IDEA议会制四队辩论赛规则 - 图文

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IDEA Four-Team Parliamentary Debate Rules IDEA议会制四队辩论赛规则 The rules of IDEA Four-Team Parliamentary Debate are intended to closely follow IDEA议会制四队辩论赛谨遵循世界大专辩论赛(WUDC)的规those of the Worlds Universities Debating Championships (WUDC). They differ in 则。两者略有不同之处,以便比赛主办方根据需要灵活操作。 some places to provide tournament directors options of deviating from the WUDC rules when they need to do so. The Teams and Motions 参赛队伍及辩题 The teams supporting the motion in the IDEA Four-Team Parliamentary 在IDEA议会制四队辩论赛中,支持辩题的队伍为“正方”,反对辩Debate are referred to as the \题的队伍为“反方”。 are known as the \ “辩题”,即辩论所围绕展开的议题。辩题将辩手分为正反两方,且A ―motion‖ is the statement around which the debate takes place. The motion divides the ground in the debate between the Proposition and Opposition teams and 双方均有合理辩论的余地。 should allow for reasonable arguments both for and against. 通常,辩题于各轮比赛开始前十五或三十分钟公布;每轮辩题均不Ordinarily, motions are announced shortly before each debate begins. A ,“国际关系”等)甚至辩题本different motion will be used for each debate and will be presented to the debaters 相同。有时,辩题范围(如“环境问题”at a specified time, usually fifteen to thirty minutes prior to the debate. In some 身也会在大赛开始前公布。 situations general topic areas (for example ―environment‖ or ―international relations‖) or even specific motions themselves may be announced prior to the tournament. The motion will be announced to all debaters simultaneously in a central 辩题将在一个中央地点向所有辩手公布。准备时间为十五至三十分location. Preparation time will be between fifteen and thirty minutes, at the 钟,由大赛主办方规定。通常,辩手在准备时间内可以与自己的搭档讨discretion of the tournament director. In general, debaters may confer with their 论。某些情况下,主办方也允许辩手与教练或带队老师讨论。此间,辩debate partner during preparation time. In some cases, a Tournament Director may 手可以参阅任何纸质资料。世界大专辩论赛允许辩手在辩论过程中使用allow debaters to confer with their coach or tutor. During this time the debaters may consult any written materials. The rules of the World Universities Debating 任何纸质材料;而其他比赛仅允许辩手在准备时间内使用事前准备好的Championships permit debaters to access any written material during the debate; 资料。准备期间,通常可以使用电子词典,但禁止使用其它一切电子设other tournaments permit the debaters to access only the notes they made in 备。 preparation time. Electronic retrieval devices typically are not allowed during preparation, though electronic dictionaries typically are permitted for second-language speakers. The Debate Format 辩论模式 Four teams participate in each debate: two on the Proposition and two on the 每场辩论由四队参加:正方两队,反方两队。各队独立准备。每Opposition. Each team works independently to either support or oppose the 队两名辩手,每位辩手按如下顺序陈词,不超过7分钟。 motion. Each team is made up of two speakers; each speaker will present a speech not to exceed 7 minutes in the order prescribed below. Summary of the Debate Format 辩论模式简要 Team Common Titles for Speaker Time 辩手 辩手名称 时间 st1 Proposition, “Prime Minister” 7 minutes 正方一队,一辩 首相\ 7 分钟 1st Speaker 反方一队,一辩 反对党领袖\7 分钟 1st Opposition, 1st “Leader of the Opposition” 7 minutes Opposition\ Speaker 正方一队,二辩 副首相\ 7 分钟 1st Proposition, “Deputy Prime Minister 7 minutes 反方一队,二辩 反对党副领袖\7 分钟 2nd Speaker the Opposition\ 1st Opposition, “Deputy Leader of the Opposition” 7 minutes 正方二队,一辩 内阁成员\7 分钟 2nd Speaker Government\ 2nd Proposition, “Member for the Government” 7 minutes st1 Speaker 反方二队,一辩 反对党成员\for the 7 分钟 nd2 Opposition, “Member for the Opposition” 7 minutes Opposition\ st1 Speaker 正方二队,二辩 内阁党鞭陈词\ 7 分钟 nd2 Proposition, “Government Whip” 7 minutes 反方二队,二辩 反对党党鞭陈词\7 分钟 nd2 Speaker Whip\ 2nd Opposition, “Opposition Whip 7 minutes 2nd Speaker Parliamentary Points of Information Debaters may offer a point of