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牛津英语8B Unit 4 A Charity Show


本单元的主要话题是谈论一些慈善机构和慈善活动的组织形式及其目的,这个话题非常贴近学生的生活,因而学生将对此话题非常感兴趣。开篇部分和导入部分以讨论筹钱的不同方式和了解一些慈善机构的名称将师生引入了慈善活动的主题,以向学生介绍不同的慈善机构引出阅读部分慈善义演这个重要的话题。现在义演正日益成为一中普遍的募捐方法,通常由志愿者发起,报酬很少甚至根本没有报酬。而义演收益完全用于某项有价值的活动。这些活动完全是为了帮助一些贫困的人或社会弱势群体。通过学习慈善活动,培养学生的爱心,使学生懂得如何关心别人,帮助别人。词汇部分让学生学习剧院里的场景的布置和相关的名称,并能阐述它们的用途。语法部分继续学习被动语态,而本单元学习一般将来时态的被动语态,情态动词的被动语态和现在完成时态的被动语态。综合技能部分让学生学习有关慈善晚会的内容,并能根据所听到的信息编写慈善晚会的计划,自己也能提出个人的建议和观点,从而陪养学生的听说读写的能力。学习技能部分旨在培养学生能够正确断句和根据句意正确朗读句子。中心部分让学生学习如何设计慈善义演的海报,能通过前面对慈善义演的学习,正确描述慈善义演的活动细节,能够写出很好的慈善义演的演讲稿。检测部分回顾和巩固本单元所学的词汇和词组,复习了一般将来时态的被动语态,情态动词的被动语态和现在完成时态的被动语态。学生学完本单元后,将了解不同许多不同的慈善活动的名称,具体的活动和目的,激发他们的爱心和学习英语的兴趣,提高他们的英语水平。 总体目标:

让学生了解不同许多不同的慈善活动的名称,具体的活动和目的。激发他们的爱心和学习英语的兴趣,提高他们的英语水平。并通过本单元的学习,掌握一般将来时态的被动语态,情态动词的被动语态和现在完成时态的被动语态。通过本单元的整体学习,使学生在听说读写各个方面的能力得以提高。 教学的重难点:

重点:1. 学习有关慈善机构的名称和有关慈善机构的具体的活动和目的。

2. 一般将来时态的被动语态,情态动词的被动语态和现在完成时态的被动语态。

3. 学习技能部分旨在培养学生能够正确断句和根据句意正确朗读句子。 难点:

1. willbe/be going to be +p.p 2. can/may/must/should be +p.p 3. have/has been +p.p



中可采用Role playing, Practicing, Cooperating, Scanning和Listening for specific information的学习策略,利用教学挂图,制作多媒体课件来开展个人表演、两人一组表演或更多的学生一起分角色表演。在教词汇时,教师可以通过课件和实物帮助学生形象的记忆。通过分角色扮演模仿对话或用关键词来复述课文可以培养学生的听力和口语水平,让学生在听录音或同学叙述时,学会获取主要的信息来帮助自己理解和记忆。在阅读过程中,让学生学会写关键词语,复述短文,模仿编写对话等,以提高学生的阅读水平。在语法教学过程中,让学生自己通过学习总结规律,模仿操练,让学生真正掌握语法知识并能灵活运用。 课时安排:

开篇部分 1课时 导入部分 阅读部分 词汇部分 语法部分 综合技能 中心任务 检测部分

1课时 2课时 1课时 2课时 1课时 1课时 1课时

8B Unit 4 Teaching Plan

Period 1 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit



教学内容:介绍一些慈善机构及慈善活动的组织形式;初步感受现在完成时的被动语态 教学准备:录音机,多媒体,投影仪 教学步骤: Step1 Lead-in

1. Show students the picture of a fashion show and ask students: What are they doing? 2. Tell them it is a charity show.

3. Ask students: Why do they do it?

4. Tell students that we can hold a charity show to raise money for charities. Step 2 Welcome to the unit

1. Ask students: Do you know any other ways to raise money? Show students some pictures of fund-raising

activities of charities.

2. Teach students new words: advertise; give out leaflets.

3. Let students finish Part A on P61 and check the answers by reading the sentences. 4. Ask students: We now have different charities. Do you know some of them in China? 5. Show them some pictures of different charities and say something about them.

