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中国特色社会主义的文化产业注重以人为本的内涵和产业的全面、健康、协调发展。以人为本作为我们党新时期的执政理念,是实现文化产业可持续发展的核心理念,它应当落实和贯彻到文化产业发展的各个方面和环节中去。 首先,坚持以人为本的理念发展文化产业,必须最大限度地满足人民群众日益增长的精神文化生活需要。文化产业是社会主义市场经济条件下满足人民群众精神生活需求的重要途径,是与文化事业并驾齐驱的另一翼。基本的文化需求和权益主要通过政府主导,由文化事业来满足;更多的个性化的文化需求则主要通过市场,由文化产业来满足。文化发展繁荣就要坚持以满足人民群众精神文化需求为出发点和落脚点,贴近群众、贴近现实、贴近生活,生产更多更好的多层次的文化产品来解决群众的“精神渴求”和“文化贫乏”的问题。要改变和剔除那种“唯我独尊、唯我独高、唯我独艺”的贵族式眼光和作法,加大各种精神文化产品生产的力度。既要有“阳春白雪”,也要有“下里巴人”,真正做到平民化、大众化,做到通俗而不庸俗,雅俗而不低俗,大俗而不恶俗,多方位、多渠道、多层次地满足群众的精神和心理需要。让文化紧贴百姓的生活,乃至原始一点、粗糙一点、质朴一点、稚嫩一点、本色一点,对广大老百姓来说,也许正是其希望和优势所在。一些大制作的“豪华剧”,一些精品式的“评奖戏”,一些人造的“文化工程”,老百姓未必爱看,未必欢迎。相反,贴近他们的大雅大俗、大喜大悲,倒能释放人们当今社会生活快节奏、高风险、强竞争和紧张工作下的巨大压力。无论是经济化了的文化产业,还是福利化了的公益性文化事业,只有满足人们精神生活的真正需要,才会变得有魅力、有受众、有前景。因此,在发展文化产业的过程中,只要是有益于人民群众身心健康的,就要允许存在,允许试验和探索。把群众喜闻乐见的形式搞成教条,把生动活泼的内容变成僵化的说教,把原不相干的东西硬塞进原汁的艺术和文化生活,弄得死气沉沉,这都是违背群众意愿和背离以人为本的,也是违反文化艺术生产和发展规律的。





可见,以人为本就是要顺应民心,体现人性,表现人文,以这样的理念去经营和发展文化产业,产业必然壮大;反之,违背人心、人性、人文去办文化产业,去追求一些不切实际的“假、大、空”或恶劣的“黄、赌、毒”,就只会使文化产业夭折或步入歧途。文化产业可持续发展必须充分体现“以人为本”的科学内涵,符合科学发展观的要求。 二、把握基本原则 在文化生活中,各种文化产品从生产到消费存在着多种链条和环节,要实现文化产业的可持续发展,必须坚持以下基本原则:第一,市场取向原则。发展文化产业无疑要以市场需求和导向为原则,既要按文化发展规律办事,又必须按市场规律办事。文化既然是种产业,就必须采取市场取向,进入市场,到市场的风浪中去搏击。文化产业不断发展的动力来自于市场。毫无疑问,政府的强力推动对文化产业的启动和发展是必不可少的,宽松的环境和优惠政策的支持也是必须的,但文化产业能否真正发展起来,最终取决于市场,取决于市场的运作力、竞争力和自我发展的能力。市场是产品的归宿和价值实现的场所,没有市场就没有产业。




第四,效益最大化原则。文化作为产业,必须追求效益的最大化,实现经济效益、社会效益和文化生态效益的有机统一。发展文化产业,从经济价值来看,是推动经济可持续发展的重要力量;从社会价值来看,是提高国民素质,建设和谐社会的有效途径; 从文化生态效益来看,是传承和创新文化形式和内容的基本手段。经济效益是增加国民财富的直接效益。但文化产业在关注经济效益的同时,不能不承担它的社会责任。社会效益是我国社会主义文化所追求的核心效益。文化发展不能只讲经济利益,追求利润最大化而放

