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篇一:She’s a nice teacher.教学设计 (1)




1.面向学生:□中学?小学 2.学科:英语 3.课时:第1课时




There were no classes this afternoon. My classmates all1to People's Park. They had a good time,2I didn't go. After lunch Aunt Huang came in and she3worried. She said to me,“Grandma is ill. I must take her to 4 . But my baby,…” “Don't5 ,”I said.“I can look after her.” “

Thank you, Xiao Feng.”Then she left. The baby was about ten months6 .At first she was asleep. Half an hour 7she woke up and began to8“Don't cry,”I said. But she looked at me and cried harder and harder. I9on the radio. She stopped crying and listened to the music. After a few10she started to cry11 . Then I started to sing. The baby watched and listened, and she didn't cry any more. Then I made12and jumped like a monkey. The baby laughed13laughed.

I jumped and sang and did all14of things all that afternoon till Aunt Huang came back. I was so15 .

In the evening Liu Ming came to16me. After I told him the whole17he said,“You are18 ! I'm going to tell everyone:19your babies to Ling Feng. He can take good care20your babies.”



One day, Mrs King1Lucy to go shopping, and2her a shopping list. When

Lucy3to the shop, she bought all the things4 the list. Now it was time to pay for them.“Sorry!”she said. “I've5my money!”So she went6home quickly. Her money7still8on the chair. She got the money to pay for the things. Then she said9to the shop-keeper and10the things home.




the classroom to read and write.


“Look, Li Lei!”said Zhang Hua. “There is a problem(题目”

“What's the next number, please?”asked Li Lei.

“!”answered Zhang Hua.


One day a arrived at a woman's house. He borrowed a pan soon he returned woman very pleased and took it.

A later the farmer had some visitors. He asked the woman to lend him the again. He not return it unitl the woman came to get it back. He told her that the pan was


Wang Fang and Liu Ying are talking about what happened yesterday afternoon. (W:

Wang Fang; L: Liu Ying)

W: How did you go home after school yesterday afternoon?

L:(1)____ ____as usualy. I(2)____the

school at five o'clock.

W: Was it cloudy then?

L: No. When I started home, it was(3)____. But the(4)____suddenly(5)____. Dark clouds gathered (乌云密布)and began to(6)____very soon.

W: Were you wet all over?

L: No. Just when I was(7)____home, I heard someone calling me(8)____. I(9)____round and found it was Zhang Lan. She had an umbrella(伞)and invited me to share(共用)it with her. She walked all the way(10)____with me to my home.



Yesterday morning an old woman(1)____a lot of things in a shop. She(2)_____.She

was going(3)_____, but the box was heavy and the car wasn't near. At that time Li Ming and We Hua (4)____by the car and talking. When they(5)_____and the big box beside her, they(6)____. They lifted the heavy box and(7)____the car. Suddenly the box(8)____and one

of Li Ming's feet was badly hurt. He had to(9)____in the hospital for several days. He became worried about his lessons. But his friend Wei Hua said. “(10)_____. I'll come to help you with your lessons after class every afternoon.”




Yesterday when school was over I home on foot as usual.

On my home, suddenly I saw a boy his bike and hurt himself. He

I took him to the nearest at once.

The doctor looked the boy carefully and said, “There is __serious.”The boy told us he must be careful

What a wonderful time I had!

1.One day, Mr White finished his work very people and no buses. So he had to go home on

2.When he got home, he opened his bag. He wanted to get the keys. They were always there. But he couldn't find the keys this time.He was worried and he didn't know what to do. When he looked

he suddenly saw his windows was5 . He had an6 . 3.There was a ladder behind his house. He carried it to the window. Then he began to7up the ladder.8dark it was! It was dangerous for him to do that and his hat fell down. So he was very careful and very afraid.

4.A moment later he jumped into the room and he was very happy. But when he put his hand into his9 , he found his10right there.



One day my brother was a kite. Suddenly it rained his kite. The kite and his clothes were wet. A rain and the sun out. He flew his kite 线)to make them How 41


1.It's Sunday. A cat is in his garden. He's putting a 2.Now, the cat is a thick magazine(杂志). 3.A black dog is coming !

The cat is jumping on the The black dog is taking the magazine in his

4.Look at the garden now! The is is coming in.



The night Jim late(watched TV far into the night).When he in

the morning, Jim found that it was already o'clock. He thought he would be for school and felt very school without breakfast. When he realized it was and he had made a mistake.

One morning, Lin Tao carried his bag and said to his father,“ for me to go to ”

for a bus. One of his classmates, Li Lei, was there, too.

it was very early.“ we go there to fly ”said Li Lei.

“Good Let's go!”said Lin Tao.“Haven't you forgotten ”Li , too.

It was October 20th. When Jim up, he looked at the clock. Oh dear! It was 8

o'clock. He as quickly as possible. He had no time breakfast, so he went to school breakfast. the bag on his back, he quickly When he the school gate, the gate


the morning. It's a rush hour. People are going to the children are



教案设计 七、教学过程设计

Step1.Warming up

1) Greetings.

T: Boys and girls, I’m your new English teacher. I want to be your friend. Would you tell me your names, please?

S1: My name is ?

T: Oh, this is ?. Nice to meet you!

S1: Nice to meet you, too.

T: You are a nice girl. And your English is very good. T: What’s your name? (一个身体强壮的男同学。)

S2: My name is ?.

T: This is ?Is xxx strong?

Ss: Yes, he is.

T: xxx is a boy. So ?.

S2: He is a strong boy.

Ss: Yea! Yea! Clever(加动作)



2) T: I like the English song very much. Let’s share the song. 《The more we get together》

The more we get together, together, together.

The more we get together the happier we'll be.

For your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends.

The more we get together the happier we'll be.

【百度视频】《The more we get together》歌曲视频。


3)T: Boys and girls, let’s play a game.( 说正反义词) (Tall-short, thin-fat, long-short)

T: big. Ss: small.

T: tall. Ss: short.

T: long. Ss: short.

T: thin. Ss: fat.

Ss: Yea! Yea! Clever(加动作)

【设计意图】通过师生间的亲切问候,建立轻松、和谐、民主的课堂气氛,同时通过反义词对对碰的游戏,有意识地操练已经学过的形容词“tall, short, fat, thin”等,既活跃了课堂气氛,又为新知的学习奠定了基础。

Step2 lead in


T: Where’s my 手机?

S1: Here it is.(学生起身送手机)

T: Thank you. You’re a nice girl/boy.

T:(拿着Ms Smart剪影头饰) This is my friend Ms Smart. She’s a nice teacher. She’s tall and thin. Ok, t

oday we’ll learn the new lesson “Module 1

Unit 1 She’s a nice teacher.

【百度图片】Ms Smart剪影头饰。





Step3 Presentation 1.引出新单词“nice”并教授。

1)T:Excuse me, can you help me?

S1: Yes!

T: Pass me your pen, please!

S1: Here you are!

T: Wow, She’s very nice.

T: Can you read the word”rice”?

Ss: Rice.

T: read the word again.

Ss: Rice.

T: Can you read the word”nice”?

Ss: nice.

T: What’s your name, please?

S1: My name is ?.

T: Look, is ?nice?

Ss: Yes.

T: She is a girl. So ?.

S2: She is a nice girl.

Ss: Yea! Yea! Clever(加动作)


T: Boys and girls, Look at the picture.(害羞的小女孩图片) T: Read after me.“shy” Ss: shy







T: Look. Who is he?

Ss: He is 一休.

T: Yes. He is 一休. Is 一休 clever?