6. Check the answers to Part B on P61. Tell them more charities if possible, such as: ORBIS (helps the blind people in poor countries using a plane)

UNICEF (helps children all over the world by providing clean water, food and education) Step 3 Comic strips

1. Are you interested in charity shows? So are Eddie and Hobo. Hobo has been chosen to be the host of a

charity show. Present students some new words: host(hostess); microphone. 2. Listen to their conversation and answer some questions.

(1) What is Hobo doing? (2) What is he going to be? (3) What is Eddie’s wish?

(4) What does Hobo think about Eddie’s wish?

3. Let students read the dialogue by themselves (or practice in pairs).

4. Do some more exercises after reading and check the answers together: Fill in the blanks Step 4 Homework

1. Remember the name of charities and activities. 2. Practice the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo.

课时练一Comic strip and Welcome to the unit


1. To my surprise ,I received a (照相机)at my birthday party. 2. The (组织者)of the event is a woman. 3. What kind of (材料) is the bridge made of ? 4. I’m one of your greatest (迷)

5. The (观众) were excited on the opening night of the play.. 二、单项选择

( )1.We can have more events this money. A . likes; raising B. likes; to raise C. liking; to raise D. like ; to raise

( )2.There will be more

A.charity show B. charities show C.charities’ show D. charities shows

( )3. Let’s play cards instead of TV.

A.watch B. watching C.to watch D. watched

( )4.The cost of living continues to

A.rise B. rise up C. raise D. raising

( )5. Why not draw up? Let the light on A.seats B. tickets C.curtain D. performers

( )6. You’ll have to work hard if you want to the exam. A.past B. passed C.pass D. passed

( )7. Which charity helps protect rivers and lakes in China?

A.Project Green Hope B. Spring Bud Project C.Save China’s Tigers D. Project Hope

( )8. Rickey helped the fashion show.

A.with B./ C. do D. doing


1. 霍波,你为什么拿着麦克风?

______________________________________________________________________ 2. 因为我已经被选为慈善演出的主持人。

_______________________________________________________________________ 3..我们可以在因特网上做广告。

_______________________________________________________________________ 4. 如果你想成为一个好的主持人,你必须多练习。

______________________________________________________________________ 5. 他们正在制作海报,并为演出的演讲做准备 _____________________________________________________________________ 6. “拯救中国虎”是为了保护中国的老虎和其它大的猫科动物。


Period 2 Reading 1


1.读懂一封有关一 次义演的电子邮件, 并能根据关键词和上下文猜测文章的大意。

2. 能够理解和运用文章中的重要的短语和句型。 3.培养学生的阅读技巧,激发他们学习英语的兴趣。 教学内容

学习一些与义演活动相关的词汇,了解义演活动的背景和意义。 教学准备 1. 教学挂图 2. 录音机 教学步骤

Step 1 Revision

1. Review the charities: look at the pictures and name them and say something about them. 2. Review some activities to raise money with the help of the pictures. Step 2 Lead-in 1. Free talk:

(1)Have you ever been a host of a charity show?

(2)If you are chosen to be the host of the charity show, how will you feel? (3)As a host, what will you do before the show?

2. Tell students: Ricky was the host of a charity show. He wrote an e-mail to his cousin Kitty. Let’s see what

he has written in his e-mail.

3. Show some pictures and teach some new words: introduce; duty; business; camera; goods 4. Do some exercises (P63 B1), and read these new words loudly. Step 3 Reading

1. T: It’s time for us to read the e-mail.

2. Reading task 1: Read it quickly, and find out : What’s the passage about?

3. Reading task 2: After listening to the tape, do “T” or “F” questions.(P64 C1) and check the answers. 4. We can divide the passage into two parts.

Part1: Paragraph1-Paragraph2 Part2: Paragraph3-Paragraph7

5. Ask students to read Part1 and ask some questions with the books open.

(1) Why didn’t Ricky write to Kitty earlier? (2) Why did he help with the charity show? (3) How did he feel?

6. Help students divide Part2 into 3 parts again according to time. Step 4 Practice

Suppose one is Ricky, the other is Simon. Simon wants to interview Ricky about the show. Try to have an interview between Ricky and Simon with some information

课时练二 Reading1


1. It’s our ( 职责) to keep our classroom clean. 2. Failure(失败)is the mother of (成功).

3. We had a lot of support from local (企业,商行). 4. Charities are (组织) that help people in need. 5. Please send my best (祝愿) to your parents.

6. It was quite an (大事) when a woman first became a president. 7. I am very (紧张)when I speak in public. 8 .I had many other (职责),too.

