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外贸知识 2007-09-03 12:42:43 阅读3 评论0 字号:大中小 订阅 1.Trade-related Terms 贸易相关术语 A.贸易
Foreign Trade 对外贸易 Entrepot Trade F。) 转口贸易 Home (Domestic)Trade 内贸 Coastal Trade 沿海贸易
Cross-border Trade 边境贸易 Barter Trade 易货贸易
Compensation Trade 补偿(互补)贸易
Bilateral trade (between China and the US) (中美)双边贸易 Multilateral Trade ( Multilaterism ) 多边贸易
Trading House/Corporation/Firm/Company 贸易公司 Liner Trade 集装箱班轮运输 B.合同
Contract 合同
Active service contracts on file 在备有效服务合同 Sales Contract 销售合同
Sales Confirmation 销售确认书 Agreement 协议
Vessel sharing Agreement 共用舱位协议 Slot-sharing Agreement 共用箱位协议 Slot Exchange Agreement 箱位互换协议 Amendment 修正合同 Appendix 附录 Quota 配额 C.服务合同
Service Contract as provided in the Shipping Act of 1984, a contract between a shipper (or a shippers association) and an ocean carrier (or conference)in which the shipper makes a commitment to provide a certain minimum quantity of cargo or freight revenue over a fixed time period,and the ocean common carrier or conference commits to a certain rate or rate schedules as well as a defined service level (such as assured space,transit time, port rotation or similar service features)。The contract may also specify provisions in the event of non-performance on the part of either party 服务合同
A service contract is a confidential contract between a VOCC and 1 or more shippers in which the shipper(s) make a cargo commitment, and the carrier makes a rate and service commitment.
服务合同是一家有船承运人与一个和多个托运人签订的保密合同, 在合同中托运人对货量作出承诺,承运人对运价和服务作出承诺。 Only a VOCC (or agreement of VOCCs) may enter into a service contract as carrier.
只有有船承运人(有船承运人协议)可以作为承运人签订服务合同。 NVOCCs may enter into service contracts as shippers, but not as carrier.
无船承运人可以作为托运人来签订服务合同,但不可以作为承运人签订服务合同。 Allows a carrier to lawfully charge a negotiated, non-tariff rate. 允许承运人合法地收取已达成协议的,非运价本运价。 Allows parties to keep the negotiated rate confidential. 允许签约方对已达成协议的运价保密。
Today, the vast majority of liner cargo in the U.S. trade moves under confidential service contracts.
目前,绝大多数美国航线的班轮货物通过保密的服务合同运输。 Must be with qualified shipper(s).
Must include shipper cargo commitment and carrier rate and service commitments. 必须包括托运人货量承诺,承运人运价和服务承诺。 Must include shipper certification. 必须有托运人的身份证明。
Must be signed by the carrier and the shipper. 必须由承运人和托运人签署。 Must be filed with the FMC. 必须向FMC登记
Electronic filing is permitted. 允许电子登记
Rates kept confidential - certain “essential terms” published. 运价保密 -一些“基本条款”公布 Service Contract Form 服务合同的格式
Term 1 = origin. 条款1 = 启运地 Term 2 = destination. 条款2 =目的地
Term 3 = a list of commodities. 条款3 = 商品类别 Term 4 – MQC 条款4 = 最低箱量
Term 5 = Service Commitments 条款5 = 服务承诺 Term 6 = Rate Schedule 条款5 = 费率表
Term 7 - Liquidated Damages Clause 条款7 = 清算损失条款 Term 8 – Contract Term 条款8 = 合同期限
Term 9A = Legal names of contract parties. 条款9A = 合同方的法定名称 Term 9B = Identity of contract signatories. 条款9B =签字人的身份 Term 9C = Date the contract was signed. 条款9C = 合同签字日 Other Provisions 其它条款
Term 10 = shipper certification. 条款10 = 托运人的身份 Term 11 = contract records. 条款11 = 合同记录
Term 12 = other provisions (including force 条款12 =其它条款(包括不可 majeure, cancellation, arbitration, and 抗拒力,终止,仲裁和 assignment clauses). 转让 条款) Signature Block 签字栏 The Shipper Party 托运方
Is the Shipper Party qualified? 托运方是否合格?
Must be cargo owner, NVOCC, or shipper?s 必须是货主,无船承运人和托运人协会association. Cannot be freight forwarder. 不可以是货运代理人
Is the shipper party the party that will use 托运方是否为合同的使用方?
the contract?
Cannot be agent or affiliate of shipper party. 不可以是托运方的代理和附属公司 Exception: Affiliate of BCO may be shipper 特殊情况:如果直接货主的附属 party if it will be responsible for the freight. 公司负责运费,其可以是托运方。 Must Use Full Legal Name 必须使用法定的全称
The full legal name and business address 服务合同中必须显示
of the shipper party must appear on the 托运方的法定全称和营业地址。 service contract.
Should usually include a corporate identifier 通常必须包括公司的标志符 (Inc., Ltd., Co.). (Inc., Ltd., Co.)
Contract heading, Term 9, and signature 合同的标题,第9条款 block should match. 和签字栏必须一致。 Affiliates 附属公司
Shipper party may list affiliates entitled to use 托运方可以在合同第9条款中 the service contract in Section 9. 列入有权使用服务合同的附属公司。 An affiliate is a person that controls, is 附属公司是指拥有托运方,
controlled by, or is under common control 被托运方拥有或被同一公司拥有的实体。 with, the shipper party.
