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植物营养学课程复习题 (Dec 2010)

1. Explanation of the following terms

(1) Nutrients and Nutrition (2) Fertilizer and Fertilization (3) Minimum Nutrient Theory (4) Nutrient Return Theory (5) Essential Plant Nutrients (6) Beneficial Elements (7) Rhizosphere (8) Nutrient Bio-availability (9) Fertilizer Use Efficiency (Recovery Rate) (10)Synchronization of Nutrient Supply with Plant Requirement (11) Balanced Fertilization (12) Short Transport or Transit Transport (13) Donnan Free Space (14) Water Free Space (15) Transporter (16) Co-transporter (17) Vmax, Km, Cmin (18) Diffusion (19) Mass Flow (20) Interception (21) Symplasmic Pathway (22) Apoplasmic Pathway (23) Guttation (24) Physiological Alkaline and Acid Fertilizer (25) Intensity, Quantity and Buffer Capacity (26) Eutrophication (27) Mycorrhiza (28) Available Phosphorus of Phosphate Fertilizers (29) Super-Pi fertilizer (30) Triple Super-Pi Fertilizer (31) Potash (31) Muriate of Potash (32) Fertilizer Salt Index (33) FERTIGATION (34) Rapidly Available Potassium (35) Slowly Available Potassium (36) Calmodulin (37) Blossom-End Rot (38) Grass Tetany or Staggers (Hypomagnesaemia) (39) Nitrification and De-nitrification (40) Ammonification

2. Questions

(1) Why is plant nutrition important?

(2) Three criteria to judge whether or not a mineral element is essential for plant. (3) Three principles for fertilizer application.

(4) The ranges of contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Si, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Mo, B and Cl in plants and

in soils (on the dry weight basis) (5) List the beneficial elements for different plants.

(6) What are the main differences between the organic fertilizers and inorganic fertilizers? (7) Explain environmental concerns related to fertilization. (8) Characterization of nutrient uptake by plants (9) What is the proton motive force (PMF)?

(10) What are the active transport and passive transport? (11) Take the examples for ion competition and ion synergism. (12) Characteristics of Ca and P uptake by plant roots (13) Explain the function of xylem parenchyma cells (14) Classify the transsection and longitudinal section of roots (15) Explain the significance of apparent free space of root (16) Where and when does ion re-absorption happen?

(17) Illustrate the relationship between transpiration and transport in xylem.

(18) Describe the differences of the long distance transport between xylem and phloem. (19) Describe the relationship between the reutilization of nutrients and the location of nutrient deficiency symptom early appeared. (20) Describe N cycles in soil.

(21) Comparing the major pools, pathways of transfers of N, P and K in soil. (22) Compare the nutrition of ammonium and nitrate in plant.


(23) Describe GS-GOGAT.

(24) Detail the urea transformation in soil. (25) What is the bioavailability of nutrients? (26) List the functions of plant roots.

(27) Describe the characteristics of rhizosphere soil (including nutrients, pH, Eh, microorganisms) (28) The significance of secretion of organic compounds by plant roots. (29) Distinguish “phosphorus, phosphate, and phosphite or phosphonate”.

(30) Major factors affecting the bioavailability of nutrients in soil and utilization by plants (31) Factors affecting concentration, distribution and forms of a nutrient inside the plants (32) Physiological functions of mycorrhiza in plant nutrition (33) Explain Table 2-11 in the Chinese text book (page 46). (34) Physiological functions of plant P nutrition (35) Components and properties of super-Pi fertilizers. (36) List common citrate-soluble Pi-fertilizers.

(37) Recommendation of phosphate fertilization based on types of Pi-fertilizers and soil and crop types.

(38) Physiological and Biochemical functions of potassium in plants.

(39) Why has potassium been described as “quality element” for crop production (marketable plant parts and fruits)?

(40) Major factors considering fertilizer application.

(41) Effects of Ca on stability and integrity of cell membrane and cell wall (42) One way competition between potassium and magnesium. (43) Relationship between acid rain and plant sulphur nutrition.

(44) Effects of soil pH on availability of nutrients (including both major and micro-nutrients) and soil fertility.

(45) Comparison of Mechanism I and Mechanism II of iron uptake by plants.

(46) Listing the typical symptoms or nutrient deficiency induced physiological diseases for deficiency of Ca, Mg, B, Mo, Zn.

(47) Relating Mo nutrition and N metabolism of plants.


1. 什么叫传统有机肥和商品有机肥? 2. 含有机类的肥料有哪几类?

3. 有机肥(传统和商品)与无机肥的差异是什么? 4. 为什么要发展有机无机复合肥?

5. 生产微生物有机肥要注意什么?如何施用好微生物有机肥? 6. 什么叫堆肥?堆肥需要哪几个阶段?如何提高堆肥效率? 7. 什么叫生物滤池?其工作原理是什么?

8. 通过学习植物营养课程后,就“发展有机农业只能施用有机肥、而不能施用化肥”这个(误区)理论谈谈你的观点?

9. 谈谈如何通过有机肥创业,实现你人生的自我价值?


