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1. One would assume that there would have been not difficulties because of cold war in applying those
procedures. 2. But two systems are not necessarily identical, or even very similar, because they have some properties in
3. Nations do not distrust each other because they are armed, they are armed because they distrust each other. 4. I never heard of anyone making a “skeleton”, as we were taught at school.
5. He does not dominate or intimidate his staff, like Mr. Johnson, nor does he read or work like Mr. Carter. 6. All the great truths are obvious truths. But all obvious truths are not great.
7. Now, I have recalled these beginnings of the careers of Frankin, Darwin and Mozart because they strikingly
illustrate a profound psychological truth the significance of which can scarcely be overestimated.
8. No necessity of making a living away from home results in neglect of children, and no father is confronted with his inability to ?buy? and education for his child.
9. His last three or four novels are not nearly so good as earlier ones.
10. The law confers innumerable rights on women and treats them with almost respect. But nowhere in practice
does a woman have these rights. 11. The change which these years have brought about is too remarkable to be passed over without being noticed,
too weighty in its lesson not to be laid to heart. 12. I?d no more scribble all over the first edition of ?Paradise Lost?than I?d give my baby a set of crayons and an original Rembrandt.
13. It may be that when his life at last comes to an end he will leave no more trace of his sojourn on earth than a stone thrown into a river leaves on the surface of the water.
14. Any ship that crosses the Pacific is accompanied for many days by the smaller albatross, which may keep company with the vessel for an hour without visible or more than occasional movement of wings.
15. It was never intended by Nature, Hitler claims, that all races should be equal, any more than individuals are
16. The fledgling stock market is not recognized by the central government, but the local authorities could not
care less when there is money to be earned. B.将下列句子译成汉语,注意划线部分 1. All materials are not fuels which burn. 2. I dont like both of the novels. 3. Both children are not clever.
4. A man of learning is not always a man of wisdom. 5. The good and the beautiful do not always go together.
6. Both of the substances do not dissolve in water.
7. Opportunities come to all, but all are not ready for them when they come. 8. Every man is not polite, and all are not born gentlemen. 9. Not every minute difference is noted. 10. No both of them can serve the purpose.
11. Every subject is not treated in the same way.
12. All forms of matter do not have the same properties.
13. A nation can no more exist without people than a tree can grow without roots. 14. Oil does not blend with water any more than iron floats on it.
15. She is no more than an ordinary worker, but she has invented a lot of new machines. 16. A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul I a man.
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17. You are no more a general than I am a scholar.
18. Nations are not be judged by their size any more than individuals. 19. In the battle, the bandits killed were no less than twenty thousand. 20. He usually carries not less than 1,000 dollars in his pocket. 21. He left me no more than 100 dollars.
22. Our students have designed no less than five kinds of new machines. 23. This song is no less popular than that one. 24. This song is not less popular than that one.
25. Her mistakes in composition are no fewer than yours. 26. Her mistakes in the essay are not fewer than yours. 27. You can find that sort of tree nowhere but on this island. 28. Winds are nothing but moving air.
29. It is no less than a blackmail to ask such a high price.
30. It cannot be too much emphasized that the development of agriculture must keep pace with the development
of industry. 31. The anonymous letter was written by none other than his son.
32. You have a better command of French than to make such mistakes. 33. He is more diligent than clever.
34.He will not be behind the bars long.
35.You don’t run away because a few people are troublesome. 36. One has to be blind not to recognize this fact.
37. Her principles are not at the mercy of the opinion polls.
38. President Bush could have come to Israel at better time.
39. Japanese leaders, however, are nothing if not pragmatic when it comes to their dealings with China.
40. Nations do not distrust each other because they are armed, they are armed because they distrust each other. 41. Koreans can no more agree on whether the changes have come too fast or too slowly than they can on what
Korean democracy is or should be.
