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Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater

单元写作小专题 & Section B(3a ~ 4)

【单元写作目标】 能介绍“……之最”,如某个地方、某次活动等,并阐明“之最”的理由。

1. 能用形容词和副词的最高级表达“……之最”; 2. 能用“because”阐明之最的理由;

3. 写作微技能,能认识到文章的开头和结尾对整篇作文的重要性。 一、词汇积累 (一)短语

1. 有相同特征__________ 2. 各种各样的__________

3. 由……决定___________ 4. 最舒适的座位_________

5. 发挥作用___________ 6. 例如___________ 7. 离家近____________ 8. 最大屏幕__________ 9. 认真对待___________ 10. 最新鲜的食物_________


1. popular_______ 2. fresh_________ 3. cheap________

4. bad__________ 5. good/ well _______ 6. quickly_______

7. big _________ 8. friendly________ 9. close________

10. fast________ 11. quiet________ 12. beautifully_______

13. easy________ 14. much_______ 15. comfortable______

16. creative 17. boring_______ 18. serious______

二、句子积累:根据中文完成或翻译下列句子。 1. 我的家乡是最受欢迎的城镇。

My hometown is _______ _______ _______ town. 2. 在镇上,这家服装店是最好的,因为它拥有的衣服最多。

The clothing store is the best in town _______ it has _______ _______ clothes.

3. 人们最喜欢去Runfa超市购物因为它的服务最好。 People like shopping in Runfa Supermarket _______ because it has _______ _______ _______. 4. 在镇上,行知书店拥有最便宜的书。

Xingzhi Bookstore has _______ _______ _______ in town.

5. 观看别人展示才艺总是有趣的。

It’s always _______ to watch _______ people _______ _______ _______.

6. 他们努力寻找最令人兴奋地魔术师。 They try to _______ _______ the _______ _______ _______.

7. 每个人都会找到各自的所爱。 __________________________________ 8. 那就由你自己来决定。

_________________________________________ 三、以读促写。

根据所给中文或首字母提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。 Dear Anna,

I’m glad to hear that you are coming to my hometown for a trip. My hometown is a good place to have fun.

You can visit some places in my hometown. For _______(实例), all the bookstore are good, but Book City is the best in our town. It has the _______(最多的) books and the friendliest s_______. And it also has the _______ (最舒服的)seats. However, in Xingzhi Bookstore you can buy books the _______(最便宜地). The _______ (最受欢迎的) clothing store is Anta’s. It has the best clothes. Kappa is the _______(最糟糕的), It has really bad service. As for restaurant, most people think Miaoxiange is really great. It p_______ the most interesting music and has the _______ (最新鲜的) food. Of all the cinemas, Cinema City is the best cinema because it has best sound and you can also sit the _______ (最舒服地) there. But the movie t_______ are the most expensive.

Last week, there was a great school _______ (天赋) show in Cinema City. In the talent show, Eliza was a _______(获胜者). She won the _______(奖) for the best p_______. She could play the guitar upside down. The prize for the loudest performer went to the math teachers. They sang the _______(最漂亮



I think you can go to the movie in Cinema City with me when you visit me. But that’s u_______ to you to decide. I’m looking forward to seeing you. 四、篇章训练



参考词汇:Qingdao Golden Beach (青 岛金沙滩);Qingdao Polar Ocean World (青岛极地海洋世界) Dear Nick,

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Yours, Li Hua

单元写作小专题 & Section B(3a ~ 4)


(—)1. have… in common 2. all kinds of 3. be up to 4. the most comfortable seats5. play a role 6. for example / such as 7. be close to home 8. the biggest screen 9. take... seriously10. the freshest food (二)

1. most popular 2. freshest 3. cheapest 4. worst 5. best 6. most quickly7. biggest 8. friendliest9. closest 10. fastest11. quietest12.most beautifully13. easiest 14. most15. most comfortable 16. most creative 17. most boring 18. most serious 二、句子积累

(一)1. the most popular 2. because, the most3. best, the best service 4. the cheapest books

5. interesting, other, show their talents6. look for, most exciting magician(s) 7. There is something for everyone. 8. That's up to you to decide. 三、以读促写

example, most, service, most comfortable, most cheaply, most popular, worst, plays, freshest, most comfortably, tickets, talent, winner, prize, performer, most creative, most beautifully, up 四、One possible version: Dear Nick,

How is it going? I’m glad to hear that you will come to Qingdao in August.

Qingdao is a beautiful seaside city in Shandong Province. It is relaxing to stay here in summer. There are many wonderful Reaches. Qingdao Golden Bench is the most famous one. You can swim and enjoy bright sunshine and fresh air there. Qingdao Polar Ocean World is wonderful. It has all kinds of fishes and other sea animals. The food in Qingdao is also very famous. The beer and seafood are the most popular. I'm sure you will have a good time here.

Yours, Li Hua


