国际商法提纲 - 商

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国际商法 课程提纲

(2012 ---2013 学年第 一 学期)

级别:2010级 学院:商学院 专业:国际企业管理 班级:2010国际企业管理1班 一、教师信息: 授课教师 陈科汝 电话 15518729199 E-mail ckrlx@hotmail.com 办公室 10-303 答疑时间 周三下午5—8节 二、课程性质: 专业基础必修 三、课程目标:


学习本课程,要求理论联系实际,尝试并逐渐掌握运用国际商法理论、知识分析和处理国际商事活动中的法律实务问题。在教学中,针对学生特点,力求以能力为本位,以应用为主线,以讲清概念,强化应用为重点,紧密联系业务实际,突出针对性和实效性。 四、重点内容:

1、Legal System of International Business

2、Contract Law for the Intemational Sale of Goods 3、GATT and WTO Law

4、International Commercial Dispute Settlement Bibliography 五、预前知识:

学生在学习本门课程前,应当具备一定的英语基础,以及基本法律知识。 六、学时、学分: 48学时、3学分 七、教学进度: 周次 章节 主要内容 1 International to Business Law(Sources,History) 实验、作业、讨论实训 /完成时间 4 考核/ 完成时间 Chapter 1 Introduction International Business Law 2 3 4 5 International Chapter 2 Forms of Trade Theories;; International Government Business Controls over Trade Chapter 3 Legal System of CISG International UNIDROIT Business Chapter 3 Legal System of Incoterms2010; International PICC Business Definition and Form Chapter 4 Contract of Contract; Law for the alidity and Intemational Sale of Formation of Goods 2 4 2 1st text 4 International Sale of Contracts Chapter 5 Contract Obligations of the for the Seller and the 6 Law International Sale Buyer of Goods Chapter 5 Contract for the Passing of Risk; 7 Law International Sale Passing of Property of Goods Chapter 6 Carriage of Bills of Lading; by Sea and Marine 8 Goods Cargo Marine Cargo Insurance Insurance Letters of Credit; 9 Chapter 7 Finance of International Trade UCP600 10 Chapter Partnership Law 8 Partners' Rights and Duties 2 4 2 4 2 Middle Exam Sources of Corporate Financing; Shareholders' Rights and 11 Chapter 9 The Law of Corporations Liabilities; Management of Corporations; Termination of Corporation Chapter 10 Law of 12 Foreign Investment Investment Law Enterprises of China ; Chapter 11 patent lawanti-monopoly; 13 Intellectual Intellectual Property Right Law Property 14 Chapter 12 GATT and GATT Law WTO Law 4 2 4 2 15 Chapter 12 GATT and WTO Law WTO Law 4 2 2rd text 13 The Law of Convention on the Law 16 Chapter Agency Applicable to Agency Chapter 14 International 17 Commercial Dispute Dispute Settlement Settlement Bibliography 18 Review 19 Final Exam 4 八、考核性质与成绩评定

1.考试性质:考试 2.考试形式:闭卷 3.成绩评定:


总成绩=平时成绩×35%+期中考试成绩×25%+期末考试成绩×40% 九、教材与参考书:


姜作利著:《国际商法》(第三版 双语版),法律出版社,2013 (二)参考书

1、《比较法研究》,沈宗灵主编,北京大学出版社,1998 2、《新编国际商法》,曹祖平编著,中国人民大学出版社,2004 3、《国际商法》,威尔斯著,中国人民大学出版社,2008


5、《国际商法》,(美)雷·奥古斯特,唐·迈耶,迈克尔·比克斯著,高瑛玮译,机械工业出版社,2010 十、授课方式(教法):

讲授、讨论、案例分析 十一、要求:




