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Unit Seven Libido for the Ugly
-- Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956)
Teaching AimsTo acquaint students with subjective description writing. To help students to understand the author’s real intention behind the description. To help students to compare the style with that of Unit Two “Marrakech”. To make students learn all the expressions concerning ugliness.2007/4 2
Background informationThe author:Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956), Baltimore, American educator, controversialist, humorous journalist, and pungent辛辣的尖锐的 critic of 辛辣的尖锐的 American life who powerfully influenced U.S. fiction through the 1920s. “The bad boy from Baltimore”, renowned for his tough,cynical style and wit,editor of The Smart Set(时髦者) and The ( American Mercury(美国水星). 美国水星)
About the author
the most influential American literary critic in the 1920s; used his criticism as a point of departure to attack various American social and cultural weaknesses. In literature he fought against what he regarded as fraudulently欺骗性的 successful 欺骗性的 writers and worked for the recognition of such outstanding newcomers as Theodore Dreiser and Sinclair Lewis. He jeered at American falsehood, pretension, and prudery假正经 and he 假正经, 假正经 ridiculed the nation's organized religion, business, and middle class.
About the authorIn 1906 Mencken joined the organization known as the Sun papers, which he served in a variety of ways until his retirement. His outstanding piece of journalism concerned the Scopes trial of 1925 in Tennessee, in which a high school instructor was prosecuted for teaching evolution, contrary to the law. (H. L. Mencken wrote sulphurous dispatches sitting in his Pants with a tan blowing on him, and there was talk of running him out of town for referring to the local citizenry as yokels) Mencken made still another contribution to American culture. In 1919 he had published a solid volume, The American Language, an attempt to bring together examples of American, rather than English, expressions and idioms. The book at once attracted attention. It grew with each reissue through the years, and in 1945 and 1948 Mencken published substantial supplements增刊,补充 By the time of 增刊, 增刊 补充. his death, he was perhaps the leading authority on the language of his country.
Menken’s styleMencken is well-known for his bombastic (exaggerate) style and acid tongue and in this piece he doesn’t just criticize the ugliness of Westmoreland, he attacks the whole American race --- a race that loves ugliness for its own sake, that lusts to make the world intolerable; a race which hates beauty as it hates truth. *he chooses the strongest words possible, words bordering on the abusive---dreadfully hideous, abominable, agonizing ugliness, revolting monstrousness, leprous hill, and so on. *he uses figures of speech profusely to crea
te dreadful images to reinforce his verbal attack, such as hyperbole, sarcasm, ridicule and irony.Mencken’s quotation:
A cynic is a man who, when he smells a flower, looks around for a coffin. (A cynic is a person who believes that all men are selfish. He sees Æ
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