2019届高考英语冲刺集训 阅读理解 语法填空 短文改错 2018英语第二套

更新时间:2023-12-31 20:17:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

I was at the post office early that morning finding myself standing in a line that zigzagged(曲折前进) its way. I had never seen so many people there. The line 31 extremely slowly. I turned upset, then annoyed .The longer it took, the32I became. When I 33 got to the counter—I concluded my business rudely and walked quickly past the line.

\to get to the exit. I was worried I was going to be late 36 to my dentist appointment. As I headed into the parking lot, a woman was coming across the lot in my 37 . I noticed that she was also in a bad emotion and she looked as if she could breathe 38 . I recognized myself and it wasn't 39. Had I looked like that? Her body language said that she was having a really 40 day. My anger melted away. I wished I could give her a hug but I was a 41 . So I did what I could before she went past me—I 42. In a second everything changed. I could 43 that she was a little shocked, then somewhat 44. Then her face softened. I saw her pace 45 and she smiled back at me as we passed each other. I 46 to smile all the way to my car. Wow, I thought. Look what a simple smile can do. Now I use that 47 on an everyday basis ,letting it 48 me that when I am fighting the world , or see someone else in that position ,I can try a smile. More often than not, the energy of the moment 49 with that one little gesture. The smile makes the day become new again, 50 a bright face toward the activities that are yet to come. 31. A. walked B. dropped C. reduced D. moved 32. A. worse B. better C. happier D. angrier 33. A. finally B. hurriedly C. luckily D. unfortunately 34. A. busy B. calm C. pushy D. puzzled 35. A. changes B. excuses C sense D. room 36. A. getting B. leading C. contributing D. applying 37. A. view B. direction C. mind D. dream 38. A. fire B. air C. excitement D. peace 39. A. difficult B. false C. pretty D. available 40. A. regular B. long C. relaxing D. rough 41. A. stranger B. patient C. boss D. clerk 42. A. signed B. smiled C. nodded D. paused 43. A. declare B. tell C. admire D. accept 44. A. sad B. natural C. severe D. confused 45. A. quickened B. bent C. slowed D. tightened 46. A. continued B. began C. remembered D. wished 47. A. hobby B. expression C. attitude D. confidence 48. A. warn B. promise C. remind D. encourage 49. A. fills B. stores C. changes D. works 50. A. washing B. turning C. seeing D. clearing 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



With the popularity of 3D movies over the past several years , there was no doubt that the technology would make its way into our homes, The question is: Is it really a technology that is going to stay with us , thus deserving an upgrade(升级) at this time?

Many families have recently bought a new TV set, and the idea of changing it just to take advantage of a technology in its infancy(初期)will put many people off the idea. Then there are the additional costs that come along with a 3Dset from needing to get a Blu-ray player that can process the signal to purchasing enough glasses for the entire family to be able to watch a program at the same time.

Another issue is that the glasses are expensive as well as complicated, and have also been known to cause headaches, none of which makes for a pleasant experience. While manufacturers are working towards glasses-free technology, it just isn’t here yet, and it could be several years before it is commercially successful. That is one of main things that will keep 3D completely in the “fashion” zone for the time being . If the television manufacturers are willing to hold onto the idea until glasses-free choices are available—and they can reach a higher installed user base—this might very well catch on. Everyone needs to remember, however, that these are businesses, and they are in it to make money. If 3D isn’t selling at the rate they are comfortable with, then they will dump it and move on to the next thing.

Many homes are filled with products that didn’t catch on rapidly and companies ended up leaving them with no support. Do you have an HD DVD player? Remember how the MiniDisc was supposed to replace the CD? For now, it’s easy to see how 3D televisions could join this list of technologies.

There is one upside to the 3D television problem: They have beautiful 2D images. Even if 3D goes away, you still have a great –looking screen and beautiful images. If you are in the market for a new TV and you can afford to drop the couple extra hundred dollars to buy one, you can view it as guaranteeing your purchase in case the technology proves to be effective.

51.We know from the text that 3D TV .

A. is easy to operate B. has been fully developed

C. has many products attached to it D. has already replaced normal TV sets 52.What’s the main idea of paragraph 4? A.3D is fashionable and expensive.

B .It’s hard for 3D to be commercially successful.

C. Television manufacturers’ only purpose is to make money.

D. It’s impossible to create glasses-free technology at the moment. 53.The examples of the HD DVD player and CD are to show . A. they are not necessary B. they are bound to be replaced C.3D TV might not be here to stay D.3D technology needs improving 54.What’s the author’s opinion on 3D TV?

A. He is critical of it. B. He thinks highly of it.

C.It is more effective than expected. D. It has more beautiful images than 2D.