42. Her partners in Strasbourg all believe that creating a new Europe will need passion as well as paperwork. They suspect they could no more raise a cheer from Mrs. Thatcher than squeeze a smile from a suit of armor. 参考翻译
1. 人们会认为,在应用这些程序时不会因冷战的缘故而发生任何障碍。
2. 但是这两个思维系统并不因为有某些共同的特征就一定是相同甚至十分相似的。
3. 国家间并不是因为各自武装了起来才互不信任,它们是因为互不信任才各自武装起来的。 4. 我从来没听说过有哪位作家像我们在学校所学的那样先写一个什么“提纲”。 5. 他不像约翰逊先生那样控制或威吓幕僚,也不像卡特先生那样勤奋阅读和工作。
6. 伟大的真理都是显而易见的道理,但是不见得所有显而易见的道理都是伟大的真理。
7. 现在我已把富兰克林、达尔文以及莫扎特刚开始事业的情况回顾了一下。因为这些情装饰品雄辩地说明了一个心理方面的深刻真理,其意义再怎么估量也不会过分。
8. 在那里不存在必须离开家园外出谋生而导致孩子无人照管的现象,也不存在父亲无力为他孩子“购买”教育的问题。
9. 他的最后三四部小说远远不如他早期的几部好。
10. 法律赋予妇女无数权利,并给予尊重。可是在实践中她们一点也享受不到这些权利。
11. 近年来所发生的变化是极为显著的而不容有所忽视,在这上面得到的教训极为深刻,不容我们不铭记在心。
12. 我决不会在一本初版《失乐园》上乱涂乱写,就像我不会把一盒蜡笔连同一幅伦勃朗的原画交给我的
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13. 也许他的生活一朝结束之后,他这一生在世界上不会留下什么痕迹,正如一块石子投入河中没有在水面上留下任何痕迹一样。
14. 行驶在太平洋上的船只往往一连好几天有较小的信天翁伴航,这种鸟可跟着船连续飞行一小时而不拍动一下翅膀,或只是偶尔拍动一下。
15. 希特勒宣称,上帝从不认为的有民族应当平等,正如个人不平等一样。
16. 这个新的股市虽未得到中央政府的承认,但是只要有钱可赚,地方政府根本就不在乎中央政府是否承
认它。 PART B.
1.能燃烧的材料并非都是燃料。 2.这两本小说我不是都喜欢。 3.这两个孩子并不都是聪明的。
4.有学问的人并不一定都是有智慧的人。 5.善和美不一定总是一致的。
7.机会是均等的,人人都有,但不见得在机会到来的时候人人都能准备好去接受它。 8.不见得人人都懂礼貌,而所有的人也不见得都是天生的君子。 9.并不是每一点细微的判别都注意到了。 10.并不是两者都适合这个用途。
13.一个国家不能离开人民而存在,正如树没有根不能生长一样。 14.油不能和水混合,正如铁不能浮在水上一样。
16.没有感情的家庭不成其为家,同样,没有灵魂的躯体也不成其为人。 17.你不是将军,就如同我不是学者一样。 18.国家如同个人一样,不能以大小衡量。 19.在那一战役中,匪徒死亡者多达两万人。 20.他口袋中一般总带着至少1000美元。 21.他只留给我100美元。
23.这首歌受欢迎的程度竟然不亚于那首歌。 24.这首歌受欢迎的程度不比那首差。 25.她作文里的错误和你的一样多。
26.她作文里的错误并不比你的少。 27.你只有在这个岛上才能找到那种树。 28.风只不过是流动的空气而已。 29.要这样的高价简直是敲诈。
30.农业的发展必须赶上工业的发展,这一点无论如何强调也不过分。 32.你法语掌握得较好,不至于有这样的错误。 33.与其说他聪明,不如说他勤奋。 34.他很快就要出狱了。
36.你并不会为有那麽几个人不好对付就逃得远远的。 37.她的原则并不会因为民意测验的结果如何而动摇或改变。 38.布什总统此时造访以色列,可谓适逢佳机。
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慢, 也各执一辞。 42.她在斯特拉斯堡的伙伴们都认为,创立一个新欧洲不仅需要做设计规划的具体工作,而且还需要有一
转移否定结构往往貌似一般否定结构(not的位置与一般否定结构中的 not完全相同),实际上却是一种部分否定结构或是not由一部分转移到另一部分。
Not all bamboo grows tall.
