Basic InTouch- Training Manual - 4 - 图文
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1. CSV FILE LIST The Starterkit CD file “CSV_File_List_7.00.01.00.xls” lists all Device and other graphic csv files. It also lists the files by Template type (_A0, _B0, or _C0)
Make sure to DBLoad the Base csv files listed in this document to your project application before converting any Device Shapes, Device Scripts, or Device Control Windows.
Import and convert the Quick Function “DeviceRESET”.
Import and convert all Quick Functions that apply to the devices you will be using.
Import and convert all Active X Event Scripts that apply to the devices you will be using.
Import and convert all Data Change Scripts that apply to the devices you will be using.
Based on the requirements of your system, you will need to modify and load additional CSV files that correspond to the Devices you will be using. To determine which CSV files you must modify, examine the following Device Cross-Reference Excel Workbook:
Import any “SKGS” windows that contain device graphics that you will be using. Copy the device graphics to your process window, and configure the graphic using the following method:
Import and convert all Device Bottom windows that apply to the devices you will be using.
D:\\Starter_Kits\\WonderWare\\Documentation\\Device_Xref.xls Dbload the file “Device.csv” to your Intouch application. Dbload the file “Device_MLS.csv” to your Intouch application. For Devices with PID Loops, Dbload the file “PID.csv” to your Intouch application.
For Devices with PID Loops, Dbload the file “PID_MLS.csv” to your Intouch application.
1. Click on the Device graphic cell that you placed on your process window.
Select the “Substitute Tags” from the Intouch “Special” menu.
2. Use the “Replace” function to replace all base tags (“FVxx”, “Mxx”, etc.)
with the base tags you have configured for the device.
3. Convert all tags and click OK. Your device should be ready for use.
10.D. Graphic Standards
This contains the Graphic and InTouch standards and conventions that were used to build the Wonderware StarterKit and that are recommended for project use.
Standards are: ? ? ? ? ? ?
Graphic Standards Tag Naming Conventions Window Naming Conventions Window Navigation Methodology Window_Version_Management Script Version Management.doc
1. Introduction
This document describes the basic philosophy and recommended standards to be used within Procter and Gamble for Custom Graphic displays created on Wonderware Intouch Human-Machine Interface (HMI) applications.
2. Use of this Document
Instructions on graphics, which are detailed in the project documents, take priority over standards contained in this document. Any details about graphics, which are not covered in the project documents, are to follow the standards in this document.
This document also describes how to use the standards in the P&G Starter Kit. The best way to gain an understanding of the Starter Kit Shapes and Popups is to read this document and then examine the \in the P&G Starter Kit Intouch Application portion of the Starter Kit. Examine the application in both the Runtime and the Development mode.
3. Philosophy
The objective is to produce screens, which are consistent throughout the process or machine and the company. The screens should also be cost effective to build, easy to use, and intelligent.
4. Consistency
Screen layout should be similar. ?
Colors - The colors should be neutral when the process or machine is in a
normal state. They should also be standard for the different parts of the process.
Shapes - A standard P&G shape library is part of this practice.
? Alarms - The same type of alarm should have the same effect from
screen to screen, and the noticeable colors (i.e., Red Flashing, etc.) should be reserved for alarms.
? ? ? ?
Buttons - Screen keys should be the same size, same color, and in the
same location.
Messages and Prompts - Should be displayed at the same location on
the screen.
Movement between screens - Movement from screen to screen should
require the same steps, or keystrokes. Data - Data displays should have the same form.
color and shape. They should come from the P&G shape library when possible.
? Process or Machine Equipment - all equipment should be consistent in
5. Ease of Use
All screens should be easy to use. This will be accomplished in part by making the screen consistent.
6. Simple versus Complex
Screens and symbols should be drawn as simply as possible. This allows the space on the screens to contain as much meaningful data as possible.
Complex, 3-dimensional figures are NOT recommended because they are unproductive, expensive, and occupy too much screen space. They do not add value! All shapes and text require space and if they are drawn with unnecessary details, each graphic will contain a lower amount of useful data.
All shapes and popup screens in the Starter Kit were created with standard Intouch graphic and animation commands. The only Wizards that were used are the simple push-buttons. This makes it possible for any project engineer or technician to dissect and modify the graphics if needed. A working knowledge of programming languages such as \order to modify graphics.
7. Intelligence
The screens should take full advantage of the Intouch capabilities.
Whenever possible, use of items which make Intouch utilize more memory or processor time should be avoided!
8. Fonts
The recommended font for all screen text is \languages). These reasons for this recommendation are:
Courier New is an Equal Spaced font, which means that a text object built for a specific number of characters of a given size will occupy the same screen space for any mix of Numeric, Upper Case, Lower Case, and Special Characters. ? ?
It is a True Type font, which means screen printouts will look just like the screen image.
