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考试科目名称:外语(英)水平考试 考试科目代码:706 考生注意:所有答案必须写在答题纸(卷)上,写在本试题上一律不给分。 Part I. Vocabulary and Structure (30 points) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. 1. His work shed ______yet necessary light on an important way to slow the spread of this deadly virus. A. provisional B. seductive C. insulting D. disturbing 2. The new chemical will ________ this kind of insects in this area. A. eliminate B. prosecute C. quench D. quilt 3. I have to say this, but this coat you’ve just bought is made of _______ fur; it is not real mink. A. coarse B. genuine C. slippery D. counterfeit 4. Plastic bags are useful for holding many kinds of food, ______ their cleanness, toughness and low cost. A. by virtue of B. in addition to C. for the sake of D. as opposed to 5. It must guarantee freedom of expression to the end that all _________ to the flow of ideas shall be removed. A. prophecies B. transactions C. arguments D. hindrances 6.This warm air was, needless to say, the perfect environment for the rapid growth of disease-carrying ______ originating from outside the building. A. germ B. microbe C. fungus D. bacteria 7. Traditionally, a dark suit is ______ to a light one for evening wear. A. alternate B. choosable C. selective D. preferable 8. I have replaced my old ______ typewriter with an electric one. A. artificial B. manual C. automatic D. synthetic 考试科目:外语(英)水平考试 共 10 页 第 1 页
9. Four police officers sustained ______ in the explosion. A. ruins B. injuries C. damages D. spoils 10.The professor found himself constantly______ the question: “How could anyone do these things?” A. presiding B. poring C. pondering D. presuming 11. Weeks _______ before anyone was arrested in connection with the bank robbery. A. terminated B. elapsed C. overlapped D. expired 12. His attempt to ________ the two friends failed because they had complete faith in each other. A. alienate B. abuse C. alleviate D. abandon 13. Building the Bird’s Nest calls for giant curving beams which crisscross in an ______ pattern of woven steel. A. intuitive B. intensive C. intrinsic D. intricate 14. Older, less dogmatic theories better explained how the problems in the financial _____ dragged down the rest of the economy. A. charter B. session C. chapel D. sector 15. Language may be _______ of as a process which arises from social interaction. A. comprised B. conceived C. disposed D. deprived 16. I meant __________ the matter with you, but I had some guests there. A. discuss B. discussing C. having discussed D. to have discussed 17. Any student _______ in chess can apply for membership. A. have a keen interest B. with a keen interest C. who is keenly interested D. when keenly interesting 18. _________, she stood at the front door waiting for her husband to return. A. Being finished prepared dinner B. Having finished preparing dinner C. Finished preparing dinner D. Having finished to prepare dinner 19. All this leads to a population in the twenty-first century that is smaller______ feared few years ago. A. than was B. that was C. than that D. it was 20. _________ will Mr. Peter be able to regain control of the company. A. Only hard work B. Only if he works hard C. With hard work D. In spite of his hard work 21. One of the requirements for a fire is that the material _______ to its burning temperature. A. heated B. be heated C. to be heated D. being heated 考试科目:外语(英)水平考试 共 10 页 第 2 页
22. The earthquake ______ not have come at a worse time for the war-torn country. A. could B. must C. might D. should 23. The boy students in this school are nearly_____ as the girl students to say they intend to get a college degree in business. A. twice as likely B. likely as twice C. as twice likely D. as likely twice 24. If the whole operation _______ beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost. A. was not planned B. has not been planned C. had not been planned D. were not planned 25. Apple pie is _______ neither good nor bad; it is the way it is used that determines its value. A. at itself B. as itself C. on itself D. in itself 26. ________ us earlier, ________ your request to the full. A. You have contacted … we could comply with B. Had you contacted … we could have complied with C. You had contacted … could we have complied with D. Have you contacted … we could comply with 27. The explosion on the sun cannot be heard, there_________ no air between the earth’s atmosphere and the sun. A. is B. was C. being D. be 28. ______ by the host added to his uneasiness. A. His neglecting B. His being neglected C. He is neglected D. He had been neglected 29. Every man, woman and child in this community_______ now aware of the terrible consequences of the habit of smoking. A. is B. are C. was D. were 30. As a result, the mission of the school, along with the culture of the classroom, _______. A. was slowly to change B. are slowly changed C. is slowly changed D. have slowly changed Part II. Proof-reading and Error Correction(10 points) Directions: Proofread the given passage as instructed. The passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way: For a wrong word Underline the wrong and write the correct one in the blank provided on the answer sheet. For a missing word Mark the position of the missing word with a “∧” sign and write the word you believe to be 考试科目:外语(英)水平考试 共 10 页 第 3 页
