
更新时间:2023-04-01 17:16:01 阅读量: 高考作文 文档下载





摘要: 托福作文为了填充内容,让文章看起来更“丰满”,需要填充一些例子加以论证,托友们大都掌握了很多的例子,这其中有一类叫做“万能例子”,可以用在很多题目中,我们来看这些托福作文万能例子吧。

托福 作文中,例子是非常重要的,提到关于艺术的例子,大家写来写去,好像也总是毕加索,梵高等,即无趣也容易造成雷同。这样想拿高分很难,大家要学会创新,从身边的材料中找到一些合适的例子,比如下面这些,能够用到很多题目中,我们把这些叫做托福作文万能例子。


Marcel Duchamp




背景:French-born American artist (though he always denied being “an artist”)

His works had a major impact to the direction of 20 century art. All his life, he changed theform of art as well as himself. He introduced the European movement Cubism(立体主义) anddada(达达主义) to United States, and was influential in surrealist(超现实主义,很有名的达利就是搞这个的) movement.

此外他还和installation art(装置艺术), concept art(概念艺术)这些现在很火的艺术形式有关

泉的例子:Fountain, an ordinary, mass-produced urinal that has been transformed into awork of art simply by being exhibited in a gallery and receiving a new title.

他说过一句话,Art may be bad, good or indifferent, but, whatever adjective is used, wemust call it art, and bad art is still art in the same way as a bad emotion is still an emotion.

可以用来扩展解释他思想的开放,同时把art和形容词换掉也是很好的 辨证类型的 GRE句子





The slaughter of World War I affected artists in different ways. Some felt, as Mondrian did,that human betterment lay in the creation of an impersonal, mechanistic way of life. Still othersconcluded that the very idea of human

betterment was a pointless illusion. For this group, themain lesson of the war, if anything, was the bankruptcy of reason, politics, technology, andeven art itself. On this premise, several artists and poets founded a movement whose

name,dada, was purposely meaningless, and whose members ridiculed anything having to do withculture, politics, or aesthetics



《Guernica》 The painting’s color scheme proved effective for conveying the cruel reality

Spanish painter Picasso created the masterpiece when he heard of the bombing ofGuernica during Spanish Civil War


伦勃朗Rembrandt, 维梅尔Vermeer (荷兰黄金时期的两个大师,手法创新,在光影表现上都有独到之处。都不受同时代人重视,很符合大家心目中艺术家的Stereotype,可以用来替换梵高、毕加索这类妇孺皆知的大佬)


Rembrandt, Dutch baroque artist, who ranks as one of the greatest painters in the historyof Western art. His work made an enormous impact on his contemporaries and influenced thestyle of many later artists. Perhaps no painter has ever equaled Rembrandt's chiaroscuro effectsor his bold impasto.

Vermeer(不知道大家看过《戴珍珠耳环的女孩》girl with a pearl earring吗,就是说他的,不过故事是假的,Vermeer的日子可能比电影里更惨)

Jan Vermeer reputed the greatest painter besides Rembrandt in Dutch Golden Age, had amarvelous ability in

expressing lights and shadow, but he died young left his family no legacybut deep debt. During his lifetime, he had not sold one piece of his paintings. After his deathVermeer did not receive attention until the late 19th century. His reputation steadily increasedthereafter, and today he is considered one of the greatest Dutch painters.

以上是关于艺术的几个例子,大家可以在不同的角度理解使用,所谓的 托福作文万能例子 ,其实就看大家的侧重点和阐述方向,所以,大家在准备 托福写作 例子的时候,还需要发散思维,多方面分析。


相关字搜索: 托福作文万能例子






Hi, Tony!

I’m glad that you will come to Beijing soon. There are lots of places of interest in Beijing. In order to experience traditional Chinese culture better, I do recommend Beijing Hutong tour.

First, we’re going to go sightseeing along the lanes in Hutong. The houses in Hutong are traditional, such as Siheyuan. From them, you can imagine how people used to live. Of course you can stop anywhere you like and it is interesting to take pictures or have a close look. Second, we are going to pay visits to a Hutong family. We can have lunch there and have a short talk with the local residents, which can help you learn about many stories of the past. We can not only appreciate the dramatic changes that Hutong has undergone, but also see evidence of the history of Beijing, experience the old way of life and experience traditional Beijing culture.

In a word, Hutongs are the homes of common people in the past. It is easy to know how people lived and had fun in the old days. So it is a good choice to learn about traditional Chinese culture. I’m looking forward to your coming.


Li Hua


Hi, Tony!

I’m glad that you will come to Beijing soon. There are many places of interest where you can experience the traditional Chinese culture in Beijing, but I’d like to take you to Nanluoguxiang.

First, we can take a walk along the lanes in Hutong to feel the architectural style of the old buildings like Siheyuan and local people’s way of life. Besides, you can have a talk with the residents to know more about the history about Hutong. What’s more, we can try all kinds of local foods on the way. And you can buy some paper cuttings as gifts for your friends. When we feel tired, it’s a good choice for us to go to a tea house. There, we can taste all kinds of Chinese tea and get a lot of knowledge about tea. Most importantly, we can watch Peking Opera while drinking tea, which is a typical art to reflect Beijing humanities features.

As for the reason why we go there, I think it can make you better experience traditional Chinese tea culture, the food culture and the characteristics of the old residence in Beijing.

