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设计题目 所属学院 专 业 班 级 学生姓名 指导老师 完成日期 抓斗的设计
Design and simulation of Grab
The crane is an important jack-up equipment that is utilized widely in all kinds of the engineering constructions. It plays an important role in lessening the work intensity, conserving the labor power, reducing the cost of construction, enhancing the quality of carrying out construction, quickening the speed of the construction, and achieving the mechanization of carrying out the project.
In the crane, the organ used to promote or descend the cargoes is called the elevating mechanism. The elevating mechanism is the most important and fundameatal organization of the crane. Whether it works well or not will directly affect the work property of the whole crane. The elevating mechanism consists of the drive device, circling and coiling system of the steel cable, drawing goods device and the safely protecting device. The drive device contains the electric motor, joint-shaft instrument, brake, decelerated instrument and the reel.
The grab bucket is a kind of the drawing goods device that helps in the hoist’s loading and unloading and bulking materials. The movements of grasping and unloading are operated in the driver’s room. It doesn’t need any auxiliary people to assist, therefore the productivity is higher and it is extensively used in the ports, stations, mines and synthetic yards. According to its manners of opening and closing, the grab bucket is usually divided into three varieties, single-rope grab bucket, double-rope grab bucket and motor grab bucket. The development of the double-rope grab bucket is more rapid. What we always use is the grab bucket of the long braced rod.
The paper mainly revolves around the structural design of the grab bucket, the design and calculation of the elevating mechanism and the 3D simulation of the grab bucket. In order to reveal more dearly the convenience that the grab bucket brings to the engineering construction and to demonstrate abundantly the work principle of the grab bucket, it needs to simulate the operation process of the grab bucket and it will apply some manifestated technique of the art in the process of simulation to make it be closed to the reality.
The main purpose of this design is to understand the process of the hoist’s design by the design and calculation to the grab bucket and the elevating mechanism. Key word: Grab; Hoisting mechanism; Design; Simulation
目 录
摘要·····················································Ⅰ Abstract··················································Ⅱ 1 前言···················································1 2 抓斗的设计·············································2 2.1抓斗类型的选择和介绍··································2 2.2抓斗自重的确定········································2 2.3抓斗自重的分配········································3 2.4颚板宽度··············································3 2.5抓斗最大开度··········································4 2.6抓斗的几何参数········································5 2.7抓斗颚板的侧面形状····································6 2.8滑轮组倍率············································7 2.9抓斗的验算············································7 3 起升机构的设计计算·····································9 3.1起升机构驱动装置布置方式的选择························9 3.2钢丝绳与卷筒的选择····································9 3.3滑轮组的选择··········································12 3.4电动机的选择··········································12 3.5减速器的选择··········································15
