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Passage 25: Christopher Robin (课堂讲解)
Christopher Robin?s war service began the severance of his links with his father. The relations 克里斯托弗.罗宾战争从与父亲决裂开始。
between them became increasingly strained. Though burdened with the fame that rested on his 他们之间的紧张关系不断加剧。虽然极不情愿承受着盛名,
reluctant shoulders, Christopher remained unfamiliar and unrecognized. By making him a
household name in millions of homes throughout the world, A. A. Milne had “filched from me my
good name and had left me with nothing but the empty fame of being his son.” This process was 并且让我一无所有除了成为他儿子这一虚名。这一举动更加剧他们的矛盾。
furthered when, having returned to Cambridge and obtained a degree in English, Christopher 回到剑桥获得英语学位后,克里斯托佛于1951决定离开伦敦。
decided in 1951 to leave London. He moved to the village of Stock Fleming and set up a 他搬到 斯托克 佛兰德村庄,在附近的达特默斯开了一家书店。
bookshop in nearby Dartmouth. For twenty years he ran the shop together with his wife, Lesley de 他和表妹莱斯利.塞林科特是在1949结婚的,夫妻俩经营这家店20年了。 Selincourt, a cousin whom he had married in 1949.
As he sat behind the counter of his bookshop, Milne was constantly pestered1 by clients bringing 当他坐在书店柜台的后面,米尔恩常常被顾客缠着,领着他们的小孩要和真实的克里斯托弗
in2 their children to shake hands with ?the original Christopher Robin?. He would do so with a 罗宾握手。
wanly3 polite smile. For a fee of $10—donated to the Save the Children Fund—he would also sign 他经常苍白无力地回敬一个笑容。为了捐赠给儿童援助基金会,他也会为了10美元给父亲 one of his father?s books. He later took advantage of his unwanted fame and fronted a campaign to 的一本书签名。后来,他利用多余的名声,身赴保护
save Ashdown Forest from the ravages of oil prospectors. The area was not just the home of owls 阿什当森林运动前线,免遭石油勘探者毁坏。他说,这一带不仅是猫头鹰和兔子的栖息地, and rabbits, he said, but one of the few areas of outstanding natural beauty in the vicinity of 靠近伦敦一带有美不胜收的自然规律风光,人们经常到这里呼吸新鲜空气。 London where city people could come to breathe fresh air.
Passage 26: My Name Is Aram (课堂讲解)
My cousin Arak was a year and a half younger than me, round-faced, dark, and exceptionally 我的表弟比我小一岁半,圆圆的脸蛋,黝黑的肤色,举止优雅出众。
elegant in manners. It was no pretense with him. His manners were just naturally that way, just as 他毫无掩饰。行为举止自然得体,而我天生如此糟糕。
my manners were bad from the beginning. Where Arak would get around any sort of complication 在学校阿兰总能以一个温和的微笑化险为夷,露出上齿前边的牙齿,稀稀疏疏,融化了达弗
at school with a bland smile that showed his front upper teeth, separated, and melted the heart of
stone of our teacher, Miss Daffney, I would go to the core of the complication and, with noise and 然而,我却总是抓住难题关键,大声喧哗,气势汹汹地
vigor, prove that Miss Daffney or somebody else was the culprit, not me, and if need be, I would 证明是罪犯是达弗尼或其他人,不是我,如果有必要,我会向高级法院提出申诉,证明我的清白。
carry the case to the Supreme Court and prove my innocence.
I usually got sent to the office. In some cases I would get a strapping for debating the case in the 我经常被带到办公室去。有时侯,在办公室和我们的校长辩论的时候,我总设置一个圈套。 office against Mr. Derringer, our principal, who was no earthly good at debates. The minute I got 他完全不擅长辩论。当走投无路的时候他就陷入了圈套。 him cornered he got out his strap.
Arak was different; he didn?t care to fight for justice. He wasn?t anywhere near as bright as me, 阿兰就不同,他对维持正义之争毫无兴趣。他并非事事都如我聪明。
but even though he was a year and a half younger than me, he was in the same grade. I usually 虽然他比我小一岁半,但和我在同一个年级。
won all my arguments with my teachers, but instead of being glad to get rid of me they refused to 和老师辩论,我经常能赢,但他们并不愿意疏远我。为了让我赢过下学期的辩论,他们不肯 promote me, in the hope, I believe, of winning the following semester?s arguments and getting 升级,
even1. That?s how it happened that I came to be the oldest pupil in the fifth grade. 这就是为什么我成为五年级年龄最大的学生
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