The full legal name and business address of 必须包括每一个附属公司 each affiliate must be included. 的法定全称和营业地址。
Trade names may also be indicated in 除法定全称外,也可列入商号。 addition to the full legal name.
NVOCCs may not list affiliates. 无船承运人不可列入附属公司。 When the Service Contract May be Used 何时可以使用服务合同? A service contract may not be used until the 只有在SECAUCUS办公室 Secaucus office notifies the agent that the 通知代理服务合同已经向FMC
service contract has been filed with the FMC. 登记后,服务合同才可以使用。
The Secaucus office will issue Daily Filing Notices. SECAUCUS办公室将发出“每日登记通知”。 Enforcement of Service Contract Terms 服务合同条款的执行
not to deviate from the service contract terms. 不可以偏离服务合同条款。 A contract may be amended to reduce MQC or 服务合同可进行修改减少 extend the contract term. 最低箱量或延长服务合同
If the MQC (as amended, if applicable) is not 如果最低货量没有完成, satisfied, an invoice for liquidated damages 在合同到期后30天内 must be issued within 30 days of the end of 发出清算损失发票。 the service contract term.
Service Contract must be with qualified shipper. 服务合同必须与合格的托运人签订。 Shipper Party is person that will use the contract. 托运方为将会使用合同的人。 Full name (and trade name, if any) and address of 条款9中必须显示托运方和 shipper party and any affiliates entitled to use the 任何有权使用合同的附属公司的 contract must appear in Term 9. 全称(和商号,如果有)和营业地址。
If contract is with Shipper?s Association, Members 如果与托运人协会签订合同,
entitled to use the contract must be listed. 合同中必须列入有权使用合同的成员公司。
All parties entitled to use contract must certify status. 所有有权使用合同的各方必须证明其身份。 Contract may not be used until filed with the FMC. 在没有向FMC登记前,合同不可以使用。 Only shipper party and named affiliates (or listed 只有托运方和指名的附属公司 members if SA) may use the contract. (或列入的托运人协会的成员公司)
可以使用合同。 D.条款
Contract Terms (and conditions ) 合同条款 Article 条 Section 节/项 Item 款
Stipulation 规定
Essential terms 必备(主要)条款 Revision 修改 Alteration 更改
Contract Signatory 合同签署方(人) Merchant 签约方
Head-Contractor 总承包商 Sub-Contractor 分包商
Parties to the contract 合同(协议签约)有关各方 E. 买卖方、中介
Manufacturer 制造(厂)商 Buyer 买方 Seller 卖方
Broker 中间人/ 掮客(跑街先生) Middle-man 中间人(商) OTI 远洋运输中介公司
NVO (NVOCC) Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier 无船承运人
NVOCC Services may include but are not limited to: 无船承运人提供的服务包括但不局限于:
1) purchasing transportation services from a VOCC and offering such services for resale to other persons向船舶承运人购买再向他人转售运输服务
2) payment of port to port or multi-modal transportation charges 支付港到港或全程多式联运费用 3) entering into affreightment agreements with underlying shippers 与大货主签订运输合同 4) issuing bills of lading or equivalent documents 签发提单或相同效用单证
5) arranging for inland transportation and paying for inland freight 安排内陆运输,从全程 charges on through transportation movements 运费中支付内陆运费
6) paying lawful compensation to ocean freight forwarders 向货代支付合理佣金 7) leasing containers 负责租用(集装箱)货柜
8) entering into arrangements with origin or destination agents 与始发地、目的地代理签 订合作协议,落实运作
Any person operating in the US as an NVOCC shall furnish evidence of financial responsibility in the amount of USD 75000
Ocean Freight Broker 远洋揽货代理( 船东订舱/营销代理 ) Ocean Freight Broker is an entity 远洋揽货代理系
which is engaged by a carrier to secure cargo for such carrier and/or offer for sale ocean transportation services which holds itself out to the public as one who negotiates between shipper or consignee and carrier for the purchase, sale,conditions and terms of transportation。由船东经营,专事为本公司揽货,提供远洋运输服务的机构。对外负责与收、发货人洽谈运输条款出售舱位等事宜。
An Ocean Freight Broker is not required to be licensed to perform those services。 远洋揽货代理无需专办经
Cargo Forwarding Agent / Cargo Forwarder 货运代理 Freight Forwarding / Forwarder 货运代理 Ocean Freight Forwarder 远洋货运代理人
Freight Forwarding services may include,but are not limited to: 货代服务包括但不局限于: 1) ordering cargo to port 安排将货物运送至港区(口)
2) preparing and/or processing export declarations 安排出口报关
3) booking,arranging for or confirming cargo space 安排订舱,确认舱位
4) preparing or processing delivery orders or dock receipts 安排装货单证(场站收据) 5) preparing and/or processing ocean bills of lading 安排海运提单 6) preparing or processing consular documents or 安排出口单证及 arranging for their certification 货物出口相关证书 7) arranging for warehouse storage 安排仓库储放 8) arranging for cargo insurance 安排货运保险
9) clearing shipments in accordance with Government 根据政府有关出口规定 export regulations 办理货物出口清关手续