弃社会效益、民族价值和国家利益。发展与壮大文化产业,既要盯着市场做文章,增强文化实体的自我生存能力,最大限度地让文化产品增值,但又不能唯市场是从,一味迎合市场低层次需求,让那些品质低劣、格调不高的文化产品大行其道;既要立足中国社会实际,立足民族文化传统,创作和生产出最具中国特色的文化产品,又不能复古守旧、固步自封,简单、低水平地重复传统;既要扩大文化领域的对外开放,增加对国外文化产品的引进,又不能无视文化“赤字”的现实,廉价地为别国培育文化受众,损害国家的文化安全。文化生态效益遵循文化生态61主体平等、生态利益公平、生态权利公正、生态秩序安全的原则,保证文化生态协调、平衡和健康的发展,从而产生良好的综合效益。必须在宏观视野、系统整合中研究文化形态、文化样式、文化符号、文化价值、文化精神的关联性、互动性、整体性、系统性及其开发的综合效益,才能形成文化强势,使文化的创造力、知识力、想象力真正转化为现实生产力。要研究制定对文化企业社会效益、经济效益和文化生态效益进行综合评估、监测、考核的办法和指标体系,确保三重效益的实现,并力求效益的最大化。 三、统筹几大关系

科学发展观是马克思主义关于发展的世界观和方法论,它追求的是健康、协调、全面、可持续的辩证发展。在文化产业问题上,要实现科学跨越和可持续发展,必须辩证处理和全面统筹以下几个主要关系:一是统筹经济发展与文化发展的关系。经济是社会发展的基础,以经济建设为中心,集中力量推动经济快速、健康发展是我们任何时候都不能动摇的基本策略。但文化作为社会重要的组成部分,也是任何时候都不能削弱的。文化是国家的“软实力”,没有“软实力”的匹配,硬实力就会缺乏韧性而破碎;没有文化的跟进,经济发展也会缺乏后劲而挫败。没有“软实力”的发展和支撑,任何国家的富强和崛起都是不可能持久的。在社会历史发展过程中,经济与文化从来都是在相互交织和相互作用中实现其发展的,文化是经济的派生物,经济需要文化的支撑。在知识经济时代,经济与文化愈趋融合和一体化,文化的经济性、经济的文化性,经济与文化的整合协调、互渗互动,成为现代化建设的必然趋势。经济发展需要文化力的推动,就经济发展经济,就文化发展文化,难以实现单个方面的真正发展。唯有二者结合起来,协调发展才能相互支撑,相得益彰。 文化产业是推动中国经济发展的助推器。文化产业不仅本身可以作为文化商品和服务获利,而且对于国民经济产生连锁效应,可以带动许多相关产业的发展。不仅能带动上游产业的发展,推动后续产业的增长,还会波及网络、金融、通信、交通、商业、饮食等互补性产业。特别是文化产业与高新技术的发展相辅相成,没有高新技术的支撑,文化产业难以快速崛起。现代高新技术已成为推动文化产业发展、提高文化创新能力和传播能力的新引擎。在加快经济发展方式转变过程中,文化产业具有优结构、扩消费、增就业、促跨越、可持续的独特优势和特点,从而缓解中国经济发展面临的突出问题。文化产业的发展还能够增强一个国家或地区的国际竞争力,扩大其在世界的影响。日本、韩国就因文化产业的发展而名声远播。而且,文化的发展对人的全面发展具有长远的作用和意义。文化的短腿,在当代是谈不上有真正强大的竞争力的。因此,在国民经济产业群中我们应确立优先发展文化产业的战略思想。





三是统筹均衡发展和非均衡发展的关系。任何事业或产业,很少是按照理想模式均衡地发展的,非均衡发展是事物发展的常态和规律。国内外没有任何一个国家和地区在所有文化产业领域都能处于领先地位。因此,发展中既要突出重点,又要善于从全局着眼,通盘考虑、合理制定文化及其产业全面发展的规划和措施,在统筹中实现协调发展。文化产业的优劣势在一定条件和发展过程中可以相互转化,一时的优势可能会变成将来的劣势,暂时的劣势也可能变成明天的优势。如何因势利导,是文化产业发展战略设计中的重要实践课题。 我国经济发展、社会现代化进程呈现一种从东到西、从城市到农村逐步展开的分梯度非均衡发展态势,文化产业发展同样如此。因此,在文化产业发展上,东部、沿海发达地区,应着力发展文化创意产业,与全球化前沿的领域“接轨”;作为中西部地区特别是广大农村,应该在政府主导下加强公共文化服务体系建设和文化市场建设,整理文化资源,开发特色文化产业,尽快使文化形成产业,做成产业。我们应区分比较各地的优势、特色在什么地方,作出理性的判断。只有发现自己的特点、差异、优势所在,才能把功夫和精力集中在主攻方向上。共性的、一般的、平常的文化项目缓行发展,个性的、特殊的、优长的文化项目加快发展。云南文化产业的发展,就是以旅游和文艺演出的结合为特色和重点而产生奇效的。 然而,作为可持续发展,要求的是全面协调发展,这是我们应努力追求和实现的目标。这就是说,在重点发展传媒业、出版发行业、演艺娱乐业、动漫游戏业、网络业、影视业等文化产业的同时,要关注和发展下游产业、周边产业、关联产业、衍生产业,推动文化产业链的延伸,加速发展文化新业态,防止“单打一”。


