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英 语

命题者: 胡云、毛丽红、吴爱珍、郑纪川


1.全卷分试卷Ⅰ、试卷Ⅱ和答题卷。考试结束后,将答题卷上交。 2.试卷共12页,有五大题。满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 3.请在答题卷的相应位置上答题,答在试卷上无效。



第一部分: 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)


1. —I?m afraid I can?t do the job well. — ! I?m sure you?ll make it.

A. Go ahead

B. Good luck

C. No problem

D. Cheer up

2. —What do you think about ________ blue dress in the shop window? —Oh, it?s fantastic! It will make ________ perfect birthday present. A. a; a

sports, and field trips.

A. articles B. techniques C. suggestions D. occasions 4. He is the only student _______ to Peking University in our class. A. to admit

B. admitting

C. admitted

D. being admitted

5. When studying in England, a Chinese student must _________ himself as often as possible to native students so as to learn of the values the British hold.

A. combine B. expose C. surround D. pretend

6. The meeting will continue until all the members reach the point _______ they all agree on the issue.

A. which B. when C. that D. where

7. When she was in trouble, I did what I could to help her. my help, she wrote me a letter of thanks.

A. In return for B. In case of C. In terms of D. In honor of 8. —Hello, John, how are you? Are you busy now?

B. the; a

C. a; the

D. the; the

3. If you decide to start a school newspaper, include ______ about school activities, special events,

—Not really. I ____ my report. And now I am watching an American movie on TV. A. finished

B. have finished

C. had finished D. have been finishing

9. There are _________ cheap consumer goods in this shop, that is to say, we can buy more with the same sum of money here.

A. abundant B. normal C. beneficial D. conventional 10. Your plan, as well as his, sounds original. But the company, I think, won?t approve ________ of them, for they are unrealistic. A. any

B. both

C. each

D. either

11. ________ we succeed in the end or not, we will learn something, and what we learn will help us to become better, more confident people.

A. No matter B. Which C. Whether D. If 12. —I have been busy all this week.

—Why not ________ some time for entertainment and get relaxed at the weekend? A. set down B. set up C. set aside D. set off

13. China _______ beat Jordan in the Asian Men?s basketball championships final,70-69, getting a spot at the 2012 London Olympics.

A. publicly B. narrowly C. shortly D. deliberately

14. Though he tried many ways to solve the problem, _______ worked. So he decided to turn to his tutor for help.

A. none of which B. all of them C. all of which D. none of them 15. I _________ much better in the listening test, but I misread the directions for Part D. A. need have done B. could have done C. will have done D. must have done 16. Many experts stick to the view _______ teacher development is where the key to quality education lies.

A. which B. what C. that D. whose

17. A person?s attitude doesn?t affect whether he or she gets sick. _______, it was his or her personality that really matters. A. Therefore

B. However C. Instead D. Anyway

18. —This passage is difficult for me. Could you please explain it to me?

—I am afraid I have to say sorry. The book is ______ me. A. beyond B. over C. after

D. off

19. Not until the third day after the terrible earthquake _______ a phone call from his mother.

A. he received

A. I mean it.

B. did he receive C. didn?t he receive D. he had received

20. — You?re selling your house and moving to one that is half its size? Are you serious? — _________.

B. That?s all right C. It depends.

D. It?s my pleasure.

第二节:完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1分,满分20分)


Each summer in the late 1960s, my two sisters and I would ride the Greyhound bus from Arizona to Arkansas to stay with our father.

As a World War II veteran(老兵), Dad had many 21 problems, any of which could cause many people to lose 22 their sense of humor, but not him.

I have 23 memory of Dad waking us up in the morning. Before he 24 his artificial leg for the day (he lost his leg in the war), he had to depend on his wheelchair. Holding his stick, __25___ was his extended arm, he would 26 through the house yelling, “Up, up, up! Get up and face the day! It?s a beautiful day! 27 and shine!” If we don?t get up right away, he would 28 his song in rhythm with his stick hitting the end of our beds. This was not a 29 put on for our benefit; every day was a truly beautiful day to him.

