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2012-2013学年第一学期高三英语模块十导学案 编写人:孟秀琴 审核人:郑桂仁

Unit 3 Reading

班级:_________ 小组:_________ 姓名:_________


1. 阅读文章并完成Task I、Task II、Task III。

2. 再快读课文一遍,在课文中划出导学案上出现的短语和句子。完成Task IV、Task V。 3. 难理解的句子要结合课后注释做好理解,未能解决的要用问号标注出来。 4. 必须记住导学案上的短语和句子。

【Learning aims】

1. To learn the detailed information about Aids and learn to protect ourselves. 2. To help students learn to love and treat Aids patients equally. 3. To master some useful expressions and try to use them freely.


Read the text and answer the following questions. 1. What does Aids stand for?

2. How does HIV affect the body?

Answers: Acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

HIV or Aids enters a person’s blood and attacks the body’s immune system.


Task I: Reading strategy

(1) When you read a text, one should be able to ________________________. (2) How can readers follow the logic of the text?

Sometimes, the last sentence of a paragraph introduces ______________________________. ____________________________________________, readers can follow the logic of the text. Answers:

(1) follow the thoughts of the author from one paragraph to the next.

(2) the topic of the next paragraph . By identifying these links between paragraphs.

Task II: Careful reading for detailed information.

Part 1 Reading for structure. Read the text and then speak out how many parts it is made up of: Part Part1 Para(s)__________ Part2 Para(s)__________ Part3 Para(s)__________ Part4 Para(s)__________ Main idea ? Part I (1): Becoming orphans because of Aids. ? Part II (2-5): Introduction to Aids

? Part III (6-9): Measures being done to fight the spread of Aids


2012-2013学年第一学期高三英语模块十导学案 编写人:孟秀琴 审核人:郑桂仁

? Part IV (10): Good news to us about Ajani and his sister Part II: Fill in the blanks.

Title: Fighting 1_____ How Aids is developed * HIV 2 _____ a person’s blood * HIV attacking the body’s immune system Nature/properties * Incurable and 3 _____ 4 _____of transmission 5_____of the infected * Through unprotected sex, blood-to-blood contact and mother-to-child transmission * Having a 6 _____ immune system * Being 7 _____ to fight diseases * Becoming 8__________ very easily * Common illness being quite serious Preventive 9_____ * Arising global attention * Opening labs to test and monitor the disease * Teaching Aids prevention to young people * 10_____ free drugs for those in need


1.Aids 2.entering 3.epidemic 4.Routs/Ways 5.Symptoms 6.weakened 7.unable 8.sick 9.measures 10.Providing Task III: Discussion

1.What should we do to prevent us from Aids? Don’t be afraid of the disease . Pay attention to the transmission ways . Be conscious of the protection of oneself.

2.What should be done and can be done to treat the Aids patients or HIV carriers?

Don’t be far away from them and look down on them. Respect them and treat them equally . Care for and love them.

Task IV: Find the following phrases and remember them


2012-2013学年第一学期高三英语模块十导学案 编写人:孟秀琴 审核人:郑桂仁

1. 爱滋病夺去了他们的父亲__________________

2. 治疗爱滋病的方法__________________ 3. 没有外在的特征__________________ 4. 变弱的免疫系统__________________ 5. 丧失抵御疾病的能力__________________ 6. 以令人恐怖的速度__________________ 7. 拿孩子的健康冒险__________________ 8. 对…熟悉__________________ 9. 传播爱滋病__________________ 10.赞成;订阅__________________ 11.致命的疾病__________________ 12.检测及观测疾病__________________ 13.有需要的爱滋病人__________________ 14.除了__________________

15.全身心地致力于…__________________ 16.引进最新技术__________________ 17.药品分发计划__________________

18.把…卷入…; 使…热衷于…__________________ 19.有权利或机会做…__________________ 20.据估计__________________ lose their father to Aids a cure for Aids

have no outward symptom a weakened immune system lose the ability to fight disease at a frightening rate

risk their children’s health be familiar with transmit Aids subscribe to deadly disease

test and monitor disease Aids patients in need apart from

devote one’s body and soul to


2012-2013学年第一学期高三英语模块十导学案 编写人:孟秀琴 审核人:郑桂仁

bring up-to-date technology

medicine distribution programmes involve … in … have access to It is estimated that

Task V: Translate the following sentences and then analyze them, paying special attention to

the bold parts.

1. Unprotected sex is the most common way that the virtus is spread, accounting for 75 per cent of adult infections worldwide.


2. Although many people are familiar with Aids and how it is transmitted, more than a few people subscribe to the view that HIV and Aids are an African problem because the infection rates there are very high.

_____________________________________________________________________(中文) His name is familiar to me, but I haven’t met him.

be familiar with ___________________ be familiar to ________________________ Not many people subscribe to the idea that money brings happiness. _________________

We subscribe to an animal protection society regularly. _________________ Which magazine does the library subscribe to? _________________

3. Apart from government efforts, international help has also been very important in fighting Aids in China.


4. Dr David Ho, a Chinese American leading Aids expert, has devoted his body and soul to bringing up-to-date technology and international attention to China’s Aids problem.

_______________________________________________________________________(中文) As a student in Grade Three, I must put my heart and soul into my study. _________________ She devoted herself to her career. ____________________________________________ They are devoted to their country. ____________________________________________ Her devotion to the job left her with very little free time. _____________________________ His devotion to his wife and family is touching. __________________________________ 联想:dedicate oneself / sth. to (doing) sth. _________________________

5. Their story was so sad that I had to choke back sobs. (Page 37)

_______________________________________________________________________(中文) If you choke back feelings or tears, you force yourself not to show how angry or upset you are. choke back tears/ anger_______________________忍住眼泪愤怒; 激动地说不出话 His voice is choking with excitement.

High prices have choked off demand. ______________________________制约; Her screams were suddenly choked off. ____________________________打断停止



2012-2013学年第一学期高三英语模块十导学案 编写人:孟秀琴 审核人:郑桂仁

Task I: 仿写高分句型

1. 分别用短语account for, apart from, subscribe to 造句。 2. with的复合结构

With so much work ________ (do),we can’t kill any time by playing cards. With the problem ________ (settle),we all felt happy. With them ________ (支持) us , we are safe.

The girl entered the room with her eyes ________.(含满泪水) —Come on,please give me some ideas about the project.

—Sorry. With so much work ________ my mind,I almost break down. A.filled B.filling C.to fill 3. make it clear that Task II. Homework

1. Memorize the phrases and sentences above. 2. Read the whole passage three times.

D.being filled 5