应抓住重点领域,“咬定青山不放松”,持之以恒地把有特色的产业做下去。 四是统筹加快发展和持续发展的关系。我们需要加快发展,但发展必须有后劲,有强力,能够保持永续的发展。在文化产业发展的初期,着眼于加快发展是非常重要的,因为发展初期如果没有速度,就不能形成规模,争得主动。而初期的发展难免带有一定的盲目性、粗放性,存在数量较大,质量不高;速度快,效益低;品种多,品牌少;市场兴,较无序的现象。 因此,发展中要特别关注发展的质量、效益、后劲的问题,坚持可持续发展。 现代文化产业注重发展文化创意产业,其主要特征是重视产业发展的高端,重视将文化创意与传统产业相结合,以增加传统产业的文化附加值。我们应该在科学发展观指导下,将文化创意产业列为文化产业的升级目标,充实产品的创意内涵,把握新的制高点。要坚持有序有利有节制地开发、发展,不能搞“文化大跃进”。一哄而起,遍地开花,必将最终损害文化及其产业,成为空洞和虚假的伪文化。对我国中西部来说,应该着力于加快发展,发挥文化资源优势,促进文化产业跨越发展;而对东部沿海城市来说,则要更多着眼于建立长效机制,增强发展后劲,实现优质发展。加快发展如果以破坏资源、不顾社会效益、粗制滥造为代价,这种发展就是与可持续发展相对立的;加快发展如果是以资源的有效保护和合理利用为前提,产业产生良好的经济效益和社会效益,则这种发展就是可持续发展的重要组成部分。





Abstract: To promote the overall strength and competitiveness of cultural industry, we must promote and promote the sustainable development of cultural industry under the guidance of scientific development concept. This is necessary to establish the core concept of people-centered implementation and implementation of cultural industries in all aspects and links to grasp the market orientation, highlighting the characteristics of resources to protect the priority and maximize the benefits of the basic principles of dialectical processing and co-ordinate economic development and culture Development, cultural undertakings and cultural industries, balanced development and non-balanced development, accelerate development and sustainable development and so on.

Keywords: cultural industry; sustainable development; people-oriented;

Since the reform and opening up, China's cultural industry is in the ascendant, into the new century is to accelerate the development into the fast lane, an important source of economic and social development of the new engine and engine. In the future fierce competition, to further enhance the overall strength of cultural industries and competitiveness, we must take the scientific development concept as guidance, identify the focus, promote and promote the sustainable development of cultural industries.

First, establish the core concept

The cultural industry of socialism with Chinese characteristics pays attention to the connotation of people - oriented and the comprehensive, healthy and coordinated development of industry. People - oriented as our party 's ruling philosophy in the new period is the core idea

of realizing the sustainable development of cultural industry. It should implement and carry out all aspects and links of cultural industry development.

