Unit 5-16

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课题序号 授课课时 授课章节 2 授课班级 授课形式 Revision Unit 5 Wealth and happiness – Warming up & Listening. 名 称 使用教具 Some color chalk, ppt. 1. Ss can remember the important phrases and sentences. 教学目的 2. Ss can remember and use the language points correctly. 3. Ss can finish the exercises correctly by themselves. 教学重点 Important phrases, sentences and language points. 教学难点 How to finish the exercises correctly? 更新、补充、Nothing 删节内容 1. Remember the phrases, sentences and language points. 课外作业 2. Complete the rest exercises. 教学后记


Unit 5 Wealth and happiness 1. If I had enough money, I would be very happy. (if 条件虚拟) 2. They try to make as much money as they can. ★make/earn money 赚钱 as … as possible : as…as sb. can 3. They take part in all kinds of sports and games. ★take part in a game attend a meeting join the army/party 4. It’s said that her husband and her son died in a traffic accident. 5. What a sorrowful life she lives! ★What + a/an + adj. + n. + 主语 + 谓语+…! ★ What + adj. + pl. + 主语 + 谓语+…! ★ What + adj. +u.n. + 主语 + 谓语+…! ◆How + adj. +主语 + 谓语+…! ◆How + adv. +主语 + 谓语+…! ◆How + adj. + a/an + n. +主语 + 谓语+…! 6. Her life is full of laughter and love. ★be full of : be filled with 7. Above all, it means bringing happiness to others. ★above all 首先,最重要的是 ★mean to do sth mean doing sth

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教学过程 Step 1. Step 2. Greetings. Revision. Language points. 1. If I had enough money, I would be very happy. (if 条件虚拟) 2. They try to make as much money as they can. ★make/earn money 赚钱 as … as possible : as…as sb. can 3. They take part in all kinds of sports and games. ★take part in a game attend a meeting join the army/party 4. It’s said that her husband and her son died in a traffic accident. 5. What a sorrowful life she lives! ★What + a/an + adj. + n. + 主语 + 谓语+…! ★ What + adj. + pl. + 主语 + 谓语+…! ★ What + adj. +u.n. + 主语 + 谓语+…! ◆How + adj. +主语 + 谓语+…! ◆How + adv. +主语 + 谓语+…! ◆How + adj. + a/an + n. +主语 + 谓语+…! 6. Her life is full of laughter and love. ★be full of : be filled with 主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤

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教学过程 Step 3. 主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤 7. Above all, it means bringing happiness to others.★above all 首先,最重要的是 ★mean to do sth mean doing sth III. Consolidation exercises. Summary and homework. 1. Go over what we have learnt today. 2. Complete the rest exercises.

课题序号 授课课时 授课章节 2 授课班级 授课形式 Revision Unit 5 Wealth and happiness – Reading & Grammar 名 称 使用教具 Some color chalk, ppt. 1. Ss can remember the important phrases and sentences. 2. Ss can remember and use the language points and grammar 教学目的 correctly. 3. Ss can finish the exercises correctly by themselves. 教学重点 Important phrases, sentences, language points and grammar. 教学难点 How to finish the exercises correctly? 更新、补充、Nothing 删节内容 1. Remember the phrases, sentences and language points. 课外作业 2. Complete the rest exercises. 教学后记


Unit 5 Wealth and happiness Language points. 1. One day, and saw three old men sitting in her front yard. ★see sb. do sth. 动词不定式表示整个动作或事情从头到尾的全过程 see sb. doing sth.分词表示正在进行的活动或反复性活动 除see外,hear,notice,feel,watch也有相同的搭配 2.One of the old men explained, … ★ explain v. 解释,说明+宾/宾从/sth to sb 3. Let him come and fill our home with wealth. ★fill A with B 用B装满A fill in/out 填写 4. daughter-in-law 儿媳 mother-in-law 岳母,婆婆 5. Let us follow our daughter-in-law ’s advice. ★ follow one’s advice 接受某人的意见 6.Surprised,the lady asked Wealth and Success, ★surprised adj.作状语,表当时的一种伴随情况 7.reply 一般作vi.+ to sb/sth answer vt.&vi. 8. If you had invited … would have stayed out. 9. Wherever he goes, we will go with him.疑问词+ever 构成的复合词可引导―让装‖,有―不论‖或―不管‖的意思。