10) preparing and/or sending advance notifications of shipments or other documents to banks,shippers,or consignees,as required缮制货运通知单及相关单证并按要求分送银行、货主或收货人 11) handling freight or other money advanced by shippers, 安排支付发货人应付海运费 or remitting or advancing freight or other money or credit 和其它费用;支付、电汇 in connection with the dispatching of shipments 海运费、及运输相关费用
12) coordinating the movement of shipments from origin to vessel 协调货物自出运地至船舶的运输
13) giving expert advice to exporters concerning letters of credit,other documents,license or inspections,or on problems about cargoes dispatch。为出口商提供有关信用证、其它单证、执照、检验及其与货物出运相关问题的专业咨询服务
Any person operating in the US as an Ocean Freight Forwarder shall furnish evidence of financial responsibility in the amount of USD 50000。在美国经营货代必需提供保证金50000美元 Shipping Agency / Agent 船务代理 Supplier / Provider 供方 F.公司
Head Office (Headquarters) 总公司 Board of Directors 董事会 Director 董事
CEO 首席执行官(总裁) CFO 财务总监
Regional Office 区域性公司 Local Office 地区公司 Affiliate 附属(子)公司 Branch Office 分公司 Sub-office 支公司 Subsidiaries 下属公司 Liaison Office 联络处
Rep. Office (Representative Office) 代表(办事)处 Chief Representative 首席代表 Group Company 集团公司
Conglomerate 集团公司(企业集团)
Shipper SPR 发货人/托运人
Shipper may mean : 发货人可以是:
1) a cargo owner 货物持有者(真正意义上的货主) 2) the person for whose account the ocean transportation is provided 远洋运输费用支付人
3) the person to whom delivery is to be made 收货人 4) a shippers? association 货主协会
an NVOCC that accepts responsibility for 承担支付运价本费率或服务 payment of all charges applicable 合同费用的无船承运人 under the tariff or service contract
Consolidator A company that consolidates freight owned by various parties into one container. 拼箱货发货人 Consignor 发货人 Consignee 收货人 Notify Party 通知方
Second Notify Party 第二通知方 H.客户
Customer /Client (customer) 客户
Direct Account ( customer ) 直接客户 Target Customer (目标)大客户
BCO Beneficial Owner of the cargo 直接货主(制造厂商) Big Accounts 大客户 VIP Customers 重要客户
Agreement / Contract Customer 协议客户 Long-term Customer 长期客户 Potential Customer 潜在客户 Picky customer 好挑剔的客户 I.谈判
Negotiation (Business Talk ) 谈判
Compromise ( Meet half-way ) 折衷妥协 50 / 50 ( fifty to fifty / fifty fifty ) 折衷 Win-Win 双赢
not a matter of percentage but principle 不是占多大比重而是原则问题 2.CONTAINER EXPORT PROCEDURE 出口集装箱简易出运程序
As EDI such as Cargo 2000, is more popular nowadays and used by both the VOCC and Customs, hardcopy Shipping Order is no longer widely used.
由于电子数据交换(如CARGO 2000)等在船公司和海关之间已相当普遍,书面的 托单已不如先前那样广为使用。
A。 To ascertain service and freight rate that are most appropriate from Carrier before booking is made;
B。 Upon booking, Carrier is to reserve space and deliver to shipper a shipping order informing shipper of the number of the container, which is to be fetched by
shipper at carrier?s container depot for their own packing;
订舱一经确认,承运人应保留舱位并向托运人签发托运单,告知有关集装箱箱号, 由托运人自行前往承运人指定集装箱堆场提箱,装箱。
C。 Shipper is to pack the container in full load at his plant or at his place of business 托运人则在其工厂或业务场所进行整箱装箱。
D。 Customs inspection is made ex-works before the container is locked and sealed 装箱后经由海关检验,锁妥、加封、出厂。
E。 Shipper to send it to CY ; Customs inspection can also be made at CY of the sent container before it is finally sealed;
托运人将集装箱送到港区CY(集装箱堆场); 海关检验亦可在港区CY进行,验妥后最终加封。
F。 Receiving clerk who is from the carrier or the carrier?s agent, at the dock is to receive the shipping order which will be exchanged for a dock receipt when the container has been delivered to the dock in order.
承运人(船公司)码头现场接载人员或船舶代理接收托运单,经检查集装箱外表 完好无损后,将场站收据交予托运方。
G。 With the dock receipt shipper is to change for B/L before the carrying vessel sails 托运人于订舱船舶开航前,至承运人(船公司)处凭场站收据换取提单。 H。 Shipper is to advise consignee of the effectuation of shipment 托运人通知收货人,货载已出运。
3.Shipping-related Terms 航运有关术语 A. 承运人
Shipping Lines 航运公司 Common carriers 公共承运人
OCC Ocean Common Carrier 远洋公共承运人
VOCC Vessel-Operating Common Carrier 船舶承运人 Vessel Sharing Carriers 共用舱位承运人 NVOCC 无船承运人
Master NVOCC 主装无船承运人
Tendering NVOCC 交运货物的无船承运人 Contract NVOCC 签约无船承运人
MTO Multi-modal Transport Operator 多式联运经营人
An MTO deals with all matters in relation to the conveyance of cargo entrusted to him from the point of shipment to the place of delivery, documentation and arrangements with sub-contractors at various breaking points to facilitate expeditious movement of cargo. In most cases it is necessary for him to appoint agents or correspondents at various points or even maintain subsidiary concerns at important transshipping points to attend to all the work necessary in connection with the movement of cargo. He assumes responsibility for the performance of the contract.
