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The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: Guidance for Planning AuthoritiesPractical guidance on applying European Directive 2001/42/EC‘on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment’ to land use and spatial plans in England
October 2003 Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: London
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Background and Context
Objectives and requirements of the Directive
SEA and the planning process
SEA and Sustainability Appraisal
Plans for which SEA is not always required
Who should undertake the SEA?
Stages of SEA
Stage A:Setting the context and establishing the baseline
Stage B:Deciding the scope of SEA and developing alternatives
Stage C:Assessing the effects of the plan
Stage D:Consultation on the draft plan and Environmental Report
Stage E:Monitoring implementation of the plan
Appendix 1.Application of the SEA Directive to plans and programmes
Appendix 2.Other relevant plans, programmes and objectives
Appendix 3.Devising SEA and sustainability appraisal objectives and
Appendix 4.Sources of baseline data
Appendix 5.Presenting baseline information
Appendix 6.Assessing secondary, cumulative and synergistic effects
Appendix 7.Identifying and comparing alternatives
Appendix 8.Prediction and evaluation
Quality Assurance Checklist
References and further information
The SEA Directive5779911111213162022252729313132343942434651545659
The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: Guidance for Planning Authoritiesiv
1.1This publication presents guidance on how to carry out environmental assessment of
English land use and spatial plans in accordance with European Directive 2001/42/EC onthe assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment, knownas the ‘strategic environmental assessment’ or SEA Directive.
1.2 The SEA Directive applies to a wide range of plans and programmes, including among
others those for town and country planning and land use. It will apply to both the presentsystem of local authority development plans and Regional Planning Guidance and theproposed Local Development Documents and Regional Spatial Strategies, details of whichare set out in the Government’s Planning Policy Statement ‘Sustainable Communities –Delivering through Planning’.
1.3This guidance is focused on the application of the Directive to these plans in England. Itis
designed to be relevant to all types of plan, under both the existing and proposed planningsystems, from local to regional levels. It is intended to help authorities responsible for thefollowing plans in particular:
Local Plans
Unitary Development Plans
Structure Plans
Minerals Local Plans
Waste Local Plans
Regional Planning Guidance
The Spatial Development Strategy for London
Local Development Documents
Regional Spatial Strategies
1.4The Directive applies to plans and programmes, and modifications to them, whose formal
preparation begins after 21 July 2004. However, it will also apply to plans and programmeswhose formal preparation began before that date, if they have not been adopted (or
submitted to a legislative procedure leading to adoption) by 21 July 2006. This retroactiveprovision is likely to affect many plans which are already in preparation. The Governmenthas therefore decided to publish guidance in advance of the transposing legislation, to helpauthorities to become familiar with its requirements and to prepare for them.
1.5 This guidance is not intended as an interpretation of the law, but should be read in
conjunction with the Directive and transposing legislation.
The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: Guidance for Planning Authorities1.6
6The full text of the Directive can be found at the end of this guidance and online at:http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex/pri/en/oj/dat/2001/l_197/l_19720010721en00300037.pdfA diagram illustrating how the criteria of the Directive apply to a plan or programme is at Appendix 1.TerminologyThough Directive 2001/42/EC is usually referred to as the SEA Directive, it does not usethe term ‘strategic environmental assessment’ or SEA; rather, it requires an ‘environmentalassessment’ of certain plans and programmes. For convenience, however, we use the term‘SEA’ in this guidance to mean an environmental assessment which complies with theDirective.The Directive applies to ‘plans and programmes’. This guidance refers only to ‘plans’, butthis should be taken to include all relevant plans or programmes such as those listed inparagraph 1.3 above, regardless of their formal titles.Structure of the guidance Chapter 2 explains the procedural requirements of the Directive and how they relate toplan-making processes. Chapter 3 explains the stages of SEA and the main decisions andoutputs needed at each stage. A series of appendices give more detailed information onaspects of SEA, including examples. A glossary of terms is also provided.Acknowledgements This guidance was prepared for the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister by Levett-TherivelSustainability Consultants. ODPM carried out a public consultation exercise on a draft ofthe guidance between October 2002 and January 2003. ODPM and Levett-Therivel wouldlike to express their gratitude to the many people and organisations whose comments andsuggestions have contributed to its development.
