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人教 英语 八年级 上册 期中 经典题型


1. improve 提高 2. ss soon as possible 尽可能的快

3. in the countryside 在农村 4. understand 理解

5. be famous for 为 而著名 6. complete 完成

7. the meaning of 的意思 8. beautiful mountains 美丽山脉

9. grammar 语法 10. excellent teachers 优秀教师

11. more borning 更没有意思 12. the most careless boy 最粗心的男孩

13. long journey 长途旅行 14. more relaxing 更放松

15. the heavist 最重的 16. well , better , best 好

17. more exciting 更使人兴奋的 18. be pleased to do 高兴做某事

19. farthest 最远 20. baseball 棒球

21. go to college 上大学 22. protect the wild animal 保护野生动物

23. offer to do 提供做某事 24. southwes 西南部

25. actress 女演员 26. scientist 科学家

27. describe 描述 28. research centre 研究中心

29. in his twentieth 在他20几岁时 30. the symbol of 的象征


( B )1. -Why not John a toy car for his birthday ?

- Good idea! He is crazy about cars .

A. buying B. buy C. to buy D. Buys

( B )2. -Which dress do you like best , Madam ?

- Sorry , I can’t decide now .

A. to buy which buy B. which one to buy

C. buy which one D. Which I should buy it

( A )3. -Mary dances best in our school .

- I agree . I’ll never forget her dance for the first time .

A. seeing B. to see C. see D. seen

( A )4. The radio is too . Please turn it down .

A. loud B. aloud C. loudly D. louder

( C )5. It’s impolite to talk in the reading room .

A. loud B. aloud C. loudly D. louder

( B )6. The book well .

A. translate B.translates C. translating D. to translate

( D )7. Welcome back home .

A. to B. at C. in D. /

人教 英语 八年级 上册 期中 经典题型

( C )8. Look at the words on the blackboard and please .

A. write down them B. write down it

C. write them down D. write it down

( B )9. I forgot my homework this morning , so the teacher got angry .

A. take B. to take C. takes D. taking

( A )10. -Do you take exercise every day?

-Yes. I always thirty minutes after supper .

A. spend B. cost C. take D. pay

( C )11. They five days finishing the work .

A. paid B. took C. spent D. cost

( C )12. -What does the man suggest in the hall ?

-Moving the desks away .

A.to do B. do C. doing D. does

( D )13. We suggested that he the doctor’s advice and stop smoking .

A. should take B. take C. took D.A and B

( A )14. Water Park is a good place .

A. to have fun B. have fun C. having fun D. to have a fun ( B )15. Mary was writing a letter ,the children were playing outside .

A.Because B. While C. After D. Though

( A )16. I don’t know the answer the question .

A. to B. of C. with D. at

( C )17. Can you . the opening times on the Internet ?

A. look after B. look at C. look up D. look for

( C )18. When I got home , Mum was busy the house .

A. to clean B. to cleaning C. cleaning D. clean

( D )19. She doesn’t play the violin as as her sister .

A. good B. better C. best D. well

( B )20. –How far is your family from here ?

-It’s about ten walk .

A. minute’s B. minutes’ C. minute D. minutes

( C )21. The theme park is about ride from the museum. You should start out right now .

A. two hour B. two hour’s C. two hours’ D. two hours

( D )22. Japan is the east of China .

A. on B. in C. of D. to

( D )23. The weather in Guangdong is hotter than in Qinghai .

A. it B. those C. one D. that

人教 英语 八年级 上册 期中 经典题型

( D )24. In Japan , basketball is popular than football at school .

A. too more B. very more C. much D. a lot more

( B )25. Traffic is heavy and the price of oil is much so that many people go to work by bus instead .

A. high B. higher C. expensive D. more expensive ( B )26. The river is about two metres .

A. long B. wide C. high D. tall

( C )27. The price of the potatoes is too . I can’t buy them .

A. expensive B. low C. high D. cheap

( B )28. He promised to try his best the girl .

A. helps B. to help C. help D. helping

( C )29. –You aren’t a new student, are you ?

-No. Didn’t you remember me at the gate minutes ago ?

A. see B. to see C. seeing D. saw

( A )30. How much does the ticket from Shanghai to Beijing ?

A. take B. spend C. cost D. pay

( D )31. –Bob may I your MP4 ?

. –Sure . But you had better not it to others .

A. lend; lend B. lend; borrow C. borrow; borrow D. borrow; lend ( C )32. –Our class won the first prize in the basketball match.

- exciting news !