MTO Marine Terminal Operator 海运码头经营者 Vessel Operation MTO 经营多式联运的船舶承运人 NVO-MTO may be a road operator/rail operator/
airline operator/freight forwarder 不营运船舶的多式联运经营人 Controlled Carrier 受控承运人
Rates must be “just and reasonable” - compensatory. 运价必须是”公正的和合理的“-具有补偿性的
30 days notice required to increase or reduce tariff rates. 运价的上涨和下调登记30天后生效
Conference Carrier 公会承运人 Independent carriers 独立承运人
9th largest carrier serving the US 美线第9大承运人
Consortium ( Group of carriers pooling resources in a trade lane to maximize their resources effectively ) 联盟 Alliance 联盟 B. 竞争
Competitors 竞争对手
Player 竞争参与者(对手) Foreclose from 。。排斥在外
To preserve legitimate competition among all common carriers 保持公共承运人之间的合法竞争 C. 运输模式、网络
Transportation Network 运输网络 Pendulum Service 钟摆式服务模式 Loop Service 环扣式服务模式 Trunk Service / Line 干线
Feeder Service vessel employed in normally short sea routes to fetch or carry goods/containers to and from ocean-going vessels 支线 Common Feeder 公共支线 Coastal Transport 沿海运输 Barge / Lighter 驳船 D. 船
Self-owned Vessels 自有船 Time-chartered Vessels 期租船
Inbound Vessel / Homebound 进口(回程)船 Outgoing / Outbound Vessel 出口船
Liner Vessel plying a regular trade against a published sailing schedule 班轮 Slot Space on board a vessel occupied by a container 箱位 E. 航班 / 次
A weekly sailing 周班
A fixed day sailing 定日航班
A Friday(Tuesday / Thursday)sailing 周五班 A fortnight sailing 双周班 A bi-weekly sailing 周双班 A monthly sailing 每月班
On-schedule arrival / departure 准班抵离 Sailing frequency 航次密度
ETA Estimated(Expected) Time of Arrival 预计到达时间 ETB Estimated(Expected)Time of Berthing 预计靠泊时间 ETCD Estimated Time of Commencing Discharge 预计开卸时间 ETCL Estimated Time of Commencing Loading 预计开装时间 ETD Estimated(Expected) Time of Departure 预计离泊时间
The sailing Schedule/Vessels are subject to change without prior notice。船期/船舶如有变 更将不作事先通知
Closing Date Last day on which export cargo can be accepted 截止申报时间 for a nominated sailing.
Cut-off time Latest possible time the cargo may be delivered to 截关日 the vessel or designated point。 F. 港
Base Port 基本港
POD Port of Discharge (DPORT) / port of delivery 卸港 POD place of delivery 卸货地
Port of Arrival / Departure 抵达 / 驶离港 POL Port of Loading (LPORT) 装港 Port of Call 挂港 2nd Leg 第二挂港
FND Final Destination 交货目的地
end of carrier liability where carrier delivers the cargo to consignee Skip Over 跳(甩)港 Change of port of call 改港 Optional Port 选择港
COD Change of Destination 更改目的地(改港) Deviate 弯(绕)港
Diversions the route of a shipment changed in transit from that shown on B/L 弯港 Port congestion 压港(港口拥挤) Lay Time in Port 在港装卸时间 G.码头
Intercoastal water service between points on the Atlantic and the Pacific Coasts 美国东西岸水路运输
Intermodal movement of cargo or container between motor,rail or water carriers 多式联运 Port / Port 9 港口/码头(上港九区) Dock 码头 Quay 码头
Terminal 班轮靠泊码头
Container Terminal also referred to as a Container Yard (CY), A facility that receives full export containers from one shipper to loading the vessel and delivers full import containers to the consignee after; it is the same location where ocean vessels are loaded & unloaded. 集装箱码头 Wharf 靠泊码头 Jetty 突堤码头
STEVES Stevedores 码头工人 Docker 码头工人 Berth 泊位
Loading Berth 装箱泊位 Quayside / Apron 码头前沿
Depot container freight station or a designated area where empty containers can be picked up or dropped off 集装箱堆场/储运站 Container Loading List 集装箱装船报
Bay plan 预配图 / 集装箱船积载图(表) Slot No。 舱位(号码)
Pallet A platform with/without sides,on which packages may be loaded to facilitate handling 托盘
Stacking Yard 集装箱堆场 Bay number 排数 Row number 列数 Tier number 层高数
L/W/H Length/Width/Height 长/宽/高 On Deck containers 甲板以上装箱
Under Deck containers ( below ship containers) 甲板以下装箱 The ratio of under deck and on deck containers being 3 : 1 甲板上与舱内箱位数量比3:1
Deck storage, normally treated as being stowed under deck,
is definitely prone to accidents. 虽风险较大甲板装箱仍应视同舱内装箱 The capacity utility rate 箱位利用率
Load Factor percentage of loaded containers against total capacity
of vessel or allocation 装船率(所装箱量占全船箱位或口岸配额之比例) TDR Terminal Departure Report 离码头报告 H.装、拆箱
Pack/Stuff/Van (-ing) stowing cargo in a container 装箱 Devanning the removal of cargo from a container。
Also known as unstuffing,unpacking,unloading or stripping 拆箱
