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DSME, Songa rig dispute deepens

Norwegian rig contractor Songa Offshore says it is not Songa Offshore与大宇造船陷超支纠纷

海上钻井承包商Songa Offshore和大宇造船就“Songa Equinox”responsible for losses incurred by Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering during the construction of one of its rigs.

Songa said Tuesday it had received $199 million in claims submissions from the Korean shipbuilder for costs related to the semisubmursible Category D Songa Equinox.

DSME asserts that inherent errors and omissions in the rig's design led to cost overruns and construction delays, but Songa says these claims are without substance.

\is of no merit due to the 'turn-key' nature of the construction contract,\said in a release.

The confrontation is part of a larger dispute surrounding four Category D rigs: Songa Equinox, Songa Endurance, Songa Encourage and Songa Enabler. DSME launched arbitration proceedings in July. Statoil has hired all four rigs on eight-year firm contracts.


Songa Offshore已经成功接收“Songa Equinox”号,这是4座Category D型半潜式钻井平台中的首座,该钻井平台租给挪威国油,已经在10月抵达挪威海域。 2015年7月,Songa Offshore从大宇造船收到Category D型钻井平台建造合同的仲裁通知,然而当时大宇造船并没有说明具体争议。

2015年11月16日,Songa Offshore收到大宇造船的通知,要求赔偿1.99亿美元。

Songa Offshore表示,索赔涉及“Songa Equinox”号钻井平台建造成本超支。大宇造船指控图纸设计固有错误导致遗漏额外的工作,造成建造成本超支。 Songa Offshore已经对索赔进行初步审查,认为大宇造船没有任何索赔的权利。Songa Offshore表示有信心坚持自己的立场,认为大宇造船延迟交付、企图收回超支成本是没有任何法律依据的,违反建造合同“交钥匙”的本质。

Statoil to exit Alaska

17 November 2015 14:23 GMT

Statoil has decided to exit Alaska, as the leases in the Chukchi Sea are “no longer considered competitive within its global portfolio”, the Norwegian state-owned player said on Tuesday.

The decision to drop its exploration portfolio in the area will mean leaving behind 16 Statoil-operated leases and its stake in 50 leases operated by ConocoPhillips.

The leases, awarded in the 2008 lease sale, expire in 2020.

Following the exit, Statoil will also close its office in Anchorage, it said. \been carried out, but given the current outlook we could not support continued efforts to mature these opportunities,\Dodson said.

―Our understanding of the challenges and opportunities has increased considerably over the last years. This gives Statoil a unique position and experience which the company will continue to apply going forward,‖ Dodson continued.

According to Dodson, ―the studies, research and activities which have taken place in Alaska ... can be leverages in other opportunities in northern environments in the future‖.

In October, the US cancelled two lease sales in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas off Alaska, citing a lack of interest in the play following Shell's decision to abandon its high-profile drilling campaign in the area.

The Department of the Interior (DoI) said at the time that it did not plan on hosting any further sales in the near future, as the industry’s interest in the two potential lease sales to be rolled out in 2016 and 2017 was nominal at best.



挪国油勘探业务执行副总裁Tim Dodson称:“虽然已经开展了扎实的工作,但考虑到当前前景,我们可能无法继续等待这些机会成熟。”




2015年11月16日,中集来福士设计建造的第二座GM4-D半潜式钻井平台 “太平洋灯塔”上船体完成下水,此次下水的上船体总长106.75米,宽73.7米,高22.7米,重14992吨。 11月15日,“太平洋灯塔”半潜式钻井平台的钻井模块完成下水,这是由中集来福士自主设计建造的钻井模块,钻台材料国产化率从零提升至70%,设计周期缩短2个月,钻台设计哥伦比亚将下调石油公司税率鼓励海上勘探作业







据悉,海工支援船(OSV)船东Bourbon Offshore表示,目前为止公司已经闲置了31艘OSV,仅在最后一个季度就有8艘深水OSV闲置。


Bourbon透露,与上季度相比,第三季度调整后的收入下降了8.3%,日租金和利用率均普遍下跌。按照现行的日租金,前三季度调整后的收入同比上升6.8%,收入11.03亿欧元(12.06亿美元)。 Bourbon的首席执行官Christian Lefèvre表示:“在当前的市场环境下,Bourbon仍然保持追求卓越运营的决心,专注于安全操作、控制成本和提高运营效率。”















