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课题 Unit 8 They are sweet potatoes 课型 新课
课时 1 教学 目标 1. Aims on the knowledge
(1) To master the five words “tomatoes, potatoes, corns, beans, cabbages.”
(2) To understand and speak the sentence pattern “What are those? Are they….They are…”
(3)To write the sentences: Are they potatoes? Yes, they are.
2. Aims on the abilities
(1) To develop the abilities of listening and speaking.
(2) To train the ability of working in groups.
(3) To foster the abilities of communication.
3. Aims on the emotion (1)To foster consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.
(2) To increase interest and set up confidence in language study.
教学重点 To use the new words and sentences make simple dialogues about vegetables.
教学难点 The words.
核心问题 They are potatoes.
教学方法 “Task-base” teaching method. Situation teaching method.
教学过程 教学环节 教学内容及教师指导 学生活动 设计意图
Step1 (5分) Step2 (15分) Step3 (15分) Step4 (3分) Step5 (2分)
I. Warming up
1. Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello ,Miss/ Mr.…
2. Free talk T: Hello, how are you today? Ss: Fine, thank you, and you? T: I’m fine, thank you.
II. Presentation
1. Do a survey T: Finish the survey table in the class using the sentences: What vegetables do you like? I like…
2. Welcome to the farm. Guess,What are those?
(1)They are red. They look like apples, but they aren’t apples. What are those? Study tomatoes, (read it by many ways and spell it)
(2) Do you know it?French fries are made of it. It’s a potato
(3)CAI shows the words: corns, beans, cabbages.
3. Play a game: guessing game Act and guess
4. Copy the words and sentences: Are they potatoes? No, they aren’t.
5. Listen and say.
(1)Listen to the tape (2) Follow read. (3) Pair work (4) Act it out. Compare: this that these those
6. Do the part of “Game time”: Touch and guess
III. Consolidation
1. Play a game “What’s missing?” The teacher shows all the flashcards
2. Listen to the words and make new sentences. The teacher asks two students to say one word and asks the students to make new sentences according to the words and their locations.
3. The teacher asks the students to read and act the dialogues by different characters.
4. Fill in the blank.
(1)Are they tomatoes? Yes, (2) Are they potatoes? No, (3) Are tomatoes? No, (4) they beans? , are. (5) apples? No,
IV. Summary
1. Sum up the words and sentences.
2. T: What have you learnt in this lesson?
3. Ask the Ss to recite the main knowledge.
V. Homework
1. Make a dialogue with your friends.
2. Write the new words five times. Greeting to each other. practice the sentences and learn the new words. Listen to the tape recorder and read the dialogue in different ways. Make the dialogue with his deskmates Play the game Listen to the words and make sentences Read the dialogue and act it out. Sum up
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