Courier New is a very common font that is provided with most basic operating systems.
9. Conclusion
The main philosophy is to produce screens which are consistent throughout the application and company, cost effective to build, easy to use, and intelligent. This philosophy will reduce training costs by allowing
reapplication throughout P&G, produce a system which is easier to document and maintain, make the operating process or machine safer, and reduce the number of mistakes in the process or machine. These improvements can only be acheived if every line organization, technology support group, contractor, and manufacturing plant that install Intouch systems follow the guidelines.
to 1280.
1. Screen Resolution
The standard screen resolution for InTouch applications of 1024 x 768 pixels.
All Wonderware Starter Kit components were built with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768.
OPTIONAL SCREEN RESOLUTION Some projects may need to the higher screen resolution of 1280 x 1024. This describes how to convert applications built with a resolution of 1024 x 768 to 1280 x 1024.
? Load the application with 1024 resolution.
? Open the application with WindowMaker and open all the windows. ? When all windows are opened, change the resolution of the computer
Go through all the windows and make a click with the mouse in all of them. For Intouch this looks like is a modification on the screen and you will be asked to save, select “Yes” to save for each window. If you don't do this Intouch will not save the screens because there is no modifications.
? Save all the windows and close WindowMaker.
2. Screen Layout
The standard screen layout will consist of 3 window areas:
Top Window 1) The primary purpose for this window is to serve as the Navigation
2) This window area will be named TOP_WINDOW 3) This is a Popup Type Window. 4) The window size and position are:
a) X: 0 b) Y: -40 c) W: 1024 d) H: 80
Center Window 1) The primary purpose for this window is to serve as the Main screen
2) This window area will be named CENTER_WINDOW
3) This is a Replace Type Window. 4) The window size and position are:
a) X: 0 b) Y: 40 c) W: 1024 d) H: 620
Bottom Window 1) The primary purpose for this window is to serve as the General
Menu area.
2) This window area will be named BOTTOM_WINDOW 3) This is a Replace Type Window. 4) The window size and position are:
a) X 0 b) Y: 650 c) W: 1024 d) H: 80
3. InTouch Window Types
OPERATIONAL SCREENS These are the screens the operator uses to run the process or machine. All windows that occupy the entire window area for Top, Center, and Bottom windows will be “Replace” type windows. This ensures that all windows in the area will be closed except for the new window being called for display. All windows that occupy less than 100% of the window area will be “Popup” type windows.
STARTER KIT DIAGNOSTIC WINDOWS Starter Kit Diagnostic windows use different types as follows:
OPEN FUNCTION The OPEn function uses both Replacement and Popup type
? OPEn_Configuration_CR_00 ? OPEn_Error_CP_00 ? OPEn_ILMonitor_CP_00 ? OPEn_PRMonitor_CP_00
? PLC DIAGNOSTICS The PLC Diagnostics function uses both Replacement and Popup
type Windows:
? PLCXX_Diagnostic_CR_00 ? PLCXX_Fault_CP_00 ? PLCXX_Status_CP_00
? CLEAR SCREEN The Clear Screen function uses a Popup type Window: ? SYS_ClearScreen_FP_00
The Help function uses Popup type Windows: ? SYS_Help_CP_00 ? SYS_HelpError_CP_00
? LOGIN The Login function uses a Popup type Window: ? SYS_LoginScreen_CP_00
? PRESENTATION The Presentation Screen uses a Popup type Window: ? SYS_ Presentation_FP_00
? SHUTDOWN FUNCTION The Shutdown function uses a Replacement type Window: ? SYS_ Shutdown_CP_00
? STARTER KIT DOCUMENTATION WINDOWS Starter Kit Documentation windows use different types as follows: Version View Bottom Window ? SYS_VersionView_BP_00
This documentation screen is a bottom POPUP type window.
? PROJECT DOCUMENTATION WINDOWS Project Documentation windows can any type chosen by the project
4. Window Types
Intouch has 3 types of windows: Replace, Overlay, Popup. Use of Overlay type windows should be avoided. The following definitions of InTouch Window Types are included for reference. There are three window types:
Replace Automatically closes any window(s) it intersects when it appears on the screen including popup and other replace type windows. ?
Overlay Appears on top of currently displayed window(s) and can be larger than the window(s) it is overlaying. When an overlay window is closed, any window(s) that were hidden behind it will reappear. Clicking on any visible portion of a window behind an overlay window will bring that window to the foreground as the active window. ?
Popup Similar to an overlay window except, it always stays on top of all other open windows (even if another window is clicked). Popup windows usually require a response from the user in.
See document titled “Window Navigation Methodology - Overview” for
navigation standards.
