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一、Ⅱ. 知识运用第一节 语法填空

1.(3分)﹣﹣﹣Hello,John.This is Mike.What are you doing now?

﹣﹣﹣I'm watching a football match.It started at 7:30 p.m.and ______ on for another one hour.( ) A.has beenB.was C.will be

2.(3分)______ April 22nd,people around the world celebrate Earth Day in different ways.( ) A.In B.At C.On

3.(3分)There's ______ in the city.Why not have a picnic in the countryside? Great!Daweishan Mountain might be a good choice.( ) A.interesting something B.nothing interesting C.anything interesting

4.(3分)______ carefully,please!Look at the road sign.There is a school ahead.( ) A.Drive

B.To drive C.Driving

5.(3分)Is there anybody who can lend me a hand?

I'm afraid not.You know,you're supposed to depend on ______.( ) A.myself B.yourself C.themselves

6.(3分)Not only my parents but also my sister ______ crazy about the TV play in the name of people.( ) A.is

B.are C.have been

7.(3分)Philips,______ you make so much noise when your little sister is sleeping? Sorry,Mum.I'll stop right away.( ) A.can B.may C.must

8.(3分)Shared bikes,which are environmentally friendly,______ quite popular among big cities in China since last April.( ) A.became B.have become C.will become


9.(3分)We'll achieve our dreams some day ______ we keep trying and never give up.( ) A.as long as

B.even though C.so that

10.(3分)Could you please tell me ________? For two weeks.( ) A.how soon he will be back B.how long he will be away C.how long will he be away.

二、第二节 词语填空

31.(10分)A father and his daughter were flying a kite in the park.The young daughter was a little bit tired,so they took a (31) on the beach,when the daughter saw an old man selling apples,she asked her father to buy her an apple.Her father didn't bring much money with him,but it was enough to buy two apples.So he did,and gave (32) of them to his daughter,smiling. His daughter held one apple in her left hand and the other in the right hand.Then the father asked her if she could (33) one of the apples with him.When the girl heard this,she quickly took a bite(咬) from one apple.And before her father could speak,she also took a bite from the (34) apple.

The father was (35) .He wondered what mistake he made so that his daughter acted in such a greedy(贪婪的)way.He was lost in thought.Perhaps he was just thinking too much.His daughter was too (36) to understand about sharing and giving.A smile disappeared from his face.

Suddenly,his daughter with an apple in her left hand said,\,have this one!It is much juicer and (37) .\father was speechless.He felt (38) about making the judgment(判断)so quickly about a small child.But his smile (39) knowing why his daughter quickly took a bite from each apple.

Don't judge anything or draw a conclusion(结论)too quickly (40) spare some more time to understand things better.


31.A.walk 32.A.both 33.A.cut 34.A.first 35.A.satisfied 36.A.brave 37.A.sweeter 38.A.proud 39.A.went away 40.A.Always

B.shower B.either B.wash B.second B.surprised B.silly B.bitterer B.great B.came back B.Never

C.break C.neither C.share C.third C.moved C.young C.saltier C.bad C.ran off C.Seldom.

三、Ⅲ. 阅读技能第一节 图表理解 41.(4分)

Zoo One Day Pass Adults Seniors (Aged 60 and above)

Children (Ages 6﹣17) 24 20

$12 l FREE Parking l 9:30 a.m.﹣5:00 p.m.seven days a week l Open every day except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day 41.Mrs.Smith takes her five year old son to the zoo,and she needs to pay . A.$24

B.$36 C.$44

42.The zoo pass above tells us that . A.the zoo is free for old people


B.the zoo offers free parking C.the zoo opens every day.

43.(6分)The Youth Daily newspaper group is looking for two English﹣language business editors(编辑) for the international team. Applicants(申请人)should

?help the editor﹣in﹣chief(主编) set goals and work on completing them. ?give creative ideas,be able to rewrite articles if necessary and give lessons to the team members who have little experience. ?work hard to finish the tasks on time. ?have at least three years'experience. If you join us you will get ?free lunch. ?80% medical cost. ?seven days'paid leave.

?eleven public holidays and a return ticket to your hometown. If you're interested in it,you can first write to job@youthdaily.com

43.The Youth Daily newspaper group offers everything below except to the editors.

A.free lunch B.all medical costs C.public holidays.

44.If you want to get the job you can The Youth Daily newspaper group first. A.call B.visit C.email

45.From the chart (图表)we know that A.applicants are required to be good at writing.

B.anyone who has worked for two years can get the job. C.workers of The Youth Daily don't need to pay for housing.


三、第二节 短文理解

46.(10分)Almost everyone has a question or two about living in space.What is life really like in space?And what do astronauts(宇航员)do there?