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教学过程 Step 1. Step 2. Greetings. Revision. I. Language points. 1. One day, and saw three old men sitting in her front yard. ★see sb. do sth. 动词不定式表示整个动作或事情从头到尾的全过程 see sb. doing sth.分词表示正在进行的活动或反复性活动 除see外,hear,notice,feel,watch也有相同的搭配 2.One of the old men explained, … ★ explain v. 解释,说明+宾/宾从/sth to sb 3. Let him come and fill our home with wealth. ★fill A with B 用B装满A fill in/out 填写 4. daughter-in-law 儿媳 mother-in-law 岳母,婆婆 5. Let us follow our daughter-in-law ’s advice. ★ follow one’s advice 接受某人的意见 6.Surprised,the lady asked Wealth and Success, ★surprised adj.作状语,表当时的一种伴随情况 7.reply 一般作vi.+ to sb/sth answer vt.&vi. 8. If you had invited … would have stayed out. 9. Wherever he goes, we will go with him.疑问词+ever 构成的

主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤

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教学过程 Step 3. 主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤 复合词可引导―让装‖,有―不论‖或―不管‖的意思。 II. Grammar. Grammar: the modal verbs II. IV. Consolidation exercises. Summary and homework. 1. Go over what we have learnt today. 2. Complete the rest exercises.

课题序号 授课课时 授课章节 2 授课班级 授课形式 Revision Unit 6 Problems of our times – Warming up & Listening. 名 称 使用教具 Some color chalk, ppt. 1.Ss can remember the important phrases and sentences. 教学目的 2. Ss can remember and use the language points correctly. 3. Ss can finish the exercises correctly by themselves. 教学重点 Important phrases, sentences and language points. 教学难点 How to finish the exercises correctly? 更新、补充、Nothing 删节内容 1. Remember the phrases, sentences and language points. 课外作业 2. Complete the rest exercises. 教学后记


Unit 6 Problems of our times 1. a bit 稍微,有点 a bit of 有些 ★ not a bit 一点也不 2. I just stay up late last night. stay up 熬夜 3.It is not good for us students chatting on the Internet so late, … It is not good ( adj.) for sb doing sth …. It is no good (n.) for sb doing sth …. It is good (adj) for sb to do sth. 4. I’m afraid I have been addicted to chatting on the Internet. be addicted to …沉迷于… 5. We’d better hurry up, for the class will begin soon. hurry up 赶快,for 因为 6.眼睛是心灵的窗口。Eyes are the windows of soul. 7. How to protect eyesight still remains a problem among us students. 8. take care of :look after/ attend to pay special/much/no/little/great attention to (prep). 9. or so 大约,左右 by 凭借…什么手段 10. Keep…away from 远离… 11. fail to do sth 无法做到… sooner or later 迟早

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教学过程 Step 1. Step 2. Greetings. Revision. I. Language points. 1. a bit 稍微,有点 a bit of 有些 ★ not a bit 一点也不 2. I just stay up late last night. stay up 熬夜 3.It is not good for us students chatting on the Internet so late, … It is not good ( adj.) for sb doing sth …. It is no good (n.) for sb doing sth …. It is good (adj) for sb to do sth. 4. I’m afraid I have been addicted to chatting on the Internet. be addicted to …沉迷于… 5. We’d better hurry up, for the class will begin soon. hurry up 赶快,for 因为 6.眼睛是心灵的窗口。Eyes are the windows of soul. 7. How to protect eyesight still remains a problem among us students. 8. take care of :look after/ attend to pay special/much/no/little/great attention to (prep).

主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤

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教学过程 Step 3. 主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤 9. or so 大约,左右 by 凭借…什么手段 10. Keep…away from 远离… 11. fail to do sth 无法做到… sooner or later 迟早 III. Consolidation exercises. Summary and homework. 1. Go over what we have learnt today. 2. Complete the rest exercises.