3.6制动器的选择··········································16 3.7连轴器的选择··········································18 3.8起制动时间验算········································19 3.9制动时间验算··········································20 4 总结···················································23 5 致谢···················································24 参考文献·················································25 附录A···················································26 附录B···················································31
起重机械是各种工程建设广泛应用的重要起重设备。它对减轻劳动强度,节省人力,降低建设成本,提高施工质量,加快建设速度,实现工程施工机械化起着十分重要的作用。 它适用于工业建筑、民用建筑和工业设备安装等工程中的结构与设备的安装工作以及建筑材料、建筑构件的垂直运输与装卸工作。它也广泛应用于交通、农田、水电、和军工等部门的装卸和安装工作。,不仅解决了人力无法胜任的作业,而且能保证工程质量,缩短工期,降低成本,成为极其重要的施工机械。其特点是:能在一定范围内垂直起升和水平移动物品的机械,动作间歇性和工作循环性。可以说使用范围十分的广,是现在工程中的主要设备。
抓斗根据被抓取散料的容量(?)分为:轻型抓斗(??1.2t/m3)、中型抓斗(??1.2 t/m3—2.0 t/m3)、重型抓斗(?=2.0 t/m3—2.6 t/m3)、特重型抓斗(??2.6 t/m3)。 根据抓斗的操作特点,可分为单绳抓斗、双绳抓斗和马达抓斗。单绳抓斗只用一根工作绳,它用来支持和开闭抓斗,即又作支持绳又做开闭绳,只由单卷筒驱动,可作为起重机的备用取物装置。但抓斗上需增设闭锁装置,构造复杂,生产率低,不宜用于大量或经常装卸散粒物品的地方。双绳抓斗开闭绳与支持绳用双卷筒分别驱动以实现颚板开闭或起升下降。构造和操作简单,自重较轻,对于多种物料适应性强,生产率高,是目前最典型和用的最广泛的一种抓斗型式。通过任务书所提供的资料,选择设计的抓斗为四绳抓斗。
2.1 抓斗类型的选折和介绍
1-上横梁 2-定轴板 3-臂架 4-下横梁 5-头部 6-颚板
图1 长撑杆抓斗机构图
图2 抓斗钢丝绳张力变化
2.2 抓斗自重的确定
抓斗自重按公式2.1确定: Gd=K1·Q (2.1) 式中:Q——抓斗起重机额定起重量(t); K1——抓斗自重系数,可由表1查出。
表1 抓斗自重系数K1
0.63 0.434 0.8 0.429 1.0 0.426 1.25 0.420 1.60 0.416 2.00 0.410 2.50 0.408 3.20 0.400 散料容重(t/m) 抓斗自重系数K1 3 8
由开题给定的容重?=0.9-1.0 t/m3,取?=1 t/m3,故K1=0.426。所以:
Gd=K1·Q=0.426×16=6.816 t
2.3 抓斗自重的分配
Gdi=K2·Gd (2.2) 式中:Gdi——抓斗各部分自重(t);
表2 抓斗自重分配系数K2
鄂板 0.45 上承梁 0.21 下承梁 0.18 撑杆 0.16 K2 通过上表可知:颚板自重:Gd1=0.45×6.816=3.0672 t 上承梁自重:Gd2=0.21×6.816=1.4314 t 下承梁自重:Gd3=0.18×6.816=1.2269 t 撑杆自重:Gd4=0.16×6.816=1.0906 t
2.4 颚板宽度
近年来,抓斗的颚板宽度有增大的倾向,这样可相应增大抓斗张开后的覆盖面积。 颚板宽度B可由下式计算:
B?K3·3Vd (2.3) 式中:Vd——抓斗体积(m3),Vd的计算公式为式2.4:
Vd=Gt/? (2.4) 式中:Gt——抓斗的抓取量(t); ?——散料容重(t/m3);
由开题给定的容重?=0.9-1.0 t/m3,取?=1 t/m3,则K3=1.42。
表3 抓斗自重系数K3
0.63 1.5 0.8 1.42 1.0 1.42 1.25 1.34 1.60 1.34 2.00 1.34 2.50 1.26 3.20 1.186 散料容重(t/m) 抓斗自重系数K3 3Vd= Gt/?=(Q-Gd)/?=(16-6.816)/1.0=9.184 m3
B?K3·3Vd =1.42×39.184=2.9737 m
2.5 抓斗最大开度
3V Lmax?K·(2.5) d4式中:K4——抓斗最大开度系数,由表4选取。
表4 抓斗自重系数K4 散料容重(t/m) 抓斗自重系数K4 3 0.63 1.774 0.8 1.924 1.0 1.924 1.25 2.086 1.60 2.194 2.00 2.250 2.50 2.379 3.20 2.516 由开题给定的容重?=0.9-1.0 t/m3,取?=1 t/m3,则K4=1.924。
Lmax?K4·3Vd =1.924×39.184=4.029 m
2.6 抓斗的其他几何参数
2.6.1 抓斗张开的覆盖面积
A=B·Lmax= K3·K4·3Vd2 (2.6) =1.42×1.924×4.3855=11.9816 m2
2.6.2 抓斗在抓取过程中的平均挖掘深度
H= Vd/A= Vd/( K3·K4·3Vd2) (2.7) =9.184/11.9816=0.7665 m
2.6.3 抓斗挖掘深度系数
K5=H/Lmax (2.8) =0.7665/4.029=0.190
表5 抓斗自重系数K5 散料容重(t/m) 抓斗自重系数K5 3 0.63 0.212 0.8 0.190 1.0 0.190 1.25 0.172 1.60 0.155 2.00 0.142 2.50 0.140 3.20 0.133 因此K5=0.190
2.6.4 抓斗颚板宽度B与最大开度Lmax之比
?=B/Lmax=K3/K4 (2.9) =1.42/1.924=0.7380
表6 系数?