Consolidation ( the combination of many small shipments into one container ) 拼装 CLP Container Load Plan A document prepared to show all details of cargo loaded in a container e.g. weight ( individual and total), measurement, markings, shippers, consignees, the origin & destination of goods and location of cargo within the container 集装箱配载图
Container Number the unique identification of a container 箱号 Seal 集装箱箱封
Container Seal Number the number of high security seals provided by the carrier 箱封号 Locked and Sealed 集装箱已锁妥、封好 Partial Shipment 分批装运 I.吊
Shore Crane / Gantry Crane 岸吊 Portainer 集装箱岸吊 Mobile Crane 汽车吊 Fork Lift 叉车
Loading Platform 装卸平台 J. 保税
Bonded Area 保税区
Bonded Goods ( Goods in Bond) 保税货物 Bonded Warehouse 保税库
Caged stored at bonded warehouse 进入海关监管 K. 集卡
Road Transportation 公路运输
Lorry with IC Card 有白卡的集卡
Chassis a wheeled flat bed or a trailer to accommodate containers moving over the road 集卡 Tractor 牵引车/拖头 Low-bed 低平板车
Trailer 拖车 Transporter 拖车
DST Double Stack Train,capable of carrying 2 x 40? 可装2个高(双层)的火车 Trucking Company 车队(汽车运输公司) Haulage / Drayage 驳运/汽车陆运 Truck Transfer 汽车驳运 Axle load 轴负荷 Tire-load 轮胎负荷 Toll Gate 收费口 L. 船代
Shipping agent 船舶代理
Local shipping agent 当地船代 Handling Agent 操作代理
Booking Agent the party who secures FOB cargo 订舱代理 Shipping Agency network 代理网络
Boarding Agent / Clerk 代理外勤(登轮) Cargo Canvassing 揽货
FFF Freight Forwarding Fee 货代佣金 Brokerage / Commission 佣金 M. 供应
Procurement 采购
Ship-chandler 船舶供应商
Bunker Supplier 船舶燃料供应公司 Seamen?s Club 海员俱乐部 Travel Agency 旅行社
Couriers UPS/TNT/HDS/EMS 快递 N. 订舱 Booking 订舱
Booking Note 订舱单 Booking Number 订舱号
Dock Receipt a form used to acknowledge receipt of cargo at a pier 场站收据 M/F (Manifest ) a manifest that lists only cargo, without freight and charges 舱单 Cable/Telex Release 电放
A Circular Letter 通告信/通知书
PIC Person in Charge 具体负责操作人员 The said party 所涉及的一方
On Board B/L A B/L in which a carrier acknowledges that goods have been placed on board a certain vessel。Used to satisfy the requirements of a L/C On Board提单 Shut-Out containers/goods not carried on intended vessel 漏装箱 Missed Voyage Container 漏装箱 Cancellation 退关箱 O.中转
In bound vessel or cargo going to port of discharge or final destination 进口 In transit 中转
Transportation hub 中转港
Strategically located hubs 地处战略要地的中转港 T/S Transshipping / Transshipment 转运/转口
MLB Mini-Land Bridge / Mini-Bridge
cargo moving from/to an inland destination on one B/L from/to a foreign port through 2 US ports 小陆桥 Mislaid in transit 中转途中错卸 BP Base Port 基本港 Prompt release 即时放行
Permit for its unloading 允许卸船
PTT Permit to Transfer 中转货出港放行证 Transit time 航程时间 / 中转时间 Cargo availability at destination in。。 货物运抵目的地 Second Carrier (第)二程船
On carriage / second carriage 二程运输 Service-related Terms 运输条款相关术语
A. CY/CY (Y/Y) This CY to CY service means: 场到场
FCL/FCL Containers packed by Shippers off Carrier?s premises, and delivered to Carrier?s CY, accepted by Consignee at Carrier?s CY and unpacked off Carrier?s premises, all at the risk and expense of the cargo.。。for pick up intact by consignee
B. CY/CFS (Y/S) This CY to CFS service means : 场到站
FCL/LCL Containers packed by Shippers off Carrier?s premises and Delivered to Carrier?s CY, Unpacked by the Carrier at the destination port CFS, All at the risk and expense of the cargo 。。devanned by the carrier for loose pick up C. CFS/CFS (S/S) This CFS to CFS service means : 站到站
Cargo delivered to Carrier?s CFS to be packed by Carrier; To be unpacked by Carrier at Carrier?s destination port CFS; All at the risk and expense of the cargo。A kind of cargo movement by container. Delivered loose at origin point with vanning by carrier, devanned by carrier at destination, and picked up loose at destination.
D. CFS/CY ( S/Y) This CFS to CY service means : 站到场
Cargo delivered to Carrier?s CFS to be packed by Carrier; Accepted by Consignee at Carrier?s CY and Unpacked by Consignee off Carrier?s premises;All at the risk and expense of the cargo. E. D/D Door to Door 门到门
Containers can be fetched by carrier at sender?s place by using lorries or rail cars and conveyed to container terminal for loading. At the other end of journey the container can be delivered at receiver?s place upon arrival. F. Co-Load(-ing) 套约拼装
(1) The Combining of Cargo, in the import or export foreign commerce of the U.S., by 2 or more NVOCCs for tendering to the ocean carrier under the name of 1 master NVOCC.