Oh, the power of a good night’s sleep. A whole scale of positive benefits can be seen from getting enough rest, but for many of us, hitting the sack (睡觉) can be challenging. There’s plenty of advice out there about what to do to get to sleep but what about what not to do? Click through for some of the pre-bedtime activities that could be hurting your chance at getting a good night’s sleep. 1. Exercise

No, you don’t get to throw away your yoga mat or running shoes all together. Exercise is a vital activity for your health, and can actually contribute to getting better-quality sleep. The problem, though, is that exercising within three hours of bedtime can raise your body temperature, and make sleeping more difficult. Breaking a sweat, then, is best left for earlier in the day! 2. Watch TV/Surf the Web

Studies have shown that pre-sleeping screen time can injure your body’s ability to fall asleep. Why? Well, the bright lights of these screens can prevent the development of melatonin (褪黑素), the hormone that promotes sleep. So close that laptop and turn off that TV about an hour before bed. 3. Drink Too Many Fluids

Caffeine, of course, and alcohol both make it difficult to get a good night’s rest. But drinking a lot of any liquid within the last hour or two before you go to bed will lead to those terrible late night bathroom breaks, and further ruin your sleep. You shouldn’t go to bed thirsty, however, as you’ll likely wake up in the middle of the night to get a drink of water. Balance is the key here. 4. Read Engrossing Stories

Many of us have done this: you’re reading a really interesting novel and you tell yourself, “Oh just one more page!” Suddenly, it’s 2 a.m. and you have to be awake in four hours. Yep, reading a really interesting book, essay or novel before bed will make it difficult to get to sleep. Perhaps you can settle it by finding the most boring thing imaginable to read! 5. Work

Whatever work or school issue it is, it can certainly wait until morning. Getting work done activates your brain and can cause you unneeded stress — pretty much the opposite of what you want to feel if you’re trying to fall asleep! 55. What’s the main idea of the passage? A. How to sleep well at night? B. Things not to do before sleep. C. Why is sleep so important? D. The benefits of good sleep.

56. What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase in Para.2? A. being angry B. playing jokes C. working out D. getting sleep 57. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. The development of melatonin can help improve people’s sleep.

B. As long as you don’t drink coffee or alcohol, you can get a good night’s rest. C. Reading an interesting story before bedtime can make it hard to sleep well. D. Before you try to fall asleep, don’t get your brain activated by doing work.

58. What can be inferred in the passage?

A. Doing exercise is actually no good for your health.

B. Surfing the Internet can have a lot of fun to prevent you sleeping tight. C. People can never get a balance between drinking too much and thirst. D. Reading some boring stories before bed may contribute to your sleep.


We all, at one time or another, have pretended to be a rock star, singing and dancing along to our favorite song. Most of us have done this in the privacy of our own room when we were kids and as adults, in the privacy of our homes. Me? I love to do that when I drive! I turn on the radio, find a song that I can sing along too and pretty soon my arms are in the air and I am moving along to the rhythm. Most of the time, I do this on my way to work.

Yes, that is true. I will be in my nice work clothes, jamming while driving or stopped at a traffic light. I get strange looks from some people and others laugh. Personally, I love to get lost in the rhythm of a song which leads me to share with you the importance of being silly!

The definition for the word silly, according to the dictionary is: stupid, foolish and nonsensical. I know many people do not want to look foolish. So they walk around all serious, which in all honesty, is foolish! No one is perfect, I repeat: no one is perfect. I don’t care how educated, how thin, how beautiful, how simple, how rich, and so on… No one is perfect! So why pretend to be something you are not?

Life is so short… You never know when this beautiful journey will be over, so why waste a single second on being so full of rigidity? Here is a quote by Souza, that I think says it all and is a great recipe for life: “Dance as though no one is watching you; love as though you have never been hurt before; sing as though no one can hear you; live as though heaven is on earth.”

When we were kids, we had no idea of what limitations were and we had no care in the world so we could do things without worrying about how we appeared to others. However, as we grew up, we lost that childlike innocence. So don’t lose the child that still lives within you. The next time you feel down, go turn on your favorite song, and sing and dance along like there is no tomorrow. Trust me, you will feel a whole lot better, and who doesn’t want to feel good?

59. Why does the author love to sing when driving? A. Because he likes being silly.

B. Because he often gets caught in the traffic jam. C. Because he wants to pretend to be a rock star.

D. Because he feels good and loves the way to relax himself. 60. According to the passage, which of the following is RIGHT? A. Work hard and don’t waste your time. B. Those who are honest are really foolish. C. People should act as what they really are.

D. You can only dance freely when no one is watching you.

61. Which of the words can replace the underlined word “rigidity” in Para.4? A. seriousness B. joy C. anger D. surprise

62. What is the author trying to tell us in the last paragraph? A. People should live together with their children.

B. Kids can do whatever they like without any limitation. C. Turn to children for some help when you feel down.

D. Keep your childlike innocence regardless of others’ view.


She was at the beach having the time of her life. The air blowing softly on her neck was wet and warm. The sun was high in the sky and shining brightly. The calm waves kissed her legs softly as she walked through the water. Everything was perfect.

Then her cellphone started violently vibrating (震动). It was her husband asking her to go grocery shopping and then come straight home. His words broke her perfect world. She walked down the road of the grocery store, murmuring and complaining. It seemed like every little worry would further her anger.

