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Module1 Unit1 Trees



? 重点单词:average, item, product, produce, gas, fighter, fact, scientist, interested, notebook,

suppose, breathe, pure, release, alive, natural, warn, protect, chemical, join, communicate, burn, replace, hardly, destroy, exchange, nature, main, lorry ? 词组: 1.

平均年龄 average age 2. 同污染做斗争 fight pollution

3. 一个有关污染问题的班级课题 a class project on pollution 4. 对…感兴趣 be interested in sth./ doing sth. 5. 最大最古老的生物 the biggest and oldest living things 6. 在地球上 on the earth 7. 别的什么 what else

8. 美化街道,降低噪音 make streets more beautiful and less noisy

(make +n./pron. + adj.)

9. 因做某事而感谢某人 thank sb. for sth./doing sth.

10. 1.5 公顷 one and a half hectares (one hectare and a half) 11. 喜欢呼吸纯净凉爽的空气 enjoy breathing pure, cool air (enjoy doing sth.) 12. 提供(生产)足够的氧气 produce enough oxygen (enough 的用法) 13. 从空气中吸掉有害气体 take harmful gases from the air 14. 释放氧气到空中 release oxygen into the air 15. 起…的作用 do the job of …= has the power of 16. 使全班同学保持活力和健康 keep the whole class alive and healthy

(keep +n./pron. + adj.)

17. 几乎一整天 almost all day 18. 例如 for example

19. 天然的空调 natural air conditioners 20. 对……非常了解 know a lot about… 21. 警告它的邻居 warn its neighbour 22. 攻击某人/某物 attack sb./ sth.

23. 通过做某事保护自己 protect oneself by doing sth. 24. 分泌一种化学药品 produce a chemical

25. 使树叶变得难吃 make the leaves taste nasty

(make sb./sth. + do …: taste + adj.)


26. 把…结合在一起 join …together

27. 相互交流 communicate with each other/one another 28. 互相传递养料和水分 pass food and water to each other / one another 29. 有(很大)危险 in (great) danger 30. 砍伐和燃烧树木 cut down and burn trees

(cut-cut-cut, burn- burned/ burnt- burned/ burnt)

31. 也,还 as well as

32. 代替,补上 replace= take the place of 33. 几乎没有 hardly any of …= almost none of … 34. 破坏,毁灭森林 destroy forests

35. 给某人提供某物 provide sb. with sth. / provide sth. for sb. 36. 污染卫士 fighters against pollution = pollution fighters 37. 保护……免遭 protect… from 38. 阻止…做某事 stop … from doing sth. 词性

1. fighter (n.) 斗士;战士 --- fight (v.) 战斗 2. scientist (n.) 科学家 --- science (n.) 科学 3. breathe (v.) 呼吸 --- breath n.) 呼吸

4. interest (v./n.) 感兴趣;兴趣 --- interested (adj.) 感兴趣的---interesting (adj.) 有趣的 5. alive (adj.) 活着的 --- living (adj.) 有生命的 ---live v./n.居住,*现场的---*lively (adj) 活泼的 6. main (adj.) 主要的 --- mainly (adv.) 主要地;大体上

7. nature (n.) 自然界;大自然---natural (adj.) 自然的---naturally (adv.) 自然地 8. product (n.) 产品 --- produce (v.) 生产;产生--- producer (n.) 生产者,制造者 9. chemical (n./adj.) 化学物质;化学的---chemistry (n.) 化学 10. warn (v.) 警告;使警惕 --- warning (n.) 警告;警示

11. pollute (v.) 污染---pollution (n.) 污染---polluted (adj.) 被污染的

12. noise (n.) 吵闹声,噪音---noisy (adj.)吵闹的---noisily (adv.) 吵闹地,喧闹地 13. really (adv.) 真正地,确实---real (adj.) 真的,真实地 --- realize (v.) 实现 14. communicate (v.) 交流---communication (n.) 交流 15. pure (adj.) 纯净的 --- purely (adv.) 纯净地

16. harmful (adj.) 有害的 --- harmless (adj.) 无害的 --- harm (v./n.) 危害 句型

1. What good are trees? = What is the good of trees?

2. They are the biggest and oldest living things on the earth.== They are bigger and older than any

other living thing on the earth.

3. Trees cool the air as well as clean it. ===Trees clean the air and cool it as well.


Trees not only clean the air but also cool it. Trees both clean the air and cool it.

4. We cut down and burn millions of trees every year, but we replace hardly any of them.

===We cut down and burn millions of trees every year, but we replace almost none of them. 语法:现在进行时 The present continuous tense

1、 意义:表示现在正在发生或进行的动作,通常与now, at present, these days等时间状语或Look!

Listen! Be careful! 等暗示语连用。

2、 基本结构:主语+be (am/is/are) +动词现在分词(V-ing)+其他…. (肯定句、否定句和一般疑问句的结构) 3、 动词现在分词的构成方法:

a. 一般在动词原形末尾加-ing working, playing

b. 以不发音的字母e 结尾的动词,去e 加-ing. coming, dancing

c. 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,双写该辅音字母,再加-ing stopping, beginning d. 以ie 结尾的重读开音节动词,变ie 为y, 再加-ing. lie—lying, tie—tying, die—dying 拓展词汇:

Oxygen, hectare, nasty, air conditioner, best-known, sweet-smelling, Tree-planting Day, urban areas, exchange information, make a difference, remove dust, reduce pollution, add beauty to cities, provide sth for sb. = provide sb with sth., 人文教育

1、 通过对课文pollution fighters 一课的学习,让学生懂得环境保护的重要性以及如何以自己的实际行动


2、 结合3月植树节,让学生懂得爱护树木的重要性,并提出倡议搞好植树活动。 二、


1、单词和课文分三课时教授(第一课时从cartoon talk – What do you know about…? 引出并理解生词,对课文有个初步的整体感知;第二课时为课文整体理解,深入理解课文主要内容并树立护树意识;第三课时引导学生复述课文,或用自己的话简要谈谈对树的认识,并对课文重点词汇和句型的讲解和操练) 2、为帮助学生对课文内容的理解,教师可以把握好几个关键问题,What do you know about trees? What good are trees? Is there anything interesting about trees? Are trees in danger? Who has made trees in danger? What should we do to protect trees from being destroyed?

3、结合More practice Trees for Life,让学生谈谈有什么保护树木的方法,并鼓励学生从思想上成为一名Trees for Life的成员,从行动上来做一名护树天使。

4、建议让学生以 ―Trees are important living things‖为题写一篇小作文 Suggested outline ? What good are trees? ? What do people do to trees? ? What should we do to protect trees?


8B Module 1 Unit 2 Water

一、主要内容 ? 重点单词

daily, amount, increase, remain, symbol, flow, washbasin, obey, float, comfortably, relax, treatment, works, thorough, cleaning, pipe, until, pump, rest, ordinary, equipment, tool, chart ? 词组

1、 保持不变 remain the same 2、 被……覆盖 be covered with 3、 流入大海 flow into the sea 4、 刷牙 brush one‘s teeth 5、 开着/关了 be on/ off 6、 倒入;流进 pour into

7、 关掉/打开 turn off / turn on 8、 向四周看 look around

9、 听上去不耐烦 sound impatient (sound 作为联系动词) 10、微弱的声音 a faint voice 11、欣赏(……)风景 enjoy the view (of)

12、舒服地漂浮在云中 float comfortably in a cloud 13、快速下滑 speed down (sped-sped) 14、把…带到… carry / take … to…. 15、休息了几天 relax /rest for a few days 16、长途跋涉 travel a long way 17、净化 clean up 18、被净化 get cleaned up

19、自来水厂 a water treatment works 20、一家污水处理工厂 a sewage plant

21、旅程的终点 the end of one‘s journey 22、用完;不再需要 finish with

23、给……一次彻底的清洗 give … a thorough cleaning

24、记得(不要)去做某事 remember (not) to do sth. (与remember doing sth. 的区别) 25、珍贵的,宝贵的 precious = valuable 26、液体黄金 liquid gold 27、给…加入…. add …. to …. 28、一些化学物质 a few chemicals 29、污染水 pollute water 30、浪费水 waste water