Back in the sixties, there were no wheelchair 30 ramps(坡道)like these we have now, so even a 31 to the grocery store was a difficult task. Dad wanted no 32 from anyone. He would climb slowly but 33 , whistling all the way. As a teenager, I found this 34 , but if Dad noticed, he didn?t let me help.

Once in the store, he __35_ a container of makeup powder and started reading the label out loud. “ ?Leaves your skin soft and silky from head to toe.? Well that leaves half of me out,” he said, laughing. We had to laugh, too. He had a talent for finding 36 in everything he did.

Those summer days always ended too 37 . He drove us back to Arizona every year, stopping at the checkpoint for fruits and vegetables at the New Mexico-Arisona border. When asked 38 he had any fruits or vegetables, he would reply, “Just three sweet peas.”

Our father has been gone for a long time now, but not the 39 he taught us: You are only as disabled as you let yourself 40 . 21. A. mental 23. A. active 24. A. bring up 25. A. what 26. A. roll

B. medical

C. practical

D. typical D. less than D. make up

22. A. more than

B. rather than C. other than B. vivid C. imaginary B. it

C. that

B. take off C. put on B. run

D. attractive

C. sweep D. dash

D. which

27. A. Wash 29. A. performance

B. Dress C. Rise D. Comb

28. A. speak B. tell C. say D. repeat

B. announcement C. promise D. ceremony

30. A. acceptable B. accessible C. desirable D. comfortable 31. A. call B. picnic C. trip D. walk 32. A. assistance 33. A. neatly 34. A. astonishing

B. guidance C. company D. encouragement B. swiftly C. surely D. easily B. amusing C. confusing D. embarrassing

35. A. took up B. gave out 36. A. meaning B. humour 37. A. ahead

C. importance D. truth

B. slowly C. early D. soon

C. picked up D. kept off

38. A. why B. how 39. A. word B. lesson 40. A. be B. do

C. whether D. that

C. story D. song C. make D. get

第二部分 阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分) 第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。


Findings from a new study were presented at a recent meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society. Researchers in the United States studied 100,000 women during an eight-year period, beginning in 1994. All of the women were fifty or older. The study was part of the Women?s Health Initiative organized by the National Institutes of Health.

The women were asked questions measuring their beliefs or ideas about the future. The researchers attempted to identify each woman?s personality eight years after gathering the information.

The study found that hopeful individuals were 14% less likely than other women to have died from any cause. The hopeful women were also 30% less likely to have died from heart disease after the eight years.

Hilary Tindle from the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania was the lead author of the report. She said the study confirmed earlier research that linked optimistic feelings to longer life.

The researchers also gathered information about people?s education, financial earnings, physical activities and use of alcohol or cigarettes. Independent of those things, the findings still showed that optimists had less of a chance of dying during the eight-year period.

Some women who answered the questions were found to be hostile (怀敌意的), or highly untrusting of others. These women were 16% more likely to die than the others. They also were 23% more likely to die of cancer.

The study also found women who were not optimistic were more likely to smoke and have high blood pressure or diabetes. They were also more likely not to exercise.

Tindle says the study did not confirm whether optimism leads to healthier choices, or if it actually affects a person?s physical health. She also says the study does not prove that negative emotions or distrust lead to bad health effects and shorter life. Yet there does appear to be a link that calls for more research.

41. In which part of a newspaper can you read the above passage?

A. Nation B. Opinion C. Science D. Business 42. Researchers carry out the study to ________. A. decide who is more likely to enjoy a happier life B. find out the link between personality and health C. gather information for the National Institutes of Health D. compare each woman?s personality changes 43. What can be inferred from the text?

A. Negative emotions cause a shorter life indeed.

B. There can?t be any link between personality and health. C. It?s uncertain whether optimism affects one?s health. D. The more optimistic you are, the longer life you may enjoy. 44. Who is more likely to die of cancer according to the text? A. A woman who always doubts what others say. B. A woman who doesn?t exercise.