5. Colors, Intensity, Blink
The sources from which standard graphics can be copied or modified is the Starter Kit Intouch application and the Starter Kit Intouch template applications (see the document “WWSK_implementation.doc” for details). Windows in the Starter Kit application that contain graphic shapes begin with “SKGS”. See the document “Device_Xref.xls” for a complete Cross reference of device types with their corresponding StarterKit Window.
Overview Area Graphics Background
All Overview Screens should have one of the following background colors: Black, Dark Gray, or Light Gray.
Graphics (not including items such as Navigation buttons) ?
Pumps, Agitators, Feeder , etc. (not including valves): For digital composites: The shape color must always indicate the state of the device based on the feedback signal.
1) Stop= Red 2) Start= Green
3) Command Disagree Alarm = Red Blinking Box around device not
4) Command Disagree Alarm = Red Box around device Acknowledged
5) The Operator must be able to acknowledge the alarm from the main
Overview graphic or a bottom menu.
6) When the device is not in the alarm state = the Red box should
7) The red alarm box should be a few pixels larger than the device
shape. appear
9) When the device is de-selected or when another device is selected =
the Cyan box should disappear.
8) When the device is selected on the screen = a Cyan box should
10) The Cyan box should be a few pixels larger than the device shape.
BLOCK AND DIVERTER VALVES For digital composites: The shape color must always indicate the state of the device based on the feedback signal.
1) Closed = Red 2) Open = Green
3) Configured Command Disagree Alarm = Red Blinking Box around
device not Acknowledged
4) Configured Command Disagree Alarm = Red Box around device
5) The Operator must be able to acknowledge the alarm from the
6) When the device is not in the alarm state = the Red box should
7) The red alarm box should be a few pixels larger than the valve
8) When the device is selected on the screen a Cyan box should appear 9) When the device is de-selected or when another device is selected
the Cyan box should disappear
10) The Cyan box should be a few pixels larger than the device shape. ?
1) Loop Output equal to or less than 0% = Red 2) Loop Output greater than 0% = Green THROTTLING CONTROL VALVES - COLOR
1) Background Presentation [Non-active data]
? Equipment = Any color except Red or Green 2) Active Equipment [i.e. targets] (outline only)
? Non-selected state = White or Black, No Blink ? Selected = White or Black, Blinking
1) Background Presentation (Non-active data)
? Text = Cyan, Green, Black, Blue
? Engineering Units (Psig, Kg, DegF, DegC, etc.) = Cyan or Black 2) Live Alpha-Numeric Data (excluding PV & RV values)
? Selectable, ChangeableAlpha-Numeric Text = Yellow ? Non-Selectable, Live Alpha-Numeric Text = White
LIVE PROCESS OR MACHINE DATA ON GRAPHIC Numerical text followed by the units which will be Cyan or Black.
1) Process Variables (PV) = Yellow or Green
2) Set Points (SP) = Yellow (Red on Tuning Trend for contrast) 3) Non-Control Loop Analog Data (RV) = White 4) Bar Graphs = Cyan or White or Yellow or Green ?
1) Alarm = Blinking Red
2) Acknowledged but still alarmed = Red ALARM STATES
3) Tables of data with many lines of live text = White or Yellow or Green ALPHA-NUMERIC TEXT 3) (Optional) No longer alarmed but never Acked = Blinking Yellow.
1) Process or machine Condition Not Sensed
= Red (OFF)
2) Process or machine Condition Sensed (On) = Green SWITCH STATES 3) If “On” condition is an alarm, then item 7 (Alarm States) dictates
1) Color = Project specific
2) Line thickness = one or two pixel
A library of standard, reusable, shapes includes items such as: ?
Shape States
1) Motor- (Color indicates state)
2) Centrifugal Pump - (Color indicates state)
3) Positive Displacement Pump - (Color indicates state)
4) Throttling Control Valve- (Color and analog value indicates state) 5) Speed Controlled Motor- (Color and analog value indicates state) 6) Block Valve - (Color indicates state) 7) 3-Way Block Valve - (Color indicates state) 8) Field Mounted Switch - (Color indicates state) 9) Analog Sensor/Transmitter
(Small solid white box to indicate location only, no live data) - Do not use \because this uses too much space!
Shape Actions
Note that for some shapes, a hidden graphic object serves as the selection target. It does not appear on the screen because it is the same size and shape as the first graphic object and it is located behind the first graphic object. These selection targets typically call Quick functions which perform the following actions:
1) Hide any Bottom Popup screens that may be open.
2) Clear any Bottom Popup screens names that have been selected. 3) Pass all tags for the selected device to the Indirect Tags that are used
by the Bottom Popup screens to operate the device.
4) Shapes that do not use the maximum number of inputs or outputs
pass \done in order to ensure that all indirect tags contain only data for the currently selected device.
5) Set the value of a device specific tag to 1 so that the cyan box will
appear on the screen.