The SEA Directive and thePlanning System
Objectives and requirements of the Directive
2.1The objective of the SEA Directive is ‘to provide for a high level of protection of the
environment and to contribute to the integration of environmental considerations intothe preparation and adoption of plans … with a view to promoting sustainable
development’ (Article 1). These aims are broadly consistent with a range of Governmentpolicies and have been reflected for some years in guidance for planning authorities. The Directive’s main new areas of emphasis are on:
collecting and presenting baseline environmental information;
predicting the significant environmental effects of the plan and addressing themduring its preparation;
identifying strategic alternatives and their effects;
consulting the public and authorities with environmental responsibilities as part of the assessment process;
monitoring the actual environmental effects of the plan during its implementation.
2.2The Directive defines ‘environmental assessment’ as a procedure comprising:
preparing an environmental report on the likely significant effects of the draft plan, carrying out consultation on the draft plan and the accompanying environmentalreport,
taking into account the environmental report and the results of consultation indecision-making, and
providing information when the plan is adopted and showing how the results of theSEA have been taken into account.
2.3Figure 1 sets out these requirements in detail, referring to the relevant provisions of
the Directive. The shaded parts of Figure 1 show elements of SEA which are alreadyestablished in Government guidance as good practice in plan-making or sustainabilityappraisal.
The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: Guidance for Planning Authorities
The SEA Directive and the Planning System
The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: Guidance for Planning Authorities
Figure 2:Stages of plan-making and SEA
Stages of plan-making
Key stages are shown in bold.
Detailed activities are in light type.
Identify issues and options and
prepare for consultation
The ODPM guidance publication ‘Making Plans’
suggests the following activities among others
at this stage:
Undertaking a policy context review
Carrying out assessment of adopted plan
Carrying out research and studies
Developing strategic options
Developing a participation strategy
Preparing the issues and options reportStages of SEA(and Sustainability Appraisalwhere relevant)Requirements of the Directive are in bold. Guidance on methods is in light type. Prepare Environmental Report on the likelysignificant environmental effects of the planor programme and reasonable alternatives(Article 5 and Annex I)The initial stages of SEA/sustainability appraisalcan be carried out in parallel with the issuesand options stage of plan-making. This will usually be the best time for: Identifying plans, programmes and environmental protection objectivesrelevant to the SEA
Developing SEA and sustainability appraisal
objectives, if these are to be used
Collecting data to establish environmental and
sustainabilitybaselines and identify problems
Identifying alternatives to be assessed
Consult authorities with environmental
responsibilities on the scope of the
Environmental Report (Article 5.4)
The Directive does not require public
consultation until the Environmental Report on
the draft plan is finalised, but authorities may
find it useful to publish environmental and
sustainabilityinformation in support of the issues
and options report. Public feedback at this
stage may also provide more information for the
Environmental Report or sustainability appraisal.
Make the Environmental Report on the draft
plan available to the public and
environmental authorities and give them the
opportunity to express opinions (Article 6)
At this stage the Environmental Report should
comply fully with Directive Annex I. It should
therefore cover:
the effects of the plan, including alternatives
still under consideration, on the environment
proposals for mitigating adverse effects
proposals for monitoring
Depending on the extent of changes to the plan
during this stage, revisions may be needed to
the Environmental Report/sustainability appraisal
Take account of the Environmental Report
and opinions from consultees (Article 8)
Integrate environmental and sustainability
considerations to amendments and
modifications to plan.