C. A woman with high blood pressure. D. A woman with poor physical health. 45. What?s Hilary Tindle?s opinion of the study?

A. Unfair. B. Useless. C. Necessary. D. Reliable.



For Teens Currently in 6th to 12th Grades

LELAND HIGH SNOW PLAY — Class # 8389 Saturday, February 12, 2011 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Meet at THE UNDERGROUND (Veteran?s Building—2203 Central Avenue)

Cost per person: $50 ($60 after January 22, 2011)—includes Lunch, Admission and Transportation.

With a 4,000 square feet day-use lodge, the Leland High Snow Play has a huge supply of tubes to choose from, along with awesome tows (拖车) that will tow you up to the top of the hill! Our varied terrains (地形) have something for everyone, while the lodge provides a snack bar, video games, pool tables, five indoor restrooms, a warm fire, and a sun deck with plenty of tables and chairs overlooking the play area outside.

ADDITIONAL LIABILITY FORM REQUIRED FOR THIS TRIP. Be sure to bring warm clothing and prepare for the cold, but dress in layers in case it warms up. Wear dry boots, socks, and sunscreen. If possible, bring a mobile phone in case of emergency, as well as money for snacks and a light dinner; or bring your own food and drinks. Meet at The Underground (Veteran?s Building—2203 Central Avenue) — don't be late!

Do not bring electronic or fragile items during the trip. The ARPD is not responsible for your personal belongings or money. REFUNDS ARE ISSUED ONLY IF THE ARPD CANCELS THIS TRIP DUE TO WEATHER CONDITIONS.

Click here to download “2011 Leland High Snow Play” flyers and the registration form Click here to download “Leland High Snow Play Liability Form”

1. You may register in person, or mail the completed form to Leland High Snow Play, Inc. Send the liability form and payment to the ARPD Office, 2226 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda, 94501.

2. Faxed registration and liability forms accepted with MasterCard/ VISA, (510) 747—566.

3. Online registrations available at www.arpdeplay.com. Make sure you bring your completed liability form on the trip. 46. The purpose of the text is to _____.

A. explain the details of a school activity C. urge teenagers to climb a snowy mountain Play

47. People who want to take part in the activity need to _____.

A. pay for dinner themselves C. pay for tows individually sun

48. From the text we can infer that _____.

A. the trip will involve outdoor activities only B. the activity is very dangerous C. 12-year-old children are not allowed on the trip D. the weather at the hill is changeable A. Their filled-in liability forms. B. ID cards and a small amount of cash. C. Their agreements with the tour agency.

D. Their registration forms downloaded from the Internet. 50. To save money people should _____.

A. climb the hills instead of taking tows C. register for the activity before January 22


Mike Jackson and Kyle Rucker have one simple message: Kids have the power to stop bullying.

The pair, along with four volunteers, drove a minibus and, on Thursday, started their five-day, 25-city 10,000 Footsteps Tour across Minnesota to help spread the word.

“People can realize that they have the power to stop it. You have the power to stop it,” Jackson, who grew up in Welch, said. “The main message is ?take back your power.?”

Jackson and Rucker are co-founders of the Minneapolis-based Project Footsteps, a non-profit organization that encourages young people to be social leaders and to better their communities.

The organization began five years ago, while both Jackson and Rucker were students at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Since then, Project Footsteps has grown, and last year, it sponsored 70 programs and connected with 2,000 kids.

This past spring, the organization launched a website called imgettingbullied.com, which provides a place for kids to tell their stories, connect with other victims of bullying and talk with Project Footsteps staff about their experiences.

“You can?t just corner kids and say, ?Are you getting bullied??” Rucker said. “Do it in their own place,” Jackson added.

That?s exactly what the 10,000 Footsteps Tour is supposed to do. The group?s first stop was

B. bring extra clothing

D. register on the Internet after January 22 B. climb the hill themselves

D. wear hats to protect themselves from the B. introduce a famous tour agency D. advertise a trip to the Leland High Snow

49. Among other items, what do the participants need to take?

Thursday morning in Hastings before making their way to Red Wing Water Park in the afternoon.

