
更新时间:2023-08-10 09:02:01 阅读量: 工程科技 文档下载



BBC NEWS ITEN 政治:英国首相确定大选时间
The BBC has learned that the british prime mimiste gordon brown has decide that the british general election will take place on mau 6th . Mr brown will go to buckingham palace tommorrow Tuesday to ask queen elizabeth to dissolve parlianment,and then make a formal announcement of the election date . That will start the official election campaign ,which ,a bbc correspondent says ,will be dominated by issues of taxation and spending in the wake of he global recession.
Bbc2 政治,大选在即,布朗在于挑战
Less than six months before a general election in Britain ,the governing labour party is embroiled again in internal strife. Two former cabinet ministers have called for secret ballot of members to decide whether the prime minister Gordon Brown should continue as party leader . Mr.brown has called a general election by june this year . Our political correspondent Rob Watson reports.
The two former cabinet minister Geoff Hoon and Patricia Hewitt had stunned everyone at westminster with their last-minute efforts to challenge Gordon Brown's leadership. But downing street and labour party officials have moved quickly to quash any revolts . Most importantly,current cabinet minister have come out and backed the prime minister,orbiting some cases with little apparent enthusiasm . So the latest challenge looks likely to be short lift . Although many within the labour party doubt Mr. Brown's leadership qualities ,they also seen to think it would only make things worse to get rid of him before the general election.
Bbc3 英国核缩减计划
The british prime minister gordon brown is offering to scale back britain's nuclear deterrence if an international agreement is reached to cut the world's nuclear arsenals. Mr brown is expected to tell a special session of the united nations security council on Thursday that he'll be willing to give up one of four royal navy submarines that carry trident nuclear missiles . Officials are insisting that cost isn't a factor here. Here's our defence correspondent nick childs.
Gordon brown is saying he'll be ready to throw part of the trident force into the port in the context of a much bigger global disarmament deal . He said so in general items before. This offer though is more concrete .there is a growing sense that to avoid what some fear could be a sudden cascade of new nuclear states,the established nuclear powers need to do more in terms of disarmament to keep the proliferation regime intact . The prime minister will be the action of the big players.the united states and Russia .
The british prime minister goedon brown is expected to confirm that he is sending hundreds more troops to afghanistan , bringing the total number of british troops there to about 9500. Britain has
the second largest NATO contigent in Afganistan after the United States . Our defense correspondent Caroline Wyatt reports.
In his statement o


n Afghanistan , it's believe Mr Brown will say he's aggreed in principle to send around 500 extra British troops to Helmand . The military advice says that extra forces are needed to help maintain progress and dominate the ground more effectively to keep the Taliban out of key areas. However ,there will be caveats. The prime minister will want assurances from military chiefs to follow suit by offering more fores themselves . NATO defense ministers are likely to discuss troop levels on a meeting formally in Bratislava next week.
Stock markets in Europe and United Stated have fallen sharply in response to further signs that the debt crisis in Greece is intensifying and Paris fell by more than 2% after a major international credit rating agency Standard &Poor's downgraded Geerk debt to a level known informally as junk Nils Blythe has more .
Standars &Poor's downgraded its assessment of Greek bonds to the so-called junk status because of the growing danger that the bond holders will not be paid back in full. Many big investment funds have rules that forbid them from holding junk bonds,says the move is likely to trigger a further round of selling . Share markets have taken fright,fearing that if Greece does default o its debts ,it would hit many European banks which hold Greek bonds and could trigger a wider financial crisis . Already pressure is mounting on Portugal which has also seen its credit rating downgraded today , although it remains above junk status.
BBC 6666
The International Monetary Fund has told governments across the world that further action is needed to help return the global financial system to stability . In a fresh estimate of the scale of the problem,the IMF says global losses on toxic assets could total four trillion dollars . Andrew walker reports .
This report does identify what it calls some early signs of stabilization in financial systems , but there are mot many of them . And the IMF says further action will be needed if they're to be sustained. In two key areas ,it says that progress by governments has been piecemeal and reactive , dealing with the problem the report says temporary government ownership may sometime be necessary.
Officials in Germany say the total financial aid package for Greece could be more than double , the 60 billion dollars that is previously expected . The head of the international monetary fund Dominique Strauss-Kahn is in Berlin trying to persuade Germany to agree to the financial rescue plan. He said the deal needed to be implemented quickly as the situation was getting worse every day and could affect other European countries . But the German Chancellor Angola Merkel said Berlin needed to be searching that Greece was serious about spending cuts.
The head of the International Monetary Fund says Greece has nothing to
fear fromthe organization . At a news conference in Washington ,Dominique Steauss-Lahn said the IMF was trying to provide Greece with the advi


