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NOKIA移动电话的工程模式名称为“Net monitor"分组画面为改锥、铁锤和手机,诺基亚的工程模式启动后可以通过命令开启或关闭。前面的画面显示系统网络的功能,后面则以介绍手机内软硬件资料为主。

载频号码、在GSM系统的范围是1-124; Carrier number. The range in GSM is 1-124 移动台接收电平(dBM值); MS RX level in dBM 接收信号等级,在GSM系统的范围是0-7; Received signal quality. The range in GSM is 0-7 移动台发射功率等级,在GSM系统的范围是5-15级; MS TX power level. The range in GSM is 5-15 C1(多径衰耗标准); C1 (path loss criterion, used for cell selection and reselection, the range in GSM is -99..99) RLT(音频超时) RLT (Radio Link Timeout) 时隙,在GSM系统的范围是0-7; Timeslot. The range in GSM is 0-7 发射转态指示; Indication of the transmitter status 网络信息; Information of the network parameteres TMSI(临时移动电话识别码); TMSI (temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity) 小区ID; Cell Identification (Cell ID, number of the used cell) 国家码; MCC (Mobile Country Code) 网络码; MNC (Mobile Network Code) 本地区域码; LAC (Location Area Code) 地区码; Ciphering (on/off) 调频; Hopping (on/off) 调频; DTX (on/off) 自动功率控制

Discarding cell barred information




菜单 10-1

| 16 -55 xxx | | CH Rx1 Pwr |

|0 1 x xxxx | | TS TA RLT xxxx|

| 51 51 | | Q1 Q1 |

| CCCH | | xxCH |






xxxx - 表示 BCCH 载频号码;means BCCH carrier number - 表示接收 功率值 ;means RX level (in dBm) - Pwr表示 发射功率等级;Pwr means TX power level - 时隙;TS (Time Slot) - 时间前置量;显示手机和基站的距离,乘以500以公尺计算;TA - Timing Advance - RLT - Radio Link Timeout - 不详;

51(C1)- 多径衰耗标准,本人英语和基站知识不灵光,大伙自己体会吧C1 (path loss criterion, used for cell selection and reselection, the range in GSM is -99..99)

CCCH - 载频类型之一;(xxCH) type of current channel:

AGCH -(Access Grant Channel)允许连接频道由网络到手机的单向频道,安排专用控制信道


* SDCC -(SDCCH:Stand-alone Dedicated Control Channel)独立专用控制信道;

* TFR -(TCH:Traffic Channels)业务信道;

* BCCH -(Broadcast Control Channel)广播控制信道;


* NSPS -(No Service & Power Save),无网络服务,手机正处于省电模式;



AGCH - Access Grant Channel - is the answer to RACH. It's used to assign a mobile a Stand-alone Dedicated Control Channel (SDCCH). It's downlink and point to point channel. SDCC - (SDCCH) Stand-alone Dedicated Control Channel - It's used for system sygnalling: cell set-up,

authentication, location update, assigment to traffic channels and transmission of short messages


TFR - (TCH) Traffic Channels - Physical channels also transfer user data, which can be either in the form of

Half Rate traffic (6.5kbit/s) or Full Rate (13kbit/s). Another form of traffic channel is the Enhanced Full Rate (EFR) Traffich Channel. The speech coding in EFR is still dona at 13kbit/s, but the coding mechanism is different than that used for normal full rate traffic. EFR coding gives better speech quality than normal full rate. Traffic channels can transmit both speech and data. these are bi-directional channels.

BCCH - Broadcast Control Channel contains detailed network and cell specific information such as:

o Frequencies used in the particular cell.

o Frequency hopping sequence.

o Channel Combination. In the GSM there are eleven logical channels. Depending on the number of

frequencies used in a cell, the number of physical channels available is eight times the number of

used frequecies. most of these physical channels have to be allocated for traffic purposes. There are

more than one ways in these aleven logical channels are mapped on the available physical channels.

How they are mapped varies from cell to cell depending on a number of categories. Channel

combination tells about the mapping method used in the particular cell

o Paging groups. Normally in one cell there are more than one paging channels. To prevent a mobile

to listening to all the paging channels for a paging message, the paging channels are divided such

that, a group of mobile stations listen to a particular paging channel only.

o Information on surrounding cells. A mobile station has to know what are the cells surrounding the

present cell and what frequencies are being broadcast on them. This is necessary if, for example, the

user initiates a conversation in the current cell, and then decides to move on. The MS has measure

the signal strength and quality of the surrounding cells and report to the base station controller.

SEARCH Mobile Station is searching for signal.

NSPS (No Serv Power Save)

| NO 7 B49 |

| 16 x |

| |

| |


16 菜单 10-2 - 蜂窝阻塞 (参考菜单 10-19) - 信道号

x - 发射是为 - 0,待机时为-1

菜单 10-3, 10-4, 10-5

|16 50 -56 50| |18 19 -87 19| |29 13 -93 13| |xxx ccc vvv ccc|

|90 32 -74 32| |20 18 -88 18| |xx xx xx xx| |. |

|17-99 -80-99| |83 15 -89 15| |xx xx xx xx| |. |

| N N | | N N N | | N xx xx | | AA AA AA |





- means BCCH carrier number of the serving cell in decimal instead of BCCH carrier number DCH carrier number will be desplayed in activ mode. - means C1 value of the neighbour instead of C1 value letter "B" and BSIC value will be desplayed in activ mode. - 表示接收功率等级(dBm) - 普通小区(N), 阻塞小区 (B).