information (either verbally or by rising) at any time after the first minute, and before the last minute, of any speech. The debater holding the floor may accept or refuse points of information. If accepted, the debater making the request has fifteen seconds present the point of information. During the point of information, the speaking time of the floor debater continues. If accepted, the debater offering the point of information is allowed to ask a question, offer a brief argument, or offer a brief refutation of some point. The debater who accepted the point of information should respond to the point immediately. No other parliamentary points such as points of order or points of personal privilege are allowed. 议会制辩论质询 在所有陈词中,除第一分钟及最后一分钟外,辩手都可以口头示意或直接起立提出质询。正在发言的辩手可以接受或拒绝该质询。一旦质询被接受,质询者有15秒的时间陈述自己的意见。质询时间将被计算在陈词时间内。 如质询被接受,质询者可以提问、提出一个简要论点或者对某一观点进行简要反驳。正在发言的辩手应该立即对质询作出回应。 议会制辩论中只允许质询这一种干预形式。 Speaker Roles and Speech Purposes Each speaker has a role and each speech should have a purpose. The descriptions of speaker roles and speech purposes listed below are suggestive and are not intended to be exhaustive or exclusive. For reasons that vary from debate to debate, speakers may sometimes need to fulfill roles not mentioned here and speeches may be constructed to serve other purposes as long as proposition speakers affirm the proposition and opposition speakers oppose it. Debaters will be judged on the overall strength of each team’s arguments, not simply on whether or not they fulfilled the roles and responsibilities listed in the table below. All speakers, except the final speakers for the proposition and opposition (Proposition and Opposition Whips), should introduce new material into the debate. All debaters, except the opening speaker (Prime Minister), should engage in refutation. Summary of Speaker Roles and Responsibilities Team Speaker Roles and Responsibilities 辩手职责以及陈词目的 每位辩手在辩论中各司其职,每一次陈词也各有其目的。下表列出了辩手职责和陈词目的,但无法穷尽,也非硬性规定。根据每场辩论的具体情况,辩手可能需要履行下表未提及的职责,陈词目的也可能有所变化,但只要遵循“正方维护辩题、反方攻击辩题”的规则即可。裁判将根据各队论点的有力程度为各辩手评分,而不是简单地根据其完成自己职责的程度评分。以下列出的职责仅供参考。 除正反方最后一名辩手(内阁党鞭和反对党党鞭)外,所有的辩手都应引入新内容。除正方一辩(首相)外,所有辩手都应进行反驳。 辩手职责及义务小结 队伍 辩手 职责与义务 正方一队 首相 正方一队的首要任务是为一场有意义的辩论打造一个平台。 首相的职责可参考以下数点: 1)合理诠释辩题,下定义; 2)给出支持该论点的论证体系。论证体系是指支持第一正方论点的一个或数个论据; 3) 使用任何首相认为重要的策略。 First ―Prime Proposition Minister‖ The primary role of First Proposition team, initiated in this speech, is to establish the foundation for meaningful debate on the motion. The Prime Minister’s responsibilities may include some or all of the following: 1) offer a reasonable interpretation of the motion, 2) to present a case supporting that interpretation. A case is simply one or more arguments supporting the First Proposition’s interpretation of the motion, and 3) other strategies deemed important by the Prime Minister. First ―Leader of Opposition the Opposition‖ First ―Deputy Proposition Prime Minister‖ The primary roles of the First Opposition team are to confront the First Government’s case and to establish the First Opposition’s strategy for opposing this case. The Leader of the Opposition’s responsibilities may include some or all of the following:: 1) to directly or indirectly refute part or all of the government's case, 2) to make at least one argument that demonstrates why the First Opposition team opposes the motion as interpreted by the Prime Minister, and 3) to pursue other strategies deemed important by the ―Leader of the Opposition.