A. How B. How an C. What D. What an

( B )33. –Do you know what the low-carbon(低碳) life style is like ?

-Save energy and produce carbon.

A. more; more B. more; less C. less;more D. less; less

( B )34. Why not . your mistakes on your notebook ?

A. writes B. write C. writing D. to writing

( C )35. The Yellow River is the second river in China .

A. longer B. the longest C. longest D. long

( C )36. Of all the students , Li Lei is to Mr Wang .

A. close B. closer C. the closest D. the most closest ( A )37. Chongqing is bigger than in Japan .

A. any other city B. all the other cities

C. any city D. the other cities

( A )38. –Would you like with me ? –Soryy . I have a lot of clothes to wash .

人教 英语 八年级 上册 期中 经典题型

A. to shop B. shop C. shopping D. to shopping

( C )39. –Mr Zhou , of all the students in our group , who lives ?

-I think Li Lei does .

A. far B. farther C. the farthest D. the farther

( C )40. Bob is at playing computer games of the two boys .

A. the better B. the good C. better D. the best

( B )41. This journey about 2 hours .

A. take B. takes C. cost D. costs

( D )42. –Why does Joe look so today?

-Because she has got an “A” in her English test .

A. sad B. exciting C. angry D. happy

( A )43. They made the boy water for them every day .

A. carry B. carrying C. carried D. to carry

( B )44. We’ll go fishing if it rainging tomorrow .

A. stop B. stops C. will stop D. Stopped

( A )46. We were having a meeting . The lights suddenly .

A. went off B. put off C. got off D. fell off

( B )47. If you want to get the job , you need to have two years working .

A. pronunciation B. experience C. conversation D. environment ( C )48. The twin sisters have learned a lot they came to China .

A. when B. as soon as C. since D. after

( D )49. Peter tried on three jackets , but of them fitted him .

A. all B. both C. neither D. none

( A )50. I have a chance to interview the pop singer . That made me .

A. excited B. felt excited C. to fell excited D. exciting ( C )51. Is this the machine is made in Japan ?

A. who B. what C. which D. when

( C )52. We decide to Europe next year .

A. travel B. travelled C. To travel D. travelling

( C )53. -Is she in geography ? -No ,she isn’t . She shows no in this subject .

A. interesting; interested B. interested; interested

C. interested; interest D. interest; interesting

( D )54. -Jack ,could you help me when the plane will take off on the Internet ? -I’m sorry ,my computer doesn’t work .

A. get out B. look out C. take out D. find out

( A )55. It was said that the wedding would the next week .

人教 英语 八年级 上册 期中 经典题型

A.take place B. be taken place C. be happened D. happen ( B )56. I hope you results in the exam .

A. to get B. can get C. getting D. get

( A )57. -Can you lend me the book you bought yesterday ?

-Sure . Here you are .

A. that B. what C. who D. whom

( C )58. He played basketball so well that people regarded him as a great basketball player in th century .

A. the; the B. the; / C. /; the D./; /

( D )59. -Are you “plantig online vegetables ”? -No, I think it’s a waste of time .

A. major in B. afraid of C. angry with D. interested in ( D )61. - does Linda travel to school ? -It is ten minutes’ walk .

A. How far B. How much C. How many D. How long

( D )62. I am sorry to hear you’re ill . I hope you are now .

A. well B. fine C. good D. better

( B )63. -Do you like English ? -Yes .But I think it’s subject of all .

A. the easiest B. the most difficult

C. the most interesting D. the most boring

( B )64. Betty usually goes to school her father’s car .

A. by B. in C. with D. on

( C )65. It will take us ito finish the work .

A. half hour B. one and half an hour

C. one hour and a half D. one an half hours

( B )67. -Why don’t you like winter in Beijing ?

-Because it is winter in Guangzhou .

A. as cold as B.much colder than C. not so cold as D. not colder than ( A )64. Please give me some on how to learn English .

A. advice B. message C. idea D. things

( B )64. If you don’t know the word ,you can in the dictionary ?

A. look up it B. look it up C. find it D. look at it ( C )64. He has been to Shanghai , has he ?

A. ever B. already C. never D. yet

( C )64. Don’t forget an umbrella you . It’s going to rain .

A. to take ; to B. taking ; to C. to take ; with D. taking ; with ( C )64. English is very important ,so I practice it very hard .

A. speaks B. to speak C. speaking D. speak

人教 英语 八年级 上册 期中 经典题型

( B )64. I don’t agree your plan . Let’s discuss it .

A. with B. to C. at D. on

( D )64. The village is famous the river .