Astronauts living in space have the same hygiene needs people do on Earth.When they wake up,they wash their hair,brush their teeth and go to the bathroom as well.However,because of microgravity(微重力),astronauts take care of themselves in different ways.For example,they use a kind of special matter to wash their hair and leg restraints(腿部固定装置)to position themselves when they use the toilet. Astronauts eats three meals a day:breakfast,lunch and dinner.Some food can be eaten in the natural form such as fruit.Other foods require adding water such as noodles.There are no fridges in space,so space food must be stored and prepared properly to avoid going bad.

Besides morning routine(常规) and eating in space,astronauts perform many tasks including checking the machines,updating computer equipment(更新电脑设备),etc.At the same time,the control center on Earth sends messages to the astronauts through voice or email with new instructions to assist them in their daily routines. What's more,living in space is not just all work and no play.A popular way of relaxations is looking out of the window.And they can also enjoy themselves by watching movies,reading books,playing cards and talking to their families during their free time.

46.The underline word\ in Chinese. A.卫生 B.饮食 C.心理

47.As for eating in space,which statement is NOT true? A.Astronauts eat three meals a day as people do on Earth B.Fruit can be eaten in the natural form C.Food can be kept fresh in fridges

48.What's the main idea of Paragraph(段落)Four?


A.Eating in space B.working in space C.Relaxing in space.

49、Besides checking the machines and updating computer equipment,astronauts also need to in there daily work. A.communicate with friends on Earth

B.control the people at the control center on Earth

C.received messages and follow the instructions from the control center on Earth 50.From this passage,we learn that . A.life in space is actually the same as life on Earth B.living in space is different but interesting C.astronauts have little free time in space.

51.(10分)A college graduate(毕业生)from Shanxi named Wu Jun created a 9﹣page\.With drawings and simple words,the step﹣by﹣step guide explains how to send messages,take pictures and make video calls.Wu made the guide for her parents.\.They need an easy way to learn how to use technology,she said.

Wu's experiences is common nowadays.Worldwide,40 percent of parents learn about new technologies,including computers,mobile Internet,and social media(媒体),from their children,according to a study.

Parents used to teach their kids about almost everything.Now for the first time,the teachers become the students,while the students turn into the teachers.

The change of the roles comes from the rapid development of society tea and technology,says Zhou Xiaohong,a professor(教授)from Nanjing University.Zhou said the Internet and other forms of media give children ways to get information besides from asking older generations(辈).As a result,in the age of information,it's possible that children know more than their parents do.

It's reported that 56.7 percent of Internet user and 67.2 percent of social media users in China are under the age of 30.The young generation usually acts as a link(桥梁)


between their families and the new environment.When they teach their parents new technologies,parents can connect to the new world by themselves.

In Wu's eyes,teaching her parents about WeChat bring her closer to her parents.\.Why should we keep our parents out?\.

51.Wu's 9﹣page\ for her parents to learn the new technology.

A.harder B.simple C.slower

52.What has caused the change of the roles about teaching in the family? A.The rapid development of society and technology. B.The growing numbers of old people.

C.The unscientific design(设计)of new technology.

53.Why is it possible that children know more than their parents do? A.Because children have better memories.

B.Because children have more ways to get information. C.Because their parents refuse to accept new things.

54.What does Wu think of the phenomenon(现象)that kid's teach parents? A.There is no need for parents to learn new technology. B.Parents are supposed to learn new technology by themselves.

C.Children should teach their parents new technology to make communication convenient.

55.We can infer(推断)from the passage that . A.it's never too old to learn B.all's well that ends well C.a good beginning is half done.

56.(10分)With time,everything changes.So do magazine covers.The following are three of the most popular magazines in the U.S.Let's take a look at how their


covers have changed over the past centuries. ?Time

Time is best known for its red border(镶边).The cover photos and designs are almost the same for ages﹣﹣a photo of a famous person with bold(粗体)text to draw your attention.The cover continues to feature(以…为特色)America's icons year after year﹣﹣from presidents to pop stars. ?National Geographic

Being around for more than a century,the design of National Geographic,especially of the cover,has gone through many changes.The magazine is perhaps best known for its amazing photography﹣﹣yet it wasn't shaped until 1960s.It has also done a great job designing is famous yellow border. ?Seventeen.

The seventeen logo(标识)has stayed the same,but almost everything else about the design has changed.There was a time when the cover was simple.And then things just got more and more cluttered(杂乱).The magazine cover's job is to sell the magazine﹣﹣it has to stand out from the others.So the design starts to get louder and louder.But honestly,you might get a bit of a headache when you look at the seventeenth covers for too long.

56.What does the online world\? A.轶事 B.时政 C.偶像

57.Which of the following is NOT true about National Geographic? A.It has a history of more than a hundred years. B.It had amazing photography in the 1950s. C.It is famous for its yellow border.

58.According to the last paragraph, may make a magazine sell well. A.special covers B.good writers


