
更新时间:2023-12-28 04:24:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



What club do you want to join? I want to join a sports club. 你很擅长讲故事。你可以加入讲故事俱乐部。

You’re very good at telling stories. You can join the story telling club.

你会唱歌或者跳舞吗?我会跳舞。 Can you sing or dance?I can dance. 我加入了学校的音乐俱乐部。 I’m in the school music club. 你和老年人相处得好吗? Are you good with old people? 请今天打689-7729和我们联系。 Please call us at 689-7729 today.


We need you to help with sports for English-speaking students.


What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at 6:30. 你的朋友们什么时候锻炼?他们通常在周末锻炼。 When do your friends exercise? They usually exercise on weekends. 我上班从不迟到。

I’m never late for work.. 午饭我通常吃汉堡。

For lunch, I usually eat hamburgers. 放学后我有时候打半小时篮球。

After school, I sometimes play basketball for half an hour. 晚上,我或者打篮球或者玩电脑游戏。

In the evening, I either play basketball or play computer games.

她知道这对她有益,但它尝起来很好吃。 She knows it’s good for her, but it tastes good. 从周一到周五我没有时间打扫我的房间。

I don’t have time to clean my room from Monday to Friday. 我家离学校有大约十公里远。

It’s about 10 kilometers from my home to school. My home is about 10 kilometers from my school. 你家离学校有多远?

How far is it from your home to school? 到校大约花费我15分钟的时间.

It takes me about 15 minutes to get to school. 到校花费你多长时间?

How long does it take you to get to school? 对于许多学生来说,到校很容易。

For many students, it is easy to get to school. 在他们学校和村庄之间有一条大河。

There is a very big river between their school and the village. 这些学生乘索道跨过河去上学。

These students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. 他向父亲一样对我。 He’s like a father to me. 有一座桥是他们的梦想。 It is their dream to have a bridge. 他们的梦想能实现吗? Can their dream come true? 上课不要迟到。你必须要准时。

Don’t arrive late for class. You must be on time. 不准在楼道里跑。 Don’t run in the hallways.


Don’t eat in the classroom. You must eat in the dining hall. 不准课上听音乐。

Don’t listen to music in class.

我们能把音乐播放器带到学校里来吗? Can we bring music players to school? 我们总是不得不穿校服。

We always have to wear the school uniform. 我们在图书馆必须保持安静。 We have to be quiet in the library. 他在学校必须穿校服吗?

Does he have to wear a uniform at school? 家里有太多规定。

There are too many rules at home. 不要把脏盘子留在厨房里。

Don’t leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen. 我必须留短。

I have to keep my hair short.


My grandpa is strict with me ,but I think it’s best to follow the rules.

他能两条腿走路。 He can walk on two legs. 狮子来自哪里?他们来自南非。

Where are lions from? They’re from South Africa. 大象是泰国的标志之一。

The elephant is one of Thailand’s symbols. 这是一个幸运的标志。 This is a symbol of good luck.


Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost. 大象处于极大的危险中。 Elephants are in great danger.

人们看到许多树木,所以大象正失去他们的家园。 People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes.


People also kill elephants for their ivory. 我们必须拯救树木不买象牙制品。

We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory. 你想陪我吃晚饭吗?

Do you want to join me for dinner? 美国没有龙舟节。

There isn’t a Dragon Boat Festival in the USA. 妈妈正在给孩子们读故事。

The mother is reading a story to her young children. 爸爸正在电视上看足球赛。

The father is watching a soccer game on TV. 他正在给他深圳的表弟打电话。

He’s talking on the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen. 这儿有一张我的全家福照片。

Here’s a picture of my family. 北京的天气怎么样?晴天。

How’s the weather in Beijing? It’s sunny. 我能给他捎个信吗? Can I take a message for him?


Could you just tell him to call me back? Sure, no problem. 一切都好吗? How’s it going?


How’s your summer vacation going? 我正愉快的拜访在加拿大的我的姑姑。

I’m having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada. 我的家人和我在山里度假。

My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains. 一名男子正在拍一张雪人的照片。 A man is taking a photo of a snowman. 附近有医院吗?是的,有。

Is there a hospital near here? Yes, there is. 附近有银行吗?

Is there a bank around here? 付费电话在图书馆的对面。

The pay phone is across from the library. 它离这儿不太远。 It’s not too far from here.


Turn right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left.