散料容重(t/m) 3 0.63 0.801 0.8 0.738 1.0 0.738 1.25 0.643 1.60 0.611 2.00 0.596 2.50 0.530 3.20 0.471 ? 所以选取?=0.738。
2.7 抓斗颚板的侧面形状
F= Vd/2B (2.10) 式中:Vd——给定的抓斗容积(m3)。
图2 颚板侧面几何形状 (a)圆底颚板;(b)平底颚板
表7 ?0和?
?0 轻型抓斗 24° ~35° 30°~35° 中型抓斗 22°~26° 25°~30° 重,特重型抓斗 22°~26° 25° ? 因为是中型抓斗所以选取?0=30°,?=30°。 颚板侧形半长l可由下式计算: l=K6Vd= K6B3VdK3 (2.11)
l=K6Vd= K6B3VdK3=0.84×
9.184=1.476 m
h=l·tan?0=1.237×tan35°=0.8662 m
h1=h2/3=0.852/3=0.284 m
F= Vd/2B =9.184/(2×2.9737)=1.5442 m2
1121·l·h+·h1·(l+l)+ ·l·h 22321121 =×1.476×0.8662+×0.284×(1.476+×1.476)+ ×1.476×0.8662
2232 =0.6393+0.34932+0.6393
F'和F相差较小,所以适合。所以l=1.476 m,h2=0.852 m,h=0.866 m,
h1=0.284 m,F=1.5442m2。
表8 抓斗颚板侧形系数K6
散货密度(容重) 0.63 0.80 1.00 1.25 1.60 2.00 2.50 3.20 t/m3 抓斗颚板侧形系数K6 0.796 0.840 0.840 0.885 0.930 0.954 0.979 1.004 所以选取K6=0.840。
2.8 滑轮组倍率
增加滑轮组倍率可降低开闭绳在抓取过程中的张力ST,使挖掘压力增大FT,提高了抓取能力。但滑轮组倍率增加会引起开闭绳磨损加剧,也使闭合行程和闭合时间加长。因而应当综合考虑这些情况来确定滑轮组倍率。四绳抓斗的滑轮组倍率推荐值如表9。 表9 抓斗闭合滑轮组倍率 滑轮组倍率 轻型抓斗 2~3 中型抓斗 3~4 重型抓斗 5~6 特重型抓斗 6 取滑轮组倍率m=4。 2.9 抓斗的验算
2.9.1 抓取能力的验算
在抓斗的主要参数确定后,可由下式进行验算: Gt= Gd·k·e
?2S (2.12)
2.9.2 颚板强度验算
MB=K0·q0·B2 (2.13) 式中:K0——系数,按颚板底板长度比A/B,由表10选取; q0——底板上的均布压力,按下式计算:
q0=K7·?·Vd/(2A·B) (2.14) =1.33×1×9.184/(2×11.9816×2.9737)
=0.1714 K7——材料分布不均匀系数,取K7=1.33。
表10 系数K0 A/B K0 A/B 0.5 0.06 1.0 0.112 0.12 0.074 1.2 0.126 0.6 0.088 1.4 0.132 0.7 0.097 2.0 0.133 0.8 0.107 ? 0.9 K0
图3 颚板强度计算简图
?=MB/W =( K0·《??? (2.15) q0·B2)/(?02/6)式中:?——底板厚度;
3.1 起升机构驱动装置布置方式的选择
1、电动机 2、卷筒 3、联轴器 4、轴 5、制动器 6、减速器 图4 起升机构方案图
图4 起升机构的驱动装置
3.2 钢丝绳与卷筒的选择
3.2.1 钢丝绳计算
1?1?2?3???1 (N) (3.1)
采用双联滑轮组,钢丝绳最大静拉力: S=Q/(2m·?z)·
?1?2?3??? (N) (3.2)
式中:Q——起升载荷,Q=Q0+q, Q0为额定起升载荷,q为取物装置的重力,当起升高度大于50m时,起升钢丝绳的重力亦应计入(N); m——滑轮组倍率;
16×1041S=Q/(2m·?z)·×==21726.5 (N) 4?1?2?3???2×4×0.97(0.987)?1所以:S闭=S=21726.5(N), S支=66%在此处键入公式。S=14339.5(N)。
表11 滑轮组效率?