‖ The opposition speaker may also challenge the interpretation of the government's case if it is unreasonable, that is, if it completely misinterprets the motion the motion or severely inhibits meaningful debate. The Deputy Prime Minister’s responsibilities may include some or all of the following: 1) to reestablish the First Proposition’s case by confronting any refutation presented by the Leader of the Opposition, 2) to refute some or all of the arguments presented by the Leader of the Opposition. 反方一队 反对党领袖 正方一队 副首相 反方一队的首要职责在于回应正方一队提出的论证体系;并给出反对辩题的原因。 反对党领袖的职责可参考以下数点: 1) 直接或间接反驳正方部分或全部论证体系; 2)至少给出一个理由,阐明反方为何反对首相诠释的辩题; 3) 使用任何反对党领袖认为重要的策略。 必要时,反对党领袖可以质疑正方给出的辩题定义,如正方给出定义完全不合理或严重影响辩论质量。质疑定义只能正方在极端曲解辩题时使用。 副首相的职责参考如下: 1) 攻击反对党领袖对正方提出的反驳,并重新建立起正方论据; 2) 反驳反方提出的部分或所有论据;

Example of Interpreting a Motion Motion: 示例:解释辩题 辩题:中华人民共和国应强化保障工人安全的政策。 定义:大多数词汇的定义都是清晰的。我们把“强化”定义为“加大力度”。因此,这个辩题要求先介绍现有政策,再讨论如何加大力度。 框架:该辩题框架如下。 A. 执行者:中华人民共和国 B. 行动方案:制定法律要求煤矿经营者赔偿每名死难矿工家庭一百万元人民币。 The PRC should strengthen policies to enhance worker safety. Definitions: Most definitions are clear. We define ―strengthen‖ as ―to make stronger.‖ Therefore the motion asks for a policy that begins with a current policy and makes it stronger. Framework: The framework for this debate will be the following policy proposal./ A. Actor: The Peoples’ Republic of China B. Action:Enact legislation requiring coal miner operators to pay families of coal miners killed in workplace accidents 1,000,000 Yuan each. Student Exercises for Interpreting a Motion I. II. Divide students into small groups. Select a different motion and ask groups students to construct reasonable interpretations of that motion. 练习: 解释辩题 I. 将学生分成若干小组。 II. 选择不同辩题,要求各组学生对各自辩题进行合理的解释。 III. 每组选出一名代表在全班范围内讨论他们对辩题的解释。 III. Each group will appoint a spokesperson to discuss their interpretation with the larger group. Principles of Constructing a Case for the Proposition I. II. C. III. Benefits: Will the action proposed by the affirmative team be of any benefit? Will it solve or alleviate the problems occurring because of the current policy? A case for the proposition is one or more arguments that support the framework presented by the proposition team. Necessity–Policy–Benefits method of organization A. B. Necessity: Is there a need for changing the current policy? Does the current policy create problems? Policy: Present the action that the proposition team proposes as an alternative to the current policy. Comparative Advantage Method of Organization A. B. Policy: Present the action that the proposition team proposes as an alternative to the current policy. Advantages: Show how one or more advantages will result by replacing the current policy with the alternative action proposed by the proposition team. 1. Show that the proposed action creates some effect. 2. Show that the effect has desirable consequences. 正方立论的基本原则 I. 正方立论需要提出一个以上的论点已构成立论框架 II. “必要性-方案-好处” 结构法 A. 必要性:是否有必要改变现行政策? 现行政 策是否产生了问题? B. 方案:正方提出一个可取代现行政策的方案。 C. 好处:正方的提案有何好处?它会解决或缓解现行政策引发的问题吗? III. 优势比较法 A. 方案:正方提出一个可取代现行政策的方案。 B. 优势:显示出正方提案将有何收效。 1. 举出新方案产生的效应。 2. 举出这些效应引发的积极影响。 Example of a Case for a Proposition Necessity–Policy–Benefits Method The PRC should strengthen policies to enhance worker safety. I. Necessity. A. Coal mine deaths are significant. At least 3,800 people died in the PRC from coal mine accidents last year. B. Coal mine deaths are out of proportion in the PRC. China produces 35% of the world's coal yet has 80% of the world's coal miners' deaths. C. Current policy is to pay 200,000 yuan to families of deceased coal miners. II. Policy. We propose that The People's Republic of China enact legislation requiring coal mine operators to pay the families of coal miners killed in workplace accidents 1,000,000 yuan each. III. Benefits: Fewer miners will die. A. Our policy increases the economic penalty for miner death by five times. B. This increase will provide an economic incentive for companies to improve workplace safety. 