pid设计设计报告1 - 图文

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题 目 基于PID控制的智能风扇的设计 作 者 姓 名 刘俊秀 指 导 教 师 梁达平 提 交 日 期



本声明的法律责任由本人承担。论文作者签名: 年 月 论文指导教师签名:

基 于PID 控 制 的 智 能 风 扇 的 设 计


(天水师范学院电信学院 甘肃 刘俊秀 741000)


关键词:80C4片机; PID参数;达林顿反向驱动器ULN2003A

PID control of the smart fan design is based on

Liu Junxiu

(Gansu Tianshui Normal University Institute of telecommunications Liu Junxiu 741,000)

Abstract: Modern industrial production, along with the growing scale of production, quality of people's increasing demand for the product, as well as the complexity of the modern environment, industrial process control systems have become an essential production equipment. PID control is the most practical way of control, referring to a popular linear control strategy, which is a control law after the error signal e (t)

proportional, integral, differential operation transformation form, the basic idea is %use deviation, to eliminate bias. \PID control has been proven to be a very good control mode. Its products have been widely used in engineering practice, many large companies have developed an intelligent controller with PID parameters self-tuning feature. This article is designed based on temperature-controlled fan system with PID control, using SCM as the controller, use the fan motor temperature sensor DS19B20 as temperature gathering element, and according to temperature collected by a Darlington reverse drive ULN2003A drive. According to the comparison of the measured temperature and the system temperature to achieve the fan motor automatically starts and stops, use PID algorithm to control fan speed, can automatically change the fan speed based on temperature changes, while LCD1602 display with the detected temperature and the set temperature.

Keywords: 80C4 machine; PID parameters; Darlington reverse drive ULN2003A

目 录

1 绪论 ........................................................ 1.1 概述.................................................... 1.2 论文研究的内容和结构安排.................................

2 PID控制....................................................... 2.1 PID控制的特点...................................... 2.2 PID的优缺点............................................... 3 系统的整体设计方案............................................ 3.1 系统整体方案............................................. 3.2 主控模块................................................. 3.2.1 单片机的定义....................................... 3.2.2 89C51单片机内部结构................................ 3.2.3 单片机的引脚介绍................................... 3.2.4 89C51单片机的工作原理.............................. 4 电路设计................................... ................. 4.1 电源电路设计.......................................... 4.2 按键电路设计............................................ 4.3 显示电路设计............................................ 4.4 定时电路设计............................................ 4.5 温度显示电路............................................ 4.6 电机驱动电路............................................ 5 程序设计..................................................... 5.1 protues简介............................................

5.2用Keil uVision4编写程序................................... 5.3 用Protues进行仿真...................................... 6 结束语.......................................................

