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Incoming Material Inspection Procedure



对所有外来生产用物料和外包商提供的产品进行来料检验,确保来料品质符合要求,及时发现来料不良问题,防止不良品流入。Checking all incoming material including sub-contractor provide products to ensure the quality meet requirement and nonconformity is found in time so as to prevent released nonconforming incoming material. 2.0 范围Scope:

本公司所有生产用来料(除制模来料及免检产品),包括客户提供物料和外包商提供的产品。 All incoming materials (Expect some material for mold making and ship-to-stock material), including customer-supplied material and sub-contactor supplied products. 3.0 定义 Definition: N/A

3.1 3.2

RMT: 物料进仓单的英文简写。 RMT is the short form of Receiving Move Ticket. MRB 仓库:指仓库中指定的摆放不良品的区域/位置。MRB Store means the rejected area assigned by store.

4.0 职责 Responsibility:

4.0 IQC负责物料的检验与测试。IQC is responsible for the inspection and test

of all in-coming material and parts.

4.1 采购部负责将来料之不合格情况通报供应商或分包商并办理不合格物料的退货。

Purchasing is responsible for informing non-conforming material to vendors / sub-contractors.

5.0 程序Procedure:


5.1 作来料检验的物料,需登记于《IQC来料检查清单》IIQC001中。Incoming

inspection material need list in IIQC001 5.2 检验Inspection:

5.2.1 货仓收到来料时,需首先核对有无


也不作来料检验(不需求本公司发出“Purchase.order”的客供物料除外),然后核对名称、规格、数量,如有不符,需将来料退回或在送货单上注明,并双方签字确认。如核对无误,货仓文员打印出RMT单交IQC作来料检验(包材、油墨类可手写RMT单交IQC)。 When warehouse receipt incoming material , checking P.O while No P.O material would been Rejected receipting and IQC checking(Except customer-supplied material of no requiring FP to release “Purchase Order” ), and then checking name, description, quantity, which not meet requirements , returning incoming material and noted state in the Delivering Goods Sheet signed by both representatives is necessary. If meet all requirements, clerk of Warehouse type RMT sheet and submit it to IQC for incoming inspection(For packing material, printing ink, manuscript RMT submitted to IQC is acceptable )


IQC确认此物料供应商是否已列入批准供应商之清单,如无,通知采购部并将RMT单退回货仓,特别紧急物料以紧急放行处理,并且IQC将不得接受同一物料连续三批以上的紧急放行 (备注:客供物料除外) 。IQC confirm if the supplier of incoming material have been listed in AVL(Approved vender list) ,If no, inform Purchasing Dept. and return RMT to warehouse .For urgent incoming material ,IQC dispose it according to urgently releasing method ,meanwhile ,the same incoming material, which have been urgently released for continuous 3 lots, can’t be accepted by IQC(Note: not include customer provided material).

ISO9001-2015内审员升级培训(100元) ISO9001-2015内审员培训(200元) :



对于塑胶原料,IQC依据《塑胶来料检验指引》SIQC001进行来料检验。To plastic raw material, IQC carry out incoming inspection in accordance with SIQC001.


对于喷油油墨,IQC依据《油墨来料检验指导书》IQC006进行来料检验。To printing ink, IQC carry out incoming inspection in accordance with IQC006.


对于烫金纸,IQC依据《烫金纸来料检验指引》IQC008进行来料检验。To hot stamping paper, IQC carry out incoming inspection in accordance with IQC008.


对于包装材料,IQC依据《包材来料检验指引》SPK003进行来料检验。To packing material , IQC carry out incoming inspection in accordance with SPK003


对于其它来料,IQC科制定相对应之来料检查指导票(针对外包装检验,IQC每批来料抽检5箱,如有一箱不符,则判定整批不合格)。并依据其作来料检验。To others incoming material ,IQC section prepare relevant Incoming Inspection Instruction which IQC base on to carry out incoming inspection(For packaging inspection, sampling check 5 box per lot, ).



A、 外包装上是否依《化学品安全标签编写规定》标明化学品名称,或分子式,

主要化学成分及组成,化学品编码(若有),安全标志,危险警示标语,危险性概述,安全措施,灭火措施,生产日期,保质期限或有效期截止日期,提示向生产销售企业索取安全技术说明字样,生产企业名称、地址、邮编、电话/应急咨询电话。下图是一个化学品安全标签样板(用于贴于化学品容器上)供参考用。 B、

ISO9001-2015内审员升级培训(100元) ISO9001-2015内审员培训(200元) :