First of all, adhere to the concept of people-oriented development of cultural industries, we must maximize the people to meet the growing spiritual and cultural life. The cultural industry is an important way to meet the people's spiritual needs under the conditions of the socialist market economy and the other wing to keep pace with the cultural undertakings. The basic cultural needs and interests mainly through the government-led, to meet the cultural undertakings; more personalized cultural needs are mainly through the market, to meet the cultural industry. Cultural development and prosperity should adhere to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the people as the starting point and the foothold, close to the masses, close to reality, close to life, produce more and better multi-level cultural products to solve the people's \alone high, only my art\aristocratic vision and practices, increase the variety of spiritual and cultural production. Not only vulgar, vulgar and not vulgar, vulgar and not vulgar, multi-faceted, multi-channel, multi-level to meet the needs of the people of the world, The spiritual and psychological needs of the masses. Let the culture close to the people's lives, as well as the original point, a little rough, simple, immature, true color, the majority of the people, perhaps it is its hope and advantage. Some large-scale production of \\drama\some artificial \project\people may not love, may not be welcome. On the contrary, close to their Daya vulgar, Daixitaibei, down to the release of people today's fast-paced society, high-risk, strong competition and intense work under great pressure. Whether it is an economic cultural industry, or the welfare of the public welfare of cultural undertakings, only to meet people's spiritual needs of the real life, will become attractive, with the audience, there are prospects. Therefore, in the process of developing the cultural industry, as long as it is beneficial to people's physical and mental health, it is necessary to allow the existence, allowing testing and exploration. The masses into the form of love and fame, the lively content into a rigid preaching, the original irrelevant hard stuffed into the juice of the artistic and cultural life, which makes dead, this is contrary to the wishes of the people and deviate from the people-oriented , But also a violation of cultural and artistic production and development of the law.

Second, adhere to the concept of people-oriented development of cultural industries, it is necessary to safeguard and realize the cultural interests of the masses. In accordance with the requirements of public welfare, basic, equality, and convenience, we should attach great importance to the individualized services provided by the cultural industry while accelerating the construction of public cultural service system. What people consume, do not consume anything, can be oriented, but can not deprive people of the right to freedom of choice. The cultural industry must have a market vision, the people welcome and loved, there must be a market and vitality; the other hand, rigid thinking and aristocratic vision to look at and develop the cultural industry, will inevitably make no vitality, loss of vitality. At the same time, we should pay attention to safeguarding the cultural interests and interests of the people according to law. Cultural market, fake and shoddy products, to provide low-quality cultural consumption and cultural services, is against the interests of the cultural interests of the masses; cultural products aristocratic is actually intended to exclude ordinary people in the cultural consumption of the door, which is also the people's culture The realization of an interest constitutes a harm. Cultural

industry should be oriented to the public and serve the people's livelihood. China's ancient street performers such as rap, crosstalk, storytelling, juggling, etc., both people are willing to accept the mass culture, but also the embryonic form of cultural industries. The foundation of the cultural industry is rooted in the people, and its development depends to a large extent on consumers. How to stimulate people's spiritual and cultural consumption consciousness and improve the level of cultural consumption is not only related to the development of cultural industry, but also related to the improvement of the cultural level and the quality of spiritual life of the whole society through multi-faceted guidance. Through the holding of various cultural activities, improve people's cultural taste, the formation of a healthy cultural consumption atmosphere.

Third, adhere to the concept of people-oriented development of cultural industries, the most fundamental focus is to strive to improve the quality of people, and promote the comprehensive development. Regardless of cultural undertakings and cultural industries are essentially the production of spiritual and cultural products, we must meet people's spiritual and cultural needs of life, we must adhere to the highest social benefits as a criterion. Although each has its own characteristics and play a different role, but their ultimate goal is to promote social and human development and promotion. The evaluation of cultural industries, without adverse social impact, no doubt directly to the economic criteria to evaluate, mainly to see its gross domestic product, fiscal revenue and contribution to social employment, to see it in the adjustment of industrial structure, Change the mode of economic development on the important role. But the cultural industry development and cultural construction is the fundamental building, the key is to comprehensively improve the quality of people, enrich people's spiritual world, enhance people's spiritual strength. The development of cultural industries, must improve the quality of people useful, but not harmful, this is the development of cultural industries test the most fundamental touchstone.

People's comprehensive and free development includes the display of human personality, literary appreciation, entertainment and leisure, tourism and so on. It can be said that the production, sale and consumption of cultural products and services are closely linked with the all-round development of human beings. Different from the public welfare cultural undertakings, the cultural industry pays more attention to cultural entertainment, recreation, leisure and puzzle, people relax themselves, return to the true, so as to promote people's physical and mental health, to meet the needs of people's free development.

In contrast, contrary to the people, human nature, culture to do cultural industry, to the pursuit of some unrealistic \bad\yellow, gambling, poisoning \it will only make cultural industries die or go astray. The sustainable development of cultural industry must fully reflect the \connotation, in line with the requirements of the scientific concept of development.