9. Thanks to their help, everything become a little bit ___________(easy). 10.Edison kept __________(try) out new ideas.

11.I had to speak loudly because of the __________(noise). 12.I hope we can have more _________ (活动,事件) like this. 13.Why does Joe look so (兴奋)today?

14.Everyone was very g____ ___ and we had lots of support. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空

1. Why not come here a little _________(early).

2. I’m tired .I don’t want to walk any _________(far). 3. In the __________(begin), I felt very bored.

4. Half a year ago Jim started ___________(play) football. 5. It was my job ____________(clean) the classroom..

6. I’m very happy that my teacher chose me ___________(be) the monitor. 7. I have a lot of homework __________(do) today.

8. Lily kept ___________(ask) Lucy about the pop singers. 9. She doesn’t seem _____________(like) this book.

10. Miss Yang is not at home. She ______ ____(go) to the supermarket. 11. The fans ___________(make) a lot of noise so I had to speak loudly. 12. I think more people should _______(invite) to take part in them.

13. (not stand) too close to the wild animals. It’s dangerous.

14. Please be quiet﹗We (listen) to the songs sung by the “Super Girl”Li Yuchun. 15. I felt very happy when I (choose)to be the host. 三、同义句转换

1. It was rainy yesterday , so I didn’t play football.

I didn’t play football ___ __ ____ _ the rain yesterday. 2. At first we introduced each other.

______ ______ __ _____ we introduced each other. 3. He could swim when he was seven years old.

He_______ _______ _______ swim at the age of seven. 4. They seemed very happy.

It _______ _______ they were very happy. 5. The organizers chose me as the host.

The organizers chose me ________ ________ the host.

Period 3 Reading 2

教学目标:通过活动来熟悉掌握课文中的重点词语和句型;通过练习加深课文的理解 教学重难点:学习知识点和重要短语 教学准备:多媒体,投影仪 教学设计:

Step 1 Revision and language points

1. Ask students some questions about Reading(Paragraph1-2) 2. Explain the language points while answering the above questions. 3. Ask more questions about Reading (Paragraph3-4)

4. Teach the language points by answering the above questions. 5. Ask more questions about Reading (Paragraph5-7)

(1) What did he keep asking himself the night before the show? (2) When did people come into the theatre?

6. Teach the language points by answering the above questions. Step2 Practice

1. Finish Part B2 on Page 63 and Part C2 on Page64, and then check the answers. 2. Discussion:

(1) How can you be a good host of a charity show? (2) How can you invite more people help with the charity? Step 3 More exercises Step 4 Homework

1. Read the passage again and again. 2. Do some exercises.

课时练三Reading 2

一 、用所给词的适当形式填空

1. The (excite) children are opening their Christmas presents. 2. Most (busy) letters are written in English.

3. He is one of the most famous (act) in your country. 4. Amy speaks more (loud) than before.

5. Mr Wang has been here since the (begin) of last year. 6. The public expect high standards(标准) from any large (organize). 7. His father makes money by (sell) vegetables. 8. Ricky had a lot of things (do).

9. It was very (please) to meet friends and chat with them. 10. The students were talking (noise) when the teacher came in. 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空

1. We’ll start our class as soon as Tim (arrive). 2. They went to the dining room (have) lunch.

3. I was excited (see) so many presents under the Christmas tree. 4. The farmers still worked hard in the field even though it (rain) heavily. 5. Does he have (get) up early at weekends?

6. Jim stopped (chat) with his friends on his way home. 7. We should stop (talk) when the bell rings for class. 8. How many photos you (take) recently?

9. Mother’s Day is coming. But he_____(buy)a present for his mother yet. 10. It is my father’s job (sell) books in the bookshop.

Period 4 Vocabulary

教学目标:认识并使用与剧场相关的词汇;学习通过英文释义猜测词汇意思 教学内容:与剧场相关的词汇 教学准备:多媒体,投影仪 教学步骤:

Step 1 Revision

How many Chinese charities do you know? What are they? What can they do?

Ask students to talk to each other with some pictures.

Step 2 Lead-in

1. Show a picture of a charity show. Ask students: Do you know how to be a good host of a charity show? Where can we hold a charity show?