31、等一下 wait a minute 32、与…谈话 talk to / with sb. 33、一滴水 a drop of water

34、从卫生间里出来 come out of the bathroom 35、奇怪的 strange = *weird ? 词性


day (n.) 白天,一天 --- daily (adj.) 每日的 2. obey (v.) 遵守;服从 --- disobey (v.) 不服从;违背 3. float (v.) 浮;飘动 --- floating (adj.) 漂浮的

4. thorough (adj.) 彻底的;完全的--- thoroughly (adv.) 彻底地 5. treatment (n.) 处理加工;治疗---treat (v.) 对待;治疗 6. cleaning (n.) 打扫;清洁---clean (v.) 打扫---cleaner (n.) 清洁工

7. comfortably (adv.) 舒服地---comfortable (adj.)舒服的---uncomfortable (adj.) 不舒服的 8. relax (v.) 放松;休息---relaxed (adj.) 感到放松的---relaxing (adj.) 轻松的---relaxation (n.)娱乐 9. impatient (adj.) 不耐烦的---patient (adj.) 耐心的---patiently (adv.) 耐心地---patience (n.) 耐心 10. freeze (v.) 结冰;凝固---freezing (adj.) 极冷的---frozen (adj.) 冰冻的;冷冻的

11. * puzzle (v.) 使困惑 --- *puzzled (adj.) 困惑的;茫然的---*puzzling (adj.) 令人迷惑不解的 12. chemical (n./adj.) 化学物质;化学的---chemistry (n.) 化学 13. pollute (v.) 污染---pollution (n.) 污染---polluted (adj.) 被污染的

14. loud (adj.) 大声的;响亮的 --- loudly (adv.) 大声地--- aloud (adv.) 出声的 15. bath (n.) 洗澡 --- bathe (v.) 洗澡 --- bathroom (n. ) 盥洗室

16. drink (v./ n.) 饮用/饮料 --- drinking (adj.) 饮用的 --- drinkable (adj.) 可饮用的 ? 句型

1. Daisy looked around, but saw no one. === Daisy looked around, but didn‘t see anyone.

2. She was brushing her teeth and the tap was on. = She was brushing her teeth with the tap on. 3. From the tap, I suppose.

I suppose you also enjoy breathing pure, cool air.

(可加入讲解think, suppose, believe, 等否定词的转移和反义疑问句的表达) Eg. I don't think you are right, are you?

She thinks the boss will ask another person to do the job, doesn't she? 4. Do you know where I‘m from? (宾语从句语序用陈述)

5. It was time to get cleaned up. (It is time to do sth. == It is time for sth. ) 6. It is not easy for me to get here. (It is + adj. + for sb. + to do sth. ) 7. I waited there until you called me. (until… 和 not … until … 的用法) 8. Here I am. 倒装句

9. What do you mean by…? = What is the meaning of…? = What does … mean?


? 语法:表示数量的词

1、 只修饰可数名词的词:many, a few , few, a large number of , how many … 2、 只修饰不可数名词的词:much, a little, little, a huge amount of, how much…. 3、 既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词:some, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, enough, … 4、 few, a few, little , a little 的区别和用法

5、 a little / not much , a few / not many 和 none, no 6、 too much, too many, too little, too few, 和 enough 的用法 ? 拓展词汇

decrease, liquid, solid, gas, the chemical symbol for water, vanish, drain, impatient, faint, puzzled, sewage, precious, a dripping tap, a running tap, manufacture 二、人文教育

1、 通过对课文water talk的学习,让学生了解水的流程图,知道水是来之不易的 2、 3月22日是世界水日,结合现在水资源的缺乏,倡导学生要节约用水,保护水资源 三、教学建议

1、单词和课文分三课时教授(第一课时从cartoon talk – What do you know about…? ---引出并理解生词,对课文有初步的理解;第二课时为课文整体理解,深入理解课文主要内容,能较流畅地说出水循环过程,并树立节水珍爱水质的意识;第三课时让学生说说水循环的过程和对水的认识并对课文重要词汇和句型做讲解和操练)

2、为帮助学生对课文内容的理解,教师可以引导学生一边阅读课文一边来画水循环图,并在旁边注明一些提示词, 以便于学生记忆和为复述做铺垫。


4、结合世界水日的契机,让学生以 ―The importance of water‖为题写一篇小作文 Suggested outline:

? How much do you know about water? (some facts about water) ? What good is water?

? What problems about water do we have? ? What should we do to do with the problems?

Module 1 Unit 3 A dangerous servant


? 主要内容

? 重点单词: servant, electricity, trick, foolish, measure, bill, monthly, explanation, careful,

contain, clear, iron, lock, test, politely, connect, encourage, behave, polite, staff, customer, ? 词组: 1. heat/light/ sound/moving energy 2. a packet of sweets 3. trick sb. = fool sb. = play a trick on sb 4. at last =finally=in the end 5. look foolish 6. flow through 7. measure the amount of electricity 8. in a way 9. get a bill for 10. a bad explanation 11. a good/ dangerous servant 12. be careful with 13. scratch one‘s head 14. change /turn… into 15. different forms of energy 16. think of 17. produce (=make) electricity 18. switch off =turn off 19. be connected to 20. be buried under 21. a power station 22. the chemicals inside batteries 23. electrical appliances 24. an electrician 25. go off 26. deal with this problem 27. find out 28. make some rules 29. decide to do sth 30. answer the telephone 31. She doesn‘t even know what electricity is. 32. Can you tell me what eletricity looks like 33. encourage sb to do sth. 34. behave in a right way= behave in a way that is right 35.. the use of electricity



热/光/声/动能 一包糖果 愚弄某人 最后 看上去很愚蠢 流经… 测试电量 在某种程度上 得到…的账单 一个糟糕的解释 一个忠实/危险的仆人 小心对待,谨慎处理 挠挠脑袋 把…变成… 各种形式的能量 想到 发电 关掉(灯,水,气) 被连接到….上 被埋在…下面 一所发电站 在电池里的化学药剂 电器设备 一个电工 停电 处理这个问题 查明,搞清楚 制定一些规则 决定做某事 接电话 她甚至不知道什么是电。 你能告诉我电是什么样的吗? 鼓励某人做某事 行为正确 电的用处 ? 词性

1. serve, servant, service 2. electricity , electrician electrical, electric electronic, electron 3. foolish , fool 4. month , monthly 5. explain , explanation 6. careful, careless carefulness, carelessness carefully , carelessly care 7. power , powerful 8. energy, *energetic 9. behave , *behaviour 10. contain, container 11. feel, feeling 12. visible , invisible 13. polite, impolite politeness, impoliteness politely, impolitely 句型

1. She doesn‘t even know what electricity is. 2. Can you tell me what it looks like?

宾语从句的构成为―引导词+主语+谓语+其他‖,其语序为陈述句语序 1) that 引导陈述句的宾语从句。主句中常见的谓语动词有say、know、hear、see、hope 、

think 、believe 、write 、tell 等

Eg. Everyone believes that electricity is a good servant but a dangerous one.

2) 宾语从句部分为特殊疑问句,则宾语从句的引导词为该特殊疑问词。常见的由―who, which,

where, how, what‖等引导的宾语从句

Eg. Can you tell me why trees are our best fighters against pollution? 3. Although electricity is much more dangerous than water, it is a good servant. . Electricity is much more dangerous than water, But it is a good servant although 引导的让步状语从句能与but 相互转换.

4. you must always be careful with it. 情态动词(can, must, may…)

用can, could和be able to 表示能力。 例:Can you speak any foreign languages?

When I was very young, I could run very fast.

用must与mustn‘t, have to 与don‘t have to, needn‘t 表示义务。 例:The windows are very dirty, I must clean them.