11月9日,Paragon Offshore在第三季度业绩报告中称,其全资子公司已与上海外高桥造船有限公司达成协议,推迟“Prospector 7”号自升式钻井平台的交付期。

Paragon Offshore表示,其子公司预计在2015年12月31日前完成“Prospector 7”号的技术验收,该钻井平台将在技术验收完成的12个月后正式交付。按照协议内容,在正式交付前Paragon Offshore不需要向外高桥造船支付任何款项。 “Prospector 7”号自升式钻井平台采用Friede & Goldman JU2000E型设计,最大作业水深400英尺,最大钻井深度35000英尺,入级ABS。


海上钻井承包商Pacific Drilling已经撤销在三星重工建造的超深水钻井船“Pacific Zonda”号。据悉,该钻井船建造合同取消,是因为三星重工未能按期交付新船。“Pacific Zonda”号钻井船型号为Samsung Heavy Industries S12000,额定水深12000英尺,钻井深度40000英尺,入级ABS。该钻井船已经按照合同支付预付款1.811亿美元,Pacific Drilling将要求三星重工退款。2015年7月,Pacific Drilling已经将“Pacific Zonda”号钻井船安排至2015年第四季度交付,尽管该船原计划安排在2015年第三季度交付。Pacific Drilling的钻井船船队已经拥有7艘作业水深达10000英尺的超深水钻井船,“Pacific Zonda”号钻井船为第8艘。近日,现代重工为Fred. Olsen Energy建造的“Bollsta Dolphin”号半潜式钻井平台也接到了撤单通知。此外,大宇造船海洋为Transocean建造的钻井船“Deepwater Pontus”号和“Deepwater Poseidon”号也延期交付。


据消息称,巴西国油目前正在计划对一艘海上生活维护平台进行招标,该平台将专门用于维护在Santos盆地盐下层油田作业的几艘新的FPSO,租期至少为一年,计划于2017年起作业。巴西国油目前共有130个海上生产平台,其中12个位于Santos盆地,包括两艘小型FPSO“Cidade de Sao Vicente”和“Dynamic Producer”,目前正在盐下层油田进行探边测试。根据巴西国油的计划,在2017年底前将有另外八艘FPSO投入盐下层油田的生产,其中四艘将在Lula油田作业,两艘在Buzios油田作业,另外两艘分别在Lapa油田和Libra油田作业。巴西国油此次对海上生活维护平台招标就是为了填补该阶段FPSO平台维护的空隙。

今年八月份,Prosafe公司的半潜式生活维修平台Safe Eurus刚刚获得了巴西国油为期三年的租约,合同金额1.64亿美元,日费率约为15万美元。该平台型号为GustoMSC’s Ocean 500,动力定位系统为DP3,甲板面积1500平方米。Safe Eurus半潜式生活维修平台目前正在中远启东船厂建造,计划于2016年第三季度交付,之后于2017年第一季度开始为巴西国油作业。

目前巴西国油共有九艘海上生活维护平台,分别来自八个不同的供应商,这些平台分别为:Safe Concordia,Flotel Reliance,OOS Gretha,OOS Prometheus,CSS Olympia,Posh Xanadu,Arendal Spirit,Dan Swift,以及Aquarius Brasil。这些平台的租约均将于2016年1月至2018年8月到期。

Noble公司的Noble Dave Beard 半潜式钻井平台目前正在巴西海域为巴油作业,租约自2010年3月开始,至2016年4月期满,日费率为23.5万美元。



Chinese builders on track

20 November 2015 01:00 GMT



四家中国船厂目前正在建造9座半潜式平台和开展4艘FPSO完工或改装项目,它们是中远船务、烟台中集来福士、Most of the Chinese yards with orders for semi-submersible drilling rigs or floating production, storage and offloading vessel conversion projects are proceeding with contractual delivery schedules, writes Xu Yihe.