The group spoke with kids already at the pool, played games and gave out prizes, including rubber bracelets with the imgettingbullied.com website printed on them.

“It was a dream when the website came out just to drive and tell people about it,” Jackson said. “And now it?s actually happening.”

The hope is that kids will realize that they have a voice.

“Remind kids of the power they have,” Rucker said. “If you organize a group, you can stop bullying in a week.”

But despite the seriousness of the topic, the staff is keeping the tour lighthearted. At the park, kids ate pizza donated by Godfather?s Pizza and anti-bullying cookies from Hanisch Bakery and competed for prizes from Life?s Little Oasis.

“It really creates a fun atmosphere,” Project Footsteps volunteer and Red Wing resident Keyana Silverberg said.

Maya Greenquist, 9, from Hudson, Wis., seemed to be enjoying the games and chatting with staff Thursday afternoon.

“I think it?s pretty cool,” she said of the tour. “(Bullying is) not good. I don?t think people should ever bully. … It?s OK to talk about stopping it, not encourage it.”

The tour goes through Monday, and Project Footsteps staff will be stopping in cities across Minnesota, including Rochester, Worthington, Marshall, Alexandria, Moorhead and Duluth. 51. Mike Jackson and Kyle Rucker are touring around Minnesota to __________.

A. provide food to poor kids B. improve the awareness of some message C. collect money for an organization D. visit different cities for sightseeing 52. According to the passage, Project Footsteps is __________. A. a group to tell school kids not to bully and not to be bullied

B. an organization to encourage kids to lead others to contribute to their neighborhoods C. a five-day tour to entertain kids all around Minnesota D. a website to include kids? stories about bullying experience 53. What does the underline word “lighthearted” probably mean?

A. serious B. boring C. enjoyable D. amused 54. Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The 10,000 Footsteps Tour wants to talk with kids about their experiences. B. Rucker thought a group of adults can stop kids from being bullied very soon. C. Jackson and Rucker have helped a lot of people and thus made much money. D. Maya Greenquist thought it cool to play in water and happy to chat with the staff.


The winter chill (寒冷) sent a shiver down Lorenzo?s spine (脊柱) as the snowflakes slowly fell to the snow-covered ground. The only light casting on the dark streets was that of the winter moon and streetlights which seemed to be carefully guiding Lorenzo to a warm, significant place

for the night. Without any knowledge of the area, he allowed the lighting to lead him on. “Hello,” a voice startled (使惊吓) Lorenzo.

Lorenzo turned to see no one face to face with him. Slowly he began to turn back around and then continued up the street. “Down here, mister!”

Lorenzo again turned around but this time slightly lowered his head. Surprised, Lorenzo saw a little girl without a coat presented before him. Out of disbelief, Lorenzo wiped his eyes and opened them to still see the little girl standing before him.

“My name?s Anna,” the little girl informed him. She held out her small hand expecting Lorenzo to shake it.

Without response, Lorenzo turned away from the child and continued, once again, up the street.

“Wait up, mister!” Anna chased after him. This time Lorenzo didn?t turn around to face the girl or even stop moving. He just continued his journey up the street.

“Where are you going, mister?” Anna asked him. Lorenzo did not answer nor did he even gesture.

“Are you going home?” Anna asked another question. This time Lorenzo made a full stop and turned to face the child. He studied her patterned orange dress.

“Do you HAVE a home, mister?” Anna began to figure him to be homeless. With this question, Lorenzo lowered his head as a tear broke free from his normally dry eyes.

Anna began speaking again, “There?s a nice family around the corner up ahead. They live in a small blue house and love letting people sleep over when they have no mommy or daddy to go home to. I?m sure they could help you, mister.”