这句话中,not否定的不是高,而是 all。这是一种部分否定。 更多的例子:All that glitters is not gold.发光的不一定就是金子。 2.every…not
Not everyone in our class likes football. 误译:在我们班每个人都不喜欢踢足球。 正译:在我们班并非每个人都喜欢足球。
这句话中,not否定的不是like,而是 everything。
更多的例子:This flower is not seen everywhere. 这花并不是随处可见的。 3.both…not
But you see,we both cannot go.
误译:但是我告诉你,我们两人都不能走。 正译:但是我告诉你,我们两人不能都走。 这个句子中,not否定的不是go,而是 both。
You should not look down upon a man because he is poor. 误译:因为一个人穷,所以你不应该看不起他。 正译:你不应该因为一个人穷就看不起他。
更多的例子:I don?t want both the books.我不是两本书都要。
在这个句子里,not否定的不是后面的动词look down upon,而是because he is poor。值得注意的是,这种句型是有歧义的,我们要根据上下文排除歧义。 5.not…to
They don?t come to see you laughed at. 误译:他们不是来看你被嘲笑的。
在这个句子里,not否定的不是动词 come,而是to see you laughed at。
更多的例子:He said,Now,look,I didn?t come here to get along with you guys.You?re going to have to get along with me.他说:“喂,老弟们,我到这儿来不是来听你们的,该是你们来听我的。”
引用薄冰的原话,是“在英语中常可见到一些……形式上否定而意义上则表肯定的句子”。 6.cannot…too
You cannot be too careful.
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误译:你不能太小心。 正译:你越小心越好。
英语说的cannot…too,意为“就算再……也不过分”或“越……越好”,其中的can表示可能性,too有over之意,可以换用enough或sufficient等字样。同时,在not的位置换用其他的否定词,如hardly,scarcely等也是可以的。因此下面5句话的意思同上面这句话的意思是完全一样的。 You cannot be over careful. You cannot be careful enough. You cannot be sufficiently careful. You cannot take enough care. You cannot take sufficient care. 7.It is a good horse that never stumbles. 误译:从不失蹄的马才是好马。 正译:再好的马也有失蹄的时候。
这个句子属于“It be adjective noun that…”句型。该句型多出现在一些谚语中, 在某些情况下,这种句型需要从反面解释。
更多的例子:It is a long lane that has no turning.再长的胡同也有拐弯。(意思是:凡事总有变化,不会永远不变。) 8.He must be a fool if he does not know what I mean. 误译:如果他不懂我的意思,他肯定是个傻瓜。 正译:他就是再傻也会懂得我的意思。 9.She study no harder than me. 误译:她学习不如我努力。
在一些no(not) adj.比较级的句子里,意思是肯定的。
更多的例子:I couldn?t agree with you more .我非常同意你的观点。 10.I never got no sleep in those days. 误译:那些日子我从来没有不睡觉。 正译:那些日子我怎么也睡不着。
英语和汉语一样,本来两个否定会成为一个肯定,但有时为了强调否定的语气,在通俗的口语中 会有双重否定仍表否定的情况。
更多的例子:“I don?t know nothing about what?s waiting for me,”said Thrash.施腊希说:“我不知道我未来的命运如何。”
含有否定词not,no,nothing,never等或表示部分否定的词hardly,barely等的句子被称为否定句。英语的否定句表现形式多种多样,应用十分广泛,但形式上的否定并不等于意义上的否定,在很多情况下,形式上的否定句表达的却是肯定的含义,需注意这类句子的理解和译法。 1.not…untiltill直到……才,只有……才
People do not know the importance of friends until they lose them.人们直到失去了才知道朋友的重要。 You can not learn anything till you get rid of your complacency.只有去掉自满,你才能真正学点东西。 It was not until midnight that we went to bed.直到半夜,我们才去睡觉。 2.not…long before 很快就,不久就
It wasn?t long before the conqured the country.不久他们就征服了这个国家。 It won?t be long before we finish the work.我们很快就会干完这活儿。 It will not be long before they finish the work.他们很快就会干完活儿。
3.Cannotcan never 和too, too much, enough, over 搭配表示 “无论怎样……也不会过分,越……越好 This can?t be stressed too strongly.这一点怎么强调也不过分”。
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