However, some are sitting on the fence while they wait for owners to secure charter agreements, or chase payment from owners to complete the units before delivery.

Four yards in China — Cosco, CIMC Raffles, Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Offshore (DSIC Offshore) and Offshore Oil Engineering Company (COOEC) are now building nine semisubs and four FPSO completion or conversion projects.

Only one is being built for China Oilfield Service Ltd (COSL), with most having been ordered by US, European and Brazilian owners.

In May this year, COOEC won a deal from Brazil’s state-owned Petrobras to complete two FPSOs for developing two pre-salt oilfields.

The contract commits COOEC to buildpart of the processing modules and handle integration and commissioning for two 300,000-dwt FPSOs, billed as the P-67 and P-70.

Meanwhile, work at Cosco Shipyard to convert the P-75 and P-77 FPSOs is being held up due to lack of payment from owner Petrobras.




今年5月,海油工程从巴西国家石油公司获得一个订单,是完成两艘FPSO,用于开发这个南美国家的盐下油田。这两艘30万吨级的分别名为P-67和P-70, 根据合同,海油工需要建造部分处理模块并开展组装和调试。

同时,由于船东巴西国家石油公司没有付款,在中远船务改装P-75和P-77 FPSO的工作目前暂停。

10月底,Sevan 钻井公司通知中远船务,它决定行使其第一次选择权,将“Sevan Developer”号超深水钻井平台的交付时间再推迟6个月,至2016年4月15日。这是中远船务正在建造的唯一一座半潜式平台。

大船海工有望在明年下半年向中海油服交付“海洋石油982”深水半潜式钻井平台,用于在南海作业。大船海工还将于今年底向总部设在休斯顿的承包商Atlantica Tender Drilling交付两座BT-3500型半潜式钻井支持平台,并将于2016年下半年向总部设在荷兰的LWO交付一座BT-4000型半潜式修井平台。

Fluor eyes Zhuhai boost with CFHI joint venture

20 November 2015 01:00 GMT


美国承包商福陆公司正将几份新合同作为珠海海洋工程装备制造基地的目标,它目前与海洋石油工程股份有限公司(海油工程)合资经营该基地。公司几位高管告诉《上游报》,中海福陆重工有限公司(COOEC-Fluor Heavy Industries /CFHI)不久将宣布南中国海、北海可能还有墨西哥湾项目的工作。 福陆公司高级副总裁兼中海福陆重工董事长Gerald Stone说,US contractor teams up with COEEC at yard in southern China, targeting contracts in South China Sea, North Sea and Gulf of Mexico

US contractor Fluor is targeting new contracts for the fabrication facility in Zhuhai, southern China that it now operates in a joint venture with China’s Offshore Oil Engineering Company (COOEC).Senior company officials told Upstream that COOEC-Fluor Heavy Industries (CFHI) will soon announce work for projects in the South China, North Sea and also, potentially, the Gulf of Mexico.Fluor senior vice president and CFHI chairman Gerald Stone said the two partners have agreed to avoid competing for international jobs, adding that both are committed to finding work for the Zhuhai yard.The $999 million joint venture in which COOEC holds a 51% stake and Fluor the remaining 49% is expected to target orders for module assembly, fixed platform topsides, floating production, storage and offloading vessels, floating liquefied natural gas modules, subsea equipment and pipe fabrication.Located in a free trade zone on the south coast of the South China Sea, the yard covers 2.07 million square metres and is poised to be the one of the world’s biggest facilities when steel fabrication capacity is increased to 400,000 tonnes per annum by 2019 from the current 100,000 tpa.The yard already features three slipways and four workshops and is currently fabricating a jacket for one of the four platforms destined for PTTEP’s Zawtika 1B gas field development off Myanmar.The Zhuhai facility is already equipped to accommodate the fabrication of modules weighing more than 50,000 tonnes.Stone said the yard could eventually be developed into a subsea manufacturing and offshore support base.Fluor is hoping its investment in Zhuhai could be another step in its integrated solutions strategy.―Doing this, we reduce interfaces and the costs and risks associated with them and improve the schedules of projects,‖ said Fluor’s executive vice president for business development and strategy, Jose Bustamante. The two companies aim to exploit their respective strengths to create efficiencies throughout project cycles, while maintaining cost and schedule efficiencies by taking advantage of the region’s suppliers and vendors.Stone said the joint venture has laid out rules and regulations for 21 work streams covering engineering, operations and health, safety and environment.―We just want to make sure our process and tools are in place to achieve what we are going to do,‖ he said.CFHI general manager Tian Mingjie said the Zhuhai yard will follow the rules and practices applied by

