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■庆市2018年初中毕业It 高中招生考试


(卜也H 扎战^澜分IM A £试时间120分钟)

I ?认稚的牌案n 悴齟h F ?十碑A 此眾I +代H 蓉" 二什科和认H 闻卅荐曲卡」的注t *11. 亢目认崎* ?由骷当人ft w 试样和卷鳩卡” ”收问.

第 I ?(ft95 分)

I .听力测试。(共:皿分}

鵠一节国小18 1山分,共日分)

M -嗣 很抓你斫斯列的甸&M AJRC :■个选项屮选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡 I 廿应舸II 的答案标


听-卿"幄獻你所听別的对话网问题.从A.B,C 三牛选项中选出正确答案,并把答题 仁上対应超H 的再案标号涂熬.


13* When did Tony make the first telephone call this

A. A T ek-ven o'clock. H At nine o clock

14, Why did Tony call [Jnda?

八 + Ikv

xr Sunday is Li nth 5 birthday,

听第二段材料」可答第IS 和16小题* *

ix Why ilw 眷 lhe man borrow the books on science? ”1 Ikrcause

he'll have ? ks^an.

K Because he'll give a talk, t'. lie'll

inkr a tesi.

L A. Hdk>| :—I kji/l lu- hili'. 3. .\H wr <\m t. 心九 i lunik you. 5. A. ( >IKX 1 news. 6* A. (.A HX I lii*k+


K thnuk you. H, It iltjcsn'i matter^ K Ycs^ wv t\i rh B. I lu' sanio to you. [ Xin't po sliopping. K Sounds good 9分)

U How do you do?

I'm angry, C. Good idea.

C. Welcome to my party, U Km sorry to hear that. C. Bad luck.

7. Ax 丁;ilkit 搆 on the phone. S. A, < 加 foot. 9. John's,

10. A. Oti Tuesday. 11. A, To t he coo. I?. A* A teacher.

第三节(毎小題1. 5分丫共6分) 听两遍.很期你所听到的性对话?从 对盛题冃的稗案标号除黑。

K Doing some cleaning, R By bike. K Mike\

H (hi Wednesday* K fo the countryside. 11 A policcmnn*


C\ Watching TV. C, By bus. C T Jack*s, C. On Monday, G To the park. C. A worker.



U At ten o clock*

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16. When is iht* library closed?

甩 On Sunday. 氐xhc ahtrnootL C. (ht Wtiinesday,

第四节t 毎小题1.5分,共6分)

听两遍—根据你所听到的範文内容,从A,B.C 三个选项中述出用确咨案?斤把秤Iffi 卡 上对应題目的答案标


17, Many people do sports

一 to keep them healthy.

甩 every week K every day

C. every morning

1R. Yau should drink

when you are doing sporty

-- -

A, enough water H, some milk t\ enough coffee 19? before going to btd niakes it hard for you to full asleep.

? Too much water R A little exercise C. Too much exercise 20. According io the passage * is the most impcTtani thing while doing 乳poi ■叽

A. time K safety C water

G 詁 fret tomormw,

甩 takes part int will be

K will trtke port tn? is C. will joint will be


33, You don't have to worry About me. I m old enough u> _

_ . 扎 Look after

R took for l\ look up


从A.B,C.O 四亍选项中选出可比填人空白处的最挂答案?并把善题K 上对应魁H 】的 答案标号涂黑。

21. _______________________________________________________________ Yao Ming is such a good player in the world that he pisys ______________________________________________ basketball wrll.

a & an C the D. /

22. Reading aloud in the morning helps _________________ learn ELnglish better*

A, we B. our U us j 23, My brother 7 Henry was born _______________ _ January 1 st, 2000*

A. in B L on Cl at 24. 一Hcllo T Michael?what's your favorite ___________________ ? —1 Like volley ball best?

A, food B. color 25* She can understand this passage teacher feels very proud of her, A, if R because I-


2& Mr_ Green asks the students ___________

D. ourji

D* for D. movie C. sport there are so many new wards in it. Her

A- swim

R to swim C, not to


27. 一

will my mother be back? I realiy miss h*ir

一In a week. A* How iong B. How soon :28. 一Where is your CD Lisin?


for an English exam now*

A. studies B studied C* has studied

29* Helen was so excited at the news that she could _____________ ___

甩 ever B almost C, hardly 30. - Mom?must I wash my dorhes now?

—No T you _? You can do it tomorrow,

C? though Ek and

in the river?because il'p too dHnK^rotis.

1 工 to HOT swim C. How often

D. How many

LX is studying say a word, D. always

A. can't

B. needn't C t

IX shouldn't i 31, Chinese _

_ by more and more people from all over the world today.

2 Learn 氏 learned G is learned

11 was learned

32. Jack _______ ___ the talent show if he

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nb 完形填空。(每小题i ?5分■共15分)

根据每址内容* yi A.BX\ D 四u 选项中选出一亍能填人栢应空幣内的廉佳答案?井把 答题卡上对应題目的答案标号涂黑?

Gina 話 a ten year-old girLshe 伙砂 clever but could do nothing well. Her mother w very worried about her. So she asked Gina s teacher for __*

"What is Gina s strength (长处asked the reacher, The mother tboughi for a long tim 巴 And she shook her head;

* What is Gina s personality? the teacher 护ked B* question. ~Shc likes, cry L tig - said the mother. rt

Can you give sonie 38 ?" said rhe teacher. u

When she sees the sick animals* her eyes are fult of tear& ^ hen seeing the poor people* her eyes are full of tears< And she will _ $9 , her own money to them* "

Hearing these* the teacher smiled- " _ 40 af these show (Sina is a kind girL Thisjs her strenglK "

屮 that day on* the mother was patient with Gina. She encouraged her co talk with the old And help the homeless dogs t

Day by day * Gina became 4?