ce and resource necessary to help with its debt problem. Andrew Walker reports from Washingron .
Mr . Str auss -khn was responding to a Greek journalist who said the Greek public are demonizing the IMF that they fear things will be worse with IMF involvement . The agency has a reputation for requiring borrowing countries to make deep cuts in popular government spending programs . Mr . Strauss-Kahn said the Greek people should think of the IMF as a cooperative organization and advice on behalf of the internatonal community.
Finance ministers of the world's leading industrialized and developing countries,the G20,have agreed to continue supporting the global economic recovery . In a statement released after their meeting in Scotland , the ministers said conditions had improved,but economic and financial recovery was uneven and unemployment a worry . Andrew Walker reports .
The communipue avoids complacency . Although economic and financial conditions have improved, they decided they still need to keep up the initiatives intended to restore growth . The meeting was , however , rather overshadowed by a statement from the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown ,suggesting a tax on financial transactions as on of a number of options for making banks pay for the crisis . His calls have been received politely by the finance ministers but several made remarks which suggest that other ways of tackling the problem are rather more likely to be adopted .
10 欧盟达成协议。终止了香蕉贸易争端
The European Union has initialed an agreement to end one of the world's longest-tunning trade disputes over bananas . The EU , the world's biggest importer of bananas , is to cut the duty it imposes on Latin American producers of the fruit ,while bananas grows in former European colonies will gradually lose the preferential terms they've enjoyed. Anderw Walker reports.
The deal signed in Geneva commits the European Union to gradually lowering the tariffs it imposes on bananas imported mainly from Latin America. The cut will be over a third by 2017. That will reduce the competitive advantage of a group of countries , mainly former colonies of EU states in Africa and Caribbean, which enjoyed tariff-free access. The EU plans to provide those countries with some compensation , in a shape of nearly 300000 dollars in additional aid.
The long-awaited take-off of the solar impulse was greeted with delight by those who have spent the last seven years working on it .
The solar-powered plane has the wing-span of a jumbo jet,but weighs less than a family car . It doesn't use a single drop of aviation fuel , instead its giant wings are covered with solar cellls . The project is the brainchild of Swiss adventurer Bertrand Piccard --he sees
the solar impulse as a sign of things to come.
It's the world's fastest growing economy and shows no sign of slowing down , so


striking deals with Chinese businesses is now the top priority for every British company that wants to stay ahead in global trade . Now schools in the United Kingdom want to give their students a head start by teaching them Mandarin ---and they are making it compulsory .
Brighton College is a fee paying private school on the south coast of Britain and already teaches Latin,Spanish and French to its 1200 pupils. Students can choose between these languages , but from to autumn ,which is the beginning of the new academic year in British schools , every student must study Mandarin whether they like it or not.
The cast and crew of British movies will no longer be hailed as the underdogs at awards ceremonies. At the recent 81st Oscars ceremony , British actors and movies won no less than 11awards .
The list of Oscar winners is usually dominated by American films and actors but 2009 has seen a more international flavour to the ceremony . British actors and actresses have long awaited such global recognition . Kate Winslet was nominated six times for an Oscar before she eventually won the Best Actress award at this year's ceremony.
Slumdog Millionaire lived up to its status as a global success and movie phenomenon . The low-budget movie swept the board winning eight Oscars , including Best Director and Best Picture. The movie, which documents the life of a young Indian boy after he wins a TV game show , has definitely helped to raise the profile of the British film industry.
Summarising the national feeling , British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown,issued a statement saying "britain is showing it has the talent to lead the world".
It might seem like an unlikely match--an ancient institution getting to grips with cutting edge technology --but the British royal family has been active online for more than a decade.
They launched their own website in 1997 . The Queen's Christmas message is available as a podcast , and a year ago the official Royal Channel was launched on YouTube , showing videos of the family at work .
Royal watchers describe the 82 year old Queen as a silver surfer--someone who's enthusiastic about th internet and who keeps in touch with younger members of her family by email.
This weekend , around 35000 runners filled the streets of London , running the 26th annual London Marathon . The course is 26.2miles long (42km), and goes past many of London's landmarks , such as the Tower of London , the famous 19th century ship Cutty Sark , the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace . The runners actually run over Tower Bridge.
Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest and most famous universities in Britain , and there has always been a great rivalry between the two institutions . But the most pu
blic competition between the two is the annual Boat Race . The 206 Boat Race will take place on 2nd April , and will be the 152nd race of its ki


nd .
Both universities are located near rivers , and rowing is a popular and prestigious sport . The very first race took place in 1829,when a Cambridge student challenged a school-friend studying at Oxford . Ever since , the defeated team from the previous year challenges the opposition to a rematch . The only times when no Boat Races took place were during the First and Second World Wars.
President Obama's Democratic Party has secured the critical 60 seat majority in the US Senate that can help it override any Repubican obstructions on Capitol Hill . This happened when the Democrats won the last undecided senate seat from November's election after the supreme court in the state of Minnesota declared the Democratic candidate Al franken the winner . Richard Lister reports from Washington.
For almost eight months the two candidates had been locked in a bitter fight in the Minnesota COURTs over the result of November's Senate election. Just a few hundred votes separated them after the 2.9 million cast . The initial count favoured the Republican Norm Coleman but the recount gave the majority to his Democratic Party rival al franken . And the state supreme court is now upheld that verdict . His victory gives the democrats 60 votes in the senate and the potential to overturn republican efforts to block legislation .
Reports in Israeli media say Israel's ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told Israeli diplomats that American --Israeli relations were facing a crisis of historic proportions . Washington is furious at last week's announcement by Israel during a visit by the us vice president that more new jewish homes were to be built in occupied east jerusalem . But on Monday , the prime minister benjamin netanyahu told the Israeli parliament the building project would continue . Paul wood reports from jerusalem.
Mr. Netanyahu has been presented with a choice , a breach with the right -wing members of his coalition , or with the Americans. With his speech to the knesset , he seems to have chosen to put the needs of domestic politics first. It seems the American are so angry because they believe Mr. Netanyahu went back on an understanding . Tis was apparently that Israel would not push forward of any big new settlement building projects in East jerusalem. This was necessary of the palestinians were to be persuaded to join the long delayed negotiations so painstakingly put together by us mediators.
Leading united states officials have said the Amercian military will continue its presence in Afghanistan for a number of years despite beginning to withdraw in 2011. In a series of media reappearances, officials stressed that the date should be seen as the beginning of handing o
ver resposibility to Afghan forces . Imtiaz tyab report from Washington .
Speaking on a Sunday morning political chat show , the Defense Secre


tary Rober Gates said that despite President Obama's plan to begin withdrawing the troops from the region in July ,2011., the US was likely to maintain a significant military presence in Afghanistan for a number of years . The Defense Secretary said the pullout date was said to underline the urgent need for the Afghans the defense secretary said the pullout date was said to underline the urgent need for the afghans to speed up recruiting and training soldiers and getting them into the field . A comment's followed criticism from opposition Republicans who say announcing a withdraw date sent a dangerous signal to insurgents.
President Obama is postponing a trip to Indonesia and Australia , so he can stay in Washington to try to get his health care reforms pass by congress . Mr Obama had already delayed the long arranged trip once and was due to set off on Sunday . But with the crucial vote on the reform is expected within days , the trip has been put off entirely until june . From washington mark martell reports.
The president's make changes to American health care insurance system , his flagship domestic legislation is dragged on for over a year and divided the country . He will be damaged if he can't get it through . The climax is near , so far there is no sign of any republicans voting for it , its fate lies in the hands of handful in the persident's own party,who either feel it allows for easier abortion or who simply fear a back lash in November's elections , if they vote for a measures their constitution dislike.
BBC212121After days of political horse-trading the uk finally has a new government and a new prime minister,following the resignation of labour's gordon brown on Tuesday evening.
Since last Thursday 's general election resulted in a hung parliament , a situation in which none of the political parties has an overall majority, british politicians have been attempting to form a coalition government /
Such a government is comparatively rare in the uk . Indeed this is the firsrt coalition since the second world war.
BBC 22 22 22President barack obama says the summit conference on nuclear security which has just ended in washington was a testament to what is possible when nations come together . He said the 49 countries who attended had come to a four point plan for future success in securing the security
of all nuclear materials produced or stockpiled around the globe . Mr obama said the summit had made a real contribution to a safer world.