She hated the smell of the onions. When picking up some raw hamburgers the sticky substance on the packaging almost drove her mad. She wanted to hit the screaming child next to her. She wanted to scream, too.

How dare her husband disturb her trip to paradise, especially on her birthday, about which he hadn’t said anything this morning? She had woken up late, expecting to be greeted by her smiling husband with breakfast in hand. Instead, she found herself alone in the bedroom while her husband was eating his own breakfast in the kitchen. She sighed as she remembered the tears that had rolled down her face. Her early leave from the beach brought back her hurt feelings. She tried to fight back the tears with the anger she felt towards him, but the angrier she felt, the more depressed she became.

Angry again, she carelessly loaded the bags into the car, fiercely closed the trunk and sped home, eager to give her husband a piece of her mind. She left all the bags in the car as she marched towards the front door. She had bought all the groceries, and she certainly wasn’t expected to put them away.

She was trying to push the door open when a bright light shone through. Her eyes began to take in the sight of dozens of smiling shadows eager to greet her. “Surprise!” they cheered. The warmth of their smiles melted her anger away and she was reduced to tears.

63. How did the woman feel after receiving her husband’s call at the beach? A. Surprised B. Calm C. Pleased D. Annoyed 64. Why did the woman want to hit the screaming child in the grocery? A. Because the child was playing with an onion. B. Because the child did not greet her with a smile.

C. Because the child had picked up the hamburgers she wanted. D. Because the child’s noise had worsened her bad mood.

65. The underlined part, “give her husband a piece of her mind”, in the fifth paragraph, means she wanted to . A. thank her husband for giving her peaceful mind B. express her anger towards her husband

C. make her husband disappointed and surprised

D. require her husband to go to the grocery 66. What can we learn from the passage?

A. The woman was not enjoying her time at the beach.

B. The woman thought her husband had totally forgotten her birthday. C. The woman woke up in the bedroom with her husband’s smiling face. D. The woman was still angry at the “surprise” prepared for her.


Zhang Xiao was recently given a school assignment that asked him to write an essay about his ideal job. The 10-year-old Beijing pupil responded by writing that he wanted to be the head of a large business.

“You want to be a boss, that’s OK. But you shouldn’t end your article like this. You should write ‘I want to do charitable work with the money I earn’,” his teacher commented.

Zhang’s mother, Chen said she could see the point of the teacher’s advice but suggested a different approach. “He’s only 10. We’ve always instructed him to help those in need. But charity? I don’t think he really understands the word at the moment.”

Chen referred to her own bitter experience as a fourth-grader. She described “the weather, the attendee, who was chosen to raise the flag” and so on in a writing assignment on the topic of “Raising the flag”. However, despite her honesty, Chen’s essay was deemed “a very bad example”.

The young girl quickly identified the difference: The other children had written sentences such as “The red flag was dyed by the blood of the martyrs (烈士),” or “The flag reminds us of the sacrifice the heroes made”. That kind of sentences was missing from Chen’s.

This is the unwritten rule for Chinese students: You can write what you think, but make sure it reflects your “positive thinking”.

The problems are really highlighted by the Gaokao, China’s torturing and life-changing college entrance examination.

“The articles have always been highly stereotyped, but more so in recent years,” said Qi Yongxiang, who has been an examiner for the writing exam since 1993. “There is not much diversity or creativity, instead it’s full of clichés (陈词滥调). They write some beautiful sentences, but without making a point.”

Nowadays, the common practice is to prepare stories about famous people, decorated with beautiful sentences, and then find a way to squeeze them into the essay, regardless of the actual topic.

“The truth is, it’s really hard for students to express themselves freely under the current education system, especially when faced with the high pressure exposed to the entrance exam,” said Xiong Bingqi, vice-president of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, a non-governmental research group.

“The writing test was originally designed to display a student’s independent thinking and writing skills. But now, they just try their best to adapt to the examiner,” said Xiong.

Chen has always taught her son to write freely, but that means his scores

have not been good. She is now considering a compromise to ensure that he can win a place at a top-ranked middle school.

“I don’t want him to be a liar. But I don’t want him to be treated unfairly, either,” she said.

67. What does Zhang xiao’s teacher mean in his comments? A. Zhang’s ideal job shouldn’t be a boss.

B. Zhang should donate some money to the school.

C. Zhang’ article should be ended with a “positive” sentence. D. Zhang should always help those in need.

68. According to Chen’s experience, which of the following is TRUE? A. She considered it as a happy experience. B. She lied in her article on “Raising the flag”. C. She missed some heroes’ names in the article. D. She wrote an article serving as “a bad example”.

69. Which of the following is WRONG about students’ current writing exams? A. Students are often prepared with some famous people for their articles. B. Students are often free to express themselves with facts in the exams. C. Students often write some beautiful sentences making no sense.

D. Students often give some popular examples instead of something fresh. 70. What can we infer from the last paragraph? A. Chen’s son was never treated fairly.

B. Chen was in a dilemma and puzzled about the situation. C. Chen wanted her son to write freely and forget the grades. D. Chen would not compromise on what her son should write. 31—50 DDACD ABACD ABBDC ABCCB