6) Open the Bottom Popup screen.
such as:
7. Command Entry
General Practice
Command execution from Graphic Displays must have safeguards to prevent accidental activation of field equipment or automated procedures.
This will be accomplished by requiring 2 entries to activate any command that will affect field equipment, the process, or the machine. Commands that do not affect field equipment and are used for display or program control can be activated with a single entry.
Examples include:
Commands to be executed with one entry. 1) Change/Show graphic display. 2) Clear/Hide a windowed display. 3) Resetting and starting timers.
Commands requiring multiple entries.
1) Commands that cause field equipment to change.
2) Command that cause an automated procedure to be initiated,
? Automatic Startup. ? Automatic Shutdown. ?
Formula Download
8. Bottom Menus
In to meet the criteria of requiring 2 entries to activate any command that will affect field equipment, the process, or the machine, bottom menus must be designed to allow 2 entries. The following items illustrate the behavior of bottom menus:
1) The bottom menu monitors for the last operator selection. 2) The bottom menu then activates an “Execute Command” button to
notify the operator that the “Execute Command” button must be pressed to initiate the command.
3) A “Cancel Command” button may be pressed to cancel the operator
selection without initiating the command.
4) The “Cancel Command” button also serves as an “Exit” button to hide
the bottom menu if no operator selection has been made.
The purpose of this tag naming conventions is to have a consistent, descriptive, and structured tag list.
The tag naming format is represented below. The Maximum number of characters per tag, including underscore characters, is 20.
The table below describes each part of the tag format for a non-batch process control. Field AAAA Description 4 characters or less that describes the Area of the process or machine. This field is optional and can be deleted from tag names if there is no Area for an application. In this case the naming convention is BBBBBBBBBB_CCCC BBBBBBBBBB CCCC 10 characters or less that describes the Device. Examples are: FV2345, AcidPump, LIC54321, Mtr382 4 characters or less that describes the Parameter that the point represents. Examples are: CMDA that can stand for Command Disagree Alarm. _
Table 1: Tag Naming Convention
Other examples of the CCCC parameter is shown below: CCCC Name CMDA DO01 DO02 DI01 DI02 Parameters Device name Command Disagree Alarm Digital Input Number 1 Digital Input Number 2 Digital Output Number 1 Digital Output Number 2 Underscore characters are Field Separators. Naming Structure
MO Cmd0 Sta0 Cmd1 Sta1
Automatic/Manual Mode Test string for the OFF command Test string for the OFF feedback state Test string for the ON command Test string for the ON feedback state Table 2: Examples of CCC Parameters
Examples of CCCC parameters used in tagnames for the PLC-5 PID instructions elements. CCCC EUS PV OUT SP PE MO CL SUP KP KI KD MAXS MINS
Table 3: Examples of CCCC Parameter Used in PLC-5 PID Instruction
As a complete example, an acid pump motor can have a tagname in InTouch with the following parameters:
Tagname PRC1_AcidPump_MO PRC1_AcidPump_DO01 PRC1_AcidPump_CMDA
Description Acid pump located at Process 1 Automatic/Manual Mode tagname Acid pump located at Process 1 digital input 1. Acid pump located at Process 1 command disagree Parameters Engineering Units Process Variable Output Setpoint Control Equation Automatic or Manual Mode Cascade Mode Supervisory Mode (not in AB structure) Proportional tuning constant Integral tuning constant Derivative tuning constant Maximum scaling Minimum scaling
Table 4: Example of Tagname for Non-batch Process Control
TAGS FOR BATCH CONTROL APPLICATIONS The Batch tag-naming format covers Control Modules and Equipment Modules.
Control Module HMI Tagnaming Conventions
Tagnames for the HMI generated use the following format: Where, CM pp u ext
Control Module PLC Number
tagname extension (Refer to the Device Control Modules Section) CM_ppu_xxx_ext
unit number related to Control Module
EQUIPMENT MODULE HMI TAGNAMING CONVENTIONS Tagnames for the HMI are generated using the following format: Where, EM pp u xxx ext
The following naming conventions are recommended for Intouch applications.
The window naming format is represented below. The Maximum number of characters per window name, including underscore characters, is 26.
The following table describes the naming format for projects: Field AAAA Description 4 characters or less that describe the Area of the process or machine. This field is optional and can be deleted from tag names if there is no Area for an application. In this case the naming convention is BBBBBBBBBB_CCCC BBBBBBBBBB 15 characters or less that describe the Device. Examples are: FV2345, AcidPump, LIC54321, Mtr382 CC D E _ 2 characters describe Window type and location. 1 character to describe Window Application Class 1 character to describe Window Revision Number Underscore characters are Field Separators.
