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Lesson 1

Inquiry Service 问询服务(餐厅) Guest: Excuse me. Do you have a Japanese restaurant here? 请问你们酒店有日本料理餐吗? Attendant: Yes, we do/have. 是的,我们有。 Guest: What are the business hours? 它的营业时间是什么时候?

Attendant: The business hours are from 11:00am to 2:00 pm for lunch and from 5:00pm to 10:00 pm for dinner. 营业时间是:上午11:00 点到下午2:00,下午5:00–10:00。 Guest: Thank you very much. 非常感谢。

Attendant: You are welcome. It’s my pleasure. 不用谢。这是我的荣幸。

Key Points and Sentences要点详解及短句扩充

Flower Lake Café 花湖咖啡厅 Tel No.:8095

Open hours: Breakfast: 5:30-10:00(旺季) 06:30-10:00(淡季) Dinner : 17:30-22:00(旺季) 17:30 -21:30(淡季) Jasper Lake 瑶池 Tel No.:8092 Depends on reservation 根据预定情况

Maqu Jarpo Grill 玛曲甲蕃扒房 Tel No.: 8103,8104

Open hours: The Grill Dinner:17:30-22:30 The Grill Bar:11:30-22:30 Gesaer Restaurant 格萨尔餐厅 Tel No.:8106 Open hours: Dinner:17:30-22:30

Shunxing Restaurant 顺兴川菜馆 Tel No.: 8116,8105 Open hours: Lunch 11:30-14:30 Dinner 17:30-22:00 Dago & Semo Lounge 达戈与色嫫酒廊 Tel No. :8109

Open hours:09:00am -- 02:00am(旺季) 09:00am -- 00:00am(淡季)


Lesson 2

Table Reservation 预定服务

Attendant: Good afternoon, Shunxing Restaurant. How may I help you? 下午好,顺兴川菜。能为您效劳吗? Guest: I'd like to reserve a table for dinner this evening, please. 我想预定今天晚上的餐位。 Attendant: Certainly, Sir. For how many people, please? 好的,先生,请问有几位? Guest: Three of my friends, around 8:00p.m. 三位,大约下午八点左右。

Attendant: Yes Sir. Would you like a table in the main restaurant or in a private room? 我明白了。您想定在大厅还是包房呢? Guest: A private room, please. 包房吧。

Attendant: Certainly, sir. We'll have Rose Hall reserved for you, will that be fine? May I have your name and cell phone number, please? 好的,先生。我们为您预留玫瑰厅,好吗?能留下您的姓名和电话号码吗? Guest: Sure, it's Andy, and my cell phone number is 13113141314. 当然,我叫安迪,手机是13113141314.

Attendant: Mr. Andy, 13113141314 thank you. By the way, we will reserve the private room until 9:00p.m.. 安迪先生,13113141314. 顺便说一下,您预定的包房保留到晚上九点。 Guest: OK, I see. 好的,我知道了。

Attendant: I'd like to confirm your reservation: Mr. Andy for 3 persons, at Rose Hall for this evening around 8:00 pm; your cell phone number is 13113141314. 我想跟您确认一下您的预定:安迪先生,预定今晚的玫瑰厅,到达时间是 晚上八点,手机是13113141314 Guest: Right, thank you. 是的,谢谢。 Attendant: We look forward to serving you, Mr. Andy. Thank you for calling. 我们恭候您的光临,安迪先生。谢谢您的电话。 Key Points and Sentences 要点详解及短句扩充 1

. A moment, please. I'll check the availability for you. 2. 3. 4.


I'm afraid we're fully booked for that time, would you like to make a reservation at another time?

恐怕那个时间的餐位己经订满了,您能否换个时间呢? At what time can we expect you? 您几点光临呢? How many table shall we arrange for you? 请问我们因该安排多少张台呢?


5. 6.

How would you like us to arrange the table? 您喜欢我们怎么摆台呢?

How much would you like to spend for each person? 请问每个人的标准是什么呢?

Lesson 3

Leading the Guest to the Seat 引导入座 (1)

Good evening, sir, welcome to Chunxing Chuan Restaurant, do you have

Attendant: a reservation? 晚上好,先生。欢迎光临顺兴川菜。请问您有预定吗? Guest: I have . Please check. 小姐,我有预定,请查一下。 Attendant: May I have your name and room number, please? 先生/女士, 请问您贵姓,您的房号是多少? Guest: Andy, my room number is 4212. 我是4212的房客,安迪。

Yes, Sir, you have reserved a table for four people, non-smoking area.