滚动轴承 滑动轴承 滑轮 效率 滑 滑 2 0.99 0.98 轮 轮 3 0.98 0.95 组 组 4 0.97 0.98 效 倍 5 0.96 0.90 率 率 6 0.95 0.88 ? m 8 0.93 0.84 10 0.92 0.80 ?z 0.98 0.96 表12 与包角?有关的导向滑轮效率值
? ? 滑动轴承 滚动轴承 15 0.985 0.99 45 0.975 0.987 90 0.96 0.985 100 0.95 0.98 d=CS (3.3)
式中:C——选择系数;因为工作级别为M5,所以C=0.100; S——钢丝绳最大工作静拉力。
所以:d闭=0.100× 21726.5=14.74 取d闭=20 mm,同理取d支=18 mm。
F0≥Sn (3.4) 式中:F0——所选钢丝绳的整绳破断拉力(N);
n——安全系数,由起重机设计手册表3-1-2选取,M5=5。 所以F0闭≥21726.5×5=108632.7 N,F0支≥14339.5×5=71697.5 N。
由机械设计手册查的所直径钢丝绳满足要求,选用6×19类的该直径钢丝绳,d闭=20,公称抗拉强度为1770MPa时,最小破断拉力为252kN,d支=18 mm,公称抗拉强度为1770时,最小破断拉力为204.00kN,符合要求,可以选用。
3.2.2 卷筒的尺寸计算
d (3.5) D1min=h·
式中:D1min——按钢丝绳中心计算的滑轮(或卷筒)的最小卷绕直径(mm); h——与机构工作级别和钢丝绳结构有关的系数,按表13选用;
表13 系数h 机构工作级别 卷筒 h 滑轮 h M1-M3 14 16 M4 16 18 M5 18 20 M6 20 22.4 M7 22.4 25 M8 25 28 所以:D卷=18×20=360 mm,取D卷=480 mm。 卷筒直径:
D= D卷+d=480+20=500 mm
L1=90 mm
p=(1.1~1.2)d=22~24 mm
取p=24 mm
L2=3p=3×24=72 mm
最大起升高度为Hmax=16 m。
Hmaxa16?4?2)?24=49 mm +z1)p=(
3.14?500?DLs=2(L0+L1+L2)+m=2×(49+90+72)+100=522 mm
取卷筒长度L=800 mm。
L L1 L2 D 图5 卷筒示意图
?压=Fmax/(?p)=21726.5/(14.5×24)=62.4<750 N/ mm2
n1=60mv/(?D)=60×4×0.5/(3.14×0.5)=76.43 r/min
图6 卷筒槽示意图
3.3 滑轮组的选择
D1min=h·d=20×20=400 mm
3.4 电动机的选择
3.4.1 静功率的就算及初选电动机
图7 铸造滑轮绳槽断面图
P?Qv/1000?(kW) (3.6) 式中:Q,v——起升载荷及起升速度;
表14 传动效率?常用传动类型 闭式双级圆柱齿轮传动 轴承型式 滚动 4
?4 0.94~0.96 19
闭式三级圆柱齿轮传动 开式一级圆柱齿轮传动 闭式双级圆锥齿轮运动 开式一级圆锥齿轮传动 一级行星摆线针轮传动 常用传动类型 蜗轮蜗杆传动 滚动 滚动 滑动 滚动 滑动 滚动 滑动 滚动 轴承类型 单头 双头 三头 0.92~0.94 0.92~0.94 0.90~0.92 0.88~0.92 0.85~0.90 0.90~0.92 0.88~0.90 0.85~0.90 0.70~0.75 0.75~0.80 0.80~0.85 所以电动机功率: =Qv /1000?=16×104×0.5/(1000×0.9)=88.89 kW P闭×66%=88.89×66%=58.67 kW P支=P闭
图8 电动机示意图
初选电动机开闭电动机YZR355L1,额定功率为110 kW,额定转速为582r/min,支持绳
3.4.2 电动机发热验算
电动机在工作时由于电流通过绕组而引起发热,起动时因电流较大,发热也较大,尤其是当起动时间长或频繁的起动时。更甚,电动机温升过高,会使绕组的绝缘性能降低, 严重时使电动机烧坏。故应对初选的电动机作发热验算,以控制电动机的温升,使在容许范围内。对一般线绕式电动机,按照等效功率法,求JC?25%时所需的等效功率: P'≥K25·?·P (3.7) 式中: K25——工作级别系数,查《起重机设计手册》表3-28取K25=0.75; ?——系数,查《起重机设计手册》表3-52起升机构曲线得?=0.87。
Pe闭=0.8×88.89=71.11>P'闭, Pe支=0.8×58.67=46.94>P'支
由以上计算结果,故初选电动机能满足发热条件。 3.4.3 电动机的过载能力校核
起升机构电动机过载能力按下式进行校核: P0≥
Qv (3.8) 1000?式中:P0——在基准接电持续率时的电动机额定功率(kW); n——电动机转矩的允许过载倍数; ?M——电动机转矩的允许过载倍数;
3.5 减速器的选择
3.5.1 减速器传动比
i0=n/nt (3.9) 式中:n——电动机额定转动(r/min) ; nt——卷筒转速(r/min) 。
按所采用的传动方案考虑传动比分配,选用标准减速器或进行减速器装置的设计,根据i0确定出实际传动比i。 所以:
i0闭=582/76.43=7.6 i0支=969/76.43=12.6 3.5.2 标准减速器的选用
当n=582r/min,i=7.6时,开闭绳减速机选用QJR400-10ⅢH型,额定功率为155KW,传动比为10,额定转速710,输入轴直径为135mm 当n=969r/min,i=12.6时,支持绳减速机选用QJR335-12.5Ⅲ H型,额定功率为98KW,传动比为12.5,额定转速950,输入轴直径为115mm.
3.5.3 减速器的验算
P=P0·n/n1 (3.11) 式中: P0——P0=1.25P
=110×710/582=134.2<155KW P闭P支=75×950/969=73.5<98KW
3.6 制动器的选择
?/(2mi) (N· Tz≥Kz·Q·D·m) (3.12)
式中:Tz——制动器制动转矩(N·m) ;
Kz——制动安全系数,与机构重要程度和机构工作级别有关,见表15; Q——额定起升载荷(N); ?——机构总效率; D——卷筒卷绕直径(m) ;
m——滑轮组倍率; i——传动机构传动比。
表15 制动安全系数
起升机构工作级别和使用场合 Kz 1.5 1.75 2 2.5 ≥1.25 1.25 ≥1.1 1.25 M1~M4起升机构和一般起升机构 M5,M6起升机构和重要齐声机构 M7起升机构 M8起升机构 在同一套驱动装置中装两个支持制动器 两套驱动装置,刚性连接,每套装置有两个支持制动器 两套以上驱动装置,刚性相联,每套装置有两个支持制动器 液压起升机构 所以Kz=1.75。 开闭绳:
=1575 N·m 支持绳:
=1260 N·m
根据《机械设计手册》查的标准制动器,选用ZWZA—400/400 型制动器。
图10 制动器示意图
3.7 联轴器的选择
T=k1·k3·T0max≤[T] (3.13) 式中: T——所传扭矩的计算值(N·m);
T0ma——按第Ⅱ类载荷计算的轴传最大扭矩,对高速轴T0max=(0.7~0.8)?MTR,在此x?M为电动机转矩允许过载倍数, TR为电动机额定转矩, TR=9550P/n(N·m),电动机额定
功率(kW),n为转速(r/min);对低速轴, T0max=?2·Tj,在此?2为起升载荷动载系数,Tj为钢丝绳最大静拉力作用在卷筒的扭矩(N·m);
[T] ——联轴器许用扭矩(N·m),由手册或产品目录中查得; k1——联轴器重要程度系数,对起升机构k1=1.8,其他见表16;
k3——角度偏差系数,选用齿轮联轴器时, k3值见表17,其他类型联轴器k3=1。
表16 系数k1
载荷 类型 Ⅰ Ⅱ 机 起升,变幅 1.8 1.3 表17 系数k3
轴的角度偏差 0.25 1.0 0.5 1.25 1 1.5 1.5 1.75 构 运行,回转 1.3 k3 代入数据计算结果,根据结果选取联轴器,靠电动机端轴的联轴器,选用CLZ3型半联轴器,最大容许转矩为5198.4 N·m, 飞轮力矩GD2t?0.435kg·m2,质量md?25.5kg;靠减速器的轴端联轴器,选取ZQ-650型减速器半齿联轴器,最大容许转矩?MJ??3150 N·m,飞轮矩?GD2?J?1.8 kg·m2,质量MJ?38.5 kg。
前面的计算都是考虑机构处于稳定运动状态时的精力计算。众所周知,起重机是一种间歇动作的机械,工作是周期性的。在每个工作循环中,起升机构也被断续地开动与停止,而每次开动过程中又都包括有起动(加速)、稳定运动(等速)及制动(减速)三个时期。在起动和制动时期,机构作变速运动,因而 有加速度与惯性力的作用。当起动、制动时间过长时,加速度固然很小,但这会影响起重机的生产率;而起动、制动时间过短时,加速度太大,会给金属结构和机械部分带来很大的动力载荷。因而必须把起动与制动时间控制在一定的范围内。
图11 联轴器示意图
3.8 起制动时间验算
tq??J?n9.55(Tq?Tj) (3.14)
式中:[J]----起升时换算到电动机轴上的总转动惯量 ?J??1.15(Jd?Je)?其中: Jd——电动机转子的转动惯量; Je——制动轮和联轴器的转动惯量。
11Jd?Je?[(GD2)d?(GD2)t?(GD2)J]?[2.86?0.435?1.8]?1.2744410?103?0.51452?1.515?J??1.15?1.274?40?42?142?0.917P63 Tq?1.7T额?1.7?9550??1.7?9550??1416.63n966Q?D100?103?0.5145TJ???739.81'2mi0?2?4?14?0.917tq?1.515?722?0.179.55?(1416.63?739.81)QD0240mi?2'20 (3.15)
????3.9 制动时间验算
tZ??J?n'''j9.55(TZ?T) (3.16)
式中: n'——满载下降时电动机转速,通常取n'?1.1n?1.1?722?794.2r/min; TZ——制动器制动转矩,由上述可知TZ?T?1000N·m。
Tj'?'QD010000?0.5145?0.917???622.1N·m (3.17) '2mi02?4?14?T?——下降时换算到电动机轴上的机构总转动惯量,按下式计算:
[J]?1.55(Jd?Je)?'QD02,? (3.18) 240m2i'010?103?0.51452 =1.55?1.274+40?42?142?0.917=1.507kg·m2 t1.507?794.2Z?9.55?(1000?622.1)?0.33s
?tZ? ——推荐制动时间,可取?tZ???tq??1~1.5s
则 tZ??tq?,所以制动时间符合要求。
4 总 结
为了更好的展示抓斗的工作原理和其优越的性能,本次设计采用了3DMAX对其进行动画仿真,充分展示了抓斗在抓取物料和抛洒物料的全过程。在用3DMAX仿真的时候,为了达到更好的效果,还运用到了一些艺术的手法,用Photoshop进行图片处理。在3D造型方面,由于3DS MAX 6.0对具体参数建模能力比较差,为了达到更好的效果,就必须对数据进行比例化处理,从而使得到的3D模型更趋于真实。仿真过程中,运用关键桢技术,对造好的模型进行处理,从而产生比较接近现实的仿真过程。
5 致 谢
参 考 文 献
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[5] ?.?. 伊万琴柯等.起重运输机械计算[M]. 北京:中国铁道出版社. 1982.7 [6] 顾迪民. 工程起重机[M]. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社. 1988
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[11] 洪家娣,李明,黄兴元.机械设计指导[M]. 南昌:江西高等学校出版社. 2001.12 [12] 肖文.电动液压散货抓斗计算机动态仿真[J].湖北工学院报,2002.6,17(2):27-29
Evaluating bridge and gantry cranes
Abstract (Document Summary)
Properly sized, designed, and installed bridge and gantry cranes dramatically increase production, significantly reduce material handling costs, and substantially lower the risk of employee injury. A properly maintained crane lasts at least 20 years, could reach 50 years or more, and occasionally outlives the structure or company originally housing or using the equipment. Bridge cranes are available in top running and underhung configurations, and single or double girder, to match plant structural and lifting requirements. Gantry cranes are constructed in single or double leg, single or double girder, and top running or underhung versions. Bridge cranes are usually used for high tonnages, long spans, and heavy duties. Gantry cranes are often a practical alternative to bridge cranes, and are capable of serving many of the same lifting, traveling, and duty classifications. Gantries are suitable if the plant structure cannot handle the bridge loading Full Text
Copyright Cahners Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier, Inc. Apr 2001
Properly sized, designed, and installed bridge and gantry cranes dramatically increase production, significantly reduce material handling costs, and substantially lower the risk of employee injury. A properly maintained crane lasts at least 20 yr. could reach 50 yr or more, and occasionally outlives the structure or company originally housing or using the equipment.