(2) Carrier engages in co-loading by tendering cargo and/or receiving cargo from other NVOCCs. 承运人从别的NVOCC处接运货物进行套约拼装
(3) When shippers? cargo is tendered for co-loading to other NVOCCs the tendering NVOCC shall be liable to the shipper to the full extent provided in its Bill of Lading and such Bill of lading liability shall not be altered by co-loading.
(4) Shippers are responsible for payment of rates and charges only to the extent that such rates and charges are provided in this tariff.
(5) The carrier shall notify shippers that their cargo has been co-loaded by annotating each applicable Bill of Lading with the following statement ?Cargo covered by this Bill of Lading has been co-loaded with cargo of ( names of other NVOCCs)
(6) Carrier-to-Carrier Co-loading---carrier engages in co-loading under agreements with one or more other NVOCCs
(7) Shipper-to-Carrier Co-loading---when carrier engages in co-loading on a Shipper-to- carrier basis, carrier is responsible for the payment of all charges assessed by the NVOCC to which cargo was tendered. Shipper is responsible for freight and charges only to the extent that such are set forth in this tariff. 托运人跟承运人拼装------承运人做?托运人跟承运人拼装?时, 承运人应负责支付NVOCC所栏货源的海运费和附加费。托运人 仅按其费率规定支付费用
A. Is the master NVOCC the responsible filing party for all bills of lading in a co-loaded container ? 套约拼装箱所有的提单货是否都由主装的那家NVOCC负责报备?
答:目前美国海关边防总署给? master NVOCC (主装NVOCC) ?下的定义是:负责将箱子交由船舶承运人运输的NVOCC。具有自动申报的主装NVOCC负责为不具备自动申报各方货物的报备。而不具备自动申报条件的主装NVOCC则负责为不具备自动申报的各装家向承运人提供书面的货物申报单。
B. If all the NVOCCs in a co-loaded box are ?automated?, can each NVOCC file the information needed from its own bills of lading in AMS ?
套约拼装箱各家NVOCC都具备自动申报能力,是否每家都可以通过AMS各自报备自己提单货物的信息? 答:具备自动申报条件的主装NVOCC负责为向其提供书面申报的各家报备。具有自动申报能力的NVOCC参与拼装必须通过AMS系统直接向美国海关边防总署报备。不具备自动申报能力的NVOCC应向主装NVOCC提供货物申报信息,由其再将信息传送致美国海关边防总署。不具备自动申报条件的NVOCC在与一家具备自动申报能力的主装NVOCC拼装时,不许将货物申报信息提供给船舶经营人。
C. If each NVOCC can file, does the vessel carrier need to know how many NVOCCs are obliged to file in AMS for a container it is loading and transporting, and how would it know this ? Will each co-loading NVOCC have to list the vessel carrier as the Second Notify Party for its filing to be acceptable ?
如果每家NVOCC都可以报备,船舶承运人有无必要知道它所承运的拼装箱内到底有多少家是通过AMS报备 ?怎样才能够知道 ?是否参与拼装的每家NVOCC都要把船舶承运人列为第二通知方报备方可接受?
D. The commentary states that if a non-automated NVOCC is co-loading with an automated ?master? NVOCC, the non-automated NVOCC ?must fully disclose and present the required manifest for their cargo to the automated NVOCC who would be required to present this information to CBP via vessel AMS.? If the non-automated
co-loading NVOCC does not want to give its bill of lading information to the master NVOCC(a potential competitor), but comes to the vessel carrier to file its cargo declaration information via AMS, do the regulations permit this or is the AMS filing only to be done by the automated NVOCC ?
他的AMS系统进行报备,规定是否可以允许这样做?还是AMS报备必须要通过具有自动申报的NVOCC来做 ?
答:请参看上述问题B)的回答。 What is lawful co-loading? 什么是合法CO-LOADING? Two types: 二种类型:
Contract NVOCC issues its house bill of lading to Tendering NVOCC (“shipper-to-carrier” relationship).
签约NVOCC向交运货物的NVOCC签发提单(“托运人与承运人”关系) Contract NVOCC enters into co-loading agreement with Tendering NVOCC (“carrier-to-carrier” relationship).
签约NVOCC与交运货物的NVOCC签订CO-LOADING协议(“承运人与承运人”关系) 非法的货物 CO-LOADING
Carrier Failure to deal with Contract NVOCC.
Shipping order submitted by Tendering (non-contract) NVOCC. 托(运)单由交运货物的NVOCC直接提供给承运人 Freight invoice issued to Tendering NVOCC.
承运人直接向交运货物的NVOCC开具运费发票 Freight paid by Tendering NVOCC.
运费由交运货物的NVOCC直接向承运人支付 Result: Violation of the Shipping Act. 结果:违反航运法
Carrier failure to confirm carrier-to-carrier agreement between NVOCCs. 承运人没有确定NVOCC之间的承运人与承运人协议 Must see copy of the agreement. 必须看到协议复印件 Such agreements are rare. 此类协议很少
Carrier may deal directly with Tendering NVOCC. 承运人可以直接与交运货物的无船承运人打交道
Violation of Shipping Act if done knowingly. Could occur in co-loading situation. 明知故犯地违反航运法可能在CO-LOADING情况下发生
NVOCC license may be revoked for: Failure to maintain a bond; or A violation of the Shipping Act.