I have to walk late tonight. My boss has told me to do that. 用can, could与may表示许可。


服务(v.), 仆人(n.), 服务(n.) 电(n.) 电工 (n.) 跟电有关的(adj.), 用电的(adj.), 电子的(adj.), 电子(n.) 愚蠢的(adj.),傻瓜(n.)/愚弄(v.) 月(n.), 每月地(adv.) 解释(v.), 解释(n.) 仔细的(adj.),粗心的(adj.), 仔细(n.) 粗心(n.), 仔细地(adv.), 粗心地(adv.) 注意,照顾 (n.) 关心,照顾,在意(n.) 能力, 力量 ((n.) 强大的 (adj.) 能量(n.) 精力充沛的 (adj.) 行为表现 (v.) 行为表现 (n.) 容纳 (v.) 容器 (n.) 感觉 (v.) 感觉(n.) 可视的,看得见的(adj.) 看不见的,隐形的 (adj.) 礼貌的(adj.), 不礼貌的(adj.) 礼貌(n.), 不礼貌(n.) 礼貌地(adv.), 粗鲁地(adv.) 例:Can I open the window? Yes, you can./ no, you can‘t. 用can, could 与would 表示请求。

例:Would you help me carry my suitcase? 用must和can‘t 表示猜测。

例:Cathy must get very bored in her job. She does the same thing every day. 5. And these are connected to thick wires that are buried under the street.

被动语态句式(be used to do sth, be used for doing, be connected to… / be buried ….)


meter (电表) scratch, invisible, bulb, bury, grin,


1、帮助学生对电的相关知识有一个较好的了解,并在日常生活中树立节约用电,安全用电的意识。 2、3月27日是本年的Earth Hour,鼓励学生身体力行,更鼓励他们通过海报、传单等去宣传节电。 3、通过对用电安全的讨论,主动审视身边不安全隐患。 三、 教学建议

1、单词和课文分三课时教授(第一课时从cartoon talk – What do you know about…? ---引出并理解生词,对课文有初步的理解;第二课时为课文整体理解,深入理解课文主要内容,能简单地说说对电的认识,在提示词的图表的帮助下说说电是如何从电站来到各家各户的;第三课时让学生说说对电的认识和正确表达电是如何从电站来到各家各户的并对课文重要词汇和句型做讲解和操练)

2、本单元的主题是关于电的两面性。通过学习Benny 一家的谈话后,学生可以在一个轻松的故事情节中学习一些与电相关的知识,如What‘s electricity? What does electricity look like? How does it come into our flats?Electricity is a good servant, but a dangerous one, We must always be careful with it. 等。整篇文章利用对这三个问题的提问层层深入,领衔全文。

设计板书或书面表格如下: What‘s electricity? flow through, a meter, get a bill for, a good servant but a dangerous one, What does electricity look like? How does it come into our flats? invisible, change it into different forms of energy, a power station → cables (thick wires) →a meter →thin wires → our flats (be connected to, be buried under) 3、 以Earth Hours为契机,鼓励学生收集有关Earth Hour的资料制作幻灯或海报,以鼓励更多的学

生参加到节电的行列中,并让学生以―The importance of electricity‖ 为题写一篇习作。 Suggested outline and useful words and expressions:


1 Electricity is important in our life. use different kinds of electrical appliances give light and heat make life more enjoyable/more convenient / more comfortable help us work more efficiently change our life get electric shock cause fires/ accidents hurt/kill people be careful with not play with electricity save electricity make good use of it 2 Sometimes electricity is dangerous. 3 We should use electricity properly.


Module 2 Unit 4 A new newspaper


? 重点单词passage, term, publish, elect, chief, suggest,experience,reader, consider, briefly,

whether, decision, monitor, choice, youth, talent, gather, congratulation, deserve, delighted, shame, record, president, team, design, feature, complain, committee, prize ? 词组:

1. soon after

2. Grade Eight students 3. publish a newspaper

4. hold a meeting (held-held) 5. decide to do sth. 6. elect sb. to be … 7. chief editor

8. have experience 9. vote for

10. take charge of =be in charge of =be responsible


11. ought(not)to = should (not) 12. ask for suggestions 13. take notes 14. the other three

15. talk … over = discuss…carefully 16. among themselves 17. at the next meeting 18. be free to readers

19. pay for newspapers (paid, paid) 20. consider … briefly 21. agree to do sth 22. agree on sth

23. in one week‘s time 24. have different ideas 25. make a list of… 26. make a decision 27. arrange to do sth. 28. a bit longer

29. conclude the meeting

30. start doing sth = start to do sth

31. different sections of a newspaper 32. give sb. a lesson

33. take place= 1)happen; 2) be held 34. make some mistakes 35. a good secretary 之后不久 八年级的学生


出版报纸 举行会议 决定做某事 选举某人… 主编 有经验 投票给…

负责任, 掌控

(不)应该 征询意见 记笔记 另外三个 仔细讨论 在他们中间 在下次会议上 向读者免费 付报刊费 简单思考 同意做某事 一致同意某事 一个星期之后 意见分歧 制定……清单 做出决定 安排做某事 再长一点 总结会议 开始做某事 报纸的不同版面 给某人一个教训 发生; 举行 犯错


词性 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

*edit, *editor, *edition 编辑(v.) 编辑 (n.) 版本 (n.) elect, *election, *elector 选举(v.), 选举(n,), 选举人(n.) suggest, suggestion 建议(v.), 建议(n.)

experience, experienced 经验(uc)/经历(cn)/经历(v.) 有经验的(adj.) brief , briefly 简要的(adj.), 简要地(adv.) decide , decision 决定(v.), 决定(n.) *conclude, *conclusion 总结(v.), 总结(n) choose (chose, chosen), choice 选择(v.), 选择(n)

read , reader 阅读 (v.)读者(n.) arrange , arrangement 安排(v.), 安排(n)

agree, disagree, agreement 同意(v.)不同意(v.) 同意(n.)

12. *youth, young 青年时期(n.) 年青的(adj.) 13. *talent , *talented 天才;天赋(n.) 有天赋的(adj.) 14. congratulation , congratulate 祝贺;恭喜(n.) 祝贺(v.) 15. record , recorder 记录, (v./n.) 录音机(n.) 16. design , designer 设计(v./n.), 设计师(n.) 17. complain , complaint 抱怨;埋怨(v.), 抱怨(n.)

18. free , freely , freedom 免费的;自由的空闲的(adj.) 自由地(adv.)自由(n.) 19. discuss, discussion 讨论;商讨(v.), 讨论(n.) 句型 1.

suggest (that) sb. (should) do sth; Eg. He suggest we go to Shanghai. suggest doing…, Eg. He suggest going to Shanghai suggest sb /sth. Eg. Tony suggested Joyce.

2. sb spend some time( in )oing sth = It takes sb some time to do sth 某人花了多少时间做某事。


sb spend some money on sth.= sb pay some money for sth = sth cost sb some money花钱买东西(三种表达)

3. We elected Joyce to be the chief editor. (被动语态)

== Joyce was elected to be the chief editor. 4. should=ought to

例:We should/ought to discuss it.

We should not/ought not to discuss it.

Should we discuss it? Yes, we should./ No, we should not.

Ought we to discuss it? Yes, we ought to./ No we ought not to.

5. Expressing congratulations/ compliments

a) Congratulations! b) Well done.

c) You deserved to win/pass. d) That‘s wonderful news. e) I‘m delighted for you. 6. Expressing sympathy

a) Oh, I‘m sorry!


b) What a shame! c) What a pity! a) That‘s terrible! b) How awful! 7. 宾语从句


I. 连接词 (if / whether ) II. 句子语序 (陈述句语序 )

III. 时态变化 (a. 当主句是现在时态时,从句用符合句意的各种时态; b. 当主句是过去时态时,从句要改为相应的过去时;

c. 若从句表达的是客观规律、自然现象或名言警句时,仍旧用一般现在时)

(注意点: 只能用 whether 的几种情况:)

a. whether … or not b. 介词后只能用 whether c. 动词不定式前只能用 whether d. 句首


editor, edit, conclude, election,local news, search for, be curious about, lightning conductor, be tired of, 二、人文教育

1、让通过指导学生自己办报,培养学生合作学习的能力,提高学生在生活中运用英语的兴趣。 三、教学建议

1、单词和课文分三课时教授(第一课时从cartoon talk – What do you know about…? ---引出并理解生词,对课文有初步的理解;第二课时为课文整体理解,深入理解课文主要内容,并在提示词的帮助下复述课文内容;第三课时让学生较流畅地复述课文,并对课文重要词汇和句型做讲解和操练)

2、 第一课时,在上课之初给学生四五分钟时间阅读并观察他们手头的英语报纸,并有技巧的进行提问来引发学生思考,如What can you find in the newspaper? What information can you get from the newspaper?以此来引出下列单词section, editor, chief editor. If you are a chief editor and you want your newspaper attractive, what will you think about?