示例:“必要性-方案-好处”结构法 辩题:中华人民共和国应该加强保障工人安全的政策。 I. 必要性。 A. 煤矿工人死亡人数众多。去年至少3,800名矿工死于矿难事故。 B. 中国的煤矿产量和工人死亡人数比例反常。中国煤矿产量占世界35%,但矿工死亡数占世界80%。 C. 现行政策是给已故矿工的家庭支付200,000元人民币。 II. 方案。我们提议,立法规定,赔偿金额应增至1,000,000元人民币。 III. 好处:矿工死亡人数将会减少。 A. 该提案加大处罚力度,将赔偿金额提高到原来的五倍。 B. 新提案将敦促煤矿公司改善工作环境,提高安全系数。 Example of a Case for a Proposition Comparative Advantage Method This House believes that the PRC should strengthen policies to enhance worker safety. Policy: We propose that The People's Republic of China enact legislation requiring coal mine operators to pay the families of coal miners killed in workplace accidents 1,000,000 yuan each. Advantage I: The proposition’s proposed policy would decrease accidental death of mine workers. A. Coal mine deaths are significant 1. At least 3,800 people died in the PRC from coal mine deaths last year. 2. Coal mine deaths are out of proportion in the PRC. China produces 35% of the world's coal yet has 80% of the world's coal miners' deaths. B. Current policies are not strong enough 1. Current policy is to pay 200,000 yuan to families of deceased coal miners. 2. This policy does not provide enough of an incentive to increase mine workers’ safety C. The Proposition plan will help alleviate the problem. 1. The proposition proposes to increase the fine for a mine worker’s death by five times. 2. Such an increase will provide an economic incentive for companies to improve workplace safety. 示例:比较优势法 辩题:中华人民共和国应该加强保障工人安全的政策。 提案:我们提议,中国立法规定,矿主给每位在矿难中死亡的矿工家庭支付1,000,000元人民币。 优势 I: 正方提案将会减少矿工的死亡。 A. 矿工死亡人数众多。 1.中国去年至少3,800名矿工死于矿难事故。 2.中国的煤矿产量和工人死亡人数比例反常。中国煤矿产量占世界35%,但矿工死亡数占世界80%。 B. 现行政策力度不够。 1.现行政策规定,向每名死亡矿工的家庭赔偿金额为200,000元人民币。 2. 这项政策不足以敦促矿主增强矿工工作环境的安全性。 C. 我们提出的方案将有助于缓解问题。 1. 该提案加大处罚力度,将赔偿金额提高到原来的五倍。 2. 新提案将敦促煤矿公司改善工作环境,提高安全系数。 注:正方不一定要举出一条以上的比较优势,但如果他们愿意,Note: The proposition team is not required to present more than one comparative advantage, however, if they choose, they can present additional advantages if they wish using the same format as described above. Advantage II: In addition to saving lives by reducing accidents, the proposition’s proposed policy would increase mining efficiency. A. Chinese mines are not efficient 1. Chinese coal mines are 8.8% as efficient as South African coal mines. 2. Chinese coal mines are 2.2% as efficient as American coal mines. B. The proposition policy will increase efficiency. 1. By creating an economic incentive for worker safety, the policy will reduce accidents which results in fewer delays in extracting coal. 2. By increasing the cost of coal miners’ deaths, coal companies will have an added incentive to invest in advanced mining technology which will increase the efficiency of coal production. C. Greater efficiency helps to ensure steady energy supplies which will expand the economy and improve the quality of life for all Chinese. 可以用以上方式,举出更多的优势。 优势II: 正方提案不仅会减少事故挽救矿工的生命,还能提高采矿效率。 A. 中国采矿效率偏低。 1. 中国采矿效率是南非工人的8.8%。 2. 中国采矿效率是美国工人的2.2%。 B. 提案将会提高采矿效率。 1. 经济处罚,将减少事故,从而减少事故造成的工期延误。 2. 增加矿工死亡成本,将迫使煤矿公司投资先进技术来提高煤矿的生产效率。 C. 采矿效率提高将确保能源的稳定供应,有助于经济发展和生活质量的改善。

Student Exercise for Constructing a Case for the Proposition I. II. Divide students into small groups. Select a different motion and ask groups of students to construct a case for the proposition using one of the three methods: necessity–policy–benefits , comparative advantage case, or evaluation method. This can be repeated using all three methods. III.