Fluor.―Otherwise, why should we have a joint venture with Fluor?‖ he said, adding that he is hopeful the venture will help COOEC improve its

management of offshore engineering and fabrication work.Fluor and COOEC worked on a joint project to provide engineering, procurement, construction and installation services to the then-ConocoPhillips-operated Penglai 19-3 field in Bohai Bay off northern China in 2001.


该合资公司投资总额 9.99亿美元,海油工程占股 51%;福陆公司占股 49%。合资公司的目标产品定位为:模块组装、固定平台上部模块、浮式生产储油卸油轮、浮式液化天然气模块,水下设备和管道制造。

该基地位于南中国海南岸的一个自由贸易区,占地207万平方米,到2019年其钢材加工能力将从当前的10万吨/年增至40万吨/年,届时将成为世界上最大的制造基地之一。 该基地已经有3个滑道、4个车间,目前在为PTTEP缅甸海上Zawtika 1B气田开发项目4座平台中的其中一座建造导管架。珠海基地已经具备制造重超过5万吨模块的能力。

Norwegian investments forecast to grow in 2018


由于成本较低,再加上油价上升的前景促使一些石油公司重启目前搁置的计划,预计2018年挪威油气投资将出现反弹。 20 November 2015 01:00 GMT

Oil and gas association bases outlook on oil price rise and companies resuming shelved projects that have returned to profitability

NORWEGIAN oil and gas investments are forecast to rebound in 2018 as lower costs and an outlook for higher oil prices spur companies to resume plans that are currently shelved.

Total investments on the Norwegian continental shelf are set to drop to Nkr132 billion ($15.3 billion) in 2017 before climbing to Nkr158 billion in 2018 and Nkr179 billion in 2019, according to an outlook report from the Norwegian Oil & Gas Association published this week.This year, investments are estimated at Nkr185 billion.―Even before the oil price fell, oil companies saw a need to reduce costs to improve their competitiveness for the future, so they postponed some projects to make them more robust,‖ said Karl Eirik Schjott-Pedersen, the association’s director general.―We will reach a turning point in 2017, when a long-term perspective combined with lower costs will make projects profitable and help bring about a rebound.‖

As costs come down, lower investment levels do not necessarily mean a corresponding drop in activity, the oil and gas association pointed out. The group expects equipment costs and rig rates to drop about 20% from 2015 to 2017, before levelling out in the years towards 2020.

The price and cost decline would be even stronger if it had not been for the weakening krone.

The Norwegian currency has dropped by about 30% against the dollar in the past 18 months as a result of the oil price slump, cancelling out much of the lower prices for goods such as metals when translated into kroner. The oil and gas association’s forecast assumes companies will be able to make investment decisions based on an oil price of $70 per barrel in the years ahead.

However, should the expected oil price stay at $50, the expected pick-up in investments may not materialise.

An oil price assumption at $50 would most likely put a halt to future development projects including Johan Castberg, Snorre 2040, several discoveries that could be hooked up to the Polarled pipeline, as well as most smaller projects, the association said in its report.

Schjott-Pedersen is optimistic, however: ―We believe it is realistic to expect increased oil prices in the years ahead, based on a growing need for energy,‖ he said, and added that even in the $50 scenario, Norwegian oil and gas investments will be at a high level throughout this decade.


