《中学英语搭配词典》WORD版:W Y

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1. wait for 等待,等候。如:

Please don’t wait for me. 请为必等我了。 Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不待人。 We must wait for a fine day. 我们等一个晴天。

2. wait for sb (sth) to do sth 等某人(某事物)做某事。如: We wait for you to decide. 我们等你作出决定。 We are waiting for the rain to stop. 我们在等雨停。 3. wait on [upon] sb 侍候某人,招待某人。如:

We must get enough people to wait on [upon] the guests. 我们找足够的人来招待客人。 They wait on [upon] the customers very well in the shop. 这个商店待顾客很好。 4. wait one’s turn 轮候。如:

You must to wait your turn to see the doctor. 你必须要轮候到你才能看医生。 5. wait sth for sb 为某人而推迟(开饭)。如: Don’t wait dinner for me. 别等我吃饭了。 6. wait to do sth 等着做某事。如:

Are you waiting to use the phone? 你在等着用电话吗? We shall wait to hear from you. 我们将等你的回音。


2. wake up

(1) 醒,醒来。如:

Wake up! It’s eight o’clock. 醒醒吧,八点了。 Has he woken up yet? 他醒了没有? (2) 吵醒,弄醒。如:

The noise woke me up. 这声音把我吵醒了。

Don’t make a noise or you will wake up the baby. 不要出声,不然会把孩子吵醒的。 (3) 意识到。如:

He hasn’t woken up to the seriousness of the situation. 他还没意识到情况的严重性。 3. wake to do sth 醒来……。如:

He woke to find that it was snowing. 他醒来时发现在下雪了。 She woke to find herself famous. 她一觉来,发现自己出名了。


1. want doing sth 需要做某事。如:

The machine wants repairing. 这机器需要修理。

The old man wants looking after. 这位老人需要照顾。 注:有时用不定式的被动形式。如:

The room wants cleaning. / The room wants to be cleaned. 这房间需要打扫了。 2. want sb to do sth 要某人做某事。如:

We want him to come at once. 我想要他马上来。 I want you to think it over. 我希望你好好想一想。


3. (not) want sb doing sth (不)希望或(不愿意)做某事。如:

I don’t want you getting into trouble again. 我不希望你再去惹麻烦。 注:访结构主要用于否定句。

4. want sb (sth) done 要某人(某事)被……。如:

I want the letter (to be) posted at once. 我想把这信马上寄走。

We don’t want anything said about this. 我们希望不要再谈起这事了。 5. want to do sth 想要做某事。如: I want to stay. 我想留下。

He wanted to go abroad. 他想出国。 war

1. be at war (with) (与……)处于交战状态。如:

The country has been at war with its neighbor for three years. 这个国家与邻国交战已有三年了。 2. declare war on [upon] 向……宣战

War was formally declared on Spain by the United States on the 25th day of April, 1898. 美国于1898年4月25 日正式向西班牙宣战。

3. go to war 开战,进入战争状态。如:

At last the country went to war with its neighbor. 这个国家终于与其邻国开战了。 The king decided to go to war against his enemies. 国王决定对敌开战。


1. warn sb against doing sth 告诫某人不要做某事。如:

The doctor warned the patient against smoking. 医生告诫病人不要抽烟。

The teacher warned the children against playing on the street. 老师告诫孩子们不要在街上玩。 2. warn sb against [about] sb (sth) 告诫某人提防某人(某事) 。如: He warned us against pickpockets. 他叫我们提防扒手。

The police have warned shopkeepers about the forged banknotes. 警察已通知各店主要留意假钞。 3. warn sb of sth 警告(通知)某人会有某情况。如: We warned him of the danger. 我们警告过他有危险。 The teacher warned us of the test. 老师通知我们要考试。 4. warn sb that-clause 警告某人……。如:

I have warned him that it is not allowed. 我警告过他这是不允许的。

I warn you that it is dangerous to swim here. 我警告你,在这里游泳是很危险的。 5. warn sb (not) to do sth 告诫某人(不)要做某事。如: I warned him to be careful. 我告诫他要小心。

The doctor warned him not to eat oily food after the operation. 医生告诫他手术后不要吃油腻食物。 比较:He warned me not to going out at night. / He warned me against going out at night. 他叫我不要晚上出去。


1. a waste of 浪费……。如:

It’s a waste of time doing that. 做那事是浪费时间。 It’s a waste of money to buy that. 买那东西是白费钱。

In his opinion, holidays are a waste of time and money. 在他看来,度假是浪费时间和金钱。


