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题目序号 应得分数 实际得分 得分 评卷人 复核人 Ⅰ.Listening: 20%(听力,20分)

Ⅰ 20 Ⅱ 15 Ⅲ 15 Ⅳ 15 Ⅴ 15 Ⅵ 10 Ⅶ 10 总分 100 核分人

Section A

Directions: Listen to the following dialogue and fill in the blanks with the word or words you have heard.

Wang: Can I help you?

Foreigner: No, _________________. I?ve got my ticket, so I?m all set. Wang: Can I ask where you are going?

Foreigner: Right now to Xi?an. I?ve just come from Suzhou, and before that from Shanghai and Beijing.

Wang: Wow! So many places. I?m Chinese and I haven?t even been to so many places.

Foreigner: Well, I?ve always _________________ traveling in China. I?ve been working for a long time to save enough money to come.

Wang: But you look so young! What kind of work do you do?

Foreigner: I study East Asian History, and I also work in a Japanese restaurant, you know, to pay _________________ and get some practical experience. I?ve been working there since I was 16. Wang: You study and work at the same time? You must be so busy. Why work? Doesn?t your family pay for your studies?

Foreigner: Well, I wanted to be _________________. I like living in my own apartment, and paying my own bills. I feel free that way, even if I do have to budget my time very carefully. But I?m proud to be independent of my family. Besides, I?ve got an older sister in college and two younger brothers. My parents are not poor, but they can?t help everyone. I?ve got scholarships, loans, a job. I?m busy, but I?m doing fine. I don?t need to go to them for money.

国际商务英语等级考试(初级)试卷 第1页(共12页)

Wang: Aren?t you lonely living on your own? Do you still see your family?

Foreigner: No, I?m not lonely, and sure I see my family, they only live a few miles away, so I see them __________________________________. We are very close now that we don?t live together. As they say, “absence makes the heart grow fonder!”

Section B

Directions: Listen to the tape and translate the sentences into Chinese.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Section C

Directions: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the word or words you have heard.

The bulk of experience of recent years is that foreign direct investment brings important advantages through new technologies and enhanced ____________ to overseas markets, stimulating production and trade. Foreign investment, like domestic investment, increases income and employment in the process of capital formation and in due course increases capacity to reach even higher income levels after capital has been formed. The gains from trade liberalization can be enhanced by allowing investment to pursue the more ____________ production capabilities from comparative advantage and hence achieve also the ____________ consumption possibilities associated with trade. If markets are functioning efficiently, foreign investment, like foreign trade, increases global economic welfare and can also eventually help to equalize the returns to the different ____________. With appropriate pricing and regulatory policies, many of the fears of foreign direct investment are proving _____________. 得分 评卷人 复核人

II. Put the following Chinese into English:15%(汉译英,15分)


国际商务英语等级考试(初级)试卷 第2页(共12页)









10.我方已通知银行将该笔款项记入你公司账户的贷方。(3分) 得分 评卷人 复核人 III. Put the following English into Chinese: 15%(英译汉,15分)

1.purchase confirmation(1分)

国际商务英语等级考试(初级)试卷 第3页(共12页)

2.nude cargo(1分)


4.documents against acceptance(1分)

5.customary packing(1分)


7.in quintuplicate(1分)

8.a complete range of sales literature(2分)

9.We would like you to quote us your best price on the basis of CIFC2% San Francisco, stating your terms of payment.(3分)

10.This will enable us to arrange speedy passage through Customs on arrival of the consignment.(3分) 得分 评卷人 复核 IV. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions: 15% (单选题,15分)

国际商务英语等级考试(初级)试卷 第4页(共12页)

( )1. The goods _______ shipped already if your L/C had arrived by the end of December.

A. would be B. must have C. had been D. would have been

( )2.We shall arrange for shipment in August, subject to your L/C _______ us not later

than July 15.

A. received by B. arriving C. reaching D. being reached by

( )3.Goods supplied _______ credit would exceed the limit should be paid for by banker's


A. if B. when C. where D. which

( )4. We have made up your order No.9940, which is now _______ the SS Vanguard which

sails for Shanghai tomorrow. All of the following can be used here EXCEPT: A. aboard B. in C. on D. on board

( )5 . Problems of long _______ should be handled with great care.

A. time B. period C. standing D. stand

( )6. _______ your kindness in accepting the new payment terms.

A. We appreciate B. We thank C. We are obliged D. We are grateful

( )7. We regret being unable to accommodate you _______.

A. regarding B. with this respect C. as regards D. in this regard

( )8. Thank you for your letter of October 11 in which you stated that _______ through an

oversight on your part that the L/C had not been opened before the agreed time limit. A. ---- B. because C. it was D. it was because

( )9. We wish to extend our warm welcome to your desire to _______ with us.