该协会会长Karl Eirik SchjottPedersen说,在油价下跌前,一些石油公司就意识到需要降低成本以提高它们未来的竞争力,因此它们推迟了一些项目,目的是使这些项目更加强劲。 他说:“2017年,我们将达到一个转折点,届时长期前景加上较低的成本将使一些项目有利可图并帮助实现反弹。”挪威油气协会指出,由于成本下降,投资水平降低并不意味着油气活动相应下降。



KS Energy in

Indonesian rig contract

23 November 2015 03:53 GMT


新加坡上市公司KS能源公司在印度尼西亚定了个JACK UP合同,这座JACK UP叫KS Java Star

KS没有透露租给谁了,但是说合同金额大概是280万美金。Singapore-listed KS Energy has landed a contract for its jack-up drilling rig KS Java Star in Indonesia.

KS Energy did not state who the jack-up rig would be chartered to, however it said the value of the contract was roughly US$2.8 million.

The jack-up is expected to begin work in Indonesia in December, with the contract not expected to have any material effect on KS Energy's earnings for the financial year ending 31 December.

这个JACK UP在12月正式工作,不过这个合同对KS的财务年度利润可能没啥用。他的财务年度截止12月31日。

备注: KS Java Star - 300ft/2000ft, F&G L-780 self-elevating cantilever jackup

该自升式钻井平台此前曾与联合运营伙伴Pertamina Drilling Services Indonesia签署过一份租约,但最终被撤销了。 “KS Java Star”号自升式钻井平台大多数时候都被部署在爪哇海岸的印尼西马都拉油田作业。

Iran reveals its fleet expansion shopping list

Saeidi: Suggests that relationships with China and Chinese banks will allow IRISL to place favourable orders at Chinese yards. Newbuildings to be financed through funds said to exceed $120bn frozen internationally due to sanctionsIRAN’S widely anticipated post-sanctions return to international shipping in 2016 will come with a fleet expansion shopping list consisting of 579,000 teu of containerships, 2m dwt of dry bulk vessels and 1.6m dwt of players. Speaking to Lloyd’s List he suggests that 10,000 teu was more likely to be the target, but he also suggests that final decisions will be made in the coming weeks. In terms of his priorities, a return to container shipping tops his agenda and he is actively considering the possibilities of alliances and joint ventures to break back into international trades. While he accepts that difficult market conditions will present some immediate issues even with a complete lifting of sanctions restrictions, he remains confident that IRISL can make a dent in the market with the right mix of efficient new tonnage and trade ties with the loose association of the Commonwealth of Independent States in central Asia. Increasing IRISL’s dry bulk fleet will take a lower priority for Dr Saeidi, at least initially. However, with a targeted increase from 2.5m dwt to tankers, all to be operational by 2020 according to the recently appointed head of Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines.The bold statement of intent to modernise and expand the national fleet primarily through newbuildings will be financed through funds purported to exceed $120bn, currently frozen internationally due to sanctions.IRISL is also discussing the possibility of alliances as part of the planned expansion strategy and is already pursuing talks with the Shipping Corporation of India regarding the revival of their Irano-Hind joint venture that was wound up in 2013, after 38 years in operation, due to sanctions restrictions on trade. Details of the audacious state policy are being gradually pushed out to the industry via IRISL’s new chairman and managing director Mohammad Saeidi, the former deputy head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organisation, who took over IRISL in August with no prior shipping industry experience.Dr Saeidi replaced Mohammad Hossein Dajmar, who had been named in the European Union and US list of companies and executives subject to sanctions restrictions. Speaking to Lloyd’s List in Copenhagen, Dr Saeidi said the Iranian government is now confident that all restrictions will be lifted by January 2016, when Iran will prioritise ―an immediate and significant return to shipping‖.While the international shipping operations of Iran’s two largest shipping companies — National Iranian Tanker Co and IRISL — have both been significantly curtailed under EU and US sanctions, Iran’s return to the international shipping market has been made possible under a deal reached this year between Iran and the P5+1 group, comprising the five permanent members of the UN Security Council — the US, France, the UK, China and Russia — plus Germany.Dr Saeidi’s more detailed vision of Iran’s return to international shipping via a massive fleet modernisation programme builds on a series of often confusing statements issued to the press that simply voiced IRISL’s ambition to ―be in the top 10 within five years‖.Major newbuilding contractsAccording to Dr Saeidi’s plan, a series of major newbuilding contracts will be signed in a matter of weeks as Iran taps significant funds built up in China, South Korea, Japan and India through trading during sanctions. While much of Iran’s trade was not halted, payments for oil became difficult due to international banking restrictions, so Iran has built up over $120bn in funds internationally that it fully expects to be unfrozen once sanctions are lifted.Iran will now use these funds to place newbuilding orders, predominantly in China, where Dr Saeidi suggests that existing relationships with China and Chinese banks will allow IRISL to place favourable orders at Chinese yards. South Korean yards are also under consideration as are some secondhand purchases, but the initial focus will be newbuildings in China.Dr Saeidi will not be drawn on tonnage specifics yet, and has been variously quoted as stating that the company will be ordering panamax vessels, 14,000 teu and even 18,000 teu tonnage to take on the top