* She did well in her

study. She even made a bowl of noodles on her motbier's birthday. The mother _ _43 一 happily when she saw Gina s changes.

E L very one has his or her shortcomings < Sfe ) and strength. Sometimes crying is _ _44_ _ a sirength- Try to 45 hi$ or her strength! Be patient!

3E. A. money B, help

C. reason D* excuse 37- A. other & the other C. another IX some 38. A- advice K informacian C?* ideas IX examples 39, A. give R pas5 C lend D, leave 40+ A* Some B, None C All D* Any 41. A. For R From C. Since D, Around 42. A. glad B L busy C. brave D? different 43* A. looked became U srrulef] I ). laughed 44. A- also R too C. almost Bi j ust 45. imagine

R fmd

t\ miss

F>. avoid

IV ?阅读理解。 f 每小题2分?共30分)

阅读下'列材料.从A.BX.D 四,选项中选出可以填人空白处的Jft 隹鲁案.幷把杏題卡




A H the spying goes,H Help others is help ourselves".

(A cold winter afteriKXm <,& Indy was worried on rtuid* E \er car broke ciown arid she needt*d ht4p= 八 num drove by?he stopped his car and said*nie help you. You CHII mt Bryan j Anderson."

34, -* I nn\ going to

the (Sreat Wall nexT month.

A* Have a good lime B. It s terrible 35. —Could you tell me ______________ ?

一-By searching rhe lnturnet.

A. how vou HOT the infarmatiori C* how did you get (he information

C. Ciood job

D. What a pity

K why \oti got the information D* why did J L OU get the infarmation

最大最全最精的教育资源网970b58c4657d27284b73f242336c1eb91b37333f Afltr h亡fixed the caruhe hdy wanted to pay him. Iktl Bry?n said iux He said if shr

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4虫 W Hn{E Lin's fnvorite tea 囂her is ;.

A* strict 以 kiwi

50. Mr, Lin is a

l 讪出「匚 扎 English


t'. rrvii li

51* Mr. ¥mi£ IS mil h tvaehf i al

理肚F ii hg 屮”T j ” i, I ......................... .. ... wl

t f '■r|J,

his siudcnis. He will be fftvorit*' tcrtrher.

A. Wfiug l.in's

B, ZI HIH Y?f,< V. I ian 【疋 t

fA I Inn I ?iml l.i J u? f

52, Which of the following is true according to t hr [芹IE 叩宀

A. Mr, I .in 冷殆 hurnorcHw lencher. K. [J ,| mi

Mr, I ui * hi-、

C? Han 3 Likes women tvachcrs betier*

U Mrs, S CJTIK i?< nrvt j r si riel wHh

Muny |:>v<]plr love pel

timy h-fivr WF 八" 只卜

rtlozu' for right hours* or a normal workday. Jf longer dial) thru? ynu !l n r -■*1 询 沖C ,M , somethinK io do wo your dog can go outride nnd h^vt ; piny hmei Dog?* A re rtocifll nniinsls * w leaving hem aLorit h f (.)r a long 1 mit' cdn hnvr n h ;i

H yOM have a frirnd who is 赳t hotnv during thr-

be saf< T ?l 』CTfi!i ,w , yf m wi M t r ,J I H ir j>* r

roniing io your hciusv” ()r you can lake your dog io your friend'^ unr.

[X>ggy d fiyearc is a good choicv for yotut (xx You mn iru?*l in 1 h< rl :nyc H n I

while you

urv tiway. Many dayrarrs will kerp yfji.ir jwl 仃屮 tnixht 4 戸“」

Tlued them lo. It \s always a good iden to visit the daycare hufore lukifig your 小慣 Ihrr< M 凯kw sure that the people

working there ar (r gtxxJ with dogs,

If you don 'i wnnT tu chex^t a dc>KKy daycan^you enn hir 点曲冲Q ;i 山屮 w?ilk> i\ } hru^ a To 起 Wfl ^cr is n gwd idea fur you if you want your pct to have aoitie cxirn ;?tii nrr )u ciurin 呂 the day. When hiring a dog walker,it h s best to ?o ihmugh ah Hgf n< y(代理甫fh W 鼻urg to ask them if the dog walker can be trusted f You should also ank them whai yejur pet will do while the dog walker is there.

Uop are our friends, if you have a do^*treat him as yntrr rn< rub< T . S P

lime with him?don't leave him alune for a Long (imr F 53, When you are away from home t it in (he best for your 百 A* if a friend finds & do 菖 walker for you

B, if your friend likes to take cartr of your dog

仁 if you kggp your dog alone m the duggy d ;iycar<-

I 丄 if a friend an agency to look after your house 54. _____________________________________ 「he? passage ^mpliesf 暗示)thiit j *

A* evfn dogs like to have people around

玖 people shouldn't travel if tht'y keep a dog 〔+ keeping a dog sometimes may bring trouble

Jt s

^lflrd to finti a person who is good at kuc-ping do^s


- Wh 魚 H I he meaning of the phrase underlined in the third pHragraph^ A .流浪狗收阳所 a 宠物医院 c 加托狗所 ]).他间托砂

".ii w pui (he passafie into three [)art3(whieh of the foHowing 讪 th"心存

I T rn h“r

1 □ k H J li rijrj i!i| iH