Second, grasp the basic principles

In cultural life, there are many kinds of chains and links in various cultural products from production to consumption. To realize the sustainable development of cultural industry, we must adhere to the following basic principles: First, the principle of market orientation. The development of cultural industries will undoubtedly take the market demand and orientation as the principle, it is necessary to act according to the law of cultural development, and must act according to market rules. Culture Since it is a kind of industry, we must take market-oriented, enter the market, to storm the market to fight. Cultural industries continue to develop the driving

force from the market. There is no doubt that the government's strong impetus to the cultural industry is essential to the start and development, relaxed environment and preferential policies to support is also necessary, but the cultural industry can really develop, ultimately depends on the market, depending on the market Of the operating capacity, competitiveness and self-development capacity. Market is the product of the destination and the value of the place, there is no market there is no industry.

Cultural industry is to create an attractive, an expectation, to meet people's pursuit and hope. People are cultural products or services closely attracted, and this has a market; with the market, industry can support them. Therefore, cultural products and services must be from the market focus on grasping the excitement of people, the resonance point. Hunan Satellite TV \Girl\success, the most fundamental is the success of the market, is the file market-oriented and commercial operation of the success of its music, mainly in music, but rather the market operation. This shows that, in the past, the development of culture is fundamentally different from the development of cultural industries, can not \hold partly concealed,\shy, must be courageous, duty-bound to invest in the market. Research cultural market demand and people's cultural consumption psychology, research and development and production of people loved by the cultural products, in particular, be good at market planning, marketing and operation. Can not go to the market storms to \long, but also no vitality and competitiveness. Of course, market orientation has its limitations. As a kind of non-market orientation, social orientation is indispensable. It can improve the orientation of market orientation, correct the trajectory of market operation and make up the value defect of market orientation. The development of the socialist cultural industry with Chinese characteristics is through the integration, to achieve social and market orientation of the two fit.

Second, highlight the characteristics of the principle. The sustainable development of cultural industry and cultural enterprises strong vitality, is the core competitiveness of the build; and build the core competitiveness lies in the creation of personality, highlighting the characteristics. With the characteristics, personality will have a brand, you can form an advantage. The \or strong, or large and so on. Faced with the regional division of labor more and more fine, more and more intense competition in the cultural market trend, China's cultural industries require sustainable development in the future pattern of a place, we must give full play to the advantages around to show their own characteristics. This includes regional cultural characteristics, folk customs characteristics, tourism and cultural characteristics, historical and cultural characteristics, red cultural characteristics, innovative cultural characteristics. Characteristic is competitiveness, is productivity, is comparative advantage. Based on their own resources, talent and first-mover advantage, have, do not, in order to form their own advantages of the project and the leading industry, in order to be invincible in the fierce competition. Now there is a very strange phenomenon, that is, \do not have characteristics. For example, some local tourism resources was very unique, personality, but to imitate others, to create some of the same man-made landscape, the original natural, pristine, beautiful landscape made neither fish nor fowl. In fact, modern tourism is more to leave the noisy city, to reduce the pressure of fast-paced life, so that physical and mental into the natural beauty of relaxation and mold. Some of the red tourism, which allows visitors to

accept the advanced ideological education and the noble spirit of the baptism, but to compile some unfounded mystery story to \the true and bright, in the direction is also very responsible and serious. Imitation of the road, is one of the most easy way to go, but it is one of the most promising way; characteristics of the road, is the pursuit of individuality and innovation, is the road of scientific development. China's cultural industry to be sustainable development, we must adhere to the characteristics of the road. \

