Unit 4作业答案

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第五册第四单元选词填空 B5U4P85

1) The executives will have to demonstrate the kind of managerial abilities needed to keep their corporation ______.

(ahead of the pack 处于同类中的领先地位) 领导们不得不展示出必需的领导才能,这样才能使得自己的企业在同行中保持领先。

2) Buying a new car is first on Bob’s list of _______ . (priorities优先考虑的事物) 买车是鲍勃首先考虑的问题。

3) Sociologists have found through their research that single parents are more likely to be _______. (permissive纵容,百依百顺)


4) In my opinion, arrangements could ________ meet individual requirements. (be tailored to 为适应特点需要)


5) This is so-called proof is mere_____ based on circumstantial evidence. (assumption 假想,主观臆断)


6) In her eyes, this young man, knowledgeable and well-mannered, is the most _____ bachelor in the world. (eligible 符合条件的,中意的)


7) This afternoon I _______ the hospital to see Nancy before going home. (stopped by 短暂拜访或前往)


8) Much research has shown a clear _____ between smoking and lung cancer. (correlation 关联, 关系)


9) This politician is neither radical nor conservative; he is somewhere ______. (in between 介于两个极端之间)


10) The Ivy League is a group of eight ______ universities in the northeastern part of the US. (prestigious有名望的) 常青藤指的是美国东北部的八所著名大学。

11) Traveling different countries can _______ one’s life in many ways. (enrich 使…丰富)


12) ____ drinking can lead to stomach disorders. (Excessive 过度的,过量的)


13) Decades ago, strikes were _____ for the factory workers. (the norm 标准,规范)


14) This big house is neglected and its woodwork has started to ____. (rot 腐朽)


15) A flu _____ is sweeping through the area this winter. (epidemic 传染病,流行病)


16) I _____ that only an extremely narrow-minded person would make such nasty remarks.

(presume / presumed 猜测臆测)


17) Does the term “super kids” mean “children with ______ abilities”? (exceptional不平庸,超过常人的)


18) A few years ago it was Bacryl who ____ the institute. (took charge of 掌管)


第五册 第四单元词语解释 B5U4 P86 1) He was regarded as one of the most successful entrepreneurs of modern

times. looked upon as 他是现代最成功的实业家之一。

2) Since Starbucks opened the first coffee shop at Seattle in 1971, thousands

of its chain stores have sprung up all over the world. sprouted up 自从1971年星巴克在西雅图开第一家咖啡店之后,在全世界涌现出成千上万的连锁店。

3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

He refused to take their pills, because he thought that probably they would poison him. more likely than not 他拒绝服用他们给他的药物,因为他认为很可能他们想毒死他。

When the wreck of the boat was found, people took it for granted that the missing passengers were all dead. presumed 当人们找到船的残骸时,想当然地以为失踪的乘客都死了。

By the end of this month I’ll be 60 years old and qualified for retirement. eligible 这个月底我就满60岁了,够退休的资格了。

Statistics provided by recent research have clearly demonstrated the connection between recession and levels of property crime. correlation 最新研究数据显然证明,经济萧条和侵占财产罪的数量有关联。

I think I should be the first person to act and improve relations with her. take the initiative


Highly motivated, she is always eager to improve her ability and proficiency as a language teacher. competence


The landing of men on the moon was a very great scientific achievement. tremendous


Some commentators observe that Europe has got used to following rather than leading others. staying ahead of the pack


From his earliest years the great scientist showed an extraordinary talent for mathematics. exceptional


They have lost their jobs and homes but they did not lose their self-respect. self-esteem







14) 15)

This young artist has managed to build up a successful career as a painter. carve out


She believes if women are so concerned with their careers, they will have little time left for friendship and family life.


第五册 大学英语精读 句子翻译 Unit 4 P87

1) Far from being permissive, many parents are putting tremendous pressure on their children to be exceptional in everything.

(Instead of indulging their children to do what they want, many parents put excessive pressure on them in hopes of their excellence in all aspects.)

2) Owing to her academic excellence, this Changsha girl has been accepted by several prestigious American universities, including Harvard, Yale and MIT.

(On account of/ Because of /As a result of / Thanks to her excellence in academic study, … has received offers from several famous …)

3) Many parents start their children in piano or violin lessons at ever-earlier ages in hopes that they will become exceptional pianists or violinists.

(Many parents let their children start training in piano or violin at an ever-earlier age so that they would become outstanding pianists or violinists in the future.)

4) In modern society, clothing styles change yearly. Some are in this year but will be out the next.

(In contemporary times, fashions styles never stop changing every year. Some are in vogue this year but are out of date next year.)

5) More likely than not, what this “new” parenting idea brings about will be

“super problems” rather than “super kids”.

(Most probably, this “new” parenting notion/ mentality can bring only “super problems”, not “super kids”.

6) Young people should be given the opportunity

to take the initiative, to take responsibility for their mistakes and credit for their achievements.

7) In my view, he is so weak-willed that he could

hardly give up smoking. To my surprise, he has easily cured himself of this bad habit.

(He had such a weak will that I didn’t think he could quit smoking, but unexpectedly / out of my expectation he easily got rid of this bad habit.)

8) Demands on students have to be tailored to their interests and abilities

第五册第四单元短语填空 B5U4P88 look ___________

1) She found herself______more and more eagerly to seeing him again. (looking forward…to… 期盼)


2) The teacher conducted the experiment while the students______. (looked on 旁观)


3)The Americans______George Washington as the leader of their country. (look up to/look on 把…看作)


4) ______when you’re crossing the street . (Look out 小心,当心) 你穿过街道时要小心啊。

5) Do you think it’s a good reading habit to ______ every new word in a dictionary?

(look up 查找,查询)