Equipment Module PLC Number unit number
three-digit Equipment Module number tagname extenstion EM_ppu_xxx_ext
Table 5: Naming Structure for Projects
The standards and techniques for window navigation will be discussed in this section. Replacement Type Windows are to be used for all Default and normal operational windows for the Center and Bottom Window Areas. Pop-up type windows on the other hand, can be used for Default and normal operational Windows for the Top Window Area. Popup Type Windows can also be used for special applications in the Center and Bottom Areas.
The window display or screen will be divided into three (3) window areas: ? ?
This area displays Overview windows that show the Process or Machine graphic display. ?
The window area sizes and locations are shown below.
This area is used for various functions such as Logons, Alarming, etc.
This window is used to select different windows for the center window.
Figure 1: Standard Screen Layout
WINDOW NAVIGATION FOR REPLACEMENT TYPE WINDOWS The standard to be discussed below are for Center and Bottom windows.
1. Tag Required for Each Window
a. WindowName
Tag Data Type
Tag Value
Tag Name
b. WindowName ID
This tag is used to determine if each window is being displayed. Tag Data Type: Memory Discrete
Tag Value: Indicates Window State (Open = 1, Closed = 0)
c. WindowName_DateC
Tag Data Type: Memory Message
d. WindowName_DateM
Tag Data Type: Memory Message
e. WindowName_Ver
Tag Data Type: Memory Message
f. WindowName_WhoC
Tag Data Type: Memory Message
g. WindowName_WhoM
Tag Data Type: Memory Message
2. System-Wide Tags Required for Center and Bottom Window Area
a. Current Window Being Displayed
i. SYS_CenterCurrent_REP ii. SYS_BottomCurrent_REP
Tag Data Type : Memory Message Tag Value
Replacement Window being displayed.
How to Set
: Tag values set in Window Scripts for each window: “ON SHOW”
: Memory Message : Holds Window Name : Not Used
b. Last Window displayed before the current window
i. SYS_CenterLast_REP ii. SYS_BottomLast_REP
Tag Data Type : Memory Message Tag Value
that was displayed. How to Set
:Tag values set in Window Scripts for each window: “ON HIDE”
: Holds Name of the Last Replacement
iii. SYS_CenterMain_REP
Tag Data Type : Memory Message Tag Value
: Holds Name of the Last Default CenterMain Replacement Window that was displayed.
Projects must determine this window name.
iv. SYS_BottomMain_REP (replaces old SYS_Bottom_Last)
Tag Data Type Tag Value
Replacement Window that was displayed.
For most projects there is only 1 Default Bottom window. This tag will always contain the value: SYS_BottomMain_BR_00
? ?
Tag value of “SYS_BottomMain_BR_00” typed into tag as Default value used on startup of InTouch application.
Tag value set in the ON SHOW script for Bottom Main Window. This allows flexibility for projects that need multiple Bottom Main windows. For most projects this will use the same value as step a.
c. Next Window to be displayed next
There will be no NEXT Window System-Wide tags for Replacement Type Windows. Scripts that call windows for display will use actual Window name, except for scripts that call the LAST window as described above
3. Default Windows
There are two options in setting this tag:
: Memory Message
: Holds Name of the Last Default
This describes naming of Default Bottom & Center Windows.
a. Standard Names for Default Replacement Windows
The following Window Names will be used for the Default Windows
i. Bottom Window: SYS_BottomMain_BR_00 ii. Center Window: Project specified
4. Inderect Tag Reset Functions
a. How to Coordinate Tag Reset Functions
This describes how to combine reset functions for DC_Reset, PID_Reset, and EM_Reset.
i. Separate RESET Quick Functions will be created for each category. Categories are Digital Devices, PIDLoop Devices, and Equipment Modules. ii. The
DevicePIDLoopRESET Quick Function.This is described in the separate document titled “Indirect Tag RESET Function”.
iii. The Equipment Modules Quick Function is independent
of the Device and PIDLoop Quick Functions.
iv. Control of item Identification Box (Light Blue) on Center
Windows. When Devices or Equipment Modules are selected on the screen by an operator, a light blue box appears around the selected item in order to provide a visual indication of what was selected.
The visibility of this box is controlled by the following indirect tags:
? DC_Device_ID for Devices and PIDLoops ? EqMod_ID for Equipment Modules.
These tags must be controlled in the following manner in order to insure that only one item will be identified at any time. The value of these _ID tags are controlled in two locations:
? Control from the Quick Functions that are executed by the operator
screen selection.
? They must also be set in the ON SHOW and the ON HIDE script of
Bottom Windows being used.
WINDOW NAVIGATION FOR POPUP TYPE WINDOWS This section describes standards for POPUP type Windows. This includes the Default Top Area Windows which are always Popups and miscellaneous Popups in other Areas.