For an unnecessary word missing in the blank provided on the answer sheet. Cross the unnecessary word with a slash “/” and put the word in the blank provided on the answer sheet. Status symbols are signs that identify their possessors’ place in a social hierarchy, markers of rank and prestigious. We can all think any number of status symbols—Rolls-Royces, Beverly Hills mansions, even Shar Pei puppies (whose rareness and expense has rocketed them beyond Russian wolfhounds as status pets and has even aspired whole lines of wrinkle-faced stuffed toys)—but how do we know that something is a status symbol? The explain is quite simple: when an object (or puppy) either costs a lot of money or requires influential connections to possess it, anyone who possesses it must also possess the necessity means and influence to acquire it. The object itself really doesn’t matter, since it ultimate disappears behind the presumed social impotency of its owner. Semiotically, what matters is the signal it sends, its value as a sign of power. One traditional sign of social extinction is owning a country estate 1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________ 8. ____________ 9. ____________ and enjoying the peace and privacy that attend it. Advertisements for Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar, and Audi automobiles thus frequently feature motoring quietly along a 10. ____________ country road, presumably on their way to or from their country houses. Part III. Cloze (20 points) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. You are required to read the passage and fill in each bank with a word from the word bank, and change the form where necessary. Do not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. adopt toward economy contribute thrive pick up quantum reach urban by initiate coordinate implement with remain outbound reserve region get up in rural astronomy endeavor lead supply-side We have 1 committed to the new development philosophy, 2 the right approach to 考试科目:外语(英)水平考试 共 10 页 第 4 页
development, and 3 to transform the growth model. The result has been a constant improvement in the quality and effect of development. The economy has maintained a medium-high growth rate, making China a 4 among the major 5 . With the gross domestic product rising from 54 trillion to 80 trillion Yuan, China has maintained its position as the world’s second largest economy and 6 more than 30 percent of global economic growth. 7 structural reform has made further headway, bringing a steady improvement in the economic structure. Emerging industries like the digital economy are 8 ; the construction of high-speed railways, highways, bridges, ports, airports, and other types of infrastructure has 9 pace. Agricultural modernization has steadily advanced, with annual grain production 10 600 million metric tons. The level of 11 has risen 12 an annual average of 1.2 percentage points, and more than 80 million people who have moved from rural to urban areas have gained permanent urban residency. Regional development has become more balanced; the Belt and Road 13 , the 14 development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and the development of the Yangtze Economic Belt have all made notable progress. Through devoting great energy to 15 the innovation-driven development strategy, we have seen much accomplished 16 making China a country of innovators, 17 major advances made in science and technology, including the successful launch of Tiangong-2 space lab, the commissioning of the deep-sea manned submersible Jiaolong and of the five-hundred-meter aperture spherical telescope (FAST) Tianyan, the launch of the dark matter probe satellite Wukong and the 18 science satellite Mozi, and the test flight of the airliner C919. Construction on islands and reefs in the South China Sea has seen steady progress. The new institutions of the open economy have been steadily improved. China now leads the world in trade, 19 investment, and foreign exchange 20 . Part IV. Reading Comprehension (30 points) Directions: In this section, there are three passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer and write the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. Passage 1 Since 1992, the U.S. has offered Israel an additional $ 2 billion annually in loan guarantees. Congressional researchers have disclosed that between 1974 and 1989, $ 16.4 billion in U. S. military loans were converted to grants and that this was the understanding from the beginning. Indeed, all past U.S. loans to Israel have eventually been forgiven by Congress, which has undoubtedly helped Israel’s often-touted claim that they have never defaulted on a U.S. government loan. U.S. policy 考试科目:外语(英)水平考试 共 10 页 第 5 页
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