学术综合英语英语填空题翻译Unit 8

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Section A

Task2 A(P268) 1、The automobile designer has incorporate all the latest safety features into this new type of cars.


2、Even though the accident occurred a year ago, the police department deferred the investigation into the cause of it for six months. 虽然这个事故在一年前就发生了,但是警察局对这项事故原因的调查推迟了六个月。

3、Although not essential, some priorknowledge of statistics is desirable in doing marketing research.

尽管不是必要的,但是在做市场调查的时候一些先前的数据知识还是可取的。 4、During the past six months, oil prices fluctuated between $40 and $80 a barrel due to general expectation of low US oil stock.


5、Some people believe that spending the holidays in Australia isn’t an exciting prospect, but I find it particularly appealing. 一些人相信,在澳大利亚度假看不到令人兴奋的景色,但是我发现澳大利亚挺吸引人的。

6、Oil prices in the past twelve months have hit a record high of $80 a barrel, which some economists believe is a serious impediment to economic recovery.


7、Nearly all prestigious universities have every good libraries, because students must have access to good resources in order to do academic research. 几乎所有知名的大学都有自己的很好的图书馆,因为学生为了做学术研究必须使用优质的图书资源。

8、Realizing that main arguments were too lengthy, he compressed it into one chapter.


9、A mere trifle led to a quarrel between the two sides and finally escalated into a full-scale war.


10、With no hydroelectric resources to rely on, the electricity industry in this region has to consume large amounts of fossil fuels. 由于无法依靠水力发电,这个地区的电力产业不得不消耗大量的化石燃料来供电。 11、Some experts propose that China establish its own strategic oil reserves in response to the soaring oil prices.


12、Wal Mart, originally a small grocery store in a little-known town, has evolved into one of the largest chain stores worldwide. 起初,沃尔玛只是坐落在一个鲜为人知的小镇的小杂货店,现已发展成为世界上最大的连锁商店之一。

13、The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. The opening ceremony will be transmitted live by satellite to over 150 countries. 2008届奥运会将在北京举行。开幕式将由卫星转播到150多个国家。

14、Liquified coal is a goodalternative to oil and coal since it is cheaper than oil and cleaner than coal.


15、Experts have warned us to wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating them because research indicates that there are pesticide residues on them. 警告我们在吃水果和蔬菜之前要彻底清洗,因为研究表明它们上面有农药残留。

Task2 B(269)

1、It is practically impossible for a six-year-old boy to accomplish such a difficult task.(virtually)


2、In winter, some birds fly south, because the warm water there provides the best conditions for breeding.(optimum)


3、This information must not be disclosed without previous written consent.(prior) 未经事先书面同意,不得披露此信息。

4、This standard is easily achievable by most students.(attainable) 这个标准对大多数学生来说是很容易实现的。

5、If you want to go abroad, you usually have to go through a very longprocess of obtaining a visa.(length)


6、She had only a vague idea of what might happen and didn’t know how to prepare for what was going to happen.(notion) 她只有一个对可能会发生什么的模糊想法,但是她不知道如何应对将要发生的事情。

7、It’s unlikely that the oil prices will rise to $100 a barrel in the predictablefuture, for it would hinder the economic growth of not only oil-consuming but also oil-producing countries.(foreseeable) 在可预见的未来,石油价格可能会上升到100美元一桶,这不仅将阻碍石油消费国的经济增长,而且还会阻碍石油生产国的经济增长。

8、In scientific research, usually a hypothesis is made first and then experiments were conducted to confirm it or refute it.(formulated)

在科学研究中,通常是先做出一个假设,然后进行实验以此验它或者否定它。 9、Two thousand troops were sent and stationed in the area in order to maintain law and order during the election.(deployed)


10、Even though the investigation has been going on for two months, the police have

publicized no further details about the accident.(released)



Task2(P283) 1、Under the current energy conservation law, there are no tax intensives to encourage people to save fuel.


2、Different governmental departments many formulate different, sometimes even conflicting, policies on energy conservation. Therefore, there is an urgent need for greater coordination between departments. 不同的政府部门制定了许多不同的,有时甚至相互冲突的节能政策。因此,各部门之间亟需加强协调。

3、Astronauts who have to cross belts of high radiation during the outward and return journeys are exposed to small amounts of radiation every time. However, the cumulative effect of radiation could be enormous.


4、To prevent infectious diseases from spreading, it is mandatory for blood banks to test all donated blood for viruses.


5、There is a general consensus among teachers about the need for greater security in schools.


6、In picking the right person for the job, employers tend to believe that experience is what matters---age is of secondary importance. 在为工作选择合适的人时,雇主倾向于相信经验是重要的,年龄是次要的。 7、HuoYingdong, one of the most successful businessmen in Hong Kong, has paid many voluntary contributions to help other people.


8、High oil prices could hamper the growth of world economy and eventually affect the oil-producing countries.


9、A sensible businessman will diversify his investments, rather than investing all of his money in one project.

一个明智的商人将使他的投资多样化,而不是将他的所有资金投资于一个项目。 10、You will have to take it seriously, for it will determine whether you can graduate from the university or not.


11、Speculation could do the same for the rising market and falling market, for when prices go down, they will rush to sell what they have. 投机可以同时使市场行情上涨或是下跌,因为当价格下跌,他们会急于出售他们所有。

12、The patient was perceived to have difficulty in breathing after taking medicine. 病人在服药后被发现出现呼吸困难的症状。 13、The decline in oil prize was influenced in partby the news that us oil stock was on the rise. Of course ,there were many other reasons. 石油价格的降低,部分原因是受美国石油存量上升的影响,当然还有很多其他原因。

14、Aiming to solve the housing problem of low income citizens, the housing project are subsidized by the government. 为了解决低收入居民住房问题,住宅区建造项目由政府补贴。

15、Strict enforcement of traffic regulations is an effective way to rectify peccancies of drivers.


16、Even though the contributions of an individual are small and trivial ,their collective efforts can also make a difference.


17、According to the findings of some researchers, too much exposure to the sun can accelerate the aging process. 根据一些学者的研究,过多的日晒会加快老化。

18、Facing such a strain on its energy sector, china has to moderate its original demands for oil.


19、China has been making great efforts to get north korea and us back to the negotiating table to negotiate the difference of opinion on the nuclear program.


20、The volatility of oil prices in the past 18 month has cast a shadow over the economic recovery of the country.


