia”s foreign trade was boosted with the use of coins

4、丽迪雅的对外贸易随着硬币的使用得到了推动 5. They exploited rare metals from the colonies

5,他们利用来自殖民地的稀有金属 6. They were issued by banks


7. The long shioment between Europe and the colonies

7。欧洲和殖民地之间的长装船 8. Paper money


9. Banks and the ruling classes started buying currencies

9。银行和统治阶层开始购买货币。 10. Drive up

10、开车 Timed reading 3

1. Different sectors of the market present different performance

1、不同行业的市场呈现不同的表现 2. 30

3. The general movement of the entire market


4. Measures stock price changes in percentages

4、股票价格变动百分比 5. Its comprehensiveness


6. The Wilshire 5000

7. It includes companies both at home and abroad


8. Small-cap stocks soared

8、中小盘股票暴涨 9. Small companies

9、小公司 10. The S&P 500


