
更新时间:2023-11-28 15:10:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



一、succeeded, successful, successfully

1. She ___________ in passing the exam. 她成功的通过了考试。 2. The performance was ____________. 演出很成功。

3. I finished my training ____________. 我成功地完成了训练。 二、the number of 与 a number of

(2013?贵州安顺)In our school library there ______ a number of books on science, and in these years the number of them ______ growing larger and larger.

A. are; is B. is; are C. have; are D. has; is 三、单项填空

1. —Sandy, I called you at 9:00 last night, but nobody answered the phone.

—I'm sorry. We ________ a birthday party ________ Jerry. A.had, with B.were having, for C.are having, for D.had, for 2. Jim ________in Zhuzhou since he finished his college.

A. works B.is working C.has worked D.have worked 3. He promised to pick me up at the school gate. However , he ________ yet. A.didn't arrive B.doesn't arrive C.isn't arriving D.hasn't arrived 4. Great changes ________ in Tongren in the past five years.

A.have happened B.have taken place C.have been happ ened D.have been taken place 5. [2012?泰安] —I hear Mr Zhang has gone to Beijing for a meeting. —Really? Do you know when he ________? A.leaves B.was leaving C.has left D.left

6. Two ________ and three ________ joined the sports club last week.

A.Germans, Japanese B.Germen, Japaneses C.Germans, Japaneses D.German, Japanese 7. My parents always encourage me ________ hard. A.study B.studied C.studying D.to study 8. There are ________ books in the library. A.two thousand of B.two thousands C.thousand of D.thousands of 9. I'd love to visit ________. A.anywhere warm B.somewhere warm C.warm anywhere D.warm somewhere 10. —Have you ________ to Paris?—Yes, I ________ there last month. A.gone, went B.went, gone C.been, go D.been, went 11.—________ to Tibet?—No, never.But I'm planning to go there next year.

A.Have you been B.Have you goneC. Did you go D.Are you going 12.Tom ________ the USA.He ________ back in two months.

A.has gone to; comes B.has gone to; will be C.has been to; comes D.has been in; come 13.The Smiths ________ China for three years.

A.have come B.have been t C.have been in D.have come to 14.Mei Lin has been a teacher ________.

A.for two years ago B.since she comes here C.since two years ago D.since two years 15.Peter has never been to a water park. ________.

A.I haven't neither B.I haven't too C.Me too D.Me neither 16. Please ________ the phone number of that man.

A.look out B.get out C.come out D.check out 17. Don't worry abut us. We are ________ children.

A.not longer B.no long C.not long D.no longer 18. ________ honest, he is ________ honest boy.

A.Being, a B.Being, / C.To be, a D.To be, an 19. The song is very popular ________ young people.

A.between B.among C.through D.of 20. Why not consider ________ the history museum?

A.visit B.visited C.to visit D.visiting 21. ________ my opinion, we should try to save water.

A.On B.At C.In D.With

22. They played tennis with great ________. A.interested B.interesting C.interests D.interest 23. We should regard our teachers ________ friends. A.in B.on C.at D.as 24. So far, I ________ a letter from my friend. A.don't get B.didn't get C.haven't got D.won't get 25. —Have you ________ the movie? —Yes, I ________ it last Sunday. A.saw, saw B.seen, seen C.saw, seen D.seen, saw 26.My uncle has taught in this school ________he was twenty years old. A.since B.for C.until D.already

27.—When ________ your brother ________ back?—About half an hour ago. A.did; come B.do; come C.have; come D.did; came 28. --Is Lin Tao in?—Sorry, he ________ Guangzhou.

A.has been to B.has been in C.has gone to D.has gone in

29.________, volunteering is both a chance to help others and a good way to develop ourselves. So you'd better make time to volunteer.

A.To my surprise B.To be honest C.To start with D.To begin with 四、用词的适当形式填空

1. He has just ________ (copy) all the words.

2. When you finish _________ (read) the book, please remember ___________ (return) it to the library on time. 3. Last year, they __________ (buy) a new computer. 4. Have you ________ (pack) the camera yet?

5. I have already _________ (put) it in my suitcase. 6.We ____________ (not see) him for many years.

7.Neither of the twins (have) eaten mooncakes.

8.If it's possible, I can think about ____________(become)a policeman. 9.I spent two hours (mend) the bike.

10.Our English teacher often encourages us _________ (study) hard. 11.Two thirds of the teachers ___________ (be) women.

12.I don't have any problem _______(get) something useful on the Internet. 13.We (be) friends since we (meet) at school. 14.It is my dream (travel) to the moon.

15Mr. Yang (teach) Chinese in this school since 2008. 16、Sarah (not be) to Hong Kong yet. 17.Things have to change in order (get) beteer. 五、按要求完成下列句子。

1.They’ve visited the park.(改为一般疑问句)

2.I have already finished my homework .(改为否定句) 3. His grandpa died in 2004. (同义句转化)

4.I bought the MP3 last week. (同义句转化)I the MP3 for a week.