课题序号 授课课时 授课章节 2 授课班级 授课形式 Revision Unit 6 Problems of our times – Reading & Grammar 名 称 使用教具 Some color chalk, ppt. 1.Ss can remember the important phrases and sentences. 2. Ss can remember and use the language points and grammar 教学目的 correctly. 3. Ss can finish the exercises correctly by themselves. 教学重点 Important phrases, sentences, language points and grammar. 教学难点 How to finish the exercises correctly? 更新、补充、Nothing 删节内容 1. Remember the phrases, sentences and language points. 课外作业 2. Complete the rest exercises. 教学后记


Language points. 1. ★ no matter who =whoever 无论谁,不管什么人 ★be dependent on : depend on /rely on /count on 2. ★ with 随着 with the development of… ★ dry up 干涸,枯竭 3. ★face n.& vt. 4. By then, the global population is expected to reach 9.3 billion. 5.But how can the earth, of which about 70 percent is covered by water, … (:about 70 percent of the earth ) 6. ★require ★ require, need , want 需要 ★make good/full use of 7. Taps are left running and showers last too long. 8. limited adj.有限的 9.★come to realize 意识到 10. ①It is time to do sth ②It is time for doing sth. ③It is time (that) sb. did sth. (常用) ④It is time (that) sb. should do sth. ★preserve vt. ★under one’s nose

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教学过程 Step 1. Step 2. Greetings. Revision. Language points. 1. ★ no matter who =whoever 无论谁,不管什么人 ★be dependent on : depend on /rely on /count on 2. ★ with 随着 with the development of… ★ dry up 干涸,枯竭 3. ★face n.& vt. 4. By then, the global population is expected to reach 9.3 billion. 5.But how can the earth, of which about 70 percent is covered by water, … (:about 70 percent of the earth ) 6. ★require ★ require, need , want 需要 ★make good/full use of 7. Taps are left running and showers last too long. 8. limited adj.有限的 9.★come to realize 意识到 10. ①It is time to do sth ②It is time for doing sth. ③It is time (that) sb. did sth. (常用) 主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤

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教学过程 Step 3. 主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤 ④It is time (that) sb. should do sth. ★preserve vt. ★under one’s nose III. Grammar. Grammar: the modal verbs III. IV. Consolidation exercises. Summary and homework. 1. Go over what we have learnt today. 2. Complete the rest exercises.

课题序号 授课课时 授课章节 2 授课班级 授课形式 Revision Unit 7 Animals – Listening & Speaking 名 称 使用教具 Some color chalk, ppt. 1.Ss can remember the important phrases and sentences. 教学目的 2. Ss can remember and use the language points correctly. 3. Ss can finish the exercises correctly by themselves. 教学重点 Important phrases, sentences and language points. 教学难点 How to finish the exercises correctly? 更新、补充、Nothing 删节内容 1. Remember the phrases, sentences and language points. 课外作业 2. Complete the rest exercises. 教学后记


1.relate to 与…有关, 涉及 2.consult the dictionary for the word & look up a word in the dictionary 3. I have kept a cat, two dogs… keep/ feed one’s family 养家糊口 4. It’s no good keeping any pets. It’s no good/use doing sth It’s no good/use talking too much while doing little. 5. What a waste! 6. As far as I know, it’s the third one (that) you have bought. As far as …know,就…所知 7. Colors in animals seem to be used to protect themselves. 8. be in danger be out of danger 9. send out/up/for 10.Mess n.脏乱状态;一团糟 11. appear vi. 1).A dog appeared on the road. 2).She appeared sad at the news. 3).It appears that his answer is right.

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教学过程 Step 1. Step 2. Greetings. Revision. 1.relate to 与…有关, 涉及 2.consult the dictionary for the word & look up a word in the dictionary 3. I have kept a cat, two dogs… keep/ feed one’s family 养家糊口 4. It’s no good keeping any pets. It’s no good/use doing sth It’s no good/use talking too much while doing little. 5. What a waste! 6. As far as I know, it’s the third one (that) you have bought. As far as …know,就…所知 7. Colors in animals seem to be used to protect themselves. 8. be in danger be out of danger 9. send out/up/for 10.Mess n.脏乱状态;一团糟 11. appear vi. 1).A dog appeared on the road. 2).She appeared sad at the news. 3).It appears that his answer is right.

主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤

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教学过程 Step 3. 主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤 III. Consolidation exercises. Summary and homework. 1. Go over what we have learnt today. 2. Complete the rest exercises.

课题序号 授课课时 授课章节 2 授课班级 授课形式 Revision Unit 7 Animals – Reading & Grammar 名 称 使用教具 Some color chalk, ppt. 1.Ss can remember the important phrases and sentences. 2. Ss can remember and use the language points and grammar 教学目的 correctly. 3. Ss can finish the exercises correctly by themselves. 教学重点 Important phrases, sentences, language points and grammar. 教学难点 How to finish the exercises correctly? 更新、补充、Nothing 删节内容 1. Remember the phrases, sentences and language points. 课外作业 2. Complete the rest exercises. 教学后记


1. …, tigers have long been respected as the king of the animal world. ★long adv.长久 ★respect…as… 2. ★It is reported/said/pointed out/suggested/hoped/believed that… ★no more than 仅仅,只有 not more than 最多,不超过 A boy of no more than six got on the bus. A boy of not more than six got on the bus. 3.The South China tiger, also known as the Chinese tiger, … ★be known as 被认为,做为…出名 be known for 因为…而出名 be known to 为…所知 4. But due to the destruction of their natural living places and …,it has been pushed on to the list of… ★due to: because of/caused by be due to do sth 预期做… 1).Failing in the exam is due to your carelessness. 2).He is due to go swimming. 5. If they were set free, they could not look after… ★set free 释放(某人),放出(某物) 6.be experienced in/at 在 …方面有经验

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教学过程 Step 1. Step 2. Greetings. Revision. I. Important phrases. 主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤 teach sb. sth. take good care of sb. at weekends in spring (summer, autumn, winter) a civilized person have deep affections for. make your home cheerful the more …, the more…. II. Important sentences and key language points. 1. …, tigers have long been respected as the king of the animal world. ★long adv.长久 ★respect…as… 2. ★It is reported/said/pointed out/suggested/hoped/believed that… ★no more than 仅仅,只有 not more than 最多,不超过 A boy of no more than six got on the bus. A boy of not more than six got on the bus. 3.The South China tiger, also known as the Chinese tiger, … ★be known as 被认为,做为…出名 be known for 因为…而出名 be known to 为…所知

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教学过程 Step 3. 主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤 4. But due to the destruction of their natural living places and …,it has been pushed on to the list of… ★due to: because of/caused by be due to do sth 预期做… 1).Failing in the exam is due to your carelessness. 2).He is due to go swimming. 5. If they were set free, they could not look after… ★set free 释放(某人),放出(某物) 6.be experienced in/at 在 …方面有经验 III. Grammar. The Infinitive IV. Consolidation exercises. Summary and homework. 1. Go over what we have learnt today. 2. Complete the rest exercises.

课题序号 授课课时 授课章节 2 授课班级 授课形式 Revision Unit 8 Natural disasters – Listening & Speaking 名 称 使用教具 Some color chalk, ppt. 1.Ss can remember the important phrases and sentences. 教学目的 2. Ss can remember and use the language points correctly. 3. Ss can finish the exercises correctly by themselves. 教学重点 Important phrases, sentences and language points. 教学难点 How to finish the exercises correctly? 更新、补充、Nothing 删节内容 1. Remember the phrases, sentences and language points. 课外作业 2. Complete the rest exercises. 教学后记


1. I’m afraid I have some business to attend to. ★attend to 照顾,处理 1).你知道怎么照顾病人吗? Do you know how to attend to patients? 2).他有许多工作要处理。 He has much work to attend to. 2. Would you like me to give you a lift? ◆ give sb a lift ―搭便车‖ 1).昨天玛丽搭汤姆的车回到了伦敦。 Tom gave Mary a lift back to London yesterday. 3. One of your classmates wants to borrow some money from you, but you are not willing to lend him. ★borrow sth from sb(借进) lend sth to sb (借出) ●be willing to do sth ―乐意做…‖ 我很乐意帮你抬这个箱子。 I am willing to help you lift the box.