The little girl calmly waved goodbye as she skipped down the street away from Lorenzo toward the night sky?s full moon. Unlike earlier, Lorenzo decided to make an unscheduled stop at the house that little Anna had mentioned. As he approached the corner, the small, blue house was easily noticed. Without hesitation, Lorenzo headed toward the house realizing that this may be his only chance to be somewhere warm on this cold winter night.

“Hello. How can I help you?” a short lady about 40 years old answered the door. She wore a night gown designed with colorful flowers that jumped off and comforted Lorenzo.

Uncomfortable to speak, Lorenzo stared at the lady hoping she didn?t ask any more questions. After studying Lorenzo?s torn clothing and dirty face, the pleasant women invited him inside.

“Please, sit down. I?ll make you some tea,” the women offered. A man dressed in dirty jeans came over. “What?s your name?” the man asked Lorenzo. He didn?t respond. Instead, Lorenzo stared at the man, again, hoping he would not be asked for his name any more.

“I?ll make you a deal,” the man began as he pulled a pen and a piece of paper from his pocket, “if you can write down your name on this piece of paper, I?ll tell you MY name.” Lorenzo slowly reached for the pen and began to spell out his name: Lorenzo

“Lorenzo, eh? My name?s Harry,” the man said. Just then the woman entered the room with a

tray that had three cups and a pot of tea.

“Oh, your name?s Lorenzo? Hello, Lorenzo. You can call me Beth,” the woman generously smiled. She poured tea into a cup and handed it to Lorenzo. After taking his first sip, Lorenzo?s eyes seemed to be stuck on a picture on the table. Beth and Harry turned to see what Lorenzo was looking at. After realizing, Beth picked up the picture with a smile as her eyes seemed to become glassy.

“This is our daughter. She was only 8 years old when we lost her to pneumonia (肺炎). She caught it a few years ago when she sneaked outside to play in the snow and didn?t wear a coat. Ever since she passed, Harry and I promised to give people all we can to keep them warm during cold winters like this,” Beth informed Lorenzo.

Lorenzo?s eyes widened as he recognized the orange patterned dress the little girl wore in the picture.

“Anna,” Lorenzo spoke for the first time on this cold night.

“Y-yes. How did you know, Lorenzo?” Beth asked with a shaky (颤抖的) voice. Lorenzo smiled and answered confidently, “Lucky guess, I suppose.”

55. When Lorenzo first saw Anna, he felt it impossible that _______on a cold night, so he wiped his eyes.

A. such a little girl dared to talk to him B. one would be out without a coat C. he was startled by a little girl D. there was so beautiful a girl 56. Which of the facts about Lorenzo is true according to the story?

A. He was quite an old man. B. He was dying to go home that night. C. He didn?t speak because he couldn?t. D. The place was totally strange to him. 57. Why didn?t Lorenzo stop until little Anna asked whether he had a home? A. Because he was anxious to go home. B. Because he was too frightened to stop.

C. Because he was eager to find some place for the night. D. Because he was very cold and had to run to keep warm. 58. Harry made a deal with Lorenzo to ______________.

A. try to comfort him and know his name B. start a conversation with him C. make him some tea and warm him D. show him a picture of his daughter 59. When Lorenzo called out “Anna”, Beth felt ___________.

A. confused B. shocked C. disappointed D. unsatisfied 60. The theme of the story is ___________. A. a scary ghost frightening a man in the night B. a homeless man wandering to find accommodation C. a cold winter night driving people to stay together D. loving parents helping homeless people during winter

第二节 下面文章中有5处(第61-65题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选


A. Take Actions B. Help Yourself C. Maintain a Diary D. Reflect on the Past E. Focus on Yourself F.

Give Yourself a break

How to Find Yourself

Do you often feel lost?Do you think you are living somebody else?s life? If yes, discover ways to find yourself by going through the following article.

61 __________

If you are thinking, “how to find yourself when you are lost?”, then the first thing to do is to have a rest from everything—work, personal life and all worldly things. Give time to yourself to think why you seem lost. Is it because of over work? Is it because you are not leading a life that you want to? Or is it because you are not satisfied with the people or things around you? Try to find answers to these questions to determine the cause behind your restlessness.