3、整篇文章都是围绕他们在创办报纸时碰到的问题,然后进行针对性的解决。根据这一特点可以设计一个全文的outline,这样全文结构能清晰明了的呈现在学生面前。 板书设计如下:

a list of things they discussed a chief editor a secretary other editors the sections they have


the solution to these problems How often should they publish the paper? free to the readers or not the name of the newspaper 4、 本单元的阅读部分围绕一群中学生讨论设计自己学校的校报展开。在引导学生理解文章的同时,也可以鼓励学生自己来讨论并报一份英语报纸,不但可以达到学以致用的效果,也可以激发学生的兴趣和热情,给繁忙的学校生活增添一份乐趣。

5、本单元话题讨论和写作 ‖My favourite newspaper‖, 让学生介绍一份他最喜欢的报纸,要求学生对这课所学的词组,句型能够运用自如,并且加以润色。

The name of your favourite newspaper The reason why you like it Newspaper Advantages you get from the newspaper The suggestions you have for the newspaper


Unit 5 A dangerous servant

? 主要内容

重点单词: sight, soul, balance, line, drama, guest, lead, personally, describe, alarm, surface, cough,

seem, wave, lend, event, mind, lable, harbour

? 词组:

36. the five senses: hearing, smell, sight, taste, touch五种感器:听觉,嗅觉、视觉、味觉、触觉 37. the window of the soul 心灵的窗户 38. keep one‘s balance 保持平衡 39. belong to 属于 40. blind man= the blind 41. fire drama 42. as soon as 43. *go to the reception desk 44. book a room 45. allow sb to do 46. sound like 47. call the manager 48. take me everywhere 49. at once = immediately = right now 50. lead sb personally to sp (led, led) 51. the location of the fire exit 52. the fifth door along from yours 53. safety first 54. describe sth to sb 55. in one‘s own words 56. be asleep =fall asleep 57. wake sb (up) (wake—woke—woken) 58. fire alarm 59. go off 60. smell the smoke (smell-smelt- smelt) 61. feel the surface of the door (feel-felt-felt) 62. get past the towers 63. lie on the floor (lie –lay- lain) 64. along the bottom of 65. seem like 66. hear the sound of a fire engine 67. at the window 68. be against the rules 69. explain about 70. save one‘s life 71. just then 72. moments later 73. seconds later 74. fire safety rules



火警、火灾 一…就 … 去接待处 预定房间

允许某人做某事 听起来像… 叫经理来

带领我去各地 立刻

亲自带某人到某地 火灾逃生口的位臵 从你那边的第五个门 安全第一

向某人解释某事 用某人自己的话 睡着

唤醒某人 火警铃 突然作响

闻到烟味(smoke用作行为动词) 摸摸门的表面(feel 用作行为动词) 穿透毛巾 躺在地上

沿着…底部 似乎像

听到消防车的声音 在窗边 违反规章

解释关于… 拯救某人的生命 就在那个时候 一会儿后 几秒后


75. keep the smoke out 把烟挡在外面

76. the importance of the five senses 五个感官的重要性 77. opposite the bed 在床对面

78. on the left/right of 在……左侧/右侧

79. in the right-hand corner of the room 在房间的右手边的角落里 80. a plan of your hotel room 你们宾馆的平面图 81. be on holiday with some friends 和一些朋友度假 82. next to 在……旁边 ? 词性


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

drama戏剧,戏剧性事件(n.),-- *dramatic戏剧性的(adj.), -- *dramatically 戏剧性地(adv.)

lead带领(v.),-- leader领导(n.), --* leading 领先的(adj.) person人(n.),-- personal私人的(adj.),-- personally亲自地(adv.), -- *personality 人格(n.)

die死(v.), -- dead 死亡的(adj.),不运作的 -- death死亡(n), -- dying 垂死的(adj.)

explain解释(v.),– explanation 解释(n.)

*exclaim 惊叫,呼喊 (v)—*exclamation , 惊叹,感叹(n.) sleep 睡觉(n.)/v., -- sleepy困的(adj.), -- asleep 睡着的(adj.) *locate位于v. , – location 位臵,场所 (n.)

sense 感觉 (n.)–*sensible , 明理的,明智的,理智的 (adj.)

save 拯救,节省(v.),– safe 安全的(adj.), – safely 安全地(adv.), – safety 安全(n.)

? 句型

1. John Dancer‘s troubles began as soon as he walked into the Dragon Hotel with his friends.

as soon as (一…就…)

2. You are welcome to stay, sir. (welcome—welcomed—welcomed)

3. Can you tell me the location of the fire exit? = Can you tell me where the fire exit is?

4. John tells us in his own words what happened next. 5. The minutes seemed like hours.

Waiting for the fire engine seemed long.

6. With the sense of sight / smell / hearing / taste / touch, you can …

Without the sense of sight / smell / hearing / taste / touch, you cannot … = If you lose…you cannot… 7. 表示警告:

Look out! / Watch out! (用于提醒即将发生的危险) Be careful! / Take care! (用于危险相对不那么紧急时) Mind the door! / Mind the steps!

8. I lay on the floor with Charlie beside me and waited.

方位介词的用法:如应掌握opposite, beside, on the right/left of , in the right/left-hand corner of, next to, above等。 ? 拓展词汇:

balanced, reception, exclaim, bark, sense, sensible, dramatic,personal, locate, location, description, explanation, reception, exclaim, interrupt, hearing, 语法: 1. 人称代词 第一人称 单数 复数 第二人称 单数 复数 第三人称 单数 复数 17

主格 宾格 所形容词性有物主代词 格 名词性物主代词 反身代词 I me my mine myself we us our ours you you your yours you you your yours she/he/it her/ him/it her/his/its hers/his/its herself himself itself they them their theirs themselves ourselves yourself your- selves 1) 人称代词有主格宾格之分,主格用做主语,宾格可担任动宾,介宾和表语。 2) 物主代词分形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词,形容词性物主代词具有形容词的特

征,必须放在名词前担任定语;名词性物主代词具有名词的特征,后面绝对不能再加名词,在句中可担任主语、表语、宾语。 3) 反身代词可担任宾语或表语

Eg. Make yourself at home. Help yourself to some fruit. (宾语) The old woman fell over and hurt herself. (宾语) Be yourself, you will be confident and happy. (表语)

反身代词可担任主语或宾语的同位语,往往起到强调作用,意为(alone, 或without help)

Eg. I myself made it. = I made it (by) myself. (主语同位语)

I wish I could hear Beethoven himself play this music. (宾语同位语)

2. 状语从句:

状语从句根据其作用可分为时间、地点、原因、条件、目的、结果、让步、方式、和比较等状语从句,本单元涉及时间、原因和让步状语从句 时间状语从句一般由(when, after, before, as soon as, until, till, since, while, as,)引导的。

原因状语从句一般由( because, since , now that , as等引导) 让步状语从句一般由(though, although)等引导。 二、人文教育

1、渗透生命教育,教育学生要有安全意识,学会在发生火灾的情况下自救的方法。 2、唤起学生对动物的热爱,体会到动物是自然的一部分,树立人与动物和谐相处的意识,

人类与动物是好朋友。 三、教学建议

1、 教师准备三个分别装有不同食品的纸杯,分别请一位同学到讲台前,或看、或闻、或

尝,在确认这位同学知道杯子里装的是什么的时候,老师循循善诱问他们是怎么知道杯子里装的是什么?引出用眼睛看、用鼻子闻、用舌头尝。由此引入本节课知识要点之一:五种感觉器官和五种感觉的英文单词。接着,PPT一个接一个地显示这些单词,接下来,由PPT给出5个类似如―Which organs do you use to smell? 2、让学生自己讲述突发事件,以及他们是如何应对的。 3、板书设计如下


Part 1: the trouble they meet help them to solve the problem. Part 2: happened that night.

What‘s the action of the dog and the blind man? Pick up the verbs from

the part2.

The action of the man went to the door, felt the surface of it wet towels, put…along tried the phone lay on the floor and waited, opened the window, waved and shouted explained about From the lesson, we know the personality of the man: The persoanlity of the dog If there is a fire in your building, what will you do?

3、为了帮助学生提高火警安全意识,要求学生在已有信息的帮助下制定Dragon Hotel的

火警安全法则, 鼓励学生加入合理信息。

The action of the dog woke pulled at barked a. Here are some of the fire safety rules at the Dragon Hotel. Complete them by putting one word in each blank. Change the form if necessary.