2.Show a picture of the theatre and ask students to name different parts as much as possible. The teacher explains some new words: audience; curtain; stage

Step 3 Vocabulary Part A and Part B

1. Open the books and show students the different parts of the theatre. 2. Check the answers.

3. Read the words after the teacher. Step 4 Language points

1. performer, performer, performance 2. actor, actress, act, action 3. voice, noise, sound

4. make sb. do sth. sound louder 5. hang

Step 5 Oral practice and some exercises Step 6 Homework

1. Remember different parts of the theatre. 2. Do some exercises.

课时练四 Vocabulary


1. There are four__________(窗帘) in this room.

2. Are the _________(灯) on in the teachers’ office now? 3. How many ________(座位) are there in this theatre? 4. The group leader is _________(拿着) a pen in his hand. 5. There is an ________(入口) in this supermarket. 6. May I ___________(介绍)myself now?

7. It’s one of our ___________(职责) not to pollute the environment. 8. The ___________(观众)were so excited that they were screaming.

9. I ____________(登广告)on the Internet to sell out a new kind of machines for a few days. 10. Mr Li will give a___________ (演讲)at the theatre. 11. Project Hope is a helpful ___________(组织). 12. What’s your ___________ (目的)of doing this thing? 13. I ___________ (打电话)you as soon as he comes back. 14. The coat _____________(悬挂)on the wall is my father’s.

15. Many people were generous and ____________ ( 捐赠) lots of money to the poor family. 16. They give out __________(传单 ) at the school gate to ask students to buy their goods. 17. At the end of the show, we clapped and shouted with ______________ (激动) 18. Thank my dear teacher for ____________ (choose) me as the monitor. 19. The baby is sleeping. Don’t talk too____________ (loud).

20. Many people __________(invite) to our show last week, and lots of money __________ (raise) already. 21. May I __________(介绍) my best friend Amy to you, Sandy? 22. I think it’s our_________(职责) to protect the environment. 24. The cinema has________(出口) on its three sides.

25. Will you please pay________(注意力) to what I am saying? 26. How many __________(客人) were there in yesterday’s party? 27. I don’t know what made him laugh so_______(excite)? 28. Andy Law will give two______(perform) in Nanjing this year. 29. He made a ________(decide) not to go there this week. 30. Most international ________(busy) letters are written in English. 31. “We are proud of your_______(successful), Daniel.” said father. 二、根据英语解释写出下列单词 c_________ it hangs in front of the stage d_________ give something to people in need

h_________ the person who introduces the guests in a show c_________ organizations for helping people in need

f_________ people who like somebody or something very much

Period 5 Grammar(1)


1.掌握并能使用一般将来时的被动语态 2.掌握并能使用带有情态动词的被动语态 3.掌握并能使用现在完成时的被动语态

二、教学重难点:将来时、情态动词及完成时态被动语态的结构及使用 三、教学准备:多媒体,投影仪, 四、教学步骤: Step 1 Lead in

1. According to the photos, ask students to remind the sentences they have learned about the passive voice in the present and the simple past tense.

Trees are planted by students in March every year. The little girl was saved by a policeman. Many tall buildings were built last year.

2. Present them on the blackboard and underline them in red.

3. Give Ss some more exercises about the passive voice in the present and simple past tense. Step 2 Presentation

1. Review reading: What does Ricky hope at the end of his e-mail?

He hopes that more events like this will be organized to raise money for charity. 2. The teacher show more examples:

The classroom will be / is going to be cleaned by Simon tomorrow. The sports meeting will be / is going to be held in March.

We hope more trees will be / are going to be planted in our new school this year. 3. Then ask students to work out the usage of the passive voice in simple future tense. Subject + will be / be going to + Past participle Step 3 Exercises

1. Finish the exercises on page 66,then check in pairs. Encourage students to explain the usage each other. 2. T asks students read in pairs. 3. Some more exercises:

a) We will hold a charity show tomorrow.

b) My mother is going to make me a cake next Sunday. c) They will choose Millie to be the host of the show. d) Eddie is going to clean the room this afternoon.

e) The children will use the money to help the Project Hope. f) My father is going to mend his bike this afternoon. Step 4 Homework

Ss practise more exercises about the passive voice in simple future tense, T gives them some help if necessary.

课时练五 Grammar(1)


1.People speak English in many countries. ____________________________________________ 2.We built this bridge last year. _____________________________________________________ 3.The tiger in the zoo frightened the little girl.__________________________________________ 4.The doctor will ask the patient some questions first.____________________________________ 5. People will laugh at you if you wear that dress._______________________________________ 6.We shall discuss the problem at tomorrow's meeting.___________________________________ 7.Someone will tell you how to prepare for the examination._______________________________ 8.People will never forget the accident.________________________________________________ 二、单项选择

( )1. Our TV set _____ yesterday.

