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When Topologists Are Politicians ...2011年1月11日

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Background 美国总统选举制度 美国总统选举流程 “蜥蜴脚尾”现象

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美国总统选举制度 美国总统选举实行选举人团制度,因此选民投票 时,不仅要在总统候选人当中选择,而且要选出 代表50个州和首都华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的538名选 举人,以组成选举人团。在大选中,美国绝大多 数州和首都实行“胜者全得”制度,即在一州或 首都获得选民票最多者获得该州或首都所有选举 人票。赢得270张或以上选举人票的总统候选人即 获得选举胜利。因此,根据各州选举人票归属情 况,通常大选日当晚就能决出选举获胜者。

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时间:大选年的2-6月 民主、共和两党分别选 出本党总统候选人提名

总统候选 人提名大 会 会议时间:大选年的7-8月

2 2

两党分别召开全国代表大会, 选出本党的总统候选人,总统 选举团 候选人提名副总统候选人,并 投票表制定正式的竞选纲领

总统选举人按该州选民 5 投票结果投票,率先获 全国选 得270张选举人票的侯 选人即当选美国总统。 竞选活动 举 时间:大选年11月的第二 4 4 个星期二 时间:从全国代表大会结 束时开始,至全国投票日 选民到指定地点进行投票, 在总统候选人之间做出选择 总统候选人在全国选民 同时选出各州总统选举人 寻求选票展开各种活动


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“蜥蜴脚尾”现象 美国政治的两个重要特征。第一,美国社会表面 上是个“大熔炉”,其实因种族、宗教、穷富等 因素造成的社会分化极其严重,直接反映到党派 斗争。第二,美国选区的划分,大都由各州州议 会自行决定,是个缺乏普遍规律、可以上下其手 的过程。举例说,假设美国选民总体对民主、共 和两党的支持基本是一半对一半,那么只要一个 选区的黑人比例超过全国平均值几个百分点,他 们90%投民主党的的选票,就会将这一选区变成 民主党的“铁票”地盘。因此产生了美国选区地 图的“蜥蜴脚尾gerrymander”现象。

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“蜥蜴脚尾”现象 此名来自19世纪初的麻萨诸塞州州长杰里 (Elbridge Gerry),他专搞选区划分手脚, 以便自己和同党可以顺利当选,结果在地图上选 区常常奇形怪状,就像一种名叫salamander的 蜥蜴,又长“脚”又长“尾巴”,人们便把这样 政治手脚称为gerrymander。这一“蜥蜴脚尾” 现象两百年来长盛不衰,甚至出现过沿着一条公 路伸展几百英里、宽度却几乎不出一英里的怪物 选区。

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Sections of the paper 1 2 3 4 5 6 Introduction Definitions Specific Formulation of Problem Assumptions Background & Goals Friendly Trader Method

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Sections of

the paper 7 Results 8 Analysis of Results 9 Why Our Model is Fair 10 Strengths and Weaknesses of Model 11 Food for Thought 12 Conclusion

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1 Introduction The act of districting is usually handled by a political and partisan body, in particular the state legislature and governor. Maximize the number of representatives that their particular party will send to Congress. This process called Gerrymandering, named after the Elbridge Gerry, governor of Massachusetts in 1812, who famously approved a congressional district that resembled a salamander

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1 Introduction Outlined in the US Constitution: to provide regional representation to the people. As such, we have sought out to determine a ”fair” and ”simple” system of congressional districting Which seeks to maximize accessibility of all people to regional representation, while providing a partitioning of states into congressional districts Which is insensitive to partisan motives.

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1 Introduction We define an objective function F that when minimized gives what we define to be the best districting . As an application, we apply this method to district the state of New York and Ohio. We defend our method of districting, so as to try to convince voters and politicians that this is a fair way of handling the problem of congressional districting.

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2 Definitions Block: A unit of area which corresponds to a fixed number of people. District: A collection of a fixed number of blocks Capitol: A point within each district corresponding to the center of the district

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2 Definitions Compactness Suppose we have a given a district D containing blocks , , with capitol . i We can define compactness as the variance of the spatial distribution of the population:




C i 1 zi cn


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zi zi



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2 Definitions Shared Interests That is, given vectors v i associated with blocks z i and mean interest vector

the shared interest is equal to:

1 n i 1 vi nn

S i 1 vi


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3 Specific Formulation of Problem Partition Define Global

P D1,...,Dk

f Di w1Ci w2 SiF P i f Di k


min F P *

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4 Assumptions Accurate data Same population Random districts