Third, the principle of resource conservation priority. Sustainable development is to promote the harmony between man and nature, to achieve economic development and resources, the environment is coordinated to ensure that a generation after another to sustainable development. It requires today's development and utilization, not only can not exhaust or destroy resources and the environment, but also for the future development of better conditions. With the development of cultural industry, the contradiction between the development of cultural resources and the protection of cultural resources has become increasingly apparent. Many cultural resources such as historical and cultural resources, national cultural resources, natural landscape resources, and so have a certain scarcity and vulnerability, they are often not renewable or difficult to regenerate, not as people generally think inexhaustible, with Of the inexhaustible. Once these cultural resources have been destroyed, it will cause irreparable damage. This determines the need to protect the resources in the first place, adhere to the protection of priority, appropriate development, the principle of sustainable use. Leaving the protection, the development of cultural industries will be due to the excessive use of resources and not sustainable. Protection of cultural resources in general there are three ways: First, the principle of protection, that is a certain fundamental laws and regulations and measures to protect the continuity of cultural resources, integrity and coordination so that it will not be forgotten and annihilation. Such as the \social changes constantly marginalized, or even disappear, which is in urgent need of protection. Such as Hunan, \Nvshu\on the protection of such a situation. Second, the development of protection, is about to produce a market effect, a greater development value of the cultural resources into industry, and the industry is strong again feeding the protection of cultural resources, to achieve a virtuous circle. Such as the protection of the ancient city of Hunan Phoenix development, to achieve a benign interaction between the two. Third, the strategic protection, is currently no power to develop but there are characteristics and prospects of the overall protection of cultural resources down, as the development of cultural industries, resource reserves, to be later developed and used. Strategic protection is essential, and all cultural resources must not be developed by a generation, but should be left to future generations of children should have the resources. Such as some ancient tombs, ancient ruins, ancient buildings, can not dig the best not to dig, the overall preservation of the overall best preserved. Cultural heritage includes material cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage, they are non-renewable precious cultural resources. If destroyed, disappeared or lost, we will become the cultural %undergoing tremendous changes, cultural heritage and its living environment is seriously threatened, we must from the long view, adhere to the principle of resource conservation priority.

Fourth, the principle of maximum benefit. Culture as an industry, we must pursue the

maximization of benefits, to achieve economic, social and cultural and ecological benefits of organic unity. The development of cultural industry, from the economic point of view, is to promote sustainable economic development an important force; from the social value, is to improve the quality of the people, building a harmonious society an effective way;

From the perspective of cultural and ecological benefits, is the transmission and innovation of cultural forms and content of the basic means. Economic benefits are the direct benefits of increasing national wealth. But the cultural industry in the concerned economic benefits at the same time, can not but bear its social responsibility. Social benefits are the core benefits pursued by our socialist culture. Cultural development can not only speak of economic interests, the pursuit of profit maximization and give up social benefits, national values and national interests. The development and strengthening of cultural industries, it is necessary to stare at the market to do an article to enhance the cultural entities of the self-survivability, to maximize the value of cultural products, but not only from the market, blindly meet the low-level needs of the market for those poor quality, The cultural products of high standard are not popular; it is necessary to base on the Chinese social reality, based on the national cultural tradition, to create and produce the most cultural products with Chinese characteristics, and not retro, conservative, simple, low-level repeat tradition; Cultural areas of the opening to the outside world, the introduction of foreign cultural products, can not ignore the cultural \reality, cheap for other countries to cultivate cultural audiences, damage the country's cultural security. The cultural and ecological benefits follow the principles of equality of the main body of the cultural ecology, fairness of ecological interests, fairness of ecological rights and security of ecological order, and ensure the harmonious, balanced and healthy development of cultural ecology, thus producing good comprehensive benefits. Cultural values, cultural values, the cultural spirit of the relevance, interaction, holistic, systematic and comprehensive development of the benefits, in order to form a cultural strength, so that the culture of the cultural, cultural, cultural, Creativity, knowledge, imagination really into real productive forces. To study the development of cultural enterprises of social, economic and cultural and ecological benefits of integrated assessment, monitoring, assessment methods and indicators to ensure the realization of triple benefits, and strive to maximize the benefits.

Third, the co-ordination of several major relationships

The scientific concept of development is the world outlook and methodology of Marxism on development. It pursues a healthy, coordinated, comprehensive and sustainable dialectical development. In the cultural industry, to achieve scientific leapfrogging and sustainable development, we must dialectically handle and comprehensively co-ordinate the following major relationships: First, the overall economic development and cultural development. Economy is the foundation of social development. Focusing on economic construction and focusing on promoting rapid and healthy economic development is the basic strategy that we can not shake at any time. But culture as an important part of society, but also can not be weakened at any time. Culture is the country's \of toughness and broken; no cultural follow-up, economic development will be the lack of stamina and defeat. No \are not sustainable. In the process of social and historical development, economy and culture have always been interwoven and interact to achieve its development, culture is the economic derivatives, economic needs of cultural support. In the era of knowledge economy, the

integration and integration of economy and culture, the economy of culture, the culture of economy, the integration and coordination of economy and culture, and the interaction of mutual infiltration become the inevitable trend of modernization construction. Economic development requires the promotion of cultural power, economic development of the economy, cultural development, culture, it is difficult to achieve a single aspect of the real development. Only by combining the two, coordinated development in order to support each other, complement each other.