Dragon Hotel Fire safety rules 1. Make sure you know the __________ of the fire ___________ nearest to your room. 2. If there is a fire outside your room: 1) _________ the door of your room. If it is ________, do not open it. Put ______ _______ along the _______ of the door to keep the smoke out. 2) ________ the reception desk and give your room number. 3) ________ on the floor where the air is freshest and _________. 4) When you __________ the fire engine outside, __________ your window, ________ __________. 5) Do exactly what the __________ tells you. Do not argue.

bottom, fireman, location, towels, wave, exit, hear, open, phone, wait, feel, hot, lie, shout, wet. b. Write the numbers of the rules that John could not or did not obey. Find the


reason and explain them. 4. Help the students get to know the importance of the five senses by discussion. With the sense of sight/ smell/ hearing/ taste/touch, you can…. Without the sense of sight/ smell/ hearing/ taste/touch, you cannot…. = If you lose the sense of sight/ smell/ hearing/ taste/touch, you cannot….

8B Module 3 Unit 6 France is calling


? 重点单词

defeat, wine, adult, abroad, world- famous, landmark, tree-lined, attraction,

enable, region, sunflower, excellent, castle, queen, influence, cheese, leader, culture, connect, throughout, level

? 词组

1、 defeat the British 打败英国人 2、 be famous for 以……而闻名 3、 now that 既然; 由于 4、 think about doing sth 考虑做…… 5、 go abroad for… 为……出国去 6、 spread your wings 展翅高飞 7、 the capital of France 法国首都 8、 * tourist destination 旅游胜地

9、 world-famous landmarks 举世闻名的地标性建筑 10、wide tree-lined streets 宽阔的林荫道 11、take sb with you 身边带着……

12、an hour away from 距离…….一小时的路程 13、the centre of Paris 巴黎的中心

14、offer many of the same attractions as… 提供许多与……一样的景点 15、go on to visit Britain 继续参观英国 16、without flying or taking a ferry 无需乘坐飞机或渡船


17、the Channel Tunnel 海峡隧道

18、enable sb to do 使得某人得以做某事 19、*an agricultural region 农业区 20、grow crops/grapes 种植庄稼/葡萄 21、such as 例如, 诸如 22、make excellent wine 酿造优质的葡萄酒 23、*the most scenic area 风景最美的地区 24、visit the old castles 参观古堡 25、the kings and queens of France 法国的国王王后 26、used to do 过去常做某事 27、see the influence of France 看到法国的影响 28、in some ways 在某些方面 29、provide sth for sb = provide sb with sth 给某人提供某物 30、other popular French products 其他受欢迎的法国产品 31、a leader in art and culture 艺术和文化的权威 32、young students from different countries 来自各国的年轻学者 33、*further one‘s studies 进修深造 34、throughout / all over the world 全世界 35、organize French film festivals, exhibitions, and concerts


36、be organized 被组织

37、special attraction for children 孩子们的特殊游览胜地 38、be similar to 与……相似 39、look forward to + n/doing 期待做某事 40、keep out enemies 驱逐敌人 41、one of the seven wonders of the world 世界七大奇迹之一 ? 词性


*France (n.) 法国 -- *French (adj.) 法国的, 法语; – *Frenchman(pl. Frenchmen)法国人

2. Britain (n.) 英国 – British (adj.) 英国的 – the British/ Englishman (英国人) 3. wide (adj.) 宽的 – widely (adv.) 广泛地 – width (n.) 宽度 – widen (v. ) 拓宽 4. attract (v.) 吸引 -- attractive (v.) 有吸引力的,有魅力的 -- attraction (n) 有吸


5. able (adj.) 可能的--- enable (v.) 使能够; 使有机会--- *ability ( n) 能力


6. *agriculture (n.) 农业---*agricultural (adj.) 农业的

7. *scenery (n.) 景色---*scene (n.) 场景---*scenic (adj.) 风景优美的

8. leader (adv.)领导者,权威,先驱---lead (v.)领导,带领---leading (adj.) 领导的;主要的,第


9. culture (n.) 文化; ---cultural (adj.) 文化的

10. organize (v.) 组织--- organization (n.) 组织--- organizer (n.) 组织者 11. *excellence(n.) 优秀, 卓越--- excellent (adj.) 极好的,卓越的 12. bakery (n.) 面包房---- bake (v.) 烘烤---- baker (n.) 面包师 13. exhibition (n.) 展览会---- *exhibit (v.) 展出,陈列

14. tourist (n.) 游客 ---- tour (n.) 旅游 ---- *tourism (n.) 旅游业 ? 拓展词汇

France, French, Paris, heading, headline, destination, agricultural, wheat, vineyard, scenic, further, the Loire Valley, the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, EuroDisney, nickname, the English Channel, the Channel Tunnel, the leaning Tower of Pisa,

? 句型

1. Franc is calling.

2. This year, why not spread your wings and visit France? 提供建议的表达方式:

Why not do … ? = Why don't you/we do …? What about / How about doing… ? Shall we do …? Let‘s do …, shall we? Let‘s do ….

表示接受或赞同建议: Why not?

Good idea! ( It sounds like a good idea!) It sounds great!

3. use to do something, be used to doing something, be used to do something 这三个词组容易混淆

use to do something 表示过去常常做某事,而现在可能已经不再继续。如:

My father used to smoke a lot until the doctor told him there was a lung problem with him.

be/get used to doing something 表示现在习惯于做某事 The Smiths are used to living in Shanghai now.


be used to do something = be used for doing 是被动语态,表示―被用来做什么‖的意思, Plastic can be used to make all kinds of things.

4. Now that / Since winter is behind us, many people are thinking about…. 表达显而易见的原因

5. It offers many of the same attractions as the Disney parks in the USA.

6. Every year, French film festivals, exhibitions and concerts are organized throughout the world.

7. With its world-famous landmarks…, Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. 8. If you are taking your children with you, remember that …

If you want to go on to visit Britain, you can now do it without flying or taking a ferry. 9. Asking for and giving directions

Ask for directions: How do I get to

Can you tell me the way to the ferry pier? Where is

可补充:Could you tell me how I can get to the ferry pier? Could you tell me where the ferry pier is? Give directions:

Take the first turning on the right. second left.

Walk to the end of the road. Traffic lights.

You‘ll see the ferry pier in front of you. on your right.

across the street on your left. 可补充:Walk/ go straight forward/ ahead.

Walk along/ up/ down the street (until you see the ferry pier on your right). 语法: 1.Articles:

1). 不定冠词(Indefinite Article)a / an的用法

如:A computer works more accurately than a human brain. (表示一类人或事物) What is he? He's an artist. (表示人的身份或事物的性质) Give me a pen, please. (泛指)


There is a beautiful garden behind the house. (表示数量,有―一‖的意思) a / an用在一些习惯用语中,如:have a good time, in a hurry, have a break, for a while, a pair of, have a look,with a smile,take an active part in 等。

2). 定冠词(Definite Article)the 的用法

如:I have a cat and a dog. The cat is white and the dog is brown. (再次提到的人或物前)

The lady in black is our English teacher. (特指) Excuse me. Where is the bank? (谈话双方共指的)

The Nile is the longest river in the world. (在形容词最高级前) Our classroom is on the third floor. (序数词前)

The sun is far bigger than the earth. (宇宙中独一无二的)

The Yangtze River is one of the longest rivers in the world. (江河、海洋或山


Pudong is in the east of Shanghai. (方位前) I practise the piano every day. (乐器前面)

We should help the poor. (加在形容词前表示一类人)

the 用在一些习惯用语中,如:in the morning, the day after tomorrow, listen to the radio, at the moment, go to the beach, by the way 等。

3). 一般不用冠词的情况(Zero Article)

如:We study maths, Chinese, English and so on. (学科名称前)

December 25th is Christmas Day. (日期或节日前) I was born in July. (月份或星期等前)

We‘re going to have a picnic this coming Saturday. (在this,those,my,whose,next,last,some,any,every,each等词前) Snow is white. (不可数名词,如物质名词和抽象名词前) (比较:The snow on the ground is thick.特指) What do you have for breakfast? (一日三餐前) We play football after school every day. (球类运动前) What can I do for you,madam? (称呼、头衔或职务前)

某些不用冠词的固定词组,如:by train / motorcycle, at night, after class, at home, in trouble, go to church等。

2. Conjunctions 连词

并列连词: and, but so, or,

Study hard, and you ?ll get good marks. He tried hard but he was unsuccessful. It was rather late, so we decided to go home. Will you spend your holidays there or stay at home?