A. is repaired B. was repaired C. has been repaired D. repaired ( )2. A wonderful English talk _____ by Mr Liu tomorrow.

A. has been given B. is given C. is being given D. will be given ( )3. Mr Li , you _____ on the phone.

A. are wanted B. were wanted C. are being wanted D. will be wanted ( )4. This maths problem _____ out by little Tom.

A. can be easily work B. can easily be worked

C. can is easily worked D. can easily worked ( )5. The monkeys ______ to the zoo tomorrow morning.

A. may be send B. may will sent C. may be sent D. is going to send ( )6. The baby ____ when Mother was out.

A. looked after well B. was looked well C. is well looked after D. was well looked after ( )7. In the past ten year, a lot of new buildings _____ in our city.

. A. are put up B. have put up C. have been put D. have been put up ( )8. People have come to know that their health must ______.

A. pay more attention B. pay more attention to C. be paid more attention D. be paid more attention to

( )9. The children ____ a beautiful picture by the teacher in the classroom.

A. were shown B. were shown to C. was shown D. was shown to ( )10. A beautiful picture ____ the children in the classroom.

A. were shown B. were shown to C. was shown D. was shown to ( )11. Mr Brown ____ take the medicine twice a day.

A. told to B. was told to C. told D. was told ( )12. The boys ____ copy the new words ten times before they went home.

A. were made B. were made to C. was made D. was made to ( )13. Mary ____ do morning exercises on the playground.

A. saw to B. was saw to C. was seen to D. was seen ( )14. A man ____ cry for help last night.

A. was heard to B. was heard C. was hear to D. heard to ( )15. Tom ____ watch TV after he finishes his homework

A. will let to B. will be allowed C. will be let D. will be allowed to.

Period 6 Grammar(2)

教学目标:1 掌握并能使用带有情态动词的被动语态 2 掌握并能使用现在完成时的被动语态 教学准备:多媒体,投影仪, 教学步骤: Step 1 Lead in

1. According to the photos, ask students to remind the sentences they have learned about the passive voice in the present and the simple past tense.

2. Present them on the blackboard and underline them in red. Step 2 Presentation

1. Review reading: What does Ricky hope at the end of his e-mail? Go on reviewing reading and lead out the sentences with passive voice with modal verbs ask : Why was Ricky so busy before the show? 2. The teacher show more examples: A lot of work should be finished. A lot of money can be raised at the charity show. This medicine must be taken three times a day. 3. Then ask students to work out the usage of the passive voice with modal verbs 4. Turn to page 67. We shall go on with the discussion:

5. Remember to use passive voice structure while telling the reasons. ---Where can we arrange the seats?

--- The seats can be arranged in front of the stage. ---Why?

---Because audience can sit there and enjoy the performance. 6 (Show Picture1 in Comic Strip to students again) Why is Hobo holding a microphone?

Because he has been chosen to be the host of a charity show.

We use the passive voice in the present perfect tense when the action took place in the past and

7 Fill in the blanks in Part B1, and then I will check the answers later on. continues to the present or still has connection

Step 3 Practicing

Daniel wants to know more about the charity show hosted by Ricky. He is asking Kitty about the detail. You are to complete the dialogue between them using the passive voice in the past or the present perfect tense. Then I will give you the answer Step 4 Doing homework

1. Revise passive voice with modal verbs.

2. Finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook



1 Father said he _________(stop) smoking soon.

2 The babies here _________(take) good care of every day. 3 A wounded man came to the policeman and _______(ask) for help. 4.Some top students _____(send) to study in foreign countries once a year. 5.The teachers __________(prepare) their lessons when I came in. 6.Where are the apples? I think they _______(eat) by those boys. 7.We ______(open) the box and two new coats ______(see) in it.

8.Tom _______ (hide) his shoes behind the tree. So they _________(not find) easily. 二、单项选择

( )1. Our TV set _____ yesterday.

A. is repaired B. was repaired C. has been repaired D. repaired ( )2. A wonderful English talk _____ by Mr Liu tomorrow.

A. has been given B. is given C. is being given D. will be given ( )3. Mr Li , you _____ on the phone.

A. are wanted B. were wanted C. are being wanted D. will be wanted ( )4. This maths problem _____ out by little Tom.

A. can be easily work B. can easily be worked C. can is easily worked D. can easily worked ( )5. The monkeys ______ to the zoo tomorrow morning.