4.5m dwt by 2020 he concedes he has set the company an ambitious schedule.Responding to questions regarding his lack of shipping experience, Dr Saeidi points out that his economic background as head of the country’s largest pension fund and private investor gives him a solid foundation in understanding international markets. He also points out that his advisers back in Tehran are some of the best in the business.While both IRISL and NITC had gained international reputations as well-managed companies prior to international sanctions, a series of changes in the management appointed by the state have raised questions of competence within the international shipping community.Iran replaced the veteran head of the National Iranian Tanker Co, Mohammad Souri, with Hamid Behbahani, a former minister, in 2012 when international pressure first started building on Iran's customers to reduce purchases of Iranian oil.




据悉,伊朗近日披露了价值1200亿美元的船队扩张计划,预计购买集装箱船(船型 船厂 买卖)579000TEU、散货船(船型 船厂 买卖)200万载重吨和油船(船型 船厂 买卖)160万载重吨,希望以此促进更新并扩大船队,以便在经济制裁放宽后能够马上重返航运业。 伊朗国家航运公司(IRISL)(伊朗伊斯兰共和国航运公司)负责人Mohammad Saeidi指出,IRISL将订造14000TEU甚至18000TEU巴拿马型集装箱船,从而与业内顶级的航运公司竞争。Saeidi称,IRISL可能更倾向于订造14000TEU集装箱船,最终结果将在未来数周内决定。





Mohammad Saeidi此前在哥本哈根举行的丹麦海事论坛上表示,公司正在进行庞大的船队更新和扩张计划,公司正在对伊朗解除制裁做好充分的准备,并事先进行一系列新船订单协商。

Saeidi表示,该公司将面临着与西方合作的新局面,这有很大的合作机会,尤其是IRISL,因此该公司必须更新并扩张船队。 Saeidi预计西方最迟在12月末解除对伊朗的制裁。到2016年年初,他预计欧洲所有的港口将对IRISL开放,而没有任何限制。 IRISL即将订造的新船包括系列集装箱船、散货船和杂货船(船型 船厂 买卖)。Saeidi表示,他期待与合资企业联手订造10艘集装箱船,并且与一些领先的航运公司进行了讨论,最近几个月,IRISL已经和地中海航运公司以及达飞航运公司进行高级别的协商。 此外,Saeidi还透露伊朗航运公司NITC即将订造超大型油船(VLCC)。

目前,IRISL旗下船队拥有87艘远洋船舶(位置 评论 新闻),以及28艘挂子公司船旗的船舶。


Hercules wins

Renaissance contract

24 November 2015 22:41 GMT


美国钻井承包商Hercules把他的一座JACK UP租给了营运商Renaissance,在墨西哥美湾海域工作

这座JACK UP叫Hercules 205(200ft/2000ft , Bethlehem JU-200 MC),日租金是49000-51000,合同80天,明年3月7日到期。 Struggling US rig contractor Hercules has hired out one of its jack-up rigs to operator Renaissance Offshore for work in the US Gulf of Mexico.

According to Hercules' most recent fleet status report, Renaissance will pay a dayrate of 49,000 to 51,000 for the jackup Hercules 205. The contract is for 80 days and is expected to finish up on 7 March of next year.

News of the new contract came weeks after Hercules said it was seeking to exitbankruptcy protection. It had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in August as it grappled with the low oil price environment.