由于以下原因无船承运人的营业执照可能被吊销:或没有保持保证金处于有效;或违反航运法行为 IPI Inland Points Intermodal。Inland carriage by
another mode of transportation after discharge 内陆点多式联运 Rate-related Terms 运价、费收相关术语 Simplified rate structure 简明的运价结构 Clear service charges 清晰的费收标准 Transparent ocean freight 透明的海运运价 Ocean Freight 海运费 Sea Freight 海运费 Freight Rate 海运价 Charge / Fee (收)费 Dead Freight 空舱费
Dead Space Space in a car, truck, vessel, etc., that is not utilized 亏舱 Surcharge / Additional Charge 附加费 Toll 桥/境费
Charges that are below a just and reasonable level 低于正当合理的收费
The level compensatory to actual or constructive costs 与营运加折旧成本相当的水平 Low rates are now in session。 现在处于低运价时期
Rates required to maintain acceptable continuity 能维持正常营运的运价水平 Quote/Quotation/Offer 报价 Market Price Level 市场价水平 Special Rate 特价
Rock Bottom Price 最低底价
Best Obtainable Price 市场最好价
Price making mechanism 运价制定机制
Rate making ( procedure ) 运价制定(程序) Pricing System 制定运价体系
PP Freight Prepaid freight and charges are required to be paid by shipper before original B/L is released 预付运费 CC Freight to Collect 到付运费
Freight Payable At Destination 到付运费 Back Freight 退货运费 Fixed Price 固定价格
IA Action independent action 独自行动 Price Squeeze 运价挤压 Comm. Commission 佣金
Rebate a return of part of the freight payment 回扣/折扣 Volume Incentive 箱扣(箱量回扣)
OCP Overland Common Point 陆路共通点
IPI Interior Point Intermodal 内陆点多式联运(服务) Arbitrary Transportation to final destination beyond base port by feeder vessel or truck or other methods 内陆中转费 IHC Inland Haulage Charge 内陆托运费 OCP Overland Common Point 内陆点
OCP rates which are generally lower than local train rates, were establishe
by the US west coast steamship companies in conjunction with railroads serving the western US, so that cargo originating or destined to the American Midwest and East would be competitive with all-water rates via the US Atlantic and Gulf ports. OCP rates are also applicable to eastern Canada.
Drayage charge made for local hauling by dray or truck 拖运费 TVR Time Volume Rate 时间箱量运价 TRI Tariff Rate Item 费率本运价品名
N.O.S. Not Otherwise Specified (in this tariff) 未作特别规定 SPS Shanghai Port Surcharge 上海港附加费 GRI General Rate Increase 运价上调
SGRI Second General Rate Increase 第二次运价上调 GRD General Rate Decrease 运价下调
TGRD Temporary General Rate Decrease 临时运价下调 PSS Peak Season Surcharge 旺季附加费
Wharfage A charge assessed by a pier against freight handled over the pier 码头附加费 THC Terminal Handling Charge 码头操作附加费 ORC Origin Receiving Charge 始发接单费 CUC Chassis Usage Charge 拖车运费
IAC Inter-modal Administrative Charge(U.S. Inland Surcharge) 内陆运输附加费 ERS Equipment Re-positioning Surcharge 集装箱回空费 PCS Port Congestion Surcharge 疏港费
PCF Panama Canal Transit Fee 巴拿马运河费
SCF(C) Suez Canal Transit Fee (Charge) 苏伊士运河费 TRC Terminal Receiving Charge 码头接运费
ACC Alameda Corridor User Surcharge All cargo moving through the ports of Los Angeles or Long Beach that is transported by rail through or out of Southern California, shall be subject to a charge as specified in tariff. 南加州(洛杉机/长滩)铁路转运附加费
DDC Destination Delivery Charge (目的地卸货费)
A charge assessed by the carrier for handling positioning of a full container OAC Origin Accessory Charge 始发港杂费
TWCS U.S. West-coast Congestion Surchage 美西疏港费
LABL Less Advance Booking Allowance (提前定舱优惠价) FAK Freight All Kinds (同一费率)
Terms for consolidated freight and require 2 or more commodity items. (Any item described as ?Freight All Kinds? shall consist of a minimum of 2 different commodity items. Further restrictions to the item shall be contained in the individual Commodity item. )
System whereby freight is charged per container,irrespective of goods and according to a tariff。 STC Said to Contain
A standard clause used to protect carrier for cargo stuffed by shipper or its agents。 详见箱装货物 / 数量
WRS War Risk Surcharge 战争险附加费 BAF Bunker Adjustment Factor 燃油附加费 BKC (BC) Bunker Charge 燃油附加费
EBS Emergency Bunker Surcharge 紧急燃油附加费
EBAF Emergent Bunker Adjustment Facto 紧急燃油附加费 IFA Interim Fuel Adjustment 临时燃油附加费
CAF Currency Adjustment Factor 币值调整附加费
YAS (Japanese)Yen Adjustment Surchae 日元币值调整附加费 RRS Revenue Recovery Surcharge
TCS Temperature Controlled Cargo CFS Service Temperature Controlled Surcharge
COS Container Overweight Surcharge 集装箱超重附加费
DHC Destination Handling Charge at US ports/points 目的港/地操作费 HDS Hot Delivery Service 快速卸货服务(日本港)费 DO FEE Documentation Fee (Document Fee) 单证费 AMS Advance Manifest Security Charge MAF Manifest Amendment Fee 舱单改单费 C.O.D. Collect (cash) on Delivery 到付