A. may be send B. may will sent C. may be sent D. is going to send ( )6. The baby ____ when Mother was out.

B. looked after well B. was looked well C. is well looked after D. was well looked after ( )7. In the past ten year, a lot of new buildings _____ in our city.

A. are put up B. have put up C. have been put D. have been put up

Period 7 Integrated skills




教学内容:本课时可通过补充练习进行拓展与延伸,增加课堂容量,增添学生动口、动手的机会。 教学准备:录音机,多媒体,投影仪 教学步骤: Step 1 Presenting

Suppose our class is going to hold a charity show. What needs to be agreed on first? You are to hold a meeting to discuss what to do for the show. Step 2 Reading and answering

1. Part A1: Working on a charity show

Look at Sandy’s notes and answer the questions according to the information. 1). What’s the name of the show? 2). What do they raise money for? 3). When will the show be held?

4). What time will the show begin and finish? 5). How much does each ticket cost?

2. Part A2. Sandy has organized another meeting. Help her write down what each student says. Listen carefully. Complete the table below by putting a tick in the correct boxes.

① Play the recorder through without stopping. Ask students to get the main ideas. ② Play the recorder again and check answers.

Who will design the poster? Who will organize a play?

Who will be the host of the show? Who will set up the stage?

Who will sing a song?/ Who will ask friends and families to come?

3. Part A3.Help Sandy complete the note. Use the notes in Parts A1 and A2 on page 68 to help you. Then ask a

student to read this part and check the answers together.

Step 3 Listening and answering

After the meeting, Sandy and Kitty are still talking about the show. Listen to Part B and answer the following questions:

How is Sandy? Why?

Who will they ask for help? Why? What do they hope?

Step 4 Reading after the tape

To practice speaking you are to read to the tape sentence by sentence. Step 5 Explaining and reading What questions do you have?

Put your questions to me. I will explain language points to you. Step 6 Making up dialogues

Read the dialogue on page 71 again.

Now make up a similar dialogue between you.

课时练七 Integrated skills


1.Look, How hard it (rain)﹗

2.You can go to watch the show when your homework (finish). 3.Young trees must (look) after well. 4.Computers (use) widely today. 5.We (祝愿)you good luck. 6.Let’s have a b .We’re too tired. 7.He looked (兴奋地)at me .

8.Mr Li will give a (演讲)at the theatre. 9.Let me (介绍)you to my mother. 10.Lots of money (raise) already. 二、完成下列句子翻译

1. 舞台已经搭好了。 The stage has been_______ _________. 2. 我代替她去的。 I went_______ ______ _______. 3. 上周歌手们为海啸义演筹款。

The singers had a______ _____ to______ ______ ______ the tsunami. 4. 春蕾计划是帮助贫困地区失学女童重返校园的。

_______ _______ _______ helps poor young girls_________ ______school. 5. 我们选举Daniel为主持人。

We ______ Daniel _____ _____ the_____. 三、选择题

( )1.The dinner didn’t start all the friends arrive. A. when B. while C. until D. whether ( ) 2.Please give my best your parents.

A. wishes to B. wish for C. wishes for D. hope to ( )3.When I met Jim, I stopped him.

A. to talk about B. to talk with C. talking to D. talking with

( )4.Hurry up, you will be late for school. A. and B. or C. so D.because ( )5.The article is in English.

A. wroten B. writes C. wrote D. written ( )6.They have friends.

A. not B. not any C. no D. much ( )7.I I as rich as Bill Gates now.

A. hope , me B. wish , am C. hope, were D. wish , were

( )8.We go there if it rain..

A .will ,not B. are , will C. will, doesn’t D. will , isn’t ( )9.It’s our duty the people in need.

A. help B. helping C. to help D. helps

( )10.---How often your school sports meeting ? ---Once a year.

A. does ,hold B. was, hold C. is ,held D. did, hold

Period 8 Study skills

教学目标:1. 能正确断句

2. 能根据意群正确朗读句子 教学内容:通过练习,增强口语表达能力 教学准备:录音机 教学步骤: Step 1 Lead-in

1.Ask students questions about Integrated skills and present the answers on the blackboard Why did the Class 1, Grade 8 students hold a meeting? What is the date of the show? What’s the time of the show?

They held a meeting to talk about holding a charity show. The show will be held on 29April at 7:30 p.m.

