外研七年级上M4U1导学案 第1课时

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普市第七中学初一英语《导学案》 Module4 Healthy food Unit 1 We’ve got lots of apples. 初一英语教师 第1课时 主备人 课题 课型 教研组长签名 Listening and speaking 学1、会用本课所学的新词汇。 习2、学会分辨可数名词与不可数名词,并会给可数名词加复数形式。 目3、some、any 的用法。 标 重难点 重点:1、会用本课所学的新词汇。 2、学会分辨可数名词与不可数名词,并会给可数名词加复数形式。 难点: some、any 的用法。 [fu:d] [dri?k] ['k?ndi] [fru:t] [mi:t] ['ved?t?bl] ['?pl] [bi:n] [bi:f] ['k?r?t] ['t?ikin] ['t??k(?)l?t] 预['k?fi] ['k??l?] 习 检[d?u:s] [milk] 测 [p?'teit??] [ti:] [t?'mɑ:t??] ['w?:t?] [??p] 去买东西,去购物 [get] 有;拥有 [s?m; s(?)m] [m?t?] [kaind] 太多 [s??] 大量;许多 (征求意见) ……好么?……行吗? [h?z] [b?d] [h?v] 二.重点短语 1. let’s do sth. 让我们去做某事 2. too much 太多( +可数名词复数 ) 3. too many 太多( +不可数名词) 4. How about… ? ……好吗?……行吗? 5.have/has got... 某人有...... 6.healthy food and drink 健康的饮品和饮料 unhealthy food and drink 不健康的饮品和饮料 7.go shopping for sth. =go to buy sth 去买...... 8.be good for... 对......有好处 9.be bad for… 对......有害处 10.lots of...= a lot of...=many+可数复数 大量的......;许多...... lots of...= a lot of...=much+不可数 11.get sth for sb=buy sth for sb 为某人买...... 12.what kind of... 什么种类的...... 一、导入 (一)Read and write the name of the food and drink in the pictures.活动一 (二)Label the food in the pictures with the words from the box. candy, fruit, meat, vegetables, drink (三)Show your song and then lead in “ have/has got…” 展二、听力训练 示 (一)小听力 1. Listen and check (√) the food and drink Betty and her mother have got. 活动三 2.听后说(Work in pairs. 自由组合或者小组竞争。) (二)大听力 1. Listen and answer the questions. (1)Have they got lots of apples? (2)Has Tony’s mum got any coffee? (3)Have they got any oranges? (4)Have they got any chicken? (5)Has Tony got any Cola? (6)Is too much chocolate good for our healthy? 2. Listen again and complete the table. 活动五 3. Listen a third time and fill in the blanks. A= Tony’s dad B=Tony A: Tony, let’s _________ for food and drink. Now, we haven’t ______ meat. Let’s get some chicken. B: OK. Have we _____ any ________? A: Yes, we have. ________ chocolate isn’t ______ you. Let’s get some ______. B: What ______ fruit? Apples? A: No, we’ve got _____ apples. We _________ any oranges, so let’s get some. B: OK. _________ some orange juice? A: Yes, good idea! And coffee. Let’s get some for your _______. She hasn’t _________. B: All right, some coffee for Mum, and some ______ for me. I haven’t got any cola. A: No cola! Cola _______ you! How about some tea? B: Oh, too bad! 三、理解对话内容 Read and understand the meaning of the dialogue. If you have any questions, discuss them in groups. 四、朗读 1. Read the passage after the recorder。 2. 在小组内进行pairwork,分别扮演Tony and Tony’s father,每组派代表表演对话。 五、综合运用(先利用本模块的话题练习,然后再把思维拓展开) Work in pairs. Make a shopping list. Student A: Make a list of things you haven’t got. Student B: Make a list of things you’ve got. Make a dialogue according to Tony and his father’s dialogue. 六.Read the dialogue by yourselves,then answer the questions: 1.Is chocolate good for you? 2.Why doesn't Tony's father buy some cola? 1.选择 ( ) 1). Have you got ____ fruit? A. some B. any C. a D. an ( ) 2). Here is a ______. 反馈 A.banana B.fruit C. salad D. ice cream ( ) 3). I can’t see ______ water in the bottle. A. some B. only C. much D. any 2.找出下面句子中的一处错误并加以改正。 1、Are there any juice in the glass? _______ →_______ 2、They haven’t got some carrots. _______ →_______ 3、There have some melon in the glass. _______ →_______ 4、I want three glasses of milks. _______ →_______ 5、I have got two tomatos. X k b 1 . c o m _______ →_______ 1.Tell the difference between some and any, many and much. 2. Help mum or dad go shopping by yourself. 作业 通过本课学习,我的问题表现在: ________________________________________________________________ 后________________________________________________________________ 记 ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