A. as B. with C. to D. for

( C )64. -Would you mind here ? -Yes. Didn’t you see the sign “No smoking”?

A. I smoke B. me smoke C. my smoking D. I smoking ( B )64. If Tome here , I will call you .

A. come B. comes C. came D. will come

( B )64. These flowers are than those ones .

A. Much beautiful B. much more beautiful

C. more much beautiful D. many much beautiful

( D )64. The children their classroom when the visitors arrived .

A. is cleaning B. are chleaning C. was cleaning D. were cleaning ( B )64. The story happened the morning April 10th,2003 .

A. in; on B. on; of C. on; in D. in; in

( A )64. We saw them basketball on the playground just now .

A. play B. was playing C. to play D. play the

( C )64. -Please remember my dictionary to school tomorrow .

-But I remember it back to you .

A. bring ; give B. to bring ; to give C. to bring ; giving D. bringing ; to give ( A )64. Her little cat is lost . All of her friends are helping her to it .

A. look for B. look at C. look after D. look like ( C )64. - should wen clean the library ? -Twice a week .

A. How many B. How much C. How often D. How long ( B )64. Tom didn’t have breakfast catch the early bus .

A. so that B. in order to C. in order that D. make sure ( B )64. Our teachers don’t allow us in the river in summer .

A. swim B. to swim C. swimming D. swam

( D )64. The pen me ten yuan .

A. spent B. paid C. took D. cost

( C )64. The doctor advised us teeth twice a day .

A. brush B.brushes C. to brush D. brushing

( A )64. - When your father in that company ? - In 2002 .

A. does ;work B.did ;work C. have ;worked D. will ;work

( A )64. - he from No. 2 Middle School ? - Yes , I think so .

A. Does ;come B.Is ;coming C. Will ;come D. Did ;come

人教 英语 八年级 上册 期中 经典题型

( B )64. Many students ask advice about how to improve English .

A. of B. for C. with D. In

( C )64. -How do you go to school every day ? - .

A. No, I do B. Do , I don’t C. By bike D. Yes ,by car

( B )64. You can talk the films or sons with your friends in English .

A. to B. about C. with D. For

( D )64. Look ! Lingling Liu Huan with her English .

A. helps B. helped C. will help D. is helping

( A )64. We shouldn’t laugh others when they can’t speak English well .

A. at B. on C. about D. For

( C )64. will the plane take off from Beijing Capital Airport ?

A. What B. Where C.When D. How

( C )64. What about to the cinema ?

A. go B. to go C. going D. goes


1. Fill in the blanks with the right ( form ) of the words .

2. He always ( try ) his best to finish his work .

3. I like English very much . I want to be a .(translate)

4. This is an English (translate) of Marx’s Capital .

5. I’m sorry I forgot (close) the door last night .

6. Could you try ’t follow you .

(check) your vocabulary notebook every day is a good idea .

8.In the exam ,the (careful) you are , the (few) mistakes you’ll make .

9.They (build) a new library next year .

10.Jack with his parents often (go) to the zoo on Saturdays .

11.What an (excite) basketball match it is !

12.The Summer Palace is one of (beautiful) parks in Beijing .

13.The more (信息) , the better .

(fly) is usually the most expensive way but the price of night (fly) is lower than the train .

15. I like watching the (perform) of that magician .

16. Liu Qian is a famous (magic) .

17. They 17. My dream (come ) true last night .

17. At this moment they

人教 英语 八年级 上册 期中 经典题型

17. Liu Huan likes 17. My teacher often (suggest ) me have sports every day .

17. Which is 17. The shops are very (crowd ) on weekends .

17. It takes me about two hours 17. We use pens and pencils for (write ) .

17. The best way (learn ) English is speaking and reading .

17. Changjiang is (wide ) than the River Thames .

17. There are (many ) girl students in our class than in yours .

17. Shenzhen is (larger ) in population than Beijing .

17. The Diwang Tower is .

17. My mother is much (busy ) than my father .

17. Could you tell me how (get ) to the hospital ?


1. 玛丽,为什么你不唱首中国歌呢?

Mary, sing a Chinese song ?

2. 阅读中遇到生词时不要急于去查词典。

Don’t in a dictionary in a hurry when you meet the new words in the reading .

3. 每天试着记住五、六个单词。

five or six words every day .

4. 说起来很容易。

5. 这是一个学习汉语的新方法。


6. 请每天检查你的词汇笔记。

Please your every day .

7. 为什么不尽你最大的努力去帮助需要帮助的人?

try your best to help people ?

