
更新时间:2024-06-05 06:05:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




二.单词拼写(5分)(从A,B,C,D四个选项中,找出正确的拼写形式 1.__r__nge A.o; o B.o; a C.a; e D.o; u 2.r__ __m A.ee B.ia C.oo D.ea 3.m__ther A.a B.e C.u D.o 4.th__ __e A.ur B.ir C.re D.ar 5.cl__ __s A.es B.as C.os D.is

三.词形转换(10分)根据括号中的要求,写出下列单词的相应形式. 1.she(宾格)___________ 2.family(复数形式)____________ 3.box(复数)___________ 4.white(反义词)___________ 5.they(单数)__________ 6.boy (复数)_________ 7.these(单数)_________ 8.I (宾格)________

9.yes(反义词)_________ 10.that(复数形式)_________ 四.选择填空(20分)

( )1.This is a __________.

A.apple B.apples C.banana D.bananas ( )2.What is _____ name?

A.she B.her C.he D.him

( )3.- , where is the toilet? -Over there.

A. Excuse me B. Sorry C. How are you D OK

( )4.Look! That's _____ bike.

A.he B.his C.he's D.Tom ( )5.Jim is ______ English boy. A.a B.an C.the D./

( )6.This is ______ apple. It's ______ big apple. A.an; an B.a; a C.an; a D.a; an

( )7.That's my ________ .

A.pencil-box B.a pencil-boxC.the pencil-box D.pencil-boxes ( )8.Tom and Jim _________ in Grade One. A.am B.is C.are D.be

( )9.---- What______ that? ---- It's a Chinese book. A.am B.is C.are D.be

( )10.---- What______? ---- They are red cars. A.is that B.those are C.that is D.are those

( )11.---- Is that an English book? ---- _________.

A.Yes, it is B.Yes, they are C.No, it is D.No, they aren't ( )12._________ is your father? He is fine.

A. Where B. Who C. How D .what

( )13.--- Is your friend a boy or a girl ? --- __________ .

A.Yes, he's a boy B.Yes, she's a girl

C.They're boys D.He's a boy

( )14 ----Hello, Jim! ---- __________

A Hello, Gina! B. What’s your name? C. Thank you. D. I am Bob. ( )15.Please call me ______ 289-6578

A. in B. for C. on D. at

( )16.---- How do you do? ---- ________

A.Fine, thank you. B.All right.C.I'm OK. D.How do you do? ( )17.---- Thank you very much. ---- __________.

A.Thank you. B.That's all right. C.No D.Good ( )18.----Is that a pencil? ----__________

A. That is B. Yes, that is. C. Yes, it’s D. Yes, it is.

( )19 ---Is this your _________? --- Yes, she is.

A. sister B. brother C. father D. son

( )20.The ball is ________ the bed, _______ the floor. A. under; on B. under; in C. on; on D. in; under


1.Their bags are black. (对划线部分提问)

are their bags? 2.These are buses.(改单数) _________________________

3.He is an English teacher.(改一般疑问句) ____________________________

4.That is my dictionary.(改为复数) ______ are my __________.

5.His keys are on the dresser. (改为否定句) _______________________________________ 六.连词成句(7分)

1.not, her, this, bike, is, (.) __________________________________ 2.am, in, I, not, two, class, (.) __________________________________ 3.his, are, these, pictures, (.) ________________________________ 4.pencils, your, are, these, (?) ____________________________________ 5.books are chair the on (. ) _________________________________________ 6.is, my, where, school-bag (?) ___________________________________

7.thanks, the, photo, for, family, of, your ________________________________ 七.完形填空 10分

Please look at the picture of my family. There are(有) 1__ people in my family. This 2 my father. 3 name is Tom Green. This is my mother. 4 stands(站) near my father. I 5 _ the girl near my mother. Near my father, 6 are my two 7 . They are 8 in No.1 Middle School. 9 names are Tim and Tony. Can you see my 10 ? She is the little girl near my brothers.

( ) 1 A. two B.four C. six D. ten ( ) 2 A. is B.are C. am D. be ( ) 3 A. Her B. My C. His D. Him ( ) 4 A. He B. She C.Her D. They ( ) 5 A. are B. is C.am D. be

( ) 6 A. she B. these C.them D.he

( ) 7 A. brothers B. sisters C. parents D. uncles ( ) 8 A. student B. students C.girls D.brothers ( ) 9 A. Their B.They C.Them D.He

( ) 10 A. uncle B. aunt C. sister D.brother 八.阅读理解 (20分)

(A) 阅读短文判断正误,正确写T, 错误写F

Our Classroom

Our classroom is very big and bright. On the walls there are some maps and pictures. There is a nice clock on the front wall. There is a TV set in front of the room. There are many desks and chairs in the room.