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教学过程 Step 1. Step 2. Greetings. Revision. 1. I’m afraid I have some business to attend to. ★attend to 照顾,处理 1).你知道怎么照顾病人吗? Do you know how to attend to patients? 2).他有许多工作要处理。 He has much work to attend to. 2. Would you like me to give you a lift? ◆ give sb a lift ―搭便车‖ 1).昨天玛丽搭汤姆的车回到了伦敦。 Tom gave Mary a lift back to London yesterday. 3. One of your classmates wants to borrow some money from you, but you are not willing to lend him. ★borrow sth from sb(借进) lend sth to sb (借出) ●be willing to do sth ―乐意做…‖ 我很乐意帮你抬这个箱子。 I am willing to help you lift the box. 主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤

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教学过程 Step 3. 主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤 4. because of +n/ v-ing / pron. because+句子 5.two and a half hours = two hours and a half 6. The doctor removed my legs. ★remove vt. 去掉,除去,移走 1).请去掉你的坏习惯。 Please remove your bad habits. 2).他把电脑从我的房间搬走了。 He removed the computer from my room 7. The spring design means they are much more powerful. ★spring n.春天,泉水,弹性 ◆mean to do sth 打算做… mean doing sth 意味着… III. Consolidation exercises. Summary and homework. 1. Go over what we have learnt today. 2. Complete the rest exercises.

课题序号 授课课时 授课章节 2 授课班级 授课形式 Revision Unit 8 Natural disasters – Reading & Grammar 名 称 使用教具 Some color chalk, ppt. 1.Ss can remember the important phrases and sentences. 2. Ss can remember and use the language points and grammar 教学目的 correctly. 3. Ss can finish the exercises correctly by themselves. 教学重点 Important phrases, sentences, language points and grammar. 教学难点 How to finish the exercises correctly? 更新、补充、Nothing 删节内容 1. Remember the phrases, sentences and language points. 课外作业 2. Complete the rest exercises. 教学后记


1.★ ―120-mile-per-hour‖ 作定语 a 15-year-old boy a 10-mile-long river ●hit--hit--hit--hitting ―打(某人或某物),到达(某地)‖ 2. ★destroy : ruin sth ―摧毁(某物),毁灭‖ 比较:damage : harm sth ―损害,毁害,破坏‖ ● ―leaving lots of…‖ 是现在分词短语作状语 3. The hurricane season begins on June 1 and ends on November 30. 4.★form good habits 5. Most Atlantic hurricanes begin off the west coast of Africa, starting as thunderstorms (that move out over the warm, tropical ocean waters toward North America). ★starting 是现在分词作状语,表示伴随状态 ●waters ―水域,领海,水体‖ 6.★none pron. ―没有任何东西,没有一人‖ 7. In the year of 2005 there are 28 named tropical storms and 15 hurricanes, (among which Hurricanes Katrina was the most destructive on record). ★which 引导非限制性定语从句 ●on record ―记录在案,在历史记录中‖ 8.★seem ―似乎,看来好像‖,后接形容词,名词,不定式或从句。

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教学过程 Step 1. Step 2. Greetings. Revision. I. Important sentences and key language points. 1.★ ―120-mile-per-hour‖ 作定语 a 15-year-old boy a 10-mile-long river ●hit--hit--hit--hitting ―打(某人或某物),到达(某地)‖ 2. ★destroy : ruin sth ―摧毁(某物),毁灭‖ 比较:damage : harm sth ―损害,毁害,破坏‖ ● ―leaving lots of…‖ 是现在分词短语作状语 3. The hurricane season begins on June 1 and ends on November 30. 4.★form good habits 5. Most Atlantic hurricanes begin off the west coast of Africa, starting as thunderstorms (that move out over the warm, tropical ocean waters toward North America). ★starting 是现在分词作状语,表示伴随状态 ●waters ―水域,领海,水体‖ 6.★none pron. ―没有任何东西,没有一人‖ 7. In the year of 2005 there are 28 named tropical storms and 15 hurricanes, (among which Hurricanes Katrina was the most destructive on record).

主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤

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教学过程 Step 3. 主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤 ★which 引导非限制性定语从句 ●on record ―记录在案,在历史记录中‖ 8.★seem ―似乎,看来好像‖,后接形容词,名词,不定式或从句。 III. Grammar. the Infinitive II IV. Consolidation exercises. Summary and homework. 1. Go over what we have learnt today. 2. Complete the rest exercises.

课题序号 授课课时 授课章节 2 授课班级 授课形式 Revision Unit 9 Health – Listening & Speaking 名 称 使用教具 Some color chalk, ppt. 1.Ss can remember the important phrases and sentences. 教学目的 2. Ss can remember and use the language points correctly. 3. Ss can finish the exercises correctly by themselves. 教学重点 Important phrases, sentences and language points. 教学难点 How to finish the exercises correctly? 更新、补充、Nothing 删节内容 1.Remember the phrases, sentences and language points. 课外作业 2. Complete the rest exercises. 教学后记


1. Why are there so many overweight people around us ? ●so many/few/much/little … 2. I suppose there are many factors (that affect people’s size). Ⅰ.suppose v. 料想,猜想,假设 ●be supposed to do sth 应该,被期望 ◆ suppose 还可以用于插入语中。 Ⅱ.affect v 影响 * have an effect on 3.★the more …, the more… 4.★ feel like doing sth : would like to do sth//want to do sth 5. Our diet is an important factor. ★ be on a diet//get on a diet 6. I used to smoke a lot--- about 30 cigarettes a day. ★ used to do sth //be used to doing sth//be used to do sth 7. I enjoyed eating a lot of meat. ★enjoy doing sth ★put on ―穿上,上演,增加(体重)‖ put on a coat / a play / a lot of weight 8. … and change my living habits. ★stop to do sth & stop doing sth 9. go cycling ―去骑车‖

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教学过程 Step 1. Step 2. Greetings. Revision. 1. Why are there so many overweight people around us ? ●so many/few/much/little … 2. I suppose there are many factors (that affect people’s size). Ⅰ.suppose v. 料想,猜想,假设 ●be supposed to do sth 应该,被期望 ◆ suppose 还可以用于插入语中。 Ⅱ.affect v 影响 * have an effect on 3.★the more …, the more… 4.★ feel like doing sth : would like to do sth//want to do sth 5. Our diet is an important factor. ★ be on a diet//get on a diet 6. I used to smoke a lot--- about 30 cigarettes a day. ★ used to do sth //be used to doing sth//be used to do sth 7. I enjoyed eating a lot of meat. ★enjoy doing sth ★put on ―穿上,上演,增加(体重)‖ put on a coat / a play / a lot of weight 8. … and change my living habits. ★stop to do sth & stop doing sth

主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤

课 堂 教 学 安 排

教学过程 Step 3. 主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤 9. I enjoyed eating a lot of meat. ★enjoy doing sth 10. I never went out into the fresh air, except to do the shopping. ★ except prep. & conj. 1).除了最后一道题之外,我回答了所有的问题。 I answered all the questions except the last one. 2) The bus was empty except for an old lady. 译:公共汽车上空荡荡的,只坐了一位老太太。 3).we can do nothing except/but hope that they are all right. 译:我们无能为力,只希望他们平安无事。 11. I found an old dress, but I can’t put it on. ★put on ―穿上,上演,增加(体重)‖ put on a coat / a play / a lot of weight III. Consolidation exercises. Summary and homework. 1. Go over what we have learnt today. 2. Complete the rest exercises.

课题序号 授课课时 授课章节 2 授课班级 授课形式 Revision Unit 9 Health – Reading & Grammar 名 称 使用教具 Some color chalk, ppt. 1. Ss can remember the important phrases and sentences. 2. Ss can remember and use the language points and grammar 教学目的 correctly. 3. Ss can finish the exercises correctly by themselves. 教学重点 Important phrases, sentences, language points and grammar. 教学难点 How to finish the exercises correctly? 更新、补充、Nothing 删节内容 1. Remember the phrases, sentences and language points. 课外作业 2. Complete the rest exercises. 教学后记


Language points. 1. Do you often stay up late? 2. Do you sleep less than six hours a day? ★sleep vi ---slept---slept ―睡觉,睡‖ ●sleep n. ―睡眠,睡觉‖ *go/get to sleep ―入睡,睡着‖ 3. Do you awake feeling tired? ★awake v : stop sleeping ―醒过来‖awake-awaked/awoke-awaked/awoken/awaken He has been awake (adj.). 6. The more ticks you’ve got, the more likely you are to be in a state of sub-health. ★even though: even if ●seem + to do sth /adj. / that-clause/ like… 7.He advises you to take a physical examination, ★advise sb to do sth / that-clause + (should)+v. ●take a physical examination ―做体检‖ 译:专家发现,那些做管理工作的人们和处于考试周的学生们最有可能处于亚健康状态。 ★as well as ―除…外,同,和,并,也‖ ★be likely to do sth ―可能做某事‖ Are they likely to finish the task? ★include//including//included的用法。

课 堂 教 学 安 排

教学过程 Step 1. Step 2. Greetings. Revision. Language points. 1. Do you often stay up late? 2. Do you sleep less than six hours a day? ★sleep vi ---slept---slept ―睡觉,睡‖ ●sleep n. ―睡眠,睡觉‖ *go/get to sleep ―入睡,睡着‖ 3. Do you awake feeling tired? ★awake v : stop sleeping ―醒过主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤 来‖awake-awaked/awoke-awaked/awoken/awaken He has been awake (adj.). 6. The more ticks you’ve got, the more likely you are to be in a state of sub-health. ★even though: even if ●seem + to do sth /adj. / that-clause/ like… 7.He advises you to take a physical examination, ★advise sb to do sth / that-clause + (should)+v. ●take a physical examination ―做体检‖ 译:专家发现,那些做管理工作的人们和处于考试周的学生们最有可能处于亚健康状态。 ★as well as ―除…外,同,和,并,也‖

课 堂 教 学 安 排

教学过程 Step 3. 主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤 ★be likely to do sth ―可能做某事‖ Are they likely to finish the task? ★include//including//included的用法。 III. Grammar. The Gerund. IV. Consolidation exercises. Summary and homework. 1. Go over what we have learnt today. 2. Complete the rest exercises.

课题序号 授课课时 授课章节 2 授课班级 授课形式 Revision Unit 10 The Olympic Games – Listening & Speaking 名 称 使用教具 Some color chalk, ppt. 1.Ss can remember the important phrases and sentences. 教学目的 2. Ss can remember and use the language points correctly. 3. Ss can finish the exercises correctly by themselves. 教学重点 Important phrases, sentences and language points. 教学难点 How to finish the exercises correctly? 更新、补充、Nothing 删节内容 1. Remember the phrases, sentences and language points. 课外作业 2. Complete the rest exercises. 教学后记


1. Is this the hope of the world in my hands? ●the hope of the world世界的希望 2. look to you to see the future 展望未来 3. Today we will show who we are. 今天我们将展示我们的风采。 4. My friends, will you show us the way we travel on, guided by the flame? 我的朋友,你们愿意在这火焰的指引下,为我们指明前进的道路吗? 5. The fire within makes you reach out to the goal. 这火焰将使你最终达到你的目标。 6. A world in need of inspiration, and looks to you and me. ◆ in need of inspiration需要鼓舞 7. And you bring the world together again. My friends, you have shown us the way. 是你再一次让我们世界团结起来,我的朋友,你们为我们指明了道路。 8. they are not only famous sports stars, but also goodwill ambassadors for shanghai. Not only….but also 不仅….而且 9. They both come from shanghai. Come from\\ be from 来自 10. He stand for the height of shanghai. He stands for the speed of shanghai. Stand for 代表

课 堂 教 学 安 排

教学过程 Step 1. Step 2. Greetings. Revision. 1. Is this the hope of the world in my hands? ●the hope of the world世界的希望 2. look to you to see the future 展望未来 3. Today we will show who we are. 今天我们将展示我们的风采。 4. My friends, will you show us the way we travel on, guided by the flame? 我的朋友,你们愿意在这火焰的指引下,为我们指明前进的道路吗? 5. The fire within makes you reach out to the goal. 这火焰将使你最终达到你的目标。 6. A world in need of inspiration, and looks to you and me. ◆ in need of inspiration需要鼓舞 7. And you bring the world together again. My friends, you have shown us the way. 是你再一次让我们世界团结起来,我的朋友,你们为我们指明了道路。 8. they are not only famous sports stars, but also goodwill ambassadors for shanghai.

主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤

课 堂 教 学 安 排

教学过程 Step 3. 主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤 Not only….but also 不仅….而且 9. They both come from shanghai. Come from\\ be from 来自 10. He stand for the height of shanghai. He stands for the speed of shanghai. Stand for 代表 III. Consolidation exercises. Summary and homework. 1. Go over what we have learnt today. 2. Complete the rest exercises.

课题序号 授课课时 授课章节 2 授课班级 授课形式 Revision Unit10 The Olympic Games – Reading & Grammar 名 称 使用教具 Some color chalk, ppt. 1.Ss can remember the important phrases and sentences. 2. Ss can remember and use the language points and grammar 教学目的 correctly. 3. Ss can finish the exercises correctly by themselves. 教学重点 Important phrases, sentences, language points and grammar. 教学难点 How to finish the exercises correctly? 更新、补充、Nothing 删节内容 1. Remember the phrases, sentences and language points. 课外作业 2. Complete the rest exercises. 教学后记


Language points. 1. It is generally believed that…人们普遍认为….这是一个用it作形式主语的复合句,句式为it is +pp+that从句,类似的还有;it is said ( reported,decided ) that…’ 以为据说,据报道,大家决定, 注意; it 做形式主语的复合结构还有: (1)it is + n + that 从句 ( 2) it is + adj + that从句 (3) it + vi +that从句 2.Every 每隔…的,与数词或few, other连用, 表示时间或空间的间隔。 (1) 当every和数词连用时, 在翻译成汉语时, 常把every 后边的数词所表示的数字减去1,反之, 在把每隔…翻译成英文时,常把每隔…后面的英文数字加1. (2)“每隔一”翻译英语时,常用every other +单数名次 (3) 在下列情况下, 翻译句子时,不要对原数字进行加减。 A. 不用隔字 B. 数字不确切。 无论用不用隔字, 不改变数字。 C. 表示…中之一,不改变数字 3. allow vt 允许 准许 (1) allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 (2) Allow doing sth 允许做某事 4. Lead to导致,造成,通向

课 堂 教 学 安 排

教学过程 Step 1. Step 2. Greetings. Revision. Language points. 1. It is generally believed that…人们普遍认为….这是一个用it作形式主语的复合句,句式为it is +pp+that从句,类似的还有;it is said ( reported,decided ) that…’ 以为据说,据报道,大家决定, 注意; it 做形式主语的复合结构还有: (1)it is + n + that 从句 ( 2) it is + adj + that从句 (3) it + vi +that从句 2.Every 每隔…的,与数词或few, other连用, 表示时间或空间的间隔。 (2) 当every和数词连用时, 在翻译成汉语时, 常把every 后边的数词所表示的数字减去1,反之, 在把每隔…翻译成英文时,常把每隔…后面的英文数字加1. (2)“每隔一”翻译英语时,常用every other +单数名次 (3) 在下列情况下, 翻译句子时,不要对原数字进行加减。 A. 不用隔字 B. 数字不确切。 无论用不用隔字, 不改变数字。 C. 表示…中之一,不改变数字 3. allow vt 允许 准许

主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤

课 堂 教 学 安 排

教学过程 Step 3. 主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤 (1) allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 (3) Allow doing sth 允许做某事 4. Lead to导致,造成,通向 III. Grammar. the present participle IV. Consolidation exercises. Summary and homework. 1. Go over what we have learnt today. 2. Complete the rest exercises.

课题序号 授课课时 授课章节 2 授课班级 授课形式 Revision Unit 11 The Internet– Listening & Speaking 名 称 使用教具 Some color chalk, ppt. 1.Ss can remember the important phrases and sentences. 教学目的 2. Ss can remember and use the language points correctly. 3. Ss can finish the exercises correctly by themselves. 教学重点 Important phrases, sentences and language points. 教学难点 How to finish the exercises correctly? 更新、补充、Nothing 删节内容 1.Remember the phrases, sentences and language points. 课外作业 2. Complete the rest exercises. 教学后记


1. search v 搜查,寻找 They searched all the drawers for the missing paper. 他翻遍了所有的抽屉寻找那份遗失的文件。 He searched for work at the various stores. 他在各家商店寻找工作。 Search n 搜查 寻找 They made a long search for the lost child. 他们花了很长时间搜寻那个丢失的孩子。 3. exchange v 交换 兑换 We exchanged our opinions about the event at the meeting. 在会上我们就此事交换了意见。 I would like to exchange some pounds for dollars. ◆我想把一些英镑兑换成美金。 3. communicate with 与某人通信 与某人联系 I can’t communicate with them, the radio doesn’t work. 我跟他无法联系,无线电坏了。 4. make use of 利用 We will make good\\full use of our time. 我们将要好好的 充分的利用时间。