(可补充: both… and, not only… but also, neither… nor, either…or ,..)

People not only play computer games on the Internet but also do online shopping.

Neither the colour nor the size fits me. You can ask me questions either in class or after class. 二、人文教育


2、培养学生热爱大自然、尊重世界各族人民与文化的情感态度。 三、教学建议

1、通过让学生猜测老师曾去了哪个国家引出话题——旅游。结合一些国家的国旗,让学生说出国家的名称以及相应的著名景观。在复习国家的同时,丰富学生的地理知识,引发学生学习的兴趣,并为后面的课文学习埋下伏笔。 2、1)预测


2) 通过知识检测学生对法国了解多少,引发学生对文章的兴趣,激发他们的求知欲。 3) 通过图片了解有关法国的一些事物,同时教授单词: world-famous landmarks, the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, tree-lined streets, EuroDisney, tourist attractions, the English Channel, the Channel Tunnel, the Loire Valley, castles, 3、课文教学,

快速阅读整篇课文,把握各段的主要内容。 逐段细读, 获取更多信息,并内化准备复述。 板书设计如下:

Paris --- the capital of France, world-famous landmarks, wide tree-lined


beautiful and popular

EuroDisney --- an hour away from, the same attractions as

The Channel Tunnel --- enable you to travel …without flying or taking a ferry The centre of France --- agricultural region with crops and vineyards,

one ofthe most scenic areas--- the Loire Valley

food --- be famous for, see the influence of France

art and culture --- a leader in…, further their studies, film festivals, exhibitions, concerts

4. 写作: is calling


8B Module 3 Unit 7 Poems


? 重点单词

site, narrow, pleased, alone, author, pretend, score, concern, reject, express,

pain, medicine, generous, fair, honest patient

? 词组

1. write poems about our feelings and ideas 写我们感受和想法的诗歌 2. have no taste at all 3. everywhere around us 4. at work 5. a boring man 6. on the building site 7. high up in the clouds/air 8. *fix a crane 9. *walk on a narrow plank 10. *not scared like me 11. be pleased with = be satisfied with 12. on one‘s own= by oneself 13. *pay attention (to) 14. be sometimes cross 42、*scold sb. 43、*put sb in detention 44、be puzzled by my words 45、chat with sb. 46、a real teacher 47、change one‘s idea 48、thank goodness 49、feel like doing 50、*keep lively 51、hate being bored 52、* stone deaf 53、* a mess 54、*never a dull moment ? 词性


poem (n.) 诗歌--poet (n.) 诗人– *poetry (n.)


一点没有味道 在我们周围每个地方 在工作 无趣的人 在建筑工地上 高高在云端/空中 修理起重机 走在狭窄的板条上 不像我那样害怕 对……感到满意 独立地 注意 有时生气

训斥某人,责骂某人 罚……放学后留校 受我所说的话困惑 和……交谈 真实的老师 改变主意 谢天谢地 想做某事 保持活力

讨厌(感觉)无聊 完全聋的

一团糟,一片混乱 一刻都不停歇 2. please (v.) 使…高兴 –- pleased (adj. ) 感到高兴满意的 – pleasant (adj. )令人愉悦的 --pleasure (n.)乐趣、快乐

3. live (v.) 居住– alive (adj.) 存活着的– living (adj.) 活着的,有生命的--lively (adj.)活泼的 4. *scare (v. )使… 惊吓 – *scared (adj.) 害怕、恐惧--- scary (adj.) 引起惊慌的 5. *attention (n.) 注意、注意力--*attentive (adj. )专心的 – *attentively (adv.)专心地 6. silence (n.) 沉默、寂静– silent (adj.) 寂静的– silently (adv.) 安静地 7. patient (adj.)耐心的 – patiently (adv.) 耐心地-- patience (n.)耐心

8. bore (v.) 使…厌烦 – boring (adj.) 无聊的、乏味的– bored ( adj.) 感觉无聊、乏味的 9. honest (adj.) 诚实的– dishonest (adj.)不诚实的 –honestly (adv.) 诚实地-- honesty (n.) 诚

10. puzzle (v.) 使迷惑 ---- puzzled (adj.) 感到疑惑的 ---- puzzling (adj.) 令人迷惑不


11. goodness (n.) 仁慈,善良 ---- good (adj.) 好的 ? 句型


My dad at home and at work. 2. He is a boring man, my dad.

3. She loved chatting with her class, her lessons seemed like play 4. I wrote these verses on my own, I hope you’re pleased with me.. 5. If you are puzzled by my words, I can explain. 6. The staff and students weren‘t real. 7. Showing concern: What‘s the matter? What‘s wrong? What‘s the problem? What‘s going on? Give suggestions: Why don't we…? Why not (+do sth)…? Let‘s (+ do sth)…! Shall we …? You‘d better.... Accept suggestions: That‘s a good idea. Good idea.


Reject suggestions: No, thanks.

No thanks. I don't feel like it. Sorry, I can‘t make it. Offer help: Shall I …?

Would you like me to do …?


1. who and whose

Who 针对人的主格提问,也可以提问人的宾格。 Whose 针对人物所有格提问。

2. mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs. 名词性物主代词用作主语、宾语或表语。

如:A: Is this her T shirt? B: No, hers is red.(主语)

A: May I use your dictionary? B: I‘ve lost mine.(宾语) That new flat is ours.(表语) 3. one and ones

如:Which T shirt do you like?The one with the V-neck.

The old houses here have been pulled down and a lot of new ones will be built. ? 拓展词汇

poetry, verse, rhyme, rhyming, crane, plank, scared, verse, attention, scold, detention, chat, good-looking, cheerful, fair,


4、 通过对两首诗歌的学习,让学生欣赏诗歌、感受诗意,并尝试用诗句去描绘身边熟悉的


2.培养学生热爱英语诗歌,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,同时也更加热爱生活。 三、教学建议

1、单词和课文分二课时教授(第一课时从以前学过的诗歌入手,结合what do you know about…? 向学生介绍诗歌的特点: rhythm, rhyme, repetition。并以谈论家人和老师,完成词汇的教学,并对两首诗歌有初步的理解。第二课时配合Comprehension部分,是深入理解课文主要内容,并能流畅朗读,读出诗味。

2、要求学生根据Writing部分写一首诗歌:A poem about my class









第一部分 基本内容



1. 普通名词和专有名词(Common and Proper Noun) 如:Paris, Africa (地名)

Japan, Canada (国名)

Alfred Nobel, Mr Smith, Grandma (称呼)

February, Thursday (月份,日期)

the Great Wall, World Wide Web(由普通名词组成的专有名词)

2. 可数名词和不可数名词 (Countable and Uncountable Noun) 1) 可数名词复数形式的构成

如:A. coin-coins, toy-toys, month-months

B. class-classes, box-boxes, church-churches, brush-brushes C. potato-potatoes, tomato-tomatoes

(比较:photo-photos, radio-radios, kilo-kilos)

D. city-cities, country-countries(比较:day-days,boy-boys) E. shelf-shelves, knife-knives, scarf-scarves(scarfs)

F. man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, businesswoman-businesswomen, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, child-children, mouse-mice, sheep-sheep, Chinese-Chinese

2) 可数名词的数量表达 如: a pair of jeans

(a) few relatives some computers plenty of books

a group of people a couple of days a lot of / lots of reporters a large number of passengers many places / times

one of the top students 3)不可数名词的数量表达

hundreds of / thousands of years (比较:two thousand years) 如:a bottle of / two bottles of water

some work

plenty of milk

(a) little food a lot of / lots of news huge amounts of information


much money / time 3. 名词所有格(Case) 如:Alice's birthday

Children's Day New Year's Day

(二)代词(Pronoun) 单人称代词 人复称主格 宾格 数 I 复 单 II 复 单 I We You You he she It they me us you you him her it them 物主代词 反身代词 形容词性 my our your your his her its their 名词性 mine ours yours yours his hers its theirs myself ourselves yourself yourselves himself herself itself themselves

the teachers’ office twenty minutes’ walk the front gate of the City Hall

a friend of Kitty's / mine

单 III 复 1. 人称代词(Personal Pronoun)


人称代词的宾格形式用作及物动词的宾语或介词宾语。 如:I(主格,作主语)called him(宾格,作动词宾语).