在我的社区有一家动物园。 There is a zoo in my neighborhood. 我喜欢看猴子爬来爬去。

I love to watch the monkeys climbing around. 生活中最好的东西都是免费的。 The best things in life are free. 我喜欢在那儿读书。 I enjoy reading there.

当我读书的时候,时间过得很快。 When I read books, time goes quickly. 在星期天我喜欢陪爷爷奶奶共度时光。

I like to spend time with my grandparents on Sundays. 像这样度过周末很轻松。

It’s relaxing to spend weekends like this.

你的朋友长得什么样?她中等身高,留着长的直发。 What does your friend look like? She’s of medium height,

and she has long straight hair. 今晚你要去看电影吗?

Are you going to the movie tonight? 我可能会晚一点儿。 I may be a little late.


He isn’t tall or short. He’s of medium height. 她有一份有趣的工作。他是一名警察画家。 He has an interesting job. He is a police artist. 他想给每个罪犯画出逼真的画像。

He wants to draw a good picture of each criminal. 让我告诉你他的样子。

Let me tell you what he looks like. 我能为你点餐吗? May I take your order? 牛肉汤里有蔬菜吗?

Are there any vegetables in the beef soup? 你想要什么面条?我想要牛肉面。

What kind of noodles would you like? I’d like beef noodles. 你想要多大碗的?我想要大碗的。

What size would you like? I’d like a large bowl, please. 西红柿鸡蛋汤里有肉吗?

Is there any meat in the tomato and egg soup? 人们过生日想要吃什么?

What would people like to eat on their birthday? 蜡烛的数量就是这个人的年龄。

The number of candles is the person’s age. 过生日的人必须许愿和吹灭蜡烛。

The birthday person must make a wish and blow out the candles.


In China, it is getting popular to have cake on your birthday. 他们给过生日的人带来好运。

They bring good luck to the birthday person. 上周你的学校郊游怎么样?棒极了。

How was your school trip last week? It was excellent. 我看望了在农村的爷爷奶奶。

I visited my grandparents in the countryside. 我和爷爷一起喂鸡。、

I fed the chickens with my grandpa. 幸运的是,太阳又出来了。 Luckily, the sun came out again. 在博物馆我了解了一些机器人的知识。 At the museum, I learned a lot about robots.


The guide taught us how to make a model robot. 总之,这是令人激动的一天。 All in all, it was an exciting day.


Everything was about robots and I’m not interested in that. 上周末你做什么了?在星期六早晨我打羽毛球了。 What did you do last weekend? On Saturday morning I played badminton. 你的周末怎么样? How was your weekend? 我在自然历史博物馆当导游。

I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum. 他们有一个超过200种蝴蝶的蝴蝶馆。

They have a butterfly house with over 200 kinds of butterflies.


I told the visitors about them and their living habits. 你周末过得愉快吗?

Did you have a good weekend? 谁看望了她的奶奶?贝蒂看了。 Who visited her grandma? Becky did.


Baby mouse was afraid and climbed onto his father’s back. 那就是学习第二种语言重要的原因。

That’s why it’s important to learn a second language. 上周末你做有趣的事情了吗?

Did you do anything interesting last weekend? 两周前我姐姐高中毕业了。

My sister finished high school two weeks ago. 作为一份特殊的礼物,父母带我们去了印度。 As a special gift, our parents took us to India. 在哪儿我们搭起帐篷,生起火取暖做饭。

There we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on.


On the first night, we just sat under the moon and told each other stories.

我如此的疲倦以至于很快就入睡了。 I was so tired that I went to sleep early. 我如此的害怕以至于我不能动了。 I was so scared that I couldn’t move. 第二天早上,我和姐姐大吃一惊。

The next morning, my sister and I got a terrible surprise.


When we looked out of our tent, we saw a big snake sleeping near the fire.


We shouted to our parents to let them know about the danger.


My dad started to jump up and down in their tent. 这吵醒了蛇,它爬进了湖旁的森林里。

This woke the snake up and it moved into the forest near the lake.


Snakes don’t have ears but can feel things moving. 不靠近蛇很重要。

It is important not to go near the snake. 对我来讲,这是一次非常有用的教训。 This was a very useful lesson for me. 在星期六早晨,我读了一本关于历史的书。 On Saturday morning I read a book about history. 他们有一份多么有趣的工作啊! What an interesting job they have!

我们学到了如何报火警和发生火灾的时候做什么。 We learned how to call the fire station and what to do when there is a fire.