A. open into trade relations B. enter a direct business relation C. establish business relations D. build up business connection

( )10. It is stipulated that shipment _______ before the end of this month.

A. is to be made B. will make C. is to make D. would make

( )11. _______, we find that the amount of your L/C is insufficient.

A. In examination B. To examine C. To be examined D. On examination

( )12.The shipment _______ Contract No. 7854 will be effected by s.s. Calcaus, please

arrange insurance _______ this cargo.

A. of, for B. under, for C. for, of D. under, against

( )13.We shall inform you _______ the date of shipment.

A. at B. in C. of D. to

国际商务英语等级考试(初级)试卷 第5页(共12页)

( )14.On orders exceeding USD300,000, we will _______ a discount of 8%.

A. send B. pay C. allow D. place

( )15. The stipulations of the L/C should _______ those of the contract.

A. conform with B. conform C. abide by D. with a view 得分 评卷人 复核人 V. Complete each of the following blanks with an appropriate word : 15%(完型填充,15分)

Dear Mr. Jameson

Your Order No. 2231—Our S/C No. 06XT-038

We are pleased to inform you 1 the mopeds under the 2 order has been dispatched as arranged.

The mopeds are packed 3 50 cases, 2 4 a case. The cases are marked FBC in a triangle, Malta, and numbered 1 - 50.

The consignment will 5 at Malta on Dec.20, on the m.v. African Queen, 6 sailed from Ningbo yesterday.

Clean, shipped on board Bs/L in complete 7 , together with a commercial invoice and an insurance 8 , both in triplicate, have been handed to Bank of China, together with our sight draft in accordance with the terms of your L/C 9 with Barclays Bank, 10 , we believe, will pay the sum upon presentation.

We are sure that you will be satisfied with this consignment, and look forward to hearing from you again.

Yours sincerely James Bond C. E. O.

1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( )

9. ( ) 10. ( )

得分 评卷人 复核人 VI. Each of the following sentences contains one error. Identify

the error: 10%(找出错误,10分)

国际商务英语等级考试(初级)试卷 第6页(共12页)

( ) 1.Please inform your bankers to amend the L/C and let us have the amendment A B C

well before the end of this month. D

( ) 2.This information is strictly confidential and given without any responsibility on our part. A B C D ( ) 3.Please make delivery of the consignment as soon as it arrives at your port. A B C D

( ) 4.We shall of course refund to you the premium upon arrival of your debit note. A B C D

( ) 5.They have agreed to our proposal that their end-users must hold the consignment A B C D

pending our inspection.

( ) 6.The packing of our Men?s shirts is each in a poly bag, 5 dozen in a carton lined with A B C

waterproof paper and banded with two iron straps outside. D

( ) 7.We assure you our best attention to any inquiries from you and anticipate your prompt A B C

response in this respect.


( ) 8.We are interested in learning that our sweaters are popular with teenagers in your country. A B C D

( ) 9.When offering your draft to the bank, would you please enclose the following documents? A B C D ( ) 10.Our above quotation is valid subjected to your acceptance reaching us no later than A B C D November 10. 得分 评卷人 复核人 VII. Reading Comprehension:10%(阅读理解,10分)

Passage 1 Business Giants

In the 20th century, businesses and industry changed in many ways. The “industrial age” ended and the “information age” began. But one famous information age company, IBM, actually started operations in the 19th century, in 1889. Now, an IT giant, IBM employs over 350,000 people around the world and has a revenue of about $100 billion. In its early days, the company made business machines for time-keeping and data-processing, and it marketed its products in the USA and Canada. IBM didn?t develop the first totally electronic and digital computer but they designed and produced the first digital computers for commercial purposes.

Digital technology is essential to the success of companies such as Vodafone, one of the

国际商务英语等级考试(初级)试卷 第7页(共12页)

biggest telecommunications network companies in the world. Vodafone provides mobile phone services to over 200 million customers in nearly 30 countries. In 1984, the company started operating one of only two UK mobile phone networks. In the 1990s, the company expanded; it acquired other communications companies around the world and launched new services. Currently, Vodafone?s revenue is around£30,000 million.

In 1837, a partnership between two brothers-in-law made candles and soap. 170 years later, the company now a global corporation, owns brands such as Pringles, Braun, Duracell, Gillette and Pampers. William Proctor and James Gamble arrived in the USA from England and Ireland respectively. They met through marrying sisters, Olivia and Elizabeth Norris, whose father persuaded his sons-in-law to go into business together. The company survived the introduction of domestic electric lighting (this was the end of the market for candles) and the economic depression of the 1930s. They invested money in research and developed many new products in the first half of the 20th century. In the second half, P&G expanded by buying other companies. With over 135,000 employees today, P&G has a revenue of about $75,000 million. ( ) 1. IBM sold its first products

A. all over the world. B. in Canada and the USA. C. to British scientists.

( ) 2.Vodafone began operating in A. the UK. B. the 1990s. C. 30 countries.