Some students in our class clean the classroom every day. We think it’s very happy to study in the clean place.

1. The reading room is small but bright. T F 2. There is a nice clock on the back wall. T F

3.There is a TV set in front of the room. T F 4. Every day all the students clean the classroom. T F 5. We think it’s happy to study in the clean place. T F B

My name is Jeff. I’m English. But now I live in China. I am a student . This is my classroom. Fifteen small desks and thirty chairs are in the classroom. They are for my classmates and me. A big desk is in the classroom, too. It’s for my teacher. A clock is on the back

wall of the classroom. Next to the clock is a map. It’s a map of China. My classroom is nice and clean. I like it very much. ( )6. Who is Jeff?

A. A schoolboy. B. A schoolgirl. C. A Chinese student. ( ) 7What is Jeff talking about(Jeff在谈论什么)? A. The family B.The school C.The classroom ( ) 8 What’s on the back wall of the classroom?

A. A clock B. A map C.A map and a clock

( ) 9 How many(多少)small desks are there in the classroom? A. Fifteen B.Sixteen C. Thirty

( ) 10 What does the undernined(划线的) “it ” mean(意思是…) in the passage(短文)?

A. The classroom B.The map of China C. The big desk

九.口语应用:.根据意思将下列对话排列顺序。(10分) 1. ( ) What’s your name ?

2. ( ) I’m fine. Thank you. And you? 3( ) It’s a ruler .

4.(A ) Good morning !

5.( ) Yes , R-U-L-E-R , ruler .

6.( ) My name’s James . How are you, Mrs Li? 7.( ) Good morning ! 8.( ) Goodbye !

9.( ) I’m fine , too . Excuse me, Mrs Li . What’s this in English? 10.( ) Thank you , goodbye . 11.( ) Can you spell it , please ?

十.从B栏各句中找出A栏各句的相应答句,并把答案写在括号内。(5分) ( )1.Is the cat behind the sofa? A. No, it isn’t. ( )2.Is it a map? B. Yes, they are.

( )3.Are these your cousins? C. It’s black and blue .

( )4.What color is your bag? D. That’s OK ( )5.Does he like bananas? E. No. it’s on the sofa

F. Yes, he does.


根据对话内容,在空格内填上所缺的单词使对话完整,每空一词。 Li Lei: Excuse __1__, Jim. Who’s ___2___ man? Jim: He’s my father. Li Lei: Who’s that woman? Jim: __3___ my mother. Li Lei: And __4___ that your sister?

Jim: __5___, it is. Li Lei: What’s ___6____ name? Jim: Sally.

Li Lei: How do you __7___ it? Jim: S-A-L-L-Y. Li Lei: ___8____ that? Jim: Oh, that’s her cat. Its(它的) __9___ ___10__ Mimi.




1._____ 2._______ 3.________4._______ 5.________ 三.词形转换(10分)

1._____ 2._______ 3_________4.________5._________ 6._____7._________8._________9.________10_________ 四.选择填空(20分)

1._____ 2._______ 3_________4.________5._________ 6._____7.________8.__________9.________10._________ 11.____12._______13._________14._______15.__________ 16.____17______18.__________19.________20_________ 五.句型转换(10分)

1._________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________ 4.___________________________________________ 5.___________________________________________ 六.连词成句(7分)

1.____________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________

4.______________________________________________ 5.________________________________________________ 6.________________________________________________ 7.__________________________________________________ 七.完形填空(10分)

1._____ 2._______ 3_________4.________5._________ 7._____7.________8.__________9.________10._________ 八.阅读理解(20分)

1._____ 2._______ 3_________4.________5._________ 6_____7.________8.__________9.________10._________ 九.口语排序(10分)

1._____ 2._______ 3_________4.________5._________ 6_____7.________8.__________9.________10._________ 十.找相应答语(5分)

1._____ 2._______ 3_________4.________5._________ 十一.补全对话(10分)

1._____ 2._______ 3_________4.________5._________ 6_____7.________8.__________9.________10._________