8. 李明上课总是迟到。

Li Ming is late for class .

9. 对她笑,然后她会很乐意帮助你。

Smile her and she will be happy to help .

10. 请把这些书放进你的书包里。

人教 英语 八年级 上册 期中 经典题型

Please these books .


You can an English corner to .


Mr. Wang does what he can to help us .


The Great Wall will stop the wind the earth away .


The Changjiang River is in China .

15. 什么是学习英语的最好建议?

is the best advice English ?

16. 山东的人口比东北多。

The of Shandong is that of Dongbei .

17. 尽量交朋友并且带他们参观你的城市。

Try and them your city .

18. 你仅仅需要听重点词和主要思想。

You just words and ideas .

19. 我们很惊讶地得知有人在捕杀大象。 (to know) 20. 我们需要制订计划来保护大象。 (to protect ) 21. 在四川省大概剩下1,500多只熊猫。( might , left )

22. 你看到那些正为人们工作 的骆驼了吗?(which)

23. 拯救大熊猫的道路依然很漫长。 (to go ) 24. 让我们看看还能做点什么来帮助尽可能多的动物。

Let’s find out what else to save as many animals as possible .

25. 他是20世纪中国最伟大的作家之一。

He was one of the greatest Chinese writers of .

26. 老舍被称为“人民艺术家”。

Lao She “ the People’s Artist ”.

27. 我妈妈送我去美国,我在那里学习弹钢琴。

My mother me to the USA and I learned the piano there .

28. 这部话剧向我们展示了老北京人的生活方式。

人教 英语 八年级 上册 期中 经典题型

The play the lifestyle of people in old Beijing .

29. 最快的上班方式是乘地铁 。

It’s way to go to work .


1. He has got a cell phone and a camera .(改为否定句)

He got a cell phone a camera . 对画线部分提问)

the captial of U.K ?

3. Bob feels happy today .(对画线部分提问)

Bob today ?

4. It will take me an hour to finish my homework .(改为同义句)

I an hour my homework .

5. You’d better take a taxi .(改为否定句)

You’d take a taxi . 对画线部分提问)

does he the fastest journey ?

7. The bottle is filled with water .(改为同义句)

The bottle of water .


1. - Your English is very good .

- (表示感谢)

2. You should newspapers .

3. -Mary , Can you answer some question my homework ? the population Beijing ? - (超过)20 million , I think .

4. She stayed in China for a month .

5. Tom is busy his games .

6. We should take an active part in (保护) environment .

7. I am 感兴趣的) in your story .

8. He (提议) to take me to the zoo and I felt excited .

9. To swim here is dangerous . (改为同义句)

It’s here .

10. Bill isn’t as tall as Jim . (改为同义句)

Jim is Bill .

11. She paid 200 yuan for her sweater. (改为同义句)

人教 英语 八年级 上册 期中 经典题型

Her sweater 200 yuan .


1. Listening to English songs is a good way to learn English .

a good way to learn English to English songs .

2. I’m afraid that I go out after dark alone .

I’m afraid out after dark alone .

3. How about going swimming ?

swimming ?

4.Why don’t you speak more English every day ?

speaking more English every day ?

5.Tony jumps higher than any other boy in his class .

Tony jumps all the boys in his class .


1. Bella can speak two , French and Chinese .

2. Many students ask for advice about their English . cold outside . You’d better put on your coat . all the rooms of the hotel five days ago .

5. I’m not to go out at night . So I won’t go to the movies with you .

up .



( D )1. wild A. say words , speak to

( C )2. develop B. not clean

( A )3. talk C. to make anew idea

( E )4. Take away D. living in nature

( B )5. dirty E. to move something from a place


( D )1.The bear A. is very strong and has a long nose

( C )2. The whale B. very long and thin

( A )3. The elephant C. is big and swims in the sea

人教 英语 八年级 上册 期中 经典题型

( E )4. The panda D. very big and lives in the forest

( B )5. The snake E. likes to eat bamboos


Hello, everyone ! Welcome to our English programme . Today we’d like you to listen to a short play , “Asking the Way ” . It was a very common problem in your daily life . When you are in a strange p , you’re likely to lose your way . Then you may have to ask people questions l “How can I get to the station ?” or “Which is the way to the college ?” and so on . Of course you may look at a m , but sometimes it doesn’t help much . So the most convenient thing for you to do is to o your mouth and ask local people the w . Luckily ,people are u pleased to help others and then you can find your way all right . Do you all remember the old saying in China ,”The way is just in your m .” Now, let’s l to the radio and e the play .