1. Tags Required For Every Window
a. WindowName
Tag Type
b. WindowID
: Memory Message
Tag Data Type Tag Value How to Set
: Memory Discrete
: Indicates Window State (Open = 1, Closed = 0)
: Tag values are set in Window Scripts for each window.
c. WindowName_DateC d. WindowName_DateM e. WindowName_Ver f. WindowName_WhoC g. WindowName_WhoM
2. System-Wide Tags Required for Each Window Area
a. Current Window Being Displayed
i. SYS_TopCurrent_POP
Tag Data Type Tag Value How to Set
b. Last Window displayed before the current window
i. SYS_TopLast_POP
Tag Data Type Tag Value How to Set
ii. SYS_TopMain_POP
Tag Data Type Tag Value
For most projects this tag will always contain the value: SYS_TopMain_TP_00
: Memory Message
Popup Window that was displayed. : Holds Name of the Last Default TopMain
: Memory Message
: Holds Name of the Last Popup Window that was displayed.
: Tag values set in Window Scripts for each window: “ON HIDE”
: Memory Message
: Holds Name of Current Top Window being displayed. : Tag values set in Window Scripts for each window: “ON SHOW”
3. Next Window to be displayed next
a. SYS_TopNext_POP
This holds the name of the next Top Popup Window to be called for display
Tag Value
For most projects this tag will always contain the value: SYS_TopMain_TP_00
: Holds Name of the Next Top Popup Window to be displayed.
10.E. Help
The help template contains has the following components:
INTOUCH ITEM Windows COMPONENT Help_Example SYS_Help_CP_00 SYS_HelpError_CP_00 CSV files Help.csv Help_WindowNames.csv SysWide_AccessLevels.csv VersionManagement.csv VersionManagement_WindowNames.csv Scripts
Table 6: Help Components
The Help Template provides on-line help capabilities for your system’s custom components. The help template provides operators with information on a window’s components. For example, if your window display contains a device different from other common devices, then a help topic for this device must be provided for operator assistance.
All Intouch components for the Help Template reside in the following directory:
NOMLS is a help template for single language applications.
Window Pushbutton scripts CURRENT VERSION 10.E.2. WINDOW DESCRIPTION
1. “SYS_Help_CP_00”
Window “On Show” Script Looks up the currently selected Help file and, if available, displays the file for viewing. If the file is not available, the window “SYS_HelpError_CP_00” is shown.
Box filling entire window (above the “Close” button) Intouch Document Viewer Wizard which allows the help files to be displayed
in Intouch.
Window “On Hide” Script
Initializes the currently selected Help file to an empty string. Window “While Showing” Script
Ensures that the currently showing help file is valid.
2. “SYS_HelpError_CP_00”
Green Text in Error Message Shows the string value (filename) of the requested help file which generated
the error.
3. “HELP_Example”
When clicked, the “?” object action script calls the window “SYS_Help_CP_00” and requests that it open the appropriate help file.
4. Template Loading Procedure
a. Loading CSV Files Open
b. Importing and Converting Windows
Before importing windows, the “Document Viewer” wizard must be installed through the Intouch Configure menu.
Import all in the Help Template to your Intouch application and convert the windows and their associated window scripts.
c. Customizing Your Application
Before configuring custom help items, it is best to have completed all other Template installations. Then, if your system requires help files for custom components (other than Devices), you will need to copy the “?” object from the window “HELP_Example” and place it on the window from which you want to call the custom help file. In the action script for the “?” object, insert the name of the help file in the area which reads \
All help files should be in text format (*.txt) or Word document format (*.doc) and should be placed in the following directory:
10.F. Language Mgr. - MLS
All Multi-Lingual Templates and techniques in the Wonderware Starter Kit are based on the Multi-Lingual Support (MLS) Starter Kit which is issued separately by Corporate Engineering.
This MLS Starter Kit must be consulted in order to understand how to apply the functionality.
TTemplate Language Functionality hName Suffix e_MLS Has Multi-Lingual functionality _NOMLS Has Single Language functionality f_ALL Common for all MLS and NOMLS applications ollowing naming convention is used on all Template files in order to identify language functionality.
Table 7: Language Name Field
In order to use the MLS functionality the MLS ActiveX object, Excel Sheet, and Access Database must be installed and registered on the project PCs.
D:\\Starter_Kits\\MLS\\Standards\\ MLS.mdb MLS.xls
D:\\Starter_Kits\\MLS\\Standards\\ Txtct_01.ocx
Installation instructions for all of these are in the folder: D:\\Starter_Kits\\Infrastructure\\Implementation\\
In order to better understang of MLS functionality do the following.
Read the On-Line Book documentation in the MLS StarterKit.
After installing the MLS Access Database and ActiveX Object, Install and run the InTouch Demonstration application in the Wonderware StarterKit titled
D:\\Starter_Kits\\Wonderware\\Templates\\InTouch_Template_Applications\\ Device_Template_+_Demo_MLS_B0
This document describes the Language Manager Window Template and how to install it in your project. This does not contain a total description of the MLS application.