Differential Rate An amount added on or deducted from base rate to make 差额运价 a rate to or from some other point or via another route。 Shipment-related Terms 货载相关术语
FOB (Free On Board ) 装运港船上交货
CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight)成本加保险、运费
Liner Terms freight includes the cost of loading onto and discharging from the vessel 班轮条款 Booking Instructions 订舱要求 Direct Shipment 直接货载 CL Container Load 集装箱货 FCL Full Container Load
FCL normally packed by shipper and conveyed to CY 满箱货 LCL Less Than Container Load 拼箱货
normally sent to carrier?s CFS for consolidation by carrier
Consolidated cargo : cargo containing shipments of 2 or more shippers, usually shipped by a firm called consolidator. The consolidator takes advantage of lower
FCL , rates and savings passed on to shippers 拼装货 Cargo / Goods / Merchandise 货物
Cargo Description / Description of Goods 货物品名 Commodity 商品 Catalogue 产品目录 Product 产品
By-product 副产品
Agri-Product / Agri-Produce 农产品 Project Cargo 项目货
Dangerous Used by IMCO for hazardous materials posing a significant risk to health,safety or property 危险品
Perishable Cargo subject to decay or deterioration 冷藏货
Unit Load packages loaded on a pallet or any other way that enables them to be Handled at one time as a unit 单位货载(1大纸箱/1托盘) FROB 过境货
For prompt shipment 立即出运 Cargo Supplier (供)货方 Upcoming Shipment 下一载货 Same Assignment 同一批货 Consignment 一票货
Nomination Cargo 指定(指派)货 Indicated / Nominated Cargo 指装货 Time-sensitive cargo 高时效要求货物 Less time-sensitive cargo 低时效要求货物 Shipments under B/L No。XXX XXX提单货
Double-deck load A second tier of cargo placed on top of the fir t tier 两层叠装 Dry Cargo cargo that does not require temperature control 普货(非温控货)
Awkward Cargo cargo of irregular size; requires prior approval on a case by case basis 畸形货 GDSM General Department Store Merchandise 百货 Cargo Volume 货量 Freight Volume 货量
Reefer Cargo 冷冻货
High-Value Cargo (goods) 高价货
To tender minimum cargo 提供最低限量货物 Cargo Description 货名 Miss Description 虚报货名 Agreement Rate 协议运价 Market Report 市场报告 Market Share 市场份额
To obtain market value for the containers 集装箱自身的市场价格 CKD Completely(car)Knocked Down 汽车散件 SKD Semi Knocked Down 汽车配件 D & H dangerous and hazardous 危险品
Revenue ton / Freight ton the greater weight or measurement of goods where1ton is either 1000 kilos or 1 cubic meter。Also known as B/L ton。 It is used to calculate freight charge。 运费吨 Weight ton 重量吨
Measurement ton 容积吨
Document-related Terms 单证相关术语 S/O Shipping Order
Usually for the same set of Shipping Orders, there are a number of copies with the same form and contents but with different names such as the 1st copy is called Shipping Order and remainders are called Shipping Order Copy or Dock Receipt for different purposes such as space control,surveyor and sworn measure, documentation. As EDI is more popular nowadays and used by both the Shipper and Customs, hardcopy Shipping Order is no longer Widely used. 托(运)单 B/L Bill of Lading 提单 B/L Copy 提单副本
OBL Ocean Bill of Lading 海运提单
HBL House Bill of Lading 无船承运人提单 TBL Through Bill of Lading 全程提单
Advanced BL Advanced Bill of lading 预借提单 Anti-Dated BL Anti-dated Bill of Lading 倒签提单 Blank BL Blank Bill of Lading 空白提单 ?To Order?B/L 指示提单
Combined Bill 并单(提单) Separate Bill 拆单(提单)
Way Bill A document prepared by a shipping line at the point of shipment, showing the point of origin, destination, route,consignor, consignee, description of shipment and amount charged for the transportation service. A waybill is forwarded
with the shipment or sent by mail to the agent at the transfer point or waybill destination. Unlike a B/L, a waybill is not a document of title. 运单
Straight B/L A non-negotiable B/L。the Pomerene Act governs its operation in the US。 记名提单
On Board B/L A B/L in which a carrier acknowledges that goods have been placed on board a certain vessel。Used to satisfy the requirements of a L/C On Board提单
Shipped B/L A B/L issued only after the goods have actually been shipped On board the vessel,as distinguished from the received for Shipments B/L 已出运的货物提单 (On Board B/L; Shipped B/L 已装船提单) Received for Shipment B/L 备运提单
Transhipment B/L 转船提单 Through B/L 联运提单
Shipper(Consignee)Box 发(收)货人栏(格) Arrival Notice 到货通知书
An advice that the carrier sends to the consignee advising of goods coming forward for delivery. Pertinent information such as BL No., