Animal farm(动物农场)读后感
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张黎20096179 英语二班
Animal farm
Animal farm is a novel which satires the revolution of Soviet Union. In the novel, the author use vivid words to depict the insurgence in manor farm and the process from original peace and happiness to a serious class society.
After reading this novel, I think the rebellion of animals symbolizes the revolution of Soviet Union and all the animals in the novel represent the proletariat(无产阶级)human beings represent the bourgeoisie(资产阶级).the success of these animals is the symbol of success of proletariat in soviet. At the end of the story, the pigs dominated the farm and the farm ultimately becomes a autocratic class society, which actually satires the corruption of the governors in soviet and their life in the farm after the revolution. Their plan of moving toward socialism and communism is totally a lie. On the contrary, under their autocratic governance, the poor workers live a poorer life just like the novel said: the animals in animal farm had no enough food and freedom. And they must work even much longer than the time of Jones. So, the so-called socialism of soviet has not only advantages, but also has its disadvantages.
In this novel, there are several typical characters. The first one is the pig "Napoleon", personally, he is a selfish, greedy and ambitious pig,
he can not endure snowball to share power with him, and so he expelled and opposed him with every ways. He also killed other animals who opposed and did not support him with the excuse that they had secret contact with their betrayer "snowball". But it's obviously feigned捏造by him. The snowball, uttered a high-pitched whimper of a kind no one had ever heart him utter before." and "the other animals noticed that they wagged their tails to napoleon in the same way as the other dogs had used to do to Mr. Jones." vividly depict his haughtiness and intensive ambitiousness, it also reflects napoleon's bourgeoisie's look and the slavishness of those dogs. What's more, the sentence “he pissed the blue print of snowball's plan for windmill." also describes his rudeness and crankiness狂妄. Napoleon and other pigs are lazy and greedy, they think themselves are more noble and distinguished than other animals, and they have priorities for everything. So they do not work but just enjoy other animals’ labor fruits. But actually, they are not only noble, but even more inferior to other animals. They sleep on human's bed, drink human's wine, wear human's clothing, and walk with two legs like human, trade with human beings, which all violate the seven commandments they came up with to forbid everything related to human beings. The most ridiculous thing is that they said" they never want to fight against human and all the past things are just misunderstandings. They said human are their enemy, but now, they
even became friends, they are absolutely hypocrites. Besides, this paragraph “twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. The creatures outside look from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which." also intensively satires the pigs' filthy looks.
The second one is the horse "boxer", he is doubtless not only a loyal horse, but also an ignorant and blind horse. He just slavishly followed his leader but almost never asked why no matter what his leader did. His maxims are "I'll work harder "and "napoleon is always right", so he always worked hard from morning to night, always at the spot where the work was hardest. And until his retirement, he still worked as youth; ultimately, he worked to death without enjoying any happiness and getting any payment. But at this time, the leader he always respect had already decided to sold him to butchery for money. We can say, his fate is pitiful and woeful, but his benighted personality already decided his lamentable ending.
The third one is the old donkey" Benjamin", actually, he is a wise and sensible donkey, although he never expressed any opinion about the life now and in the time of Mr. Jones, he was aware of everything. He knew that he was not able to resist napoleon and his followers by himself, so he just usually did what he should do and kept silence because he understand that this is the only way to protect himself.
The last one is another pig" squealer", he is totally a flunky of napoleon. He is a excellent speaker, when he was explaining a difficult problem, he was always skipping from side to side and whisking his tail which was somehow very persuasive. Every time when napoleon did something opposed seven commandments, he would always have his reasons to convince other animals that napoleon was right and all what he did were totally for them. His every action and word is disgusting and ridiculous, and he is a absolutely slave and flunky.
In my opinion, this novel is very good, the plot is very attractive and impressive, after reading this story, i think, everyone will be angry with those pigs and feel shocked and ridiculous about their change from victim to persecutor and exploiter.
Animal farm(动物农场)读后感05-18
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