
更新时间:2023-12-24 18:45:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



What are the reasons to study MBA program?


One. Knowledge generates more profits and makes the enterprise more standardized:


When I was working at the Overseas Institute of Education of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the courses by many teachers fostered substantial effects on me and provided me with solutions to the practical issues in the entrepreneurship process. For instances, “An Enterprise’s Tax-related Risk Prevention and Tax-pay Cost Control” by the famous tax law expert, Prof. Gao Jinping, helped our entrepreneurial project reasonably evade the tax by 70%; “Commercialization of Cultural Resources” by Huang Xinzhang, dubbed as the “Godfather of Taiwan Sightseeing Factories,” provided good references of business models to revitalize our traditional cultural projects; “Shopping Mall’s Products Planning and Operation Management” by the Internationally ICMCI-certified CMC consultant, Li Qihua, provided the data support for our format portfolio. I believe the study of higher programs will yield bigger benefits to me.



Two. As the professional field of MBA is still the weakness of the Chinese cultural industry of intangible cultural heritage, new ideological models and professional capabilities will offer an enterprise more promising prospects:


Driven by the policy of “mass entrepreneurship and innovation,” Chinese cultural industry has kept generating new derivative business patterns and new models. However, the industrialization development of the “old business brands and intangible cultural heritages” in the category of culture has fallen far behind those industries of films, comic & animation, and other plates in terms of business innovation, brand awareness, marketing concepts, management mechanism and capitalization. The study of MBA can make up for these shortcomings and help us secure better key competitive forces in the future.


Three. To gain more powerful friendships and better platform resources: 首先我觉得“你的合作伙伴越强大,你的公司就会越成功,伙伴强、你才强”。MBA是管理精英的集合,我相信会在这里遇见更多有热情和梦想的人,这些优秀的人会让我时时保持饥饿,让我更加快速的成长,并获得不同领域的专业意见与资源。

It is my conviction that “the stronger you working partners are, the bigger success your company will get; the stronger your partners are, the stronger you will be.” The MBA program is always an aggregate of management elites. I believe I will meet

more individuals here with great enthusiasm and dreams. These outstanding people will make me always feel in want of learning, stimulate me in my growth, and provide me with professional viewpoints and resources in various fields.


Four. A stronger comprehensive capability can help get more right to speak in partnership:


It is a time of partners now and no longer a time for single heroes. Apart from sharing different rights and obligations in proportion to each partner’s devotion of capitals, the partners making more contributions deserve more right to speak in the distribution. It is indispensable for a partner to own not only the knowledge and insight of users, products and markets, but also the capability to acquire resources or attract customers as well as other essential abilities for a project’s long-term development.


Five. The more independent a woman is, the better quality of life she is capable of:



It is my belief that “a woman shouldn’t be the so-called ‘embroidered pillow’ with nothing in the brain. A well-educated woman will lead a different life than an uneducated one. The highest beauty and quality of a woman is expressed in her riches in spirit and mind. Such a woman will never lose control of life as time goes by; she will be brave to be herself rather than justified by the male value systems; she will never be afraid of time and senility but be beautiful and strong-minded forever.” These are the reasons for me to continue studying. MBA is not the final destination but an important stop in the roadmap of my life plan.


Six. Time and money allowed by appropriate phrase and partnership support:


At present, the project is steady in its current phase with stable proceeds. It has entered into the bottleneck period in local areas; meanwhile, it is potentially to be acquired by a state-owned culture enterprise. Except for some logistical supplies for militaries, it is not scheduled to be expanded on the existing basis in the following couple of years. If it is going to be deepened in business lines or expanded in other places, greater platforms, resources and management abilities will be needed. All the partners share the same idea with me in consensus and strongly agree to the continued study and the expansion of personal platform of mine.


What are your special qualities for the MBA program?


First of all, I have the special capability of combined academic theories with management practices from the business institute:


During the year in the Overseas Institute of Education of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, I insisted on attending the EMBA classes of “Presidents’ Class of China Commercial Real Estate,” “Presidents’ Class of Commercial Interconnection” and “Presidents’ Class of International Commercial Retail” as an auditor; in the later classes of practice, my transformation rate of relevant knowledge into practice was much higher than the majority of the formal students.


Secondly, I am powerful in comprehension &learning, coupled with advantageous talent in math and logics, which makes me a strong candidate for MBA disciplines:

个人在数学方面曾经获得XXXXX,这对于在Master of Business Administration的应用统计(Applied Statistics)、金融会计(Financial Accounting)管理会计和控制(Management Accounting and Control)、价格和市场(Prices and Markets)等方面的学习有着先天的优势。

I have personally won XXXXX in math, thus making me congenitally advantageous in such MBA trainings as Applied Statistics, Financial Accounting, Management

Accounting and Control, and Prices and Markets.


Thirdly, my optimistic, open-minded and willing personality to communicate allows me the access to more social resources:


There is no doubt that the MBA platform is the best channel to building a high-quality social network. I am open-minded and more prone to the exchange in academic knowledge and experience instead of entertainment. I believe I am able to get higher-quality resources of significance within a limited time.


What is your plan for development in the following ten years?


Firstly, to incubate more expertized people and industrialize more cultural elements:


As a must-visit project nowadays for cultural tourists in Xi’an, the Chinese Traditional Food Incubator has incubated and forged multiple local star brands featured by cultural properties. For instances, “Yuexiang Donkey-foot Noodle,” originally made by a skilled man of Shaanxi, has developed into a business with more than 80 chain stores; the vintage brand of “Xiwa Chinese Hamburger” has spread across provinces. The incubation of Chinese food IP is just the starting point of my dream. In the future, I’m planning to activate more IPs of Chinese cultural elements, such as the development of the cultural copyrights of museums and relics.


Secondly, to create new cultural business models and make them more revitalized and increasingly profitable:


During the establishment of the food incubator “Art Keeper (Shouyiren),” we had created new food & drink business models through “recalculation” so as to avoid the traditional probability of loss by 75% in the catering industry, having greatly reduced the entrepreneurial risks and investment costs. In the future, we are convinced that better “core algorithm” and “crossover operation concepts” will bear better effects on the industry in creating new cultural production means and products types by means of content innovation and the construction of technical & industrial chains. I think this is pointing to a rather creative and significant future.


Thirdly, to form a unique industrial theory and become the leader of cultural industry in spreading the ideas;

同时做到商业、科学理论、应用层面做出一定的贡献是我的人生目标。如埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的“第一性原理思维”(first principles thinking)+“科学方法”+意识形态+产品逻辑。我希望未来通过不断的项目实践,我会逐渐形成自己的核心理论与方法论;并证明她是行之有效的。如果可以,我会总结并传播她。 My life goal is to make certain contributions in the fields of commerce, scientific theory and application. As exemplified in Elon Musk’s “first principles thinking” plus “scientific methods” plus ideology plus product logics, it is my hope to gradually materialize my own core theory and methodology in the future via continuous project practices and prove its feasibility. If possible, I will summarize it and propagate it around.


Lastly, to travel around the world

没有周游过世界,哪里可以拥有更好的“世界观”?世界那么大,总要去看看。 No better “world view” can be held without personally traveling around the world. The world is so big and deserves our visits.