2. Invite some students to read the sentences and ask them to pay attention to pauses Step 2 Reading with pauses

1. Listen to and read to the tape of the text on page 72. Pay attention to the sense groups within the sentences. 2. Now read the text aloud on your own with correct pauses or sense groups. Step 3 Practicing

1. Millie will be the host of the charity show. She wants to make sure she speaks clearly and fluently. Let’s help her with her practice. You are to read the sentences in Part B by dividing each sentence into sense groups. 2. Then listen to the tape and see if you have read correctly. Step 5 Doing an extension activity

Choose reading as a model, ask students to have a try.

课时练八 Study skills


1.We will design some (海报)for the show.

2.They didn’t play football because of the (大)rain. 3.The (大)wind stopped us from going out. 4.We (祝愿)you good luck. 5.He looked (兴奋地)at me .

6.Mr Li will give a (演讲)at the theatre.

7.You can go to watch the show when your homework (finish). 8.Young trees must (look) after well. 9.Computers (use) widely today. 10.Let’s take turns (help) Jim with his physics. 11.We couldn’t wait (get) off the bus. 12.The people had fun (plant) the trees. 13.He (donate) much money recently. 14.Many people (invite)to our show tomorrow. 15.Lots of money (raise) already.

16.They shouted (happy) on the playground. 17.I’ll try (help) you find that book.. 18.The curtain (rise) slowly and the show began. 19.We hope to raise money (help) poor children. 20.Thanks a lot for your (donate). 二、选择题

( )1.The dinner didn’t start all the friends arrive. A. when B. while C. until D. whether ( )2.When I met Jim, I stopped him.

A.to talk about B. to talk with C. talking to D. talking with

( )3.There was a birthday party at Jim’s home last night. All of us to it

A. invited B. are invited C . invite D. were invited

( )4.Hurry up, you will be late for school. A. and B. or C. so D.because ( )5.The article is in English.

A. wroten B. writes C. wrote D. written ( )6.They have friends.

A. not B. not any C. no D. much ( )7..My bag there behind the door.

A. hung B. hangs C. is hanging D. has hung ( )8.We go there if it rain..

A .will ,not B. are , will C. will, doesn’t D. will , isn’t ( )9.It’s our duty the people in need.

A. help B. helping C. to help D. helps

( )10.---How often your school sports meeting ? ---Once a year. A. does ,hold B. was, hold C. is ,held D. did, hold

Period 9 Main task

教学目标:1. 学会为慈善义演设计海报

2. 能正确描述慈善义演的细节

3. 学会写慈善义演的演讲稿



教学准备:多媒体 教学步骤:

Step 1 Having a revision and discussing

Do you still remember that the Class 1, Grade 8 students are planning their charity show? Different students have different duties.

What’s Kitty and Sandy’s duty? (They will design a poster.) How to make a poster?

What should be written in a poster?

(name of the show, time, place, ticket price, etc.) Step 2 Reading and answering

1. What else should we write in the poster? Now read the poster on page 73 and find out other elements in the poster.

(purpose, program arrangement, charity introduction, who to thank, and the reason) 2. Then ask and answer questions:

3. When designing an advertising poster, it is important to include all the details so that people who might be interested in the show have enough information about it. Step 3 Coming to a summary

Now work in pairs to sum up what information should be included in a poster. (Part A2)

Step 4 Designing a poster

We shall do something interesting. To design your own posters based on the model on page 73. Choose a charity to support and then plan a program of events. Make sure that you include all the information on the list in Part A2. You may make a research of your chosen charity on the Internet to find out more information about it.

Step 5 Finishing off Part B1

If you want more people to know about the charity show, just write a speech about it. Now help Millie complete her speech using the information in Part A1. Then I will give you the answers. Step 6 Writing

Write speeches according to your own posters. I will ask a few more able students to present their speeches to the class. The rest of you are to say whether you are persuaded to attend the event or not. Step 7 Conclusion

1. If you are going to hold a charity show, what will you do before the show? ( choose the host, set up the stage, make a plan, design a poster) 2. What should you plan?

( name of the show, name of the charity ,date, time, ticket price and so on.)

3. How would you attract people’s attention to your poster as well as the event? – discuss Step 8 Homework

课时练九Main task


1. Look, How hard it (rain)﹗

2. You can go to watch the show when your homework (finish). 3. Young trees must (look) after well. 4. Computers (use) widely today. 5. Let’s take turns (help) Jim with his physics. 6. We couldn’t wait (get) off the bus. 7. I’m very happy (meet) you here. 8. The people had fun (plant) the trees. 9. He (donate) much money recently. 10. Many people (invite)to our show tomorrow. 11. Lots of money (raise) already.

