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Unit 1 Vocabulary

1. He continually(频繁的) interrupted the speaker by asking irrelevant questions.

2. This train ticket is valid(有效的) for five days. 3. In contrast to (对比的)

4. Chinese is of no exception(不例外) 5. Keep pace :跟上步伐

6. You can be assured that on his lips the story did not lose in the telling. 7. Consumer groups are protesting against(抗议) against higher prices. 8. Make up for the lost time . 9. I have gone to all this trouble on your account. 10. The director was critical of the way we were doing the work. 11. After hearing her story,I felt somewhat puzzled.(有一点)

12. Television programs may, on occasion ,not be very interesting ,but this is because they are aimed at the average level of the audience. 13. Among her accomplishment (成就) were sewing ,cooking ,playing ,the piano,and dancing.

14. Over a third of population was estimated to have no access to the health service.

15. In this university ,studentloans are available based on finance needs.

Grammar 1. intend to do sth 2. be accustomed to doing

3. The work was almost complete when we received orders to proceed(=continue) no further with it. Unit 2 Vocabulary

1. depend on the reward from the work. 2. You have the alternative(两者中选一)of working hard and being successful or 3. Add to增加

4. Some researchers feel that certain people have nervous systems particularly vulnerable to hot ,drywinds.They are what we call weather sensitive people.

5. All the right qualifications for the job 6. Come right to the point (切中要害)

7. On the basis of careful observation and detailed studies. 8. During the war ,she always kept a reserve (储存)of tinned food in the house. 9. In stock 10. Just a(n) select (精挑细选的) few were invited to the dancing party.

11. It is wise of you to substitute well-trained workers for untrained ones in the assembly line.

12. All changes of matter involve changes in the form of the energy. 13. Submit anabstract of about 200 words together with his research paper.

14. When confronted with(面对) the evidence of his guilt ,he confessed at once.

15. The story that follows relates(讲述) two famous characters of the Rocky Mountain Gold Rush Days. Grammar

1. If the test takers find an item to which an answer is not known ,it may be advisable(做….是合适的) to leave it blank and go on with the test.

2. My wife has three brothers ,allorder than she .The eldest,George ,is an officer. 3. As a matter of fact,SaudiAraia’s oil reserves are second only to those of Kuwait.

4. We must get rid of whatever is wrong with us. 5. Reviewing their work will give us a much better feel for the wide differences between the two.

6. To such an extent,did hego on with his empty speech that some of us bagan to dove.

Unit 4 Vocabularly

1. I think she hurt my feelings deliberately rather than by accident as she claimed.

2. Shoes of this kind are apt to slip on wet gound. 3. The heat in little room exposed all day to the glaring sun was intolerable. 4. I submit(订阅) articles and edit them via email and communicate with colleagues with colleagues through Internet mailing. 5. Principles(原则) 6. I arrive at nineo’clock,teach until twelve thirty and then have a meal;that is my morning routine. 7. The falling inflation rate is attributed to(归因于,归于) a decrease in the amount of borrowing.

8. Peter will live up to (达到)what his parents expect of him. 9. Take every precaution(预防)

10. The clothes a person wears express his status or social postion. 11. It’s a pleasure for him to dedicate (奉献)his energy and even his life to research work.

12. The students ,who described details of their sick friend’s symptoms,were soon flooded with 2000 e-mail replies from

doctors in 18 countries.

13. Each variety of melon has its individual flavor and texture. 14. When I illustrate something(举例说明),I’d like to make it clear by means of examples and drawings.

15. The present arrangement wasn’t really satisfactory to them. Grammar

1. Just as they must put aside their prejudices,so we must be prepared to accept their good faith.

2. He declined the invitation partly because he was busy and partly because he lacked money.(一部分是因为) 3. Regret to do

4. It is advisable that(should) she leave for Madrid as soon as possible.

5. Approach to doing

6. Graet as Newton was,many of his ideas have been challenged today and are being modified by scientist of our time.

7. We may have been looking at all these surveys and statistics upside down ,and maybe it’s just the other way around,(一共两面,另外一面)

8. Known to foreigners for the Forbidden city.(被….知道) 9. Of how processes work and how events take place

10. A body weighs less ,the farther it gets from the surface of the