62 __________

For once, instead of being the way others want you to be, be yourself. Look within and find yourself in you. Think about the things that you would want to do if you didn?t have any family obligations or any money issues. Think about the kind of relationship you would want to be in, the place that you would like to stay in, the kind of lifestyle you would like to lead, if you didn?t have the society or people around you, judging all the time. If you really want to know how to find inner peace, then think, what you would want others to describe you as—an honest person? Or adventurous? Or loving, or realistic? Once you look within, you will know the answer and then try to be exactly that.

63 __________

Thinking deeply about the past, the time or situations when you were the happiest, is another way to find yourself .Think what you were doing or with whom you were, when you were the happiest. This will help you to identify things that you want to do in life that make you happy and also certain people whose company you enjoy.

64 __________

Knowing yourself and determining what you to do with your life will not come to you in a day or two. Discovering oneself is an ongoing process and it can take months or sometimes even years to truly find yourself. So, it?s important that you maintain a written record of all your feelings and thoughts, which you can go through at a later stage. Pour all your emotions and feelings about life in it and who knows may be one day going through it, you will find yourself. 65 __________

Once you have discovered what you want to do with your life, make a move for change and self improvement. Even if it means taking up small things such as dancing or painting, go ahead

and do it. If you want a career change, plan and take steps so that it can take place smoothly. If you are stuck in a bad relationship and find yourself unable to mend it, break away. At the beginning, you may find yourself slightly unbalanced, but with time everything will be fine.21世纪教育网

It is very important for you to truly find yourself, before it is too late. If you do not find yourself now, you will spend your life with somebody you do not even know, i.e. yourself.

试卷 II


第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写上该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 例如: It was very nice to get your invitation to spend ∧ weekend with you. Luckily I was completely the am free then, so I?ll to say “yes”. I?ll arrive in Bristol at around 8 p.m. in Friday evening. on

I firmly believe that everyone in the world loves his mother. So am I. My mother is ordinary teacher. She always works hardly, just as other mother do every day. In fact, she isn?t in good health.She had been suffering from a heart disease for many years. In spite of this, he never stops working or gives up hope. I still remember the day that my mother received a card for Teachers? Day from her director. The card was read “Thanks for your hard work; Happy Teachers? Day to you!” At that moment, I was so moving that tears came to my eyes. I am proud in my mother.


请你根据下面这幅漫画用英语写一篇短文。短文内容应该包括以下三个方面: 1. 描述这幅漫画的内容。

2. 陈述你对他们的做法的观点和理由。

3. 提出你的建议。

注意:1. 词数:120左右。 2. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。














1-5 DBACB 6-10 DABAD 11-15 CCBDB 16-20 CCABA 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

21-25 BABCD 26-30 ACDAB 31-35 CACDC 36-40 BDCBA 阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分) 41-45 CBDAC 46-50 DADAC 51-54 BBCA 55-60 BDCABD

61-65 FEDCA


I firmly believe that everyone in the world loves his mother. So am I. My mother is ∧ordinary

do an teacher. She always works hardly, just as other mother do every day. In fact, she isn?t in good

hard mothers health.She had been suffering from a heart disease for many years. In spite of this, he never has she stops working or gives up hope. I still remember the day that my mother received a card for when

Teachers? Day from her director. The card was read “Thanks for your hard work; Happy

Teachers? Day to you!” At that moment, I was so moving that tears came to my eyes. I am moved proud in my mother. of


As can be seen in the cartoon, the young couple educate their child in different ways. Father educates their child with a ruler but Mother with a bar of chocolate. Obviously Father is too hard on their child while Mother spoils him, which makes their child confused.

I agree to neither of their education methods. Always given severe punishment, children will lose confidence or become violent. On the other hand, too much love will lead to children?s being self-centered and dependent.

Personally, it is better to use appropriate methods based on children?s individual personalities. Since praise and criticism affect children?s education, it is essential that parents should try to maintain the balance between love and strictness. Only in this way can children achieve all-round development.

