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Barro Chapter 1


1. Macroeconomists study the amount of employment and unemployment.


2. Macroeconomists study the price of individual products like beer.


3. When the gross domestic product is growing, it is called inflation.


4. A recession is when GDP is falling toward a trough.


5. If price is below equilibrium in a market, then quantity supplied will be less than quantity demanded.



1. Macroeconomics deals with: B C

a. how individual markets work.

b. the overall performance of the economy. c. relative prices in different markets.

d. substitution of one good for another good.

2. Macroeconomics includes the study of:A

a. the general price level.

b. the price of individual goods.

c. the relative price of goods. d. all of the above.

3. Macroeconomists study:D

a. the determination of the economy’s total production. b. unemployment

c. the general price level. d. all of the above.

4. Macroeconomists study:A

a. the determination of real GDP. b. the production of specific goods.

c. the relative production in different markets. d. all of the above.

5. Among the prices that macroeconomist study are:D

a. the price of coffee. c. the interest rate. b. the price of tea. d. all of the above.

6. Among the prices that macroeconomists study are:D

a. the wage rate. c. the exchange rate. b. the interest rate. d. all of the above.

7. Monetary policy involves:abcd

a. the government’s expenditure. b. taxation.

c. determining the quantity of money. d. the fiscal deficit.

8. The unemployment rate is:

a. the fraction of the population with no job. b. the fraction of those seeking work with no job. c. the rate of growth of those with no job. d. the rate of growth of those seeking work.

9. Fiscal policy involves:

a. determining exchange rates. b. government expenditures.

c. interest rates. d. all of the above.

10. The rate of growth of GDP for period t is:





11. Variations in real GDP are called:

a. inflation. c. economic fluctuations. b. deflation. d. all of the above.

12. When GDP is expanding toward a high point it is called a[n]:

a. depression. c. recession. b. boom. d. inflation.

13. When real GDP falls toward a low point or trough it is called a[n]:

a. boom. c. inflation. b. recession. d. expansion.

14. During recessions the unemployment rate:

a. declines. b. increases.

c. is stable.

d. is unmeasureable.

15. The unemployment rate in the US was highest in the:

a. 1990s c. 1980s b. 1930s d. 1950s

16. The inflation rate for year t is:

a. b.

c. d.

17. A variable that macroeconomists want to model is a[n]

a. endogenous variable. c. exogenous variable. b. dummy variable. d. predetermined variable.

18. A variable taken as given in a model is a[n] a. endogenous variable. b. dummy variable.

c. exogenous variable. d. dichotomous variable.

19. The dollar price paid to use capital is known as:

a. the interest rate. c. the rental price of capital. b. the exchange rate. d. the general price level.

20. The price of labor is the: a. exchange rate. b. wage rate.

c. interest rate. d. the rental price.



21. In Figure1.1 the equilibrium price is:

a. 2 b. 5

c. 7 d. 0

22. In Figure1.1 the equilibrium quantity is

a. 5 b. 2

c. 7 d. 8

c. there is excess quantity demanded. d. the market clears.

23. In Figure1.1 if price is 7, then

a. the market is in equilibrium.

b. there is excess quantity supplied.

24. In Figure1.1 if the price is 2, then:

a. the market is in equilibrium. b. there is excess quantity supplied.

c. there is excess quantity demanded. d. the market clears.

25. In Figure1.1, if price is 7, then quantity demanded is:

a. 2. c. 3. b. 7. d. 8.

26. In Figure1.1, if price is 7, then quantity demanded is: a. 2. c. 3. b. 7. d. 8.

27. In Figure1.1, if price is 7, then quantity supplied is: a. 2. c. 3. b. 7. d. 8.

28. In Figure1.1, if price is 2, then quantity demanded is: a. 2. c. 3. b. 7. d. 8.

29. In Figure1.1, if price is 2, then quantity supplied is: a. 2. c. 3. b. 7. d. 8.

30. In Figure1.1, if price is 5, then quantity demanded is: a. 2. c. 3. b. 7. d. 5.

31. In Figure1.1, if demand falls, then equilibrium: a. price and quantity fall. c. price falls and quantity rises. b. price and quantity rise. d. prices rises and quantity falls.

32. In Figure1.1 if supply increases, then equilibrium: a. price and quantity fall. c. price rises and quantity falls. b. price and quantity rise. d. price falls and quantity rises.

33. A possible order of events in an economy over time is: a. expansion, recession, peak, expansion. c. expansion, peak, trough, recession. b. recession, trough, expansion, peak. d. recession, trough, peak, expansion.

34. A trough in an economy is when the economy: a. is growing. c. is contracting. b. reaches a low point. d. reaches a high point.

35. A peak in an economy is when the economy: a. is growing. c. is contracting. b. reaches a low point. d. reaches a high point.

36. A possible order of economic fluctuations is: a. recession, boom, expansion, trough. c. recession, trough, expansion, peak. b. expansion, recession, boom, trough. d. expansion, trough, recession, peak.

37. If prices are sticky:

a. the market quickly sticks at equilibrium.

b. the market clears quickly.

c. the market only slowly moves toward

equilibrium. d. all of the above.

38. In an economic model:

a. endogenous variables feed into a model to c. exogenous and endogenous variables feed

affect exogenous variable. into the model. b. exogenous variables feed into a model to d. none of the above.

affect endogenous variables.

39. A price taker:

a. takes the price to the market.

b. controls the market price.

c. accepts the market price and decides

whether and how much to buy or sell. d. accepts the market quantity and sets price. c. the sales of beer. d. none of the above.

40. A macroeconomist would study the:

a. price of cars.

b. the market for shoes.


1. What types of economic issues do macroeconomists study?

2. How is the annual inflation rate calculated?

3. What is the rate of growth of real GDP?

4. Describe what happens when demand or supply increase in a market.

5. What are exogenous and endogenous variables?