These overhead workhorses maneuver large, bulky loads through the plant for shipping and receiving, relocating and staging, or integrating with heavy-duty manufacturing operations.
Computers and other control packages near the equipment or at a remote location allow the crane to closely match almost any size and type of load, where and when needed, and under all operational and environmental conditions.
Hoisting speeds over 200 fpm, bridge speeds to 1000 fpm, and capacities over 1000 tons are available, although slower movements and smaller loads are the norm. Cranes are 15-30-ft overhead, but could be up to 200 ft to clear floor-mounted equipment, to place material where needed in the manufacturing operation, or for safety reasons. A variety of mechanisms, such as hooks, magnets, or buckets, are available on the hoist to match particular grabbing or lifting requirements. Types
Bridge cranes are available in top running and underhung configurations, and single or double girder, to match plant structural and lifting requirements. Gantry cranes are constructed in single or double leg, single or double girder, and top running or underhung versions.
Bridge cranes are usually used for high tonnages, long spans, and heavy duties. Although available in several forms, each crane design contains several pieces of common equipment. * Hoists are used to lift and lower the load.
* Trolleys consist of a frame, end trucks or wheels with side frames, and drive. They suspend or support the hoist, rope, and load block; and travel on one or more bridge rails or beams. * Girders are the principal horizontal structural steel beams holding the hoist and trolley. They are supported by end trucks and are perpendicular to the runway. Very wide or large capacity cranes require two or more girders.
* Runways consist of structural steel rails, girders, brackets, and framework. They support and allow movement of the crane through the plant.
* End trucks are an assembly of structural members, wheels, bearings, and axles that support the girders or trolley cross members.
* Bridges consist of girders, end trucks, walkways, cross bridge electrification controls, and drive mechanisms. They carry the trolley and travel along the runway rails.
Gantry cranes are often a practical alternative to bridge cranes, and are capable of serving many of the same lifting, traveling, and duty classifications. This floor-mounted equipment essentially \legs.
Gantries are suitable if the plant structure cannot handle the bridge loading, if the installation is temporary and may require relocation at a later date, or overhead runways are long, costly to erect, and difficult to maintain in alignment. The gantry is common in situations where the crane itself does little or no traveling, and material transfer is handled almost exclusively by the trolley. Top-running double girder
Top-running, double-girder cranes provide the greatest lifting capacities, highest tonnages, widest spans, and heaviest duties. Top-running single girder
Top-running, single-girder cranes have a one-beam bridge that rides on a rail atop the runway and handle loads up to 30 tons with spans up to 60 ft. Double-girder underhung
Double-girder underhung cranes have the hoist mounted above the bridge to attain a bit more headroom and reach capacities up to 50 tons. Single-girder underhung
Single-girder underhung cranes have the bridge end trucks running on the lower flanges of the runway beams and are usually limited to 10 tons. Double-leg gantry
Double-leg gantry cranes move along floor rails or guidepaths with a capacity typically less than
30 tons, although units reaching several hundred tons are in service. Single-leg gantry
Single-leg gantry cranes substitute a wall-mounted runway for the second leg and are usually designed to handle loads of less than 20 tons for a specific operation.