The company also said in its fleet status report that it had warm stacked its jackup Hercules 173 and ready stacked the jackup 350. The rigs' most recent contracts expired earlier this month.


公司已经闲置了JACK UP 350,并且准备闲置Hercules 173(173ft/15000ft)。最近的一个合同本月初到期。

SapuraKencana hires UMW jack-up

24 November 2015 03:31 GMT

UMW Oil & Gas has been awarded a contract to provide a jack-up







SapuraKencana Petroleum.

UMW said it would provide the jack-up Naga 8 to drill up to 18 wells for SapuraKencana with an extension option for up to three additional wells. The company did not state the value of the contract, which commenced on 28 September, saying only that it was expected to contribute positively to earnings for the financial years between 2015 and 2017.

The Naga 8 was built by Singapore's Keppel Fels and delivered earlier this year. The KFels B-class rig is an independent-leg cantilever jack-up capable of operating in water depths of up to 400 feet and drilling to a depth of 30,000 feet.


马来西亚UMW Offshore Drilling公司已经与SapuraKencana Energy签署一份租船合同,为SapuraKencana提供―UMW Naga 8‖号自升式钻井平台,将负责18口油井的钻井工作,此外还有3口油井的备选租约。该合同从2015年9月28日开始。


―UMW Naga 8‖号自升式钻井平台建于2015年,采用Keppel FELS B级设计,作业水深400英尺,钻井深度达30000英尺

Breaking rigs up 'is hard to do'

25 November 2015 14:36 GMT

Analysts have criticised the slow pace of rig scrapping amid a global oversupply of units that has hit utilisation and dayrates, claiming it is delaying a drilling market recovery.

A total of 44 floater rigs – semi-submersibles or drillships – have so far been scrapped over the past 14 months, with another 43 such units set to roll off contract over the next three quarters, according to rig giant Seadrill.However, its chief executive Per Wullf was quoted as saying by Upstream’s sister publication Dagens Naeringsliv that at least another 60 older floaters need to be taken out of the equation to rebalance the market.The contractor stated in its third-quarter report it is ―likely the majority of units with contracts expiring in 2015 and 2016 will be unable to find reasonable follow-on work‖ as dayrates for a typical floater have been halved to around $300,000 - barely covering costs - compared with the level about 18 months ago.Seadrill said 27 of the rigs rolling off contract are fifth-generation units that could be priced out of the market by more capable rigs and and it is unlikely further investments would be justified to keep such assets aged 15 to 20 years in operation.On the jack-up side, there are currently 66 idle units older than 30 years out of a total marketed fleet of 476 rigs, with another 64 units of similar age set to roll off contract by the end of next year, and these 130 rigs are ―prime candidates for retirement‖, it stated.Nordea analysts have drawn up a so-called ―death list‖ of 107 floaters and 98 jack-ups they consider are earmarked for scrapping, including both Awilco Drilling’s semi-submersible rigs as well as seven units owned by Fred Olsen Energy and three owned by Songa Offshore. Work-starved rig contractors have seen dayrates plunge on lower drilling demand from oil companies due to cost-cutting and low oil prices, resulting in reduced fleet utilisation and lay-ups as contracts expire or are terminated by operators.The market situation has been exacerbated by an oversupply of units, with expected newbuild deliveries set to further swell the global fleet despite moves by contractors such as Seadrill to delay or cancel delivery of some of these rigs.According to head analyst Sven Ziegler of Clarksons Platou Offshore, around 23 newbuild floaters are set to enter the market in the next few years to increase the existing fleet of 268 active units, with a lowly utilisation rate of 76%.But he warns this could result in floater dayrates plunging even further to around $200,000 unless more rigs are removed from the market.―If rigs are not removed, then utilisation rates will not increase. This will mean an overhang of tonnage in 2016 and 2017, and also no increase in dayrates,‖ he told DN.He added that ―scrapping of older rigs must take place‖, but said individual contractors are looking to rivals to make a move rather than acting themselves.While players such as Transocean and Diamond Offshore have taken action to scrap tonnage, there has been no such move for rigs operating off Norway where the Norwegian Shipowners Association expects the number of idle rigs to double to 22 in the first half of next year.Analyst firm Cowen stated in a note that, ironically, successful efforts by rig contractors to bring stacking costs down may actually prolong the market pain.It said the cost of warm-stacking a fifth or sixth generation unit has been more than halved to around $40,000 a day, compared with an earlier level of of $100,000 a day, with reactivation possible in only 60 to 90 days.