12. They shouted (happy) on the playground. 13. Jack has much (few) books than his sister. 14. I hope (pass) the English exam next time. 15. I’ll try (help) you find that book.. 16. I’d like (come) to your party. 17. We will visit a city (call) Lijiang tomorrow. 18. The curtain (rise) slowly and the show began. 19. We hope to raise money (help) poor children. 20. Thanks a lot for your (donate). 二、句型转换

1. We found our seats easily.(同义句)

It for us to find our seats. 2. He made me do much work.

I do much work by him.

3. We hope that we will raise lots of money for Project Hope.

We hope lots of money for Project Hope. 4. The meeting finished two hours ago.

The meeting for two hours. 5. Jim’s English is better than before because he practices a lot.

Jim’s English is better than before because of . 6. He must finish the work as quickly as possible.

The work as quickly as possible by him. 7. Tom has washed his clothes.

clothes washed him. 三、书面表达


Period 10 Check Out


1. 掌握本单元所学的单词和词组

2. 掌握本单元所学的一般将来时态的被动语态,情态动词的被动语态和现在完成时态的被动语态 教学内容:复习本单元所学的单词和词组,完成书上的练习。 教学准备:多媒体 教学步骤:

Step 1 Having a revision on Grammar

1. What’s this unit about? (It’s about charity shows.)

2. Can you say something about the charity show that Ricky hosted? 3. You can use the following questions to help with your answers: Was Ricky busy? Why? (Because a lot of work must be done.) What was the purpose of the show? (To raise money for charity) What was the result of the show?

(It was a success. A lot of money has been raised.)

What does Ricky hope? (He hopes more events like this will be organized.) 4. By answering the above questions, help students revise Grammar. Step 2 Finishing off Part A

Fill in the blanks, and check the answers against each other. Step 3 Having a revision on Vocabulary

Suppose your class is going to hold a charity show what will you do before the show? (Choose the host, invite performers, arrange the theatre, design a poster, write a speech, etc.)

Look at the three pictures of theatre, choosing your favorite one. You can decide which one to choose by looking at the arrangement of the things at a theatre. (exit, stage, seats for audience, microphone, speaker, curtain, etc.) Then give the reasons. Step 4 Finishing off Part B

Fill in the blanks, and check the answers. Read it aloud. Step 5 Doing additional exercises Step 6 Homework

课时练十 Check Out


1. Many people were d ________(捐赠)lots of money to the poor e ge nerous an ily.fam 2. Our charity show was a success and we had a lot of s________ from local ment.govern 3. It’s our d_______ to keep our environment clean and tidy. 4. The 2008 Olympic Games need a lot of __________(自愿者)

5 goods.. Many people give out _______(传单) at the school gate to ask students to buy their 6. It was exciting to be the _________(主持) of the show. 7. I hope our charity show will be a s___________.

8. The c________ rose, the host came on the stage with a microphone in her hand. 9. The show will ________(举办) at the Sunshine Theatre.

10. We put on many p________ on the wall outside our school, so lots of people may w.o co me and see the sh 二、选择填空

( ) 1. I ______ I could fly to the moon one day.

A. want B. hope C. wish D. like

( ) 2. His brother can play tennis very well because he _____ tennis after work.

A. practices playing B. practices to play C. practices to playing D. practices play ( ) 3. If you want to be healthier, you must eat _____ and take _____ exercises. A. less, less B. more, more C. less, more D. more, less ( ) 4. You’d better _____ these books _____ the library as soon as possible.

A. give…back B. return… back C. return back… to D. return… to ( ) 5. I’m very sorry _____ I didn’t write to you earlier.

A. so B. because C. that D. this ( ) 6. When we heard the news, all of us were very _____.

A. exciting B. excited C. interesting D. interest ( )7. The old man didn’t want to work ______.

A. no more B. no longer C. any more D. not any more ( )8. Have you found out the case ______?

A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. some place 三、用括号内的词的正确形式填空

1. The best way to learn English is to practise _________(speak) it. 2. The girl often give out leaflets _________(ask) people to donate money. 3. It was my cousin’s job _________(introduce) each star.

4. I hope we can have more events like this __________(raise) money. 5. I __________(help) with a charity show this time last week. 6. I hear the show _________(hold) in a middle school.

7. So far many classmates ____________(volunteer) to do some work for the show. 8. I _________(try) to help you organize your show if I have time.