Cultural industry is the booster of China's economic development. Cultural industry not only itself can be used as cultural goods and services profit, but also for the national economy has a chain effect, can lead to the development of many related industries. Not only to promote the development of upstream industries to promote the follow-up industry growth, but also affected the network, finance, communications, transportation, commerce, catering and other complementary industries. Especially the cultural industry and the development of high-tech complement each other, there is no high-tech support, the cultural industry is difficult to quickly rise. Modern high-tech has become a new engine to promote the development of cultural industry, improve the ability of cultural innovation and communication. In accelerating the transformation of the mode of economic development, the cultural industry has the unique advantages and characteristics of excellent structure, expanding consumption, increasing employment, promoting cross-cutting and sustainable, so as to alleviate the outstanding problems confronting China's economic development. The development of cultural industries can also enhance the international competitiveness of a country or region and expand its influence in the world. Japan, South Korea due to the development of cultural industries and reputation. Moreover, the development of culture has a long-term effect and significance on the comprehensive development of human beings. Culture of the short legs, in the contemporary is not really have a strong competitive edge. Therefore, in the national economic industrial cluster, we should establish the strategic idea of giving priority to the development of cultural industries.

The second is to co-ordinate the relationship between cultural undertakings and cultural industries. One of the most critical and pervasive problems in the development of cultural industries is to handle the relationship between undertakings and industries. Cultural industry and the cause of the first difference between each other.

The two should be stripped off, different treatment, not the industry is not like the industry, the cause is not like the cause. Cultural industry is engaged in the development of cultural products, production, marketing and the provision of cultural services business industry; cultural undertakings is to provide public cultural products and services of the public welfare of the cultural sector. The purpose of the two different production, the cause of the provision of public cultural products, industrial production to enter the market to achieve its value of goods; the two different nature of the main business is the cause of the cultural units, and cultural industries is the legal representative of enterprises; Private enterprises, foreign investment and other channels of financing; the two mechanisms of operation are different from the cause of the main financial support from the Government to ensure its operations, while the industry is fully to market, at their own expense. Profit and loss; the two different ways of regulation, the cause of direct regulation by the government administration, and industry mainly rely on policies and regulations, the use of legal, administrative, economic and other means of indirect regulation. On the other hand, the cultural industry and the cause of mutual inclusion, mutual penetration and

transformation. In cultural undertakings there are some industries, such as high art, cultural relics, cultural and sports competition in certain conditions can also do the industry, to overcome the kind of cultural institutions can not operate the concept of the industry. Cultural institutions of culture of certain content, form, carrier, project, can be stripped off, the use of market operation mode of operation. Similarly, the operation of certain elements of the culture of public welfare can be achieved through the carrier and form of industry. Public welfare cultural undertakings are mainly run by the government, but also to encourage social participation, allowing social capital to enter. Cultural industry and the cause of the two also mutual transformation. Industry under certain conditions, can be transformed into the cause, constitute a part of the cause. In fact, due to the improvement of material and cultural standards of living and economic strength, some of the industry with a public nature of the content has been stripped from the industry, the Government pays the bill, into the welfare of the masses, such as open-air movies, Wait. Similarly, the cause through restructuring, development, divestiture can also be transformed into industry. Such as some elegant culture, folk art, due to popularization and the expansion of the audience, can be changed from public welfare undertakings to operating the industry, do not need to subsidize the road.

Clearly, the boundaries of cultural undertakings and cultural industries exist, but not separate, but in the dynamic process of development of the ever-changing. We must not only oppose the conservative tendency of mixing the two together, but also oppose the kind of confrontation between the two, the cause of the industry, \of their two isolated Meta - thinking. Under the conditions of a socialist market economy, on the one hand, the cause of development is the sacred duty of cultural workers and the center of work. Under the condition of market economy, the \not changed or changed, and cultural workers must adhere to the direction that culture serves socialism and serves the people. But on the other hand, industrial development is the material basis of cultural development, the cause of industrial development should be backed up. Culture can not only lose its strong material support and lose its creative vitality in the market competition if it simply performs the functions of \the market, It is difficult to achieve effective publicity. To adhere to the grasping, two to strengthen the cause of the industry, to support the cause of industry.

Third, balanced development and unbalanced development. Any business or industry is rarely in accordance with the ideal model of balanced development, non-balanced development is the normal development of the law and the law. No country or region at home or abroad is in a leading position in all cultural industries. Therefore, the development should not only highlight the focus, but also good at from the overall focus, overall consideration, rational development of culture and its comprehensive development of industrial planning and measures to achieve co-ordination in the coordinated development. The advantages and disadvantages of cultural industries in certain conditions and the development process can be transformed into a temporary advantage may become a disadvantage in the future, temporary disadvantage may become tomorrow's advantage. How to make good use of the situation is an important practice topic in the strategy design of cultural industry development.

China's economic development, social modernization process presents a from east to west, from the city to the rural gradual development of sub-gradient unbalanced development trend, the development of cultural industries as well. Therefore, in the development of cultural

industries, the eastern, coastal developed areas, should focus on the development of cultural and creative industries, and the forefront of the field of globalization \and western regions, especially the vast rural areas, should be under the leadership of the government to strengthen public cultural service system Construction and cultural market construction, organize cultural resources, the development of characteristic cultural industries, culture as soon as possible to form the industry, made of industry. We should distinguish between the advantages of comparison around the characteristics of where to make rational judgments. Only to find their own characteristics, differences, advantages, can the effort and focus on the main direction. Common, general, ordinary cultural projects to develop slowly, individuality, special, excellent long-term development of cultural projects. Yunnan cultural industry development, is to tourism and theatrical performances for the characteristics and focus of the strange effect.

However, as a sustainable development, requires a comprehensive and coordinated development, which we should strive to pursue and achieve the goal. This means that while focusing on the development of the media industry, publishing industry, entertainment industry, animation game industry, network industry, film and television industry and other cultural industries, we should pay attention to and develop downstream industries, peripheral industries, related industries, Cultural industry chain extension, accelerate the development of new cultural formats, to prevent \

In the strategic design, the policy orientation, we must consider the issue of balanced development. Of course, we do not subjectively, artificially, wishful thinking to the pursuit of balanced development. Cultural industry development by market rules, with a certain degree of spontaneity and unpredictability, often will be \in planting flowers do not open, unintentional willow shade.\inevitably produce imbalances. In the \the pursuit of balanced development, but should seize the key areas, \relax,\

Fourth, speed up the development and sustainable development of the relationship. We need to accelerate development, but development must have stamina, strong, able to maintain sustainable development. In the early development of cultural industries, focusing on accelerating development is very important, because the early stages of development if there is no speed, you can not scale, gain the initiative. But the initial development is inevitable with a certain degree of blindness, extensive, there are a large number, the quality is not high; speed, low efficiency; variety, less brand; market Xing, more disorderly phenomenon.

Therefore, the development of special attention to the development of quality, efficiency, stamina problems, adhere to sustainable development.

Modern cultural industry focus on the development of cultural and creative industries, its main feature is to attach importance to the high-end industrial development, cultural and creative industries with the emphasis on the combination of traditional industries to increase the cultural added value. We should be under the guidance of the scientific concept of development, the cultural and creative industries as a cultural industry upgrade target, enrich the creative content of the product, grasp the new commanding heights. We must adhere to the orderly development of advantageous and restrained, developmewww.gu6e.comnt, can not engage in \

culture and its industry, become empty and false pseudo-culture. For the central and western regions of China, we should focus on accelerating development, giving full play to the advantage of cultural resources and promoting the leap-forward development of cultural industries. For the eastern coastal cities, we should focus more on establishing long-term mewww.gzjjgyw.comchanism, enhancing development potential and achieving high-quality development. . Accelerate the development if the destruction of resources, regardless of social benefits, the cost of shoddy, this development is opposed to sustainable development; to accelerate the development if it is based on the effective protection and rational use of resources as a prerequisite for the industry to generate good economic returns and social Efficiency, then this development is an important part of sustainable development.


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