
更新时间:2023-05-24 04:56:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




Geographic information systems in recent decades has been used as a basic tool integrated into the planning and management of urban and resources, such as: land use planning, utilities management, ecosystem modeling, land evaluation, transportation planning, market analysis, real estate analysis and other applications .



Property sheet including the rows and columns. Each row is a record of the description of the data, column to record details of the attribute values, such as area, soil type, graphic symbols, etc. In the same location may in each row in the table could be the same value.



Browse and read the map data is relatively simple, usually can be done by moving the mouse or use the control menu and icon. For example, the original view shows the map data range, but by clicking on the magnifying glass icon or inward arrow icon or use the drop-down menu to choose can be enlarged view.

Unit6 地理信息系统和空间分析有着不断变化的关系多年来,随着计算的重点已从加工到公众的沟通,并在GIS软件演化的影响。GIS提供的空间分析的推广一套前所未有的机遇,并准备进入复杂的庞大的用户社区的例程。

Geo computation contains a large amount of computational intensive scientific paradigm, this paradigm includes three interrelated aspects: one: geographical data; two: in order to provide modern computing technology, computing solutions for those with geographic information question three: high-end computing hardware.



Brings more advantages based on the seamless integration of Arc / Info and mapping of SAGE data analysis packages and special modules. A prominent advantage is the various components of the system (database, graphics and cartography window displays) connected together, such as property values in the database, including data analysis can be generated in the process do not need to convert data files and display or draw.

Unit8 在互联网使用地理信息系统的一个决定性的问题是数据(矢量或光栅)的,用于将数据传送到客户端的形式。在原则上,可以使用栅格以及矢量数据。应该提到的是,传送格式是独立于数据被存储在服务器上。在大多数应用中的地理数据存储为矢量数据的形式在一个专有的格式结构化对象。

All major GIS companies realize the possibility of using GIS on the Internet, and thus provides a web mapping products. End-users no longer need to deal with the complexity of geographic data and GIS system purchase. Existing products is the first step in the development of Internet GIS. The future potential of the Internet will be used to develop a higher level, flexible, interactive GIS applications....



Looking to meet certain conditions of the location or the elements of the process are many GIS operations and general purpose applications. Whether the final analysis is a suitable means or simply choose a location which is substantially the same.



Revolution in computer-related technology information age is indeed the most obvious and exciting performance. Technology trends are fascinating and promising investment in this area will also be useful and interesting.