Single and double-leg, single-girder cranes typically handle less than 20 tons, although models that accommodate up to about 60 tons are available with special construction features. The two double-girder types usually have capacities less than 30 tons, but again, exceptions exist and some versions moving several hundred tons are in service.
For more information on cranes, visit the \[Sidebar] Safety first [Sidebar]
Safe crane operation is an issue of paramount importance. Components such as redundant brake concepts for hoists, more reliable controls, and economical overload detection systems are engineered into the cranes to help in the safety process.
Even with this equipment available, safety starts with the operator. Whenever there is doubt as to safety, the operator should stop the crane, report the problem to a supervisor, and not operate the equipment until satisfied it is safe to do so, or is directed to proceed by a supervisor.
Operators should be familiar with the principal parts of the crane. Employees should receive hands-- on training, read all instruction materials, and have a thorough knowledge of crane control functions and movements. The operator should test all crane controls at the beginning of each shift, and should perform a walk-around check to look for loose or damaged parts before commencing work.
There is a variety of other safety factors to consider.
* When the load approaches the rated capacity, the operator should test the hoisting brakes by raising the load a few inches and applying the brakes.
* The load should not be lowered below the point where less than two full wraps of wire rope remain on the hoist drum. [Sidebar]
* The operator should land any attached load and place the controllers in the \leaving a crane unattended.
* Loads should never be carried over workers' heads. * Cranes should never be used for side pulling.
* Hand signals between the operator and hooker should be clearly agreed upon and understood before moving a load.
* The operator should never lift two separately rigged loads at the same time.
* The operator should approach the desired position as far as possible at the main speed and use creeping for final positioning. Ropes,pulleys and drums Steel Wire Ropes
Steel wire ropes are used as flexible appliances to lift loads and transmit motion and forces. Such ropes are wound from steel wire from 0.5 mm to 2 mm in diameter and have an ultimate strength of 1400—2000N/mm2.Steel wire ropes are available in a great variety of
designs. Machines used in amterials handling, construction and road making are provided mostly
with round double lay (cross or regular lay)ropes from 11mm to 32 mm in dismeter.
Double lay ropes are manufactured from preliminarily twisted spiral wire strands.In a
parallel (Long)lay rope the direction of twist of the direction of twist of the wires in the strand is the same as that of the atrands in the rope, while regular lay ropes are so constructed that the direction of twist of the wires in the strand is opposite to that of the strands in the rope.
To make the ropes more flexible and provde proper lubrication of wires the strands are laid on a hemp core impregnated with oil.
Special locked-coil steel wire ropes find application in cable cranes and cable ways . These ropes ,used to carry trolleys, have the cross section. The outer specially shaped wires form a smooth surface. These ropes have a low flexibility and high resistance to wear and keep out moisture.
According to the regulations of State Technical Inspector,ropes are selected from the formula
Where: s:breaking load on the rope as a whole;
Q:safe load on the rope; n:rope safety factor.
lleys and Drums
Ropes are supported and guided by means of cast iron pulleys. The groove on the pulley rim is shaped so as not to pinch the rope.
The nominal diameter of the pulley D is the diameter of the circle described by the exis of the rope. The pulley diameter appreciably affects the magnitude of the bending stresses and the rope servive life and for this reason the existing norms should be taken into account in selecting a pulley diameter.
During lifting or other displacement of the load the rope may be wound around drums in the form of cylinders with a smooth or grooved surface.
A rope resting in a groove ensures, besides the proper direction , a smaller pressure on separate wires in the rop which increase the rop service life.
The rope capacity of a drum with a single-layer winding can be found from the formula
Where D:drum diameter;
d:rope diameter;
z:number of working turns on the drum surface; t:groove pitch.
Pulleys and drumsmay rotate in bronze bushes or in antifriction bearings. They may also revolve together with their axles, the hubs being fixed to the axles.
One of the most important components of crane is the brake on the hoisting motion. Electric cranes are invariably fitted with an automatic electric-mechanical brake actuated by solenoid or on alternating current by a thrustor which applies itself immediately current is cut off from the motor. Centrifugal brakes are occasionally fitted to prevent excessive acceleration when lowering, but it is preferable to use some system of electric braking such as dynamic with
potentiometer control on direct current, and one of the systems of creating an opposing torque
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