A detailed procedure about how to implement MLS is contained in the MLS StarterKit.
COMPONENTS The table below lists all components of the Template. INTOUCH ITEM Windows CSV files COMPONENT MLS_LangMangr_FP_00 BasicTools_WindowNames.csv MLS_General.csv MLS_LangMangr.csv MLS_LangMangr_WindowNames.csv MLS_WIGE.csv SysWide.csv VersionManagement.csv Window_Navigation.csv Key Scripts Cntl+Shift+F12 CURRENT VERSION VersionManagement_WindowNames.csv Condition Scripts 1 {MLS BLINK TIMER} Quick Function Scripts MLSObtainLangParams MLSObtainLanguages MLSTranslateALL MLSTranslateLM Excel Files Access Files MLS.xls MLS.mdb (October 24, 2000) (October 24, 2000) Table 8: MLS Template Components
DESCRIPTION Multi-Lingual Support is designed for the purpose of allowing runtime conversion between languages. The MLS Template is tightly integrated with most of the WonderWare StarterKit Templates in that most windows contain text displays that are built for MLS. Therefore, even if your project will only be built for English language displays, you will still need to implement a few of the items associated with MLS (as described below).
Note that even if you do not plan to configure your project to support non-English languages, you will still need to install the MLS Active X Text Control into Intouch as outlined in section 4.2 of the document below.
TEMPLATE FUNCTIONALITY Figure 2: Language Manager “MLS_LangMangr_FP_00”
? Window Scripts On Show: Connects to the Language Manager database and determines the available languages.
On Hide: Disconnects from the Language Manager database.
? Language buttons Translates only the Language Manager window to the selected language. After a language button is pressed, it is highlighted yellow, indicating that a language has been selected but the entire application still needs to be translated. If more languages are added, additional buttons and/or pages will be accessible in order to accommodate the new language.
? “Translate to Selected Language” button Translates the rest of the application to the selected language. (Makes the Selected Language the Current Language)
? Previous/Next page buttons Show additional pages of available languages.
? “Abort Translation” button Stops the translation process. After an incomplete translation, another translation must be initiated in order to continue.
? “Exit” button
Closes the Language Manager window.
? “Current Language” and “Current Font Name” fields
Indicates the currently operative language and font (This is not an indication of the selected language!).
? “Translation Process Status” area
Contains error messages and translation status information.
? “Database Last Access Error” field Contains the integer value last returned by a SQL function. At the end of the translation process, a “-5” should appear along with the text “No more rows to be fetched.”
TEMPLATE LOADING PROCEDURE If you do not plan to implement MLS Language Manager, you must still Dbload the file “MLS_General.csv” to your application.
To implement the MLS Language Manager, follow the directions outlined in section 4.1.7 of the MLS StarterKit document.
TEMPLATE REVISION HISTORY See section 4.1.7 of the MLS StarterKit document.
10.G. Main Windows + AlarmDIST
10.G.1 OVERVIEW DOCUMENT PURPOSE This document provides contains the following topics: ?
Description of the template Main Windows and Alarm Windows for Distributed Alarming applications. The template windows are listed in the table below. ?
OTHER DOCUMENTS A separate document titled “Distributed Alarming Configuration and Setup NOMLS” describes all non-Window configuration and setup required for Distributed Alarming project applications
DISTRIBUTED ALARMING All Alarm displays in these windows use the DISTRIBUTED Alarm Wizards.
10.G.2 COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION This Starter Kit application contains Window Templates for the Top, Center, and Bottom Main windows that a project is built on. It also contains the Distributed Alarm windows. These components provide navigation, and alarming capabilities. The table below lists all components of the Template. INTOUCH ITEM Windows COMPONENT Additional_Custom_OPTIONS SYS_AlarmHistory_CP_00 SYS_Alarming_CP_00 SYS_Alarming_CP_02 SYS_AlarmSummary_CP_00 SYS_BottomMain_BR_00 SYS_MainMenu_CR_00 SYS_OverView01_CR_00 SYS_TopMain_TP_00 SYS_TopMore1_TP_00 CSV files AccessNames_Generic.csv or AccessNames_Batch.csv CURRENT VERSION Description of the options and modifications required for project
Alarm_DIST_Generic.csv or Alarm_DIST_Batch.csv Alarm_DIST_WindowNames_NOMLS.csv AlarmGroups_Generic.csv or AlarmGroups_Batch.csv BasicTools_General.csv BasicTools_General_PLC_Generic.csv or BasicTools_General_PLC_Batch.csv BasicTools_WindowNames.csv Custom_WindowNames.csv SysWide_AccessLevels.csv VersionManagement.csv VersionManagement_WindowNames.csv Window_Navigation.csv Application Scripts None Key Scripts Data Change Scripts Condition Scripts None &Second SYS_SoundSystem_RUN {Alrm01} $NewAlarm <> 0 {Alrm02} Alrm_SubSecondA_Run > 0 Quick Function Scripts Table 9: Template components
None All components of the Wonderware Starter Kit are based on the following recommended screen layout.
