
更新时间:2023-08-10 20:44:01 阅读量: 经管营销 文档下载





A: Hi, Brett, where do you live?

B: 1 Jing 'n Road. It ' not 2 from our school.

A: When do you get up every morning?

B: I get up at 7, the n I get 3 quickly and have a quick breakfast.

A: Do you go to school by bike?

B:Yes, I 4 it to school every morning. What about you?

A: First, I walk to the subway 5 . 6 , I take the subway to school.

B: How long does it take?

A: 7 50 minu tes.

B: It ' really a long 8 . When do you usually get home after school?

A: I usually get home at 8 o 'clock. I go to the 9 club before going home.

B: Why do you like to swim?

A: Because it can 10 me healthy.


help, do, in, show, speak, liste n

hour, talk, at, work, a, no ise

Bob and his family live in Chengdu. Bob works 1 a radio station, and his radio 2 is from 12 at night to six in the morning. It ' not easy 3

at night. Every night, Bob has much work 4 .He 5 with the

liste ners for 6 and he also plays music. People like 7 to his show maybe because it ' n ot very

8 .Bob usually gets home at 7 in the

morning. He has 9 11-year-old son, and he wants 10 his son make breakfast.


A: I think school makes rules to help us.

B: And we must get to school on time.

C: So we must follow the rules.

D: For example, we can 'liste n to music in the classroom.

E: There are many rules in my school.


A:Hello,this is Steven,May I speak to Susan?

B:This is Susan 1

A: 2 it going there?



B:Great!How ' the 3 in Beijing

A:lt ' 4 heavily.So I can 'tgo out to paly basketball.

B: Oh. That must be very wet everywhere.

A: Yeah! You know it ' really 5 for me to stay in doors all the time. I can'

sta nd that

! What are you doing the n?

B: I 'm 6 to some soft music and readi ng a book on the sofa.

A: 7 relax in g! I can only do my homework now.

B: How long does it usually 8 to fin ish it?

A: About 20 minu tes. After that, I can do somethi ng I like.

B: I see. By the way, are there too many strict 9 in your home?

A: Sure. Foe example, I can 'play computer games for a long time. And I must get

back home by 10 o 'clock p.m.

B: I think they are good 10 you.

A: Yeah, so I always try my best to follow them, although it ' not easy. Oh! I have to do my homework now. Bye!

B: Bye!


Do you like visit ing the zoo? There are differe nt 1 of an imals in the zoo. Wecan see the zoo keepers give them food to eat. They don't need 2 any

time look ing for food by themselves. They just eat, walk and 3 all day.

So many of us may thi nk the an imals in the zoo are happy and lucky. But it ' really

4 for them to live there. Why? Because they are no Ion ger free.

An imals 5 elepha nts, mon keys and tigers usually live freely and

happily in the mountains or the forests. Tigers, for example, run, jump and play with their childre n and catch small ani mals 6 for food. But now they have to 7 in small rooms in the room. Their life in the zoo is very different from that in the forests.

Now many people thi nk more and more ani mal should go 8 to mountains and forests because the animals in the zoo are in great 9 now. Weshould also learn to be

10 to them so that the earth will be better.


A: Hi, Mary. Are you 1 tomorrow after noon?

B: Yes. I don 'have 2 to do. What ' the problem?

A: My best friend, Lily will get to Beijing by train. She is new in town and doesn C know the 3 to my house. But I have to go to the hospital. Can you help

me 4 her at the train statio n?



B: OK, sure. But I don 'k now her at 5 . What does she look like?

A: Well, she isn ' heavy or th in. She is of medium build. She is quite a lovely girl 6 brow n hair and a round face.

B: Does she 7 glasses?

A: Yes. They 're black. And 8 telepho ne number is 138********.

B: OK. When will she 9 at the statio n?

A: At about 4 o 'clock in the after noon 10 the train leaves on time for

Beiji ng. Tha nks a lot.

B: No problem. See you tomorrow.


Yesterday was Kate C 13 th birthday. She had a birthday party at home.

Only 6 friends came to her party, because the party date 1 the same as a

holiday and every one enjoyed 2 withe their families. Kate C father did 3

best to make the children happy, but he didn C have many 4 games. Her mother wan ted 5 delicious food for them, but she found that she forgot to buy many

6 .The children ran around the house and the garden. In the end, the party turned

into a disaster (灾难).

The childre n 7 home at 3 o C lock in the after noon. Kate C pare nts had to

8 the dirty house. They all felt tired and unhappy. Kate cried in her room, because she 9 had a terrible birthday party.

They 10 it easy to have a party but things were different. As you can see, a good birthday n eeds a good pla n.


A: They often told him not to speak out his ideas when he goes out.

B: He published his first no vel Falli ng Rain on a Spri ng Night that year.

C: Mo Yan was born into a family of farmers in Gaomi, a small town in Shandong in


D: He was very interested in books and reads a lot. He started to write in 1981.

E: He says that the n ame comes from his pare nts.

F: At the age of 18, he bega n to work in a factory and made money for the family.

G: Four years later, he became a teacher and wrote ano ther no vel, A Tran spare nt Radish.

H: In 2011, his novel Frog won Mao Dun Literature Prize (矛盾文学奖).In 2012, he got the Nobel Prize in literature.

I: He was famous for his 1987 novel RedSorghumClan. Zhang Yimou's movie Red Sorghum was from this no vel.

J: He became a farmer after he left middle school.


Mr King parks his car outside his house one ni ght.



A: He looks at it carefully and finds two movie tickets and a card in the car.

B: So he calls the police. They say it takes much time and work to find the car.

C: It says , Were sorry. We take your car without telli ng you. ”

D: When he comes out to work the n ext morning, he finds that his car isn 'tthere. E: When they get home, they find that theives take many thing from their house.

F: Mr King gets home from work that evening, his car is back outside his house.

G: The next ni ght they go to the movies with the two tickets and have great fun.

H: It says, Weare sorry again. Weborrow something from your house without telling you.

I: Mr King thinks the thing isn 'so terrible and forgets about it quickly.

J: Mr King finds ano ther card on the bed.


A:Tom B: Jack

A: Hello? This is Tom. 1 that?

B: Hi, Tom. It ' Jack here.

A: Oh, hi, Jack. What are you doing now?

B: 2 much. It 's Sun day. It ' time for us to 3 and do anything

we want, 4 ?

A: Yes, I thi nk so .But my pare nt are still not 5 .They are always busy 6 their work in their offices」have to buy some vegetables and meat now and 7 lunch by myself .You don 'tk now how I 8 to enjoy lunch time with them

on weeke nds!

B:Oh,how poor you are !I will take you to much time .How about 9 out

with me?

A: 10 like a good idea.Let ' meet Wanda plaza.

B:OK,see you later.

二: 短文填空