Attendant: This way, please. 是的,先生。有您的预定,四个人,无烟区。这边请。 (2)

Attendant: Good evening, sir, welcome to Shunxing Restaurant, dinner for how many people, please? 晚上好,先生。欢迎光临顺兴川菜。请问您有几位呢? Guest: A table for 4, please. 4位。

Attendant: Yes, sir. This way please. How about the table by the window / in the corner? 好的,先生,那张靠窗/角落的桌子怎么样? Guest: Fine. Thanks. 好,谢谢你。 Attendant: This way, please. 这边请。


Attendant: Good evening, Sir. Our tables are full now, would you mind to wait for a while or would you prefer another restaurant / table? 晚上好,先生。现在我们的餐厅已经客满了,你想换一家餐厅/桌子吗? Guest: I would like to wait. 我再等一下好了。 2 minutes later??

Attendant: I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, here is a table available, this way please. 很抱歉让您久等了,这边有空位,请这边走。 Guest: It doesn't matter. Thank you. 没关系,谢谢你。 Attendant: You are welcome. My pleasure. 不客气。

Key Points and Sentences要点详解及短句扩充

1For how many people, please? 共有几位呢?


. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Where would you prefer to sit? 您喜欢做哪儿啊?

Is this table fine? / How about this table? 这张台可以吗?

Do you have a meal voucher / breakfast voucher? 您有餐卷、早餐卷吗? We are able to seat you very soon. 我们很快就会安排您入座。 Would you mind to share a table? 您介意和别人同桌吗?

Lesson 4

Beverage Service 酒水服务

Attendant: What would you like to drink, Sir? 先生您要喝点什么呢? Guest: What kind of drinks do you have? 你们有什么呢?

Attendant: We have Coca Cola, orange, black tea, and so on. What about beers or wines? 我们有可口可乐,橙汁,红茶等。啤酒或者葡萄酒您觉得怎么样? Guest: All right. I will have one beer with ice. 好的,我需要加冰的啤酒。 Attendant: Yes, Sir. Anything else? 好的,先生。还需要别的吗? Guest: No, thanks. 不了,谢谢。 Key Points and Sentences 要点详解及短句扩充 1

. Would you like to try some Chinese alcohol? 您想不想试一试中国酒呢? 2

. “Mau Tai” is the best Chinese spirits. 茅台是一种很好的中国烈酒。 3

. Which wine would you prefer? 你喜欢哪儿一种葡萄酒呢? 4

. Excuse me, Sir. This is our beverage list. 打扰一下您,这是我们的酒水单。 5

. I would recommend ?? 我向您推荐?? 6Would you like to have some snacks with your wine?





Wu Liang Ye- New 52° 五粮液-新52° Kwei Chow Fei Tian Mou Tai 53° 贵州飞天茅台53° Guo Jiao1573 52° 国窖1573 52° Kwei Chow Mou Tai 53° 贵州五星茅台53°

Jiuzhai Zang Qiang Qing Ke Jiu 48° 九寨藏羌青稞酒48° Jiuzhai Shu Zheng Qing Ke Jiu 12° 九寨树正青稞酒12°


Hua Xia Great Wall Dry White 长城干白


Great Wall, Cabernet Sauvignon 长城94珍品

Great Wall, Dry Red Wine 长城干红葡萄酒解百衲 Zhang Yu Cabernet Dry Red Wine 张裕解百衲干红葡萄酒 Hua Dong, Cabernet Dry Red Wine 华东庄园解百衲 BEER 啤酒

Heineken 喜力 Carlsberg 嘉士伯 Ice Carlsberg 冰纯嘉士伯 Jin Lan Jian 金蓝箭 Tsing Tao 青岛 Budweiser 百威


Orange Juice 橙汁 Apple Juice 苹果汁 Watermelon Juice 西瓜汁 Carrot Juice 胡萝卜汁 Local Sha Ji Juice 沙棘汁



Perrier 巴黎水 Evian 依云 Local Distilled Water 蒸馏水 Coca Cola 可口可乐 Coke Light 健怡可乐 Sprite 雪碧 Soda 苏打水 Ginger ALE 干姜水 Tonic 汤力水


Regular Coffee 现磨咖啡 Espresso 意大利特浓咖啡 Double Espresso 双份意大利特浓咖啡 Cappuccino 卡布奇诺 Vanilla Cappuccino 香草卡布奇诺 Caramel Cappuccino 焦糖卡布奇诺 Irish Cream Coffee 爱尔兰咖啡 Mocha Coffee 摩卡咖啡 Ice Coffee 冰咖啡 Ice Café Mocha 冰摩卡咖啡 Ice Cappuccino 冰卡布奇诺 Ice Latte 冰拿铁咖啡

Ice Caramel Latte 冰焦糖拿铁咖啡 Ice Irish Cream Latte 冰爱尔兰拿铁咖啡


Earl Grey Tea 伯爵茶 Zhu Yie Qing 碧螺春 Cammomile Tea 甘菊茶 Tie Guan Yin 铁观音 Xi Hu Long Jing 西湖龙井

Bi Tan Piao Xue 碧潭飘雪 English Breakfast Tea 英式早餐茶


Screwdriver 螺丝钻 Tequila Sunrise 特其拉日出 Margarita 玛格丽特

Singapore Sling 新加坡司令 Grasshopper 青草蜢 Manhattan 曼哈顿 Pina Colada 椰林飘香 Mai Tai 迈泰 Bloody Mary 血腥玛丽

Long Island Tea 长岛冰茶


Shirley Temple 秀兰邓波 Pussy Foot 波斯猫 Fruit Punch 杂果宾治 Gunner 枪手


Louis XIII 路易十三 Remy Martin X.O 人头马X.O

Hennessy X.O 轩尼诗X.O Hennessy V.S.O.P 轩尼诗V.S.O.P Martell X.O 马爹利X.O Martell Cordon Bleu 蓝带马爹利 Remy Martin V.S.O.P 人头马V.S.O.P


Royal Salute 21 Years 皇家礼炮21年 Chivas Regal 12 Years 芝华士12年

Johnnie Walker Black Label 尊尼霍嘉黑标 Johnnie Walker Red Label 尊尼霍嘉红标



Jack Daniels 杰克 丹尼尔 Jim Beam 占边

IRISH WHISKEY 爱尔兰威士忌 John Jameson 尊美臣

GIN 金酒

Gordon’s 歌顿 Beefeater 基路比金

RUM 朗姆

Bacardi 白家地 Myer’s Dark 美雅


Smirnoff 皇冠 Absolut 瑞典伏特加


Jose Cuervo Gold 金银豪帅

Lesson 5

Taking Order 点餐服务

Attendant: May I take your order now, sir? 我能为您点单了吗,先生? Guest: Could you recommend your Local Tibetan & Qiang dishes? 你能介绍一下你们提供的藏族和羌族的菜肴吗? Attendant: Of cause, we provide Tibetan & Qiang dishes such as special cooked lamb, beef dishes and dessert, and also provide Wild mushroom and vegetables. 可以,我们主要提供藏族和羌族烹饪的很有特色羊牛肉的菜肴和小吃,以及 当地特有的野生菌类和蔬菜。 Guest: Thank you, How about the Sichuan Cuisine? 谢谢,那么四川菜呢?

Attendant: I think Mapo bean curd is quite special, it's our chef's recommendation. 麻婆豆腐挺不错的,是我们厨师推荐的。 Guest: How do you cook it? 这道菜怎么做的啊?

Attendant: It's bean curd in chilli sauce with strong and hot flavor. 煎的豆腐配着豆瓣酱。以麻辣味著称。 Guest: Well, I will try these. Thank you. 好的,我试试那些吧,谢谢你。 Attendant: Shall I bring you a knife and fork? 您要不要刀叉呢? Guest: No, thanks. The chopsticks is fine. 不用,谢谢。筷子就可以了。


Key Points and Sentences 要点详解及短句扩充 1

. We serve Cantonese & Sichuan cuisines, which cuisine would you prefer? 我们有粤菜、川菜,您喜欢哪儿一种呢? 2

. Would you like to try our today's special? 您想尝一下我们的特色菜吗? 3

. It's crisp / tasty / tender / clear / strong / spicy. 它很酥脆、可口、鲜嫩、清淡、浓烈、辣。 4

. It looks, smells and tastes good. 这道菜色、香、味俱全。 5

. It 's a well-known delicacy in Chinese cuisine. 它是中国的一道有名的佳肴。 6

. Which flavor would you prefer, sweet or chili? 您喜欢哪儿种口味呢,是甜的还是辣的?

Lesson 6

Services during the Meal 上菜服务与席间服务 (1)

Attendant: Your Mapo bean curd and mushroom green vegetable, sir. Please enjoy. 先生, 您的麻婆豆腐、香菇扒时蔬。请慢用 Attendant: Excuse me, may I clear your plate? 打扰了,我可以把盘子收起来吗? Guest: Sure, go ahead. 好的,请便吧。 Attendant: May I show you the dessert menu? 您要看看甜点菜单吗? Guest: Yes, I'd like to have a chocolate pudding. 我要一份巧克力布丁。 Attendant: Will there be anything else? 您还要点什么别的吗? Guest: No, thanks. 不了,谢谢。

Attendant: Your chocolate pudding, sir. Shall I serve your coffee now, or later?


先生,这是您的巧克力布丁。我是现在为您上咖啡,还是迟些上呢? Guest: Later, thank you. 迟些上吧,谢谢。

Key Points and Sentences要点详解及短句扩充 1

. May I move this plate to the side? 我可以把这个碟子移到一边去吗? 2

. May I serve it to you now? 我现在可以上菜了吗? 3

. This is very hot. Please be careful. 这道菜很烫,请小心。

4Would you like your rice / coffee / ? now or later? 是现在为您上米饭 / 咖啡 /?,. 是迟些? 5

. Can I change one dish? 我能不能换个菜? (2) Guest: My meal hasn't come yet, why is it taking so long? please be quick. 我的饭菜还没有上来,怎么回事啊?请快一点。 Yes, Sir. I will check now. 好的,我马上去催

Attendant: 一下。 Attendant: All your dishes are served, sir/Madam. Please enjoy your meal. 先生/女士,您的菜已经上齐了。请慢慢享用。 Guest: Thank you. Please give me a hot towel. 谢谢你。请给我一条热毛巾。 Attendant: Certainly, Sir. Just a minute? Excuse me, here is your hot towel. 当然先生,我马上回来。 ? 打扰一下您,这是您的热毛巾。

Key Points and Sentences 要点详解及短句扩充 1

. Shall I change this plate to a smaller one? 我把这个换成小一点的碟子,好吗? 2

. May I have one more spoon / glass / bowl/?我能多要个勺子/杯子/碗/??吗? 3

. How much longer shall I wait for my?? 我点的?得等多久啊? 4Your meal will be ready soon. 您的菜很快就. 好。 Lesson 7

Serving The Dessert 甜点服务

Attendant: May I show you the dessert menu? 您要看甜点的菜单吗? Guest: Yes, thank you.



Attendant: Here you are. It’s on the seventh page. We have Pear in Red Wine, Black Forest Cake, Apple Pie, Ice-cream & fresh Fruit Salad, Which do you prefer? 给您。甜点在菜谱的第七页。我们餐厅提供的甜点有:红酒甜梨、黑森林蛋糕、 苹果派、冰激凌和鲜果沙拉或果盘,您想尝哪一种? Guest: One piece of Coffee Cheese Cake for me, one Fruit Platter for my husband. 一块咖啡芝士蛋糕给我,一份果盘给我先生。

Attendant: Thank you, I'll repeat your order, One piece of Coffee Cheese Cake for you Madam, and one Fruit Platter for sir. 谢谢,重复一下您的甜点,一块咖啡芝士蛋糕给您,一份果盘给您的先生。

Lesson 8 Billing 结帐 (1) Guest: May I have the bill? Thank you. 把帐单拿给我好吗?谢谢 Attendant: Certainly, sir. Here is your bill. 好的先生 Guest: Can I put my bill to my room? 我的餐费可以挂房帐吗? Attendant: Yes, Sir. May I have your room number and signature? 我可以看一下您的房间号码和签名吗? (2) Guest


Guest: Guest:




May I have the bill? 把帐单拿给我好吗? Yes, you can. Do you want to check now? 可以,您现在需要账单吗? Yes, thanks. 好的,谢谢。

Do I pay you here or the cashier? 是在你这里付账还是去收银处付账? I can help your to settle your bill. Do you need an invoice or a receipt? 我能帮您结账。您给我吧。您需要发票或收据吗? Receipt is OK, thank you. 收据就可以了,谢谢。 You are welcome. I will be right back. Please wait for a moment. 不客气,我很快回来,请稍等。