The screen is divided into 3 Window areas.
? TOP Window
This window is used to select different windows for the center window. The default window name is “SYS_TopMain_TP_00”
? CENTER Window
This area displays Overview windows which show the Process or Machine graphic display.
There is no default window for this area. Multiple graphic displays are displayed here. These graphice are built from the “SYS_OverView01_CR_00” template display.
? BOTTOM Window
This area is used for various functions such as Logons, Alarming, etc. The default window name is “SYS_BottomMain_BR_00”
WINDOW AREA SIZES AND LOCATIONS The size and location of the 3 window areas is shown below.
Figure 3: Standard Screen layout
10.G.4 WINDOW DESCRIPTIONS & PROJECT MODIFICATIONS TOP / CENTER WINDOWS & NAVIGATION OPTIONS There are several window navigation options provided. You will need to choose one of these options for your project. The options are described below, but you may practice with them using the WonderWare StarterKit demonstration applications
“Device_Template_and_InTouchDEMO_NOMLS_A0” or “Device_Template_and_InTouchDEMO_NOMLS_C0” ?
Option #1: Top Menu with “Next” button. This option provides a button labeled “Next” on the Top Navigation window which calls up additional Top Navigation windows from which more process windows may be accessed.
(Note: Batch projects use option #1)
Extending Navigation Options Navigation options #1 is built to automatically accommodate additional navigation windows.
For Option #1, you simply need to make a copy of “Sys_TopMore1_TR_00” and name it “Sys_TopMore2_TR_00”. Then modify the window script to call
the desired window. You can make as many additional windows as necessary. Finally, you need to create window version information tags for the additional windows by using the tags associated with “Sys_TopMore1_TR_00”
Option #2: Top Menu with “Main Menu” button. This option provides a button labeled “Main Menu” on the Top Navigation window, which calls up a Main Menu window from which additional process windows may be accessed. This option is useful if you want your main process windows to always be accessible with a single touch from the Top Navigation area.
1. Top/Main Window
Figure 4: Top/Main Window “SYS_TopMain_TP_00”
Windows in this top region of the screen are used for screen navigation. The pushbuttons call main Center windows for display. ?
“Silence” button
Silences alarm horns and PC sounds that have been triggered as a result of an alarm.
“OverView Screen #1” button Sets up parameters for the window “SYS_Overview01_CR_00” and “SYS_BottomMain_BR_00”, and shows the windows.
Projects must copy this button for each main window, revise the text and script to call the specific project main window.
“Next” button Shows the next navigation window in sequence. This button functions based upon the Navigation Option chosen for the project.
“Tools” button Shows the window “Sys_ToolsMain_CR_00”. Window Scripts On Show: Sets Navigation tags.
“System Simulation” field
Indicates whether or not system simulation is active for the associated
“Emergency Stop” field Indicates whether or not system emergency stop is OK for the associated
“Error Communication PLC” field Indicates whether or not Intouch is communicating with the PLC(s). “PLC not in Run” field (not shown on diagram above) Indicates if any PLC(s) are not in the Run mode. For Batch Prjects Only: System Enable/Disable Field Indicates whether the system is enabled or disabled.
2. Other Top/Main Windows
Figure 5: more Top/Main Window “SYS_TopMore1_TP_00”
Windows in this top region of the screen are used for screen navigation. The pushbuttons call main Center windows for display. “SYS_TopMore1_TP_00” is used to call more windows than can be displayed in the top region. ?
“OverView Screen #x” button Projects must add a copy of this button from window
“SYS_TopMain_TP_00” for each main window, revise the text and script to call the specific project main window.
“PLC not in Run” field (not shown on diagram above) Indicates if any PLC(s) are not in the Run mode. Window Scripts On Show: Sets Navigation tags.
3. Main Menu
Figure 6: Main Menu Window “SYS_MainMenu_CR_00”
This window is a second method used for screen navigation. The pushbuttons call main Center windows for display. “SYS_MainMenu_CR_00” is used to call more windows than can be displayed in the top region. ?
Window Scripts On Show: Shows the window “SYS_Overview01_CR_00.”
While Showing: Requests that Intouch determine whether the system mode has changed.
“OverView Screen #x” button Projects must add copies of this button from window
“SYS_TopMain_TP_00” for each main window, revise the text and script to call the specific project main window.
Basic InTouch- Training Manual - 4 - 图文06-03
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