( ) 3.Vodafone grew when it A. merged with another UK network. B. introduced digital technology. C. bought other telephone businesses.

( ) 4.Mr. Proctor and Mr. Gamble A. were originally business partners in Ireland. B. met in the USA and became business partners. C. came to the USA together to start a business.

( ) 5.In the 20th century, P&G A. expanded their candle business. B. sold the same line of goods.

C. launched new products on the market.

国际商务英语等级考试(初级)试卷 第8页(共12页)

Passage 2 Success Story

In 1993, American-born Henry Eastman got a call from a recruitment consultancy, inviting him to give up his successful marketing career in one insurance company to become the head of another. This new job was to work for an investment company called Brinscombe?s, who wanted him to create a brand new car insurance company. Despite the risks involved, Eastman agreed.

A lot of young drivers in the 20 to 35 age range, especially the ones who have already had accidents, have difficulties in getting car insurance because most companies think that they are too big a risk. However, Eastman believes that there are no problems if their annual payments are large enough. He offered them insurance cover through television commercials and attracted many customers by giving out folders in which to keep their policies safe. His strategy was a good one. Within eight years, he had built the business into a national company with 500,000 customers and sales of£300 million per year.

The company is based in Manchester. The authorities there wanted to increase employment and offered Eastman a £1 million grant to start up after he promised to create 350 new jobs. He is now a major employer in the area with 1,400 staff and has also created new specialist insurance companies for women, credit card users and people using the internet.

Eastman believes American management methods: working as a team to get better results; not being allowed to miss lunch because they are too busy; and having fun. This belief has recently won him a place in a “500 Best Companies to Work For” survey.

In 1999, Brinscombe?s decided to withdraw their investment and offered the company to the management team. They said ?yes?, borrowed £80 million from a bank and bought it. Eastman is pleased with his success. “We?re a great and growing company”, he says, “and we give our customers better service than they can dream of!”

( ) 6.Henry Eastman?s previous job was in

A. recruitment. B. marketing. C. investment.

( ) 7. The company?s success is due to

A. refusing insurance to high-risk clients. B. selling cheap insurance policies. C. targeting a particular market.

( ) 8.Eastman chose the present company location because

A. financial support was available in that part of the country. B. it would be easy to expand the premises.

C. there was already a skilled workforce.

国际商务英语等级考试(初级)试卷 第9页(共12页)

( ) 9.Eastman?s strategy is to

A. produce a happy working environment.

B. encourage staff to decide on their own objectives. C. make each person work as hard as possible.

( ) 10.The company is now owned by A. Brinscombe?s.

B. Eastman and his colleagues. C. a co-operative of customers.

国际商务英语等级考试(初级)试卷 第10页(共12页)



Ⅰ.Listening: 20%(听力,20分) Section A(每空1分,共5分)

Thanks dreamed of the bills independent once a week or so Section B(每小题2分,共10分) 1. 感谢你方7月12日来函寻购运动鞋。 2. 本公司经营该产品已有20多年的历史。 3. 特告你方订货已备妥。

4. 如有其它问题,请尽管告诉我方。

5. 我方已于今日上午提取了第123号订单项下的货物。 Section C(每空1分,共5分)

access efficient increased factors unjustified II. Put the following Chinese into English(汉译英,15分) 1. cash discount (1分) 2. catalogue (1分) 3. unit price (1分) 4. repeat order (1分)

5. immediate shipment / prompt shipment(1分) 6. a state-owned company (1分) 7. China Insurance Clauses / CIC (1分) 8. confirmed irrevocable sight L/C (2分)

9. We believe that these precautions will be able to prevent a recurrence of damage. (3分) 10. We have instructed the bank to credit the amount into your account. (3分) III. Put the following English into Chinese(英译汉,15分) 1. 购货确认书 (1分) 2. 裸装货物 (1分) 3. 小册子 (1分) 4. 承兑交单 (1分) 5. 习惯包装 (1分) 6. 保险商 (1分) 7. 一式五份 (1分) 8. 整套销售资料 (2分)

9. 请你方报含买方2%佣金的旧金山最低到岸价,同时请说明你方的支付条件。(3分)

国际商务英语等级考试(初级)试卷 第11页(共12页)

10. 这能让我方在货物抵达时迅速通关。(3分)

IV. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.(每小题1分,共15分) 1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. A

V. Complete each of the following blanks with an appropriate word.(每小题1.5分,共15分) 1. that 2. above / subject / captioned 3. in 4.to 5. arrive 6. which 7. set 8. certificate / policy 9. opened / issued / established 10. who VI. Identify the ONE error contained in each of the following sentences.(每小题1分,共10分) 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. B VII. Reading Comprehension.(每小题1分,共10分)

1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. B

国际商务英语等级考试(初级)试卷 第12页(共12页)