Each group will appoint a spokesperson to discuss their constructed case with the larger group. 练习:学生组织正方立论 I. 把学生划分若干小组。 II. 给出辩题,请学生使用必要性-方案-好处结构法,或比较优势法立论。也可以换一种方法重新立论。 III. 每个小组选出一名代表向全班陈述本组立论。 Principles of Refutation I. Refutation involves criticizing arguments opposing your own according to certain standards of argument quality. Refutation is a process in which all debaters (except the Prime Minster) will engage. A. A debater need not refute all of his or her opponent’s arguments – only those which most seriously interfere with the debater’s ability to make a convincing case. B. Standards of argument quality 1. An argument contains, either explicitly or implicitly, at least 3 parts: a claim, evidence, and reasoning. a. a claim is the statement of the argument itself b. evidence is the information (facts, values, etc) on which the claim is based. c. reasoning is that which connects the evidence to the claim. Reasoning | | | | | 论据 ----------------> 论点 Evidence ---------------------------> Claim 2. Parts of an argument that may be refuted a. evidence. Is the evidence true or acceptable? b. reasoning. Does the reasoning provide a proper connection between the evidence and the claim? 驳论原则 I. 驳论,是在一定的论点标准下反驳对方的观点。除正方一辩外,所以辩手都要进行驳论。 A.辩手只需要反驳与己方观点相抵触的观点。 B. 观点质量的标准 1. 一个论证单元至少包括三部分:一个论点,论据和论证。 a. 论点是对论证单元基本观点的描述。 b. 论据是支持论点的相关信息,如事实,价值观等。 c. 论证是阐明论据如何支持论点的过程。 论证 2.反驳的角度。 a 论据。论据是否真实可信? b 论证。论证是否阐明了论据和论点之间的关系? 1) 论证是否阐明了论据和论点的相1) 2) II. Does the reasoning demonstrate how the evidence is relevant to the claim? Does the reasoning demonstrate how the evidence is sufficient to make the claim convincing? 关性? 2) 论证是否显示了论据足以推断出相关论点? Ⅱ. 系统反驳方法 每一个辩手都要掌握反驳的方法加以练习。随着辩手经验的不断丰富,他们会摸索出最适合自己的方法。下面是“四步驳论法”和“ICE”法,供初学者学习参考。 A. 四步驳论法 1. 指明被驳观点。 2. 陈述驳论内容。 3. 阐明驳论内容和被驳观点之间的相关性。 4. 向裁判和观众表明驳论的重要性。 B. ICE反驳法 1. 确认被驳观点。(Identify) 2. 批判该观点。 (Criticize) 3. 解释批判的重要性。(Explain) Systematic methods of refutation Every debater needs to internalize and practice a method of refutation. As debaters gain experience, they will develop and use methods that fit them best. The following methods of \step refutation\start with as they continually try to devise the method to fit their own unique style. A. Four-step refutation 1. Clearly state the argument you intend to refute. 2. State your refutation. 3. Relate your refutation to the argument you are refuting. 4. Show the judge or audience the importance of your refutation. B. ICE 1. 2. 3. Identify the opposing argument Criticize the opposing argument Explain the importance of the criticism Examples of Refutation Four-step Method of Refutation Clearly state the argument you The proposition team claims that intend to refute. increased fines will provide an economic incentive for companies to improve workplace safety. State your refutation. The one-million Yuan fine is not a sufficient incentive to cause companies to invest in expensive equipment needed to improve mine safety. Relate your refutation to the Since the incentive is not argument you are refuting. sufficient, the plan proposed by the proposition will not create an economic incentive. Show the judge or audience the Without an economic incentive, importance of your refutation. coal mining companies will not invest in new equipment and mine safety will not be increased. Therefore none of the benefits claimed by the proposition team will actually occur. 示例:反驳 四步反驳法 指明被驳观点 正方认为,增加罚款将会敦促煤矿公司提高工作环境的安全性。 陈述驳论内容。 一百万元罚款不足以迫使公司购买昂贵的设备来提高工作环境的安全性。 阐明驳论内容和被驳既然罚金不足以敦促公司,正观点之间的相关性。 方提出的方案将不能达到激励的目的。 向裁判和观众表明驳论的重要性。 增加罚款不足以刺激煤矿公司投资购买新设备,那么工人的人身安全仍得不到保障。因此正方在以上提到的各项好处都不会发生。 ICE Method of Refutation The proposition team claims that increased fines will provide an economic incentive for companies to improve workplace safety. The one-million Yuan fine is not a sufficient incentive to cause companies to invest in expensive equipment needed to improve mine safety. Since the incentive is not sufficient, the plan proposed by the proposition will not create an economic incentive. ICE反驳法 Identify the opposing argument 确认被驳观点。 正方认为,增加罚款将会敦促煤矿公司提高工作环境的安全性。 Criticize the opposing argument 批判该观点。 一百万元罚款不足以迫使公司购买昂贵的设备来提高工作环境的安全性。 既然罚金不足以敦促公司,正方提出的方案将不能达到激励的目的。 Explain the importance of the Without an economic incentive, criticism coal mining companies will not invest in new equipment and mine safety will not be increased. Therefore none of the benefits claimed by the proposition team will actually occur. 解释批判的重要性。 增加罚款不足以刺激煤矿公司投资购买新设备,那么工人的人身安全仍得不到保障。因此正方在以上提到的各项好处都不会发生。。

they might argue that the role of government is to protect its citizens and only by regulating mines can the government fulfill this role. C. An examination of pragmatic considerations. This kind of extension is particularly appropriate when the first proposition team argued from a philosophical rather than a pragmatic stance. Had the first proposition team made such a philosophical argument in support of the motion, then the second proposition team might choose to extend with pragmatic considerations like saving lives or mining efficiency. An examination of different groups affected. This kind of extension supports the plan of the first proposition team by considering how it effects some group or group other than that group identified by the first proposition team. For instance, if the first proposition team argued that the plan helps coal miners, the second proposition team might argue that the plan helps Chinese citizens in general. 民,只有通过规范采矿,它才能行使其职责。 C.从实用性角度的分析 当正方一队从哲学角度而不是实用性角度来辩论,这种方法对于二队尤为适合。如果正方一队已经从价值观角度提出了有利于辩题的观点,正方二队就可以选择从实用性角度来扩展论辩,比如,从减少伤亡和提高采矿效率方面。 D.从其他利害相关者者角度分析 正方一队提出的政策可能会影响到一些利害相关者,那么正方二队可以通过举出利害相关者来支持本方。比如,一队指出其政策有利于矿工,二队可称,这个政策也有利于全体中国公民。 III. 进行“扩展论辩”的方法 A. 正反方二队表明与一队有何不同。 B. 正反方二队如何在一队基础上强化己方立场。 C. 正反方二队如何发展己方一队没有充分阐释的观点 D. 正反方二队如何深入拓展己方一队的观点。 D. III. Ways to discuss your extension A. How you differ from the First Proposition or Opposition B. How you add to the stance taken by the First Proposition or Opposition C. How you complete something the First Proposition or Opposition was missing. D. How you expand upon some point(s) made by the First Proposition or Opposition. Student Exercise for Creating Extensions I. II. Divide students into small groups. Starting with the proposition and opposition arguments that they created earlier, ask students to create their own extensions. These extensions should follow one or more of the methods discussed above: additional line of argumentation, alternative philosophical consideration, alternative pragmatic consideration, or application to a different group. Repeat the exercise until all methods have been used. Each group will appoint a spokesperson to discuss their arguments with the larger group. III. 学生练习:“扩展论辩” Ⅰ. 把学生分成若干小组。 Ⅱ.请学生在他们之前建立的观点基础上进行“扩展论辩”。这些扩展应当遵循以上提到的一种或几种方法:新增论证单元,从价值观角度,实用性角度,或其他利害相关者者角度进行分析。重复轮流练习这些方法。 Ⅲ. 每个小组派一名代表在全班讨论他们的观点。

Student Exercise for Practicing Refutation A. Present a video of a brief argument or have a student orally present a brief argument. B. Divide students into small groups and have them prepare refutation of the argument. C. Have each group select a member to present the refutation to the larger group. 学生练习:驳论 I. 播放一段简短的论辩录像或请学生提出一段简短立论。 Ⅱ. 把学生分成若干小组,准备对以上的立论进行反驳。 Ⅲ. 每组选出一名代表向全班阐释 反驳观点。 Constructing Arguments for the Opposition 组织反方论辩 Principles of Constructing Arguments for the Opposition 反方论辩的基本原则 I. Common kinds of opposition arguments I. 反方论辩的一般形式 A. The plan will not reduce the problem described by the A.正方提案并不能缓解正方提出的问题。 proposition team. 1. 重述正方提出的问题。 1. Name the problem described by the proposition team. 2. 指出正方提案不能解决问题。 2. Show how that problem (or problems) will a. 起因分析错误:问题不是由现行政策引起continue even with the proposition’s policy. a. Wrong cause: the problem is caused by 的,而是另有缘由。 something other than the current policy. b. 起因分析片面:尽管现行政策可能是问题的 b. Alternate cause: although the current 起因之一,但即使实行了正方提出的方案,policy may be one cause of the problem, there are other factors that will result in 别的因素仍会导致这些问题。 the problem even if the proposition’s plan is adopted. B. The plan will create more problems than current policies. 1. Describe some element of the proposition policy. What part of the proposition’s policy are you going to argue against? Relate that element to some effect. Create argument showing the element of the proposition policy creates some effect. Evaluate that effect. Show how that effect will have negative consequences. 2. 3. B. 正方提案将引发更多问题。 1. 陈述正方提案中你要反驳的一些内容 2. 指出被驳内容将会引发的后果。 3. 指出该后果的负面效应。 Sample Arguments for the Opposition I. The plan will not reduce the problem of coal mine accidents A. B. The proposition team claims to reduce coal mine accidents. Increasing fines will cause coal mine operators to cover up accidents 1. Chinese coal mine operators routinely cover up accidents and fatalities at their facilities to avoid government scrutiny and fines even under the present system. Increasing those fines will just encourage the coal mine operators to get better at covering up their crimes-it will do nothing to encourage them to keep their workers safe 2. II. The plan will create energy shocks. A. The plan of the proposition increases fines on coal mining companies. B. These fines will reduce the production of coal in China 1. In order to avoid fines, mines will have to implement costly safety procedures 2. Mines that can't afford implementation will have to shut down. 3. Mines that CAN afford the safety procedures will have to slow production in the short term while training takes place. 4. Thus, these shutdowns and slowdowns will reduce the production of coal in China 示例:反方论辩 I. 正方提案将引发更多的矿难问题。 A. 正方认为其提案减少矿难。 B. 增加罚金将使得矿主掩盖事故。 1. 在现行制度下中国矿主经常掩盖事故和灾难,逃避政府监察和罚款。 2. 增加罚金将导致矿主更倾向于掩盖他们的罪行--- 而无益于保障工人安全。 II. 正方提案将导致能源供给不足。 A. 正方提议增加煤矿公司的罚金。 B. 增加罚金将降低中国的煤矿产量。 1. 为了避免罚款,公司将不得不实行昂贵的安全监察程序。 2. 无力实行安全程序的公司将被迫关闭。 3. 能够实行安全程序的公司将进行安全培训,在短期内延缓了生产。 4. 这样,关闭公司和延缓生产会降低中国的煤矿产量。 C. Reduction in the production of coal will have negative consequences. 1. 2. 3. 4. China needs as much coal as it can get to fuel its skyrocketing economy. Chinese GDP jumped 11.7% in 2007. Energy production is already struggling to keep up. The coal industry grew 13.5% between 2001 and 2005. China's economy needs more energy every day. If energy supply starts shrinking, rapid economic growth will turn into rapid economic decline. Foreign investors will label China an unstable market and pull out their money, creating a massive depression. This will hurt Chinese quality of life. C.煤矿产量的降低将带来不利影响。 1. 中国需要尽可能多的燃料支持飞速发展的经济。2007年,中国国民生产总值跃至11.7%。 2. 能源生产已经很难维持。煤矿工业从2001至2005年发展了13.5%。 3. 中国经济发展每天都需要更多的能源。如果能源供应缩减,快速的经济增长将变成快速的经济衰退。 4. 外国投资者将称中国为不稳定的市场,会抽回投资,使中国陷入巨大的经济萧条。这将损害中国人的生活质量。 Student Exercise for Constructing Arguments Against a 学生练习: 反方论辩 Proposition Ⅰ. 把学生分组。 I. Divide students into small groups. Ⅱ. 挑选一个不同的辩题,请学生组织辩题的反方论II. Select a different motion and ask groups of students to 辩。他们应该至少举出一个观点来证明正方提案不construct arguments against the motion. They should construct 能解决问题,并至少举出一个观点证明将引发更多at least one argument showing that the plan of the proposition team will not solve the problem and at least one argument 的问题。 showing how the plan will create worse problems than it solves. Ⅲ. 每个小组指定一名代表向全班阐释他们的观点。 III. Each group will appoint a spokesperson to discuss their arguments with the larger group.

Principles of Creating an \Opposition I. What is the nature of an extension? A. An extension is a new line of argument presented by the Second Proposition and Second Opposition teams. The extension is a means that the Second Proposition can distinguish itself from the First Proposition and that the Second Opposition can distinguish itself from the First Opposition. B. The extension offered by the Second Proposition needs to be consistent with the position taken by the First Proposition as the extension of the Second Opposition should be consistent with that of the First Opposition. The extension offered by the Second Proposition needs to distinguish this team from the First Proposition just as the extension of the Second Opposition needs to distinguish this team from the first Opposition. C. II. Types of extensions A. An additional line of argumentation. This is a common kind of extension where the second proposition team simply presents a new argument that is different from that of the first proposition team but still supports the overall approach of the proposition side. For example if the first proposition team focuses on saving lives by reducing accidents, the second proposition might argue that the proposition’s plan will increase mining efficiency. B. An examination of philosophical considerations. The second proposition team might introduce a different but supportive philosophical position. For example, 正反两方组织“扩展论辩”原则 I. “扩展论辩”的本质什么? A. “扩展论辩”是正反双方的第二支队伍提出的新论辩单元,通过“扩展”,二队辩手区别于一队。 B. 正方二队提出的“扩展论辩”要与一队基本观点一致,反方亦然。 C. 正方二队提出的“扩展论辩”须有别于一队,反方亦然。 II. “扩展论辩”的类型。 A.新增论证单元。 通常,正方二队提出一个不同于一队但有利于正方的新论证单元。比如,如果正方一队着重于己方政策可以通过降低事故率以减少矿工伤亡,二队可以提出,这还有利于提高采矿效率。 B.从价值观角度的分析 正方二队可以提出一种不同的,但仍有利于正方的价值观思维角度。比如,他们可以说,政府的角色是保护公