―By driving so much cost out of the stacking process, the industry will be able to keep more units in a warm or ready-stacked state for longer than in previous cycles,‖ according to Cowen.―This will only serve to slow the rate of supply reduction that the market desperately needs, not only delaying recovery but tempering the strength of the eventual rebound.‖





在JACK UP方面,现在有66座30年以上船龄的闲置着。而市场总共有476座JACK UP,其中64座差不多也是30年船龄的会在明年年底结束合同。这130座JACK UP是“退休候选者”。

挪威的分析师起草了一份“死亡名单”,其中列出了107座浮式平台和98座JACK UP,他觉得快要拆了。






SembMarine seeking Marco Polo payments

26 November 2015 03:43 GMT

Sembcorp Marine has fired back a dispute with fellow Singaporean company Marco Polo Marine over a the latter's cancellation of a jack-up drilling rig.

Marco Polo terminated the US$214.3 million construction contract with SembMarine subsidiary PPL Shipyard earlier this month after claiming cracks were found on all three legs of the new rig during two rounds of tests. SembMarine said Wednesday that the contractual delivery for the the Pacific Class 400 design rig was 30 November and that when Maro Polo terminated the contract on 17 November it was substantially ready to be completed for delivery.

With the rig more than 98% complete the remaining work to be carried out on the rig included a pre-load test and a jacking trial followed by non-destructive testing.

SembMarine said any defect found during the testing would be rectified, noting that the contract allowed for an additional 210 days after the 30 November delivery date giving it more than enough time to correct any defects.

As a result, it believes Marco Polo's cancellation of the contract was wrongful and ―without any justification whatsoever‖.

It instead claims the company cancelled the contract to avoid making a second US$21.43 million payment on the rig, that had already been accrued and was due immediately on the execution of the contract.

SembMarine said the payment had been deferred twice at the request of Marco Polo and was due to paid by the 30 November delivery date.

As part of its termination of the rig contract, Marco Polo is currently seeking a refund of its initial US$21.43 million payment on the rig, a request which PPL has since denied.

SembMarine said late Wednesday PPL's position was that the contract was still subsisting and Marco Polo was in repudiatory breach and its lawyers had notified Marco Polo's lawyers of its decision to affirm the contract on Monday.

Marco Polo要求PPL船厂返还船款

据悉,Marco Polo Marine子公司Marco Polo Drilling近日启动对胜科海事旗下PPL船厂的合同纠纷处理程序,要求PPL船厂返还撤单自升式钻井平台的船款。

上周,Marco Polo曾撤销在PPL船厂的一座自升式钻井平台建造合同。Marco Polo将撤单原因归因于PPL船厂未能履行合同义务。这份建造合同于2014年2月签署,价格约为2.143亿美元,交付期原定于2015年第四季度。

Marco Polo称,在终止合同后将不会接收该钻井平台,并要求PPL船厂返还之前已经支付的约2140万美元预付款,相当于合同价值的10%。

Marco Polo表示,在宣布撤单后,PPL船厂并没有同意Marco Polo的要求,特别是返还预付款的要求。因此,Marco Polo已经启动了合同纠纷处理程序,希望PPL船厂能够退回相关船款。









美国液化石油气航运公司Dorian LPG已于11月20日从韩国现代三湖重工接收了第16艘新造环保型超大气体运输船―Chaparral‖号。 据悉,该船运输能力为84000立方米,将加入Helios LPG联营池。包括此次新交付的第16艘船,Dorian LPG公司目前拥有和运营有19艘现代化的VLGC和1艘高压LPG船。目前该公司还有3艘84000立方米环保型VLGC在韩国大宇造船和现代三湖重工建造,预计2015-2016年交付完毕