菜单 10-3 Number of serving cell, and 2 neigbours.

菜单 10-4 Next 3 neigbours.

菜单 10-5 Next 3.

菜单 10-6

|26002 26202|

|41040 26001|

|C9E00 xxxxx|

|21303 xxxxx|


|26002 26202|

|00000 26001|

|11111 xxxxx|

|33333 xxxxx|

屏幕左边是予存网络列表, Nokia 6110手机无法进行编辑,而老的Alcatel HC 1000可以编辑;

262 02 - 目前注册使用中的网络代码 D2 Privat network code.

260 01 - 曾经尝试登录被禁用网络代码 Plus GSM networ code.

Menu 10-7

|E A H C I BR|

|1 1 0 1 0 00|

| |

| |

E: 系统是否支持紧急求救电话即112: 1为支持、0为不支持;

A: attach-detach程序,1为支持,0为不支持;

H: 是否支持半速率编码,1为支持,0为不支持;

C: C2值广播,1为支持,0为不支持;

I: 系统第7、8信息广播,1为支持,为不支持;

B: 系统广播,1为支持,0为不支持;

R: re-establishment.1为支持,0为不支持;

Menu 10-10

|TMSI 1620101B|

|T321 : 1 /30|

|PRP :6 15 90|

| - 2 16|





- 临时移动台识别码:Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity - Counter (min 1, max 240, where 1 means 6 min time between location updates and 240 means 240*6min=24h between location updates). - Paging Repeat Period (range is 2-9, when paging is in every second multiframe, mobile takes more current that if it were in every 9th multiframe).

16 in the last line is number of serving cell channel.


|CC:260 NC:02|

| LAC:2419 |

| CH : 16 |

| CID:5DE9 |





CID - (MCC)移动国家码; Mobile Country Code (260 - Pland) - (MNC) 移动网络码Mobile Network Code (02 - Era GSM) - 本地区域识别码 Location Area Code - 使用中载频号码 Serving cell channel number - 基站编号(Cell ID) Cell Identifier

菜单 10-12



|DTX : ON |

|IMSI : ON |



IMSI - ciphering value A51, A52 or OFF - Discontinuos Transmission (Mechanism)ON/OFF - International Mobile Subscriber Identity HOPPING - 跳频值 Hopping value - ON/OFF



| NOTALLOWED | | xxxxxxxxxxxx |

| DTX(DEF) :ON | | yyyyyyyyyyyy |

| DTX(BS) :USE| | zzzzzzzzzzzz |

| | | |

With this display is possible to change MS to use DTX or not if BS allows MS to decide it.

To change DTX state, You must activate this display from MENU. When MENU is not active and the user is scrollinng field test displays with NEXT and PREVIOUS, the DTX state will not change

xxxxxxxxxxx is status of switched mode. The values are:

o DTX ON (MS use DTX)

o DTX OFF (MS not use DTX)

o DTX DEF (MS use default state of DTX Defined in MS_PAR.H)

o NOTALLOWED (BS not allows MS to decide if it uses DTX or not)

yyyyyyyyyyyy is default state of DTX, definned in MS_PAR.H. Values are:



zzzzzzzzzzzz is DTX value from BS. The values are:

o MS MAY USE (BS allows MS to decide if it uses dtx or not on uplink

o SHALL USE (BS controls MS to use dtx (on uplink))

SHALL NOT (BS controls MS not to use dtx (on uplink))

Menu 10-17


| OFF |

| |

| |

BTS TEST 状态开关 :Swith BTS TEST status

If ON - Mobile is serching only one frequency. Neigbour mesurements are not done


If OFF - Mobile is behaving nornally. Neigbour mesurements are done

To change status from OFF to ON write to SIM memory #33 channel number, go to menu 10-17, turn POWER OFF and again ON. Now You have active BTS TEST!!!

Menu 10-19



| | | | | |

| | | | | |

只在无阻塞小区使用 只在阻塞小区使用 在阻塞和非阻塞小区使用

Only non-barred Only barreed cells Barred and non-barred

cells are used are used cells are used

This test is meant to be used when some cells are tested prior taking them into commercial use. By setting the barring on in the base station normal GSM phones will not try to register these barred cells. By selecting cell barring reversed, the MS will only use the cells to be tested. However, if at the same time it is wanted that MS will be capable to use normal network cell barring ignored can be set.

This test can be activated only from the MENU selecting item field test, or with shortcut menu-10-19. When MENU is not active and the user is scrolling field test display with NEXT and PREVIOUS, display 19 won't be activated.

菜单 10-20

| 387 xxxxxxx| |403 FastC |

|T+27 0| |T+27 1 |

|C 0 W 0| |C 0 W255 |

|1011 0| |1011 0 |

普通状态 充电状态

Normall Charging

菜单 10-88

