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.Unit 1


what does----working why----worked what kind----journalism 8/19

when will----work Taila works----know Talia is----reporter Tony is----boss Talia`s hair----take 10/19

What does Amy----party What is----Background What does Tony----big 11/19

Amy says----guy Talia tells----little Amy tells----konw Tony says----bit 12/19

take/a/break/why/not/some/other /time/party/available/listen /without/talk/to/you/about /researching/background/work /on/hoping/for/break/may/be/it /By/the/way


Which one----work What is----often How is----very About Robin----any About Robin`s----class


Kind /of/ it's /about /right/ I /did /past /three /years/ paid/ off /earned /break/ the/ case /in /comparison/ to/ depends/ on/ a/ lot /harder/ in /general/ my /roommate /way /too/ for/ myself/ a/ balance


confident/relaxed/tense/in a bad mood


1)How about 2)too 3)Why don't 4)enough 5)Let's 6)to walk 3/5

1)am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing 4/5

unique/seriously/mention/journalism 5/5 3 1 1 2 3 1 Unit 2 3/19

What are----Gossiping What do Tony----Nick The information----money 8/19

In the----couldn't Amy has----has fallen Last year----lost If the information----won't 10/19

Whar is Amy----Make a copy Why does----bribe

What does----first Who knows----Talia


Talia----took Tony says----doesn't Tony is----able 12/19

get/ expert /run/ broadcast /competition/ In/ fact/ Speaking/ ought/ to/ give/ way/ Good/ thinking /handle /care /audio/ expert/ fast/ on/ it/ You/ do/ hard/ to/ believe/ wake /up/ smell /the/ coffee/ crazy/ famous/ taking/ a/ bribe/ smart/ I/hope /get /in /the/ way /work/ on


What's her----She would What did----The rest Baesd on----There is Did she think----She thought Did she hear----little bit 1B/5

heard/about/was/caught/they/say/what/to/think/stuff/you'd/like/to/really/convinced/actually/natural/athlete/in/the/season/any/opinion/about/disqualify/for/the/sake/of/shame/to/in/trouble/with/start /rumors 2A/5

fall----come to owe arise----come up What----What a shame Thar's----That's not not take----sit out scandal----disgraceful 2B/5 1232 3/5

212331 4/5

Forward /eliminate /apparently/ incredible 5/5 211132

Unit 3 3/19

Who said----Nick What doesn't----career What does----star 8/19

Tony asks----Nick Nuck says----not When did----More


At the----time What will----let What is----Crawford What does----go 11/19

Tony gets----finished Talia thinks----knows Talia says----It won't Tony warns----trick her


Bad/news/audio/expert/check/urgent/be/sure/absolutely/sure/have/an/idea/may/remember/confide/in/reporter/researcher/chance/lose/one/more/day/only/one/more/day/won't/be/sorry/story/get/tell/me/everything/deserve/a/break/story/charming/charm/out/of 1A/5

What's the----whale There were----needed

Based on----sale Why didn't----like What would----Pop


was/thinking/That/would/be/ok/this/new/mall/having/a/sale/kind/of/a/whole/lot/less/just/really/end/up/using/little/Well/girl/the/whale/sounded/really/good/a/lot/a/lot/less/you/know/what/treat/you/to 2A/5

figure it out/investigate/result/make sense/ruined 2B/5

urgent----very important to put----risk semester----one of the

to confide----trust in charm sb.----to persuade scandal----a disgraceful 3A/5 1213 3B/5CB 4/5

Bench /expert/scandal/semester 5/5 1311213

Unit 4

3/19who--NIck find out--any way remember--a little 8/19 amusing

English literrtute glad



10/19 What is--qualifying match At the--unfair

Whick of--didn't you What dose--soccer 11/19 He think Talia--doesn't Talia says--trust Nick gave--innocent He probably feels--angry


listen/your/side/of/the/story/Nope/all/alike/judge/me/trust/only/goal/helping/win/deal/with/mess/charges/serious/threw/a/game/gambling debts/gave/access/to/stop/from/Did/you/or/didn't/you/throw/the/game/get/show/viewers/Take/your/pick/innocent 1A/5

One of--doesn't When was--Recently Which statement--He works About this--Those two How does--He looks not good


ran/into/my/gosh/doing/fantastic/the/same/old/how/exciting/perfect/for/or/something/like/that/a/boring/job/gets/to /telemarketing/telephone/company

2A/5 give someone--allow someone newspersons--journalists

throw a game--plan to your side--a partial

2B/5 Take a pick /Take it easy/Take your time/Take a look 3A/5 a a the a

3B/5 aren't I/will you/does she/could he/hasn't he/doesn't she/didn't I/wasn't he 4/5 no/ss/ar/al/um

5/5 I think I know you. How have you been?

No,I'am sorry. I'm afraid you've got the wrong person. It was great to see you again. Here's my card.


1/3 When did--when he was a teenager How did--making a living

2/3 Nick thinks--the same Nick implies--Which story 3/3 plays/poetry/television station 1/3 in a bad mood /exhausted 2/3 trustworthy/dishonest 3/3 take it easy--relax

figure out--be able to make sense of scandal--disgraceful action

throw a game--plan to lose a sports game take your time--don't hurry innocent--not guilty of a crime

1/3 are /am /Let's go /too much /why don't I

2/3 1)received 2)are going to 3)ever 4)should 5)'d better

3/3 1)aren't you 2)an 3)was 4)the 5)have seen 6)good 7)my 8)am able to 9)different 10)haven't been able to

1/5 略 这个我也补怎么懂 嘿嘿 2/5 busy/serious/talk

3/5 tonight--different probably--same 4/5 这些额听音标的。。。不会啊 我~~~~~~额,不好意思啊~ 5/5 sit on the bench--rising have some questions--rising 1/3 That's incredible

I'm sorry,but I have other plans 2/3 I was sort of hoping it sounds really cool

I just don't want to go shopping that would be a little more fun That sounded really good

3/3 if you put it that way

I will spend a lot too if I go shopping That's true

I just don't feel like it Let's go see the movie then

Unit 6答案:

3/19 1.She was with Nick that day. 2.Talia. 3.No,because the result of the

audit suggests the other way around.

8/19 1.he owes someone money 2.can't believe it's real 3.she believes Nick

may be innocent. 4.people sometimes do things that don't make sense

5.Making money 6.I believe that he didn't do it 7.Nick put $50,000

into his bank account before the match.

10/19 1.Talia should work with John on the story.

2.The bank statement shows that Nick is probably guilty.

3.He believes they have enough evidence now.

4.He says she should be more skeptical.

11/19 1.they have to air the story before the competition does

2.sometimes the truth is hidden

3.wants to finish the story by herself even more

4.Tony will be proud of her work

12/19 keep investigating , have no choice , going with , beat us to it ,

You've got to admit , missing something , as they seem , in this case ,

too trusting , skeptical , all right working on , fair , let my emotions color

my judgment , let me down , won't be sorry