He(主格,作主语)was playing tennis with us(宾格,作介词宾语). She and I(主格,作主语)went to the Mcdonald's last night. Let the baby sit between you and me(宾格,作介词宾语). 2. 物主代词(Possessive Pronoun)

形容词性物主代词用作定语。 如:his puppy, my parents, her diet

名词性物主代词用作主语、宾语或表语。 如:A: Is this her T shirt? B: No, hers is red.(主语)

A: May I use your dictionary? B: I’ve lost mine.(宾语) That new flat is ours.(表语) 3. 反身代词(Reflexive Pronoun)


如:Be careful. You might hurt yourself.(宾语)

The children made the model planes (by) themselves.(表示强调)


4. 指示代词(Demonstrative Pronoun: this, that, these, those) 如:A: Is this your motorcycle? B: No, it isn't.

A: Are those calculators expensive? B: Yes, they are. 5. 疑问代词(Interrogative Pronoun)

参见“四、句法”中“特殊疑问句”一节。 6. 不定代词(Indefinite Pronoun) 1) some, any

如:He asked for more sauce and I passed him some.

Do you know any of her friends?

There is much milk in the fridge. Would you like some? 2) 复合不定代词

something anything nothing everything somebody anybody nobody everybody someone anyone no one everyone 如:Someone has told me about this before.

I've got something interesting to tell you. Did you see anybody else in the room? Everything is ready for the Open Day. 3) a few, few; a little, little

如:You've made a few mistakes in your homework, I'm afraid.

There were few eggs in the fridge, so he went to the supermarket and bought some. There's still a little time left. You needn't hurry.

I'm afraid I can't buy anything today because I have got little money on me. 4)both, all

如:Both of his hands were hurt.

They both lost themselves in the beautiful music. All enjoyed themselves at the party. 5) neither, none

如:Neither of the twins is a university student.

In the past, none of the buses were / was air-conditioned. 6) one…the other(s), some…others, another

如:She has got two pets. One is a dog; the other is a cat.

Some like prawns, others like crabs. I don't like this kind of watch. Will you show me another? 7) one, ones


如:Which T shirt do you like?The one with the V-neck.

The old houses here have been pulled down and a lot of new ones will be built. 7. it

如:It is a robot.(指物)

It is raining now, but it'll be fine soon.(指自然现象) What time is it now? It's eight o'clock.(指时间) It isn't far from here to the hospital.(指距离) It's important (for us) to fight pollution.(作形式主语)

(三)数词(Numeral) 1. 基数词(Cardinal Number)

注意eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, eighty, a / one hundred / thousand等词 2. 序数词(Ordinal Number)

注意first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-first, ninety-ninth, (one) hundredth等词。

3. 分数(Fraction),小数(Decimal)和百分比(Percentage) 如:三分之一读作one-third,五分之三读作three-fifths

0.82读作zero point eight two 45%读作forty-five percent 4. 日期和年份(Date and Year)

如:on May 27读作:on May (the) twenty-seventh

on 27th May 读作:on the twenty-seventh of May in 1933读作:in nineteen thirty-three in 2000读作:in two thousand 5. 时间和钟点(Time)

如:6:15读作:six fifteen / (a) quarter past six

4:30读作:four thirty / half past four

6:35读作:six thirty-five / twenty-five (minutes) to seven 9:10 a.m.读作:nine ten a.m. 6. 数学运算表达 (Arithmetic expression) 如:A: Add 6 and 9. B: 6 plus 9 equals / is 15. 7. 其它

如:Lesson Twelve / the Twelfth Lesson

Class One,Grade Three No.46 bus Channel 8 / Eight


Room 402


1. 不定冠词(Indefinite Article)a / an的用法

如:A computer works more accurately than a human brain. (表示一类人或事物)

What is he? He's an artist. (表示人的身份或事物的性质) Give me a pen, please. (泛指)

There is a beautiful garden behind the house. (表示数量,有“一”的意思)

a / an用在一些习惯用语中,如:have a good time, in a hurry, have a break, for a while, a pair of, have a look,with a smile,take an active part in 等。 2. 定冠词(Definite Article)the 的用法

如:I have a cat and a dog. The cat is white and the dog is brown. (再次提到的人或物前)

The lady in black is our English teacher. (特指) Excuse me. Where is the bank? (谈话双方共指的)

The Nile is the longest river in the world. (在形容词最高级前) Our classroom is on the third floor. (序数词前)

The sun is far bigger than the earth. (宇宙中独一无二的)

The Yangtze River is one of the longest rivers in the world. (江河、海洋或山脉前) Pudong is in the east of Shanghai. (方位前) I practise the piano every day. (乐器前面)

We should help the poor. (加在形容词前表示一类人)

the 用在一些习惯用语中,如:in the morning, the day after tomorrow, listen to the radio, at the moment, go to the beach, by the way 等。 3. 一般不用冠词的情况(Zero Article)

如:We study maths, Chinese, English and so on. (学科名称前)

December 25th is Christmas Day. (日期或节日前) I was born in July. (月份或星期等前)

We’re going to have a picnic this coming Saturday. (在this,those,my,whose,next,last,some,any,every,each等词前)

Snow is white. (不可数名词,如物质名词和抽象名词前) (比较:The snow on the ground is thick.特指) What do you have for breakfast? (一日三餐前) We play football after school every day. (球类运动前) What can I do for you,madam? (称呼、头衔或职务前)

某些不用冠词的固定词组,如:by train / motorcycle, at night, after class, at home, in trouble, go to church等。

(五)形容词和副词(Adjective and Adverb)


1. 形容词的用法和位置(Usage and Position of Adjective) 如:Computers are very useful in our life. (表语)

This is an unhealthy diet. (定语)

I have something important to tell you. (定语,后置) Trees keep air fresh. (宾语补足语)

2.副词的用法和位置(Usage and Position of Adverb) 如:Space planes are very fast. (状语,修饰形容词)

We got up early enough to catch the first bus. (状语,修饰副词,后置) It rained heavily last night. (状语,修饰动词) We often go swimming in summer. (状语,修饰动词)

I have never been to the Botanical Gardens. (状语,修饰动词) Please stay inside until the typhoon leaves. (状语,修饰动词) He was too disappointed to say a word. (状语,修饰形容词) Luckily, he still got the first prize. (状语,修饰整个句子,前置)

3. 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成(Formation of Comparative and Superlative Degrees of Adjective and Adverb)


large thin healthy slowly

softer larger thinner

softest largest thinnest healthiest most slowly most expensive best most worst worst least


healthier more slowly

expensive good/well many/much bad/badly ill far


more expensive better more worse worse less

* * * * * *


4. 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的用法(Usage of Comparative and Superlative Degrees of Adjective and Adverb)

如:E-mail is quicker and cheaper than regular mail.

Who works harder, Ben or Kitty? The air pollution in that city is much more serious than it used to be. Mr. Ling is less healthy than Miss Chen. Which is the biggest, the sun, the earth or the moon? Kally dances (the ) most beautifully of the three. Africa is the second largest continent in the world.


Edison was one of the greatest inventors in the world. The steak tastes as delicious as the chop. He can sing as well as his sister. He doesn’t write so/as carefully as his brother. The days are getting longer and longer. You should send him to the hospital, the sooner the better. Tom is taller than any other student in the class.