I’m looking forward to your coming.


Li Hua


tea culture 茶文化opera culture戏曲文化ceramic art陶瓷艺术

traditional handicraft传统手工艺:sugar man, clay figurine, colored drawing, pottery Chinese calligraphy书法糖人、泥人、彩绘、陶艺

Beijing Opera art 京剧艺术architectural art建筑艺术


1.the Spring Festival春节 (…falls on the 1st day of the first lunar month)

paste couplets贴对联 on New Year's Eve 在除夕之夜 have a family reunion dinner

make dumplingsset off firecrackers放鞭炮 吃团圆饭

stay up late or all night on New Year’s Eve 守岁 give/get lucky money 给/得到压岁钱 pay a new year’s visit to our relatives or friends 拜年

2. the lantern Festival 元宵节(…on the 15th day of the first lunar month)

have a family reunion dinnereat the Yuanxiaowatch lanterns观灯

guess lantern riddles猜灯谜play the lion dance 耍狮子play dragon lantern dance 舞龙灯

set off firecrackers 放鞭炮

3. the Dragon Boat Festival端午节 (…on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month)

race dragon boats 赛龙舟eat rice dumplings 吃粽子

4. the Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节(…on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month)

eat mooncakes吃月饼admire the moon at night 夜间赏月

family members get together and have a big meal 家人团聚吃大餐

假如你叫李华,你的美国笔友Tom对中国的传统节日非常感兴趣。他想请你介绍你最喜欢的 一个节日,如中秋节、端午节、春节等,你通常是怎么庆祝的,以及你喜欢这个节日的原因。请你根据他的问题回复邮件。

提示词语:eat, get together, share, happy, special

I’m glad to hear that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals.

My favorite festival is the Mid-Autumn Festival. It usually comes in September or October. On that day, our family members usually get together and have a nice meal. After that, I always admire the moon and share mooncakes with my families.

I love this festival because I like eating mooncakes. They are in the shape of a full moon. They carry people’s wishes to the families they love and miss. In short, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a day of pleasure and happiness. I hope that my letter will help you know more about Chinese festivals.


Li Hua


My favorite Chinese festival is the Spring Festival which comes on the first day of the Chinese Lunar Year. There is a name for each year, such as the dog, the monkey, the tiger or one of the twelve animals, and this year is the year of the horse.

Before the New Year’s Day, the Chinese people usually give their houses a good cleaning and on the last evening of the old year, all the members of a family will get together and have a big meal. People usually have jiaozi, fish, niangao and many other dishes. On the first or second day of the new year, people usually go to visit their relatives and friends and give some lucky money to children.

Among all the festivals, I like the Spring Festival best not only because I can enjoy delicious food, but also because I can relax myself by spending a few days with my family, my relatives and my friends.


Hi! Tom,

I’m glad to hear that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. There are many traditional festivals in China, and my favorite is the Spring Festival. It falls on the first day of the Chinese lunar New Year. The Spring Festival is as important as Christmas in the U.S. and Chinese people have been celebrating it for many years.

To celebrate the Spring Festival, I usually stick the Chinese character “Fu” upside down on the door, which means happiness will come. Besides, I always prepare some red paper cutting to decorate my house because I believe the red color can bring our family good luck. On the eve of the festival, Myfamily usually get together, having dinner and sharing some interesting experiences. Midnight is my favorite time because I can set off fireworks and admire them. Shining little stars coming out of fireworks create a warm atmosphere. Everyone is overjoyed as they say farewell to the old year and welcome the new year.

I really like the Spring Festival because it’s time forfamily reunionsand the relationshipbetween us becomes closer. Besides. What’s more, I can do various activities during the festival. I hope you can come to China to experience this colorful and meaningful festival.


Li Hua


the Palace Museum the Summer Palace the Great Wall Tian'anmen Square the Temple of Heaven the Ming Tombsthe Ruins of Yuanmingyuan



张彦恒中学 吴金先


1、 内容:文章内容不充实,知识面狭窄,想象力不够丰富,


2、 条理不够清晰,句子间协调一致不够,缺乏过渡词和连贯


3、 明显语法错误,段落中主语、数量、时态等变换过多。主、


4、 单词、词组拼写错误。词汇量较小,褒贬不分,搭配不当,


5、 关联词运用不恰当,缺乏艺术吸引力,语言平淡无味,关





(1) 收听英语气象报告;

(2) 收听中国国际广播电台的英语广播;

(3) 善用录音带锻炼听说能力;

(4) 多阅读英文文章;

(5) 写英文日记,从汉语周记开始;

(6) 和朋友表演影片情节,需要大家收集;

(7) 朗读英文诗;

(8) 唱歌学英语;

(9) 特别注意中英文差异;








(1) 并列:andboth…andneither…nor…

(2) 选择:oreither…or…

(3) 原因:becauseasforsince

(4) 结果:so

(5) 时间:whenbeforeafteras soon as…

(6) 转折:butthough

(7) 递进:besideswhat’s more

(8) 举例:for examplesuch as…








(1) 文章内容充实,文理通顺,表达清楚;what why how


(2) 句子简洁生动,条理清楚,连贯性强;

(3) 文笔生动,用词得体、恰当、词汇量丰富;

(4) 语法没有错误;

(5) 拼写、标点符号正确;

(6) 书写整洁、规范。