Publish information on how the Environmental
Report and consultees’ opinions were taken
into account, reasons for choice of alternatives,
and proposals for monitoring (Article 9).
During implementation, monitor significant
environmental effects (Article 10)Consult public on issues and optionsPrepare the plan for formal consultation stage Assess responses to consultation onissues and options Develop preferred strategy Identify proposals to be taken forward Develop policies Draft the planFull public consultation/participation on proposed plan (the deposit stage under the existing system) Publication of plan (corresponding to what the Directive terms ‘the draft plan’ ) Public consideration and participation Analysis of representations Negotiations with objectorsConsultation may take place in several stages, including examination. This table does not make any assumption about the number of stages orhow the public is involved at any given point during consultation. Finalise and adopt plan Amendments to the plan (including changes stemming from SEA or sustainability appraisal) Inspector’s modificationsPublish adopted plan Monitor plan implementation
The SEA Directive and the Planning SystemPlans for which SEA is not always required
2.9For plans which ‘determine the use of small areas at local level’ or are ‘minor
modifications’ to existing plans, the Directive only requires SEA where they are likely tohave significant environmental effects. The expressions ‘small area’, ‘local level’ and
‘minor modification’ are not defined in the Directive, and must be interpreted in relationto the nature and scope of a particular plan. Screening is needed to determine whether
such plans are likely to have significant environmental effects. Annex II of the Directivelists criteria for determining the likely significance of the environmental effects of plans.
2.10In the planning field, under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Bill, planning documents will
be either RSSs or LDDs. For all of these, authorities will be required to carry out a SustainabilityAppraisal. The predicted environmental effects of the policies and proposals in the document willneed to be assessed to the extent necessary to meet the Directive’s requirements, either for a fullSEA or to establish clearly that this is not needed, while satisfying the requirements of
Sustainability Appraisal.
2.11The Directive requires consultation at two stages, summarised in Figure 3:
When preparing the Environmental Report, the plan-making authority must consult
other ‘authorities … which, by reason of their environmental responsibilities, are
likely to be concerned by the environmental effects [of the plan]’. For England, these
are the Environment Agency, Countryside Agency, English Nature and English
Heritage. Authorities already consult these and a wide range of other bodies under the
existing arrangements when preparing plans. Chapter 3 below suggests how to
integrate this part of the Directive’s requirements into wider consultation at this stage
of plan-making.
The plan-making authority must consult ‘the public affected or likely to be affected or
having an interest’, and the authorities with environmental responsibilities, on the
‘draft plan’ and the Environmental Report. Existing UK provisions on consultation on
the proposed plan are sufficient to comply with the Directive, and the main new
requirement is to make the Environmental Report available. Other EU Member States
should also be consulted if their environment is likely to be significantly affected by
the plan, but this is likely to be relatively rare for plans covered by this guidance.
The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: Guidance for Planning Authorities2.12
12Figure 3:The Directive’s consultation requirementsStage of SEADirective requirementsDecision on the scope and level of detail of Consultation of authorities with environmentalthe SEAresponsibilities (Article 5.4)Environmental report and draft planDraft plan made available to authorities with environmental responsibilities and the public(Article 6.1)Consultation of authorities with environmentalresponsibilities and the public (Article 6.2)Who should do the SEA?The Directive does not prescribe who should carry out the SEA, but it will normally bethe responsibility of the authority that produces the plan. It is likely to be most effective ifundertaken by people who together can: consider and respond to local circumstances; take a balanced and objective view; understand the issues; draw on good practice elsewhere; evaluate the full range of environmental issues.It is usually helpful to involve both people who are directly involved in producing the planand others, either within the authority or from outside, who can contribute a moredetached and independent view to the exercise. The Environmental Report should makeclear who took part in carrying out the SEA.
The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: Guidance for Planning Authorities
Stages of SEA
The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: Guidance for Planning Authorities
Stages of SEA
The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: Guidance for Planning Authorities
Stages of SEA
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