(六)介词(Preposition) 1. 掌握常用介词的各种不同用法 介 词 用 法 时间 at 地点 对象 其它用法 时间 on 地点 其它用法 时间 in 地点 其它用法 方式 with 其它用法 时间 地点 by 方式 强调 被/由??做 其它用法 时间 for 对象 其它用法 时间或地点 from 距离 其它用法

举 例 at six (o’clock) / night / the moment at home / the supermarket laugh at at once, at present on May 4th / Monday / Sunday morning on the wall / the ground / the third floor / the shelf on one’s way to , on foot in the afternoon / the morning / the evening / May / winter / 1978 in the room / the street / the housing estate in red, in addition, in time do sth. with sb with one’s own eyes, a plane with an engine, something wrong with by 1990 by the river by ferry, by airmail, by doing … by oneself be done by sb. by the way for many years a letter for sb. for example, a ticket for Sunday’s evening show, for the time being, for the first time From … to far from be / come from 35

方向 to

2. 还要掌握一些其它介词的用法

对象 其它用法 go to the library give sth. to sb. to one’s joy 如:about, across, after, against, along, among, (a) round, before, behind, below, beside, between,

during, except, into, like, near, of, over, opposite, since, through, under, without 等以及because of , in front of, out of 等。

(七)连词 (Conjunction)

1. 并列连词 (Compound Conjunction)


and, or, but, so, not only…but also, both…and, neither…nor, either…or等。 如:The water in the kettle is boiling and we can see steam coming out of it.

Is he an engineer or an architect? Hurry up, or you will be late. English is difficult, but it's interesting. People not only play computer games on the Internet but also do online shopping. Neither the colour nor the size fits me. You can ask me questions either in class or after class. 2. 从属连词 (Subordinate Conjunction)


that, if, whether, who, whose, what, which, where, than, when, while, as, since, though, although, because, before, after, until, as soon as, now that, so…that, so that, as…as, (not) so /as…as等。

如:If it doesn't rain next Sunday, we’ll have a barbecue. (引导状语从句)

The foreigner asked us if we had been to the Tower of Pisa. (引导宾语从句)

Since this is your first visit to Britain, you’d better learn something about British culture. (引导状语从句)

(八) 动词(Verb)

1.动词的种类(Classification) 1) 行为动词

如:He failed in the exam.

Does he have a test once a week? We promise never to pollute the environment. 2) 连系动词 be, become, get, turn, look, feel, sound, smell, taste, seem 如:I am in charge of sports in my class.


He became a professor in 1980. It will get hotter this summer. The mooncake tastes too sweet. there be 结构

如:How many blocks are there in your housing estate?

There is going to be an Open Day in our school this afternoon. 3) 助动词be, do, have, will, shall 如:Don't waste water.

Did you do a survey last week? We haven't seen each other for ages. A medical team will be sent to the area. 4) 情态动词 can, may, must, need, should, shall, will, could, would 及 have to ,be able to, ought to, used to 的用法 如:The bird can sing sweet songs.

Can I help you? May I leave the table now? No, you may not. Must I do my homework at once? No, you needn't. You must be good at maths. You should eat less fried food and drink enough water. Ought we to discuss it now? Shall we go by ourselves? Can/Will/Could/Would you help Linda with her lessons later? My uncle used to grow vegetables, but now he also grows fruit. Their parents don't have to pay for their education. The policemen are able to catch the thief. 2. 动词的时态 (Tense) 1) 一般现在时

如:China is a great country.

Mrs Green usually goes sightseeing at weekends. Do children like watching cartoons? Light travels faster than sound. I'll give her the message as soon as she gets in. 2) 现在进行时

如:We are making a model house now.

Sending emails is getting popular these days. 3) 一般将来时

如:Mary is going to visit Ocean Park tomorrow.


When shall we meet again? I hope Mr Smith will visit China soon. My father is leaving for Beijing in two days. 4)


How tall were you last year? Millions of years ago, the Stone Age people didn't eat cooked food. 5) 现在完成时

如:A: Have you bought any sugar yet?

B: Yes, I have already bought some. Here it is. Mr Smith has worked as an engineer since 2000/for several years. They have just been to the South Pole. 6) 过去进行时

如:The children were playing with snow happily this time yesterday.

While Mary was working on the computer, her friends were playing cards. We were watching TV when the alarm went off. 7) 过去完成时 (初二不做考点,只需了解)

如:By the age of five, Mozart had given a lot of performances.

When I got to the booking office, they had sold all the tickets. Mary told us what she had seen in the Space Museum. 8) 过去将来时 (初二不做考点,只需了解)

如:He said that he would give up smoking as soon as possible.

The teacher asked how many people were going on the school camping trip. 3. 动词的被动语态(Passive Voice)(初二不做考点要求,只需了解) 如:English is widely used in the world. (一般现在时)

The film star was interviewed by the newspaper reporter just now. (一般过去时) I will be given a present. (A present will be given to me.) (一般将来时) This coat cannot be washed in water. (含有情态动词的句子)

语态的练习侧重在以主动语态改为被动语态;侧重掌握一般现在时(含情态动词)、一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态。 4.动词的不定式 (Infinitive)

1) 动词不定式用作宾语、宾语补足语、状语、定语、主语和表语 如:The young man offered to carry the suitcase for Grandma. (宾语)

My parents want me to get good marks. (宾语补足语)

We fight pollution to/in order to/so as to keep the earth clean. (状语) We have got a new project to do. (定语) It’s exciting to read comics. (主语)

My father's job is to make sick people better. (表语) 如:He broke the vase yesterday.


2) 动词不定式的否定形式 (初二不做考点,只需了解) 如:The teacher told the children not to play with fire.

3) 动词不定式与疑问词what, which, who(m), when, where, how等连用,作宾语 如:I can't decide which seat to take.

Can the computer tell you what to do next?

4) 在let, make , see, hear, watch等动词后,作宾语补足语的动词不定式不带to 如:The smoke from the factory made us feel sick. 5.动名词


如:Running is my favourite sport. (主语)(初二不做考点,只需了解) Mr Taylor and his wife enjoy traveling with children. (宾语)


(一)句子的成分 句子的成分


除了主语和谓语,句子还有其他成分,如宾语(Object)、定语(Attribute) 和状语(Adverbial Modifier),有时宾语后面可以加一个宾语补足语(Object Complement)构成复合宾语。


Jenny’s brother met an old friend in the street. (主) (谓) (地点状语) His father bought him a new bike the day before yesterday. (间宾)(直宾) (时间状语) The meeting on Friday was put off because of the heavy rain. (后置定语) (原因状语) You’ll miss the early bus if you don’t hurry. (前置定语) (条件状语) They did everything to save the worker’s life. (宾) (目的状语) The girl was tall enough to reach the book on the shelf. (系动词) (表) (结果状语) (合成谓语) They told me to go there by taxi. (宾补)(方式状语) He has a good memory though he is old. (让步状语)



1. 陈述句(Declarative Sentence 肯定式,否定式) 如:Lily and Liz are (not) twins.

I have a hamburger, but I have not any/no sandwiches.

They had an English lesson this morning. They didn't have any Chinese lessons. There is some Coke in the bottle, but there is not any/no orange juice. We should obey the traffic rules. We mustn't play in the street. 2. 疑问句及其回答(Interrogative Sentence and Answer) 1) 一般疑问句

如:A: Was Kathy late for school this morning?

A: Does your father go to Pudong by ferry? A: Have you been to Canada?

A: May I leave a little earlier today? 2) 特殊疑问句

常见的特殊疑问词有 what, who, whom, whose, which, when, where, why, how, how old, how many, how much, how long, how often, how soon, how far, how fast 等。 如:A: Who teaches you chemistry this term?

A: What time is it by your watch? A: How do you travel to school? 3) 选择疑问句

如:A: Are you American or Canadian?

B: I'm Canadian.

B: Miss Wang. B: Both. B: Yes, it is. B: No, they mustn't. B: No, it doesn't.

A: Did you go camping or sightseeing yesterday? B: Sightseeing. A: Is Miss Li or Miss Wang going to teach us English next term? A: Which do you prefer, science fiction or detective stories? 4) 反意疑问句

如:A: Thailand is in the south of Asia, isn't it?

A: It hardly snows in South China, does it? 3. 祈使句(Imperative Sentence) 如:Be careful.

Mind the door, children.

Don't throw paper on the ground, please. Let's meet at the entrance. 4. 感叹句(Exclamatory Sentence) 如:How beautiful the vase is!

What an intelligent girl (she is)!

A: Factories mustn't let out dirty water into rivers, must they?

A: How often do you do a revision?

B: Mr Li does. B: Seven fifty-eight. B: By bus, then on foot. B: Once a week.

B: Yes, she was. / No, she wasn't. B: Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't. B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. B: Yes, you may/can.

No, you may not/ mustn't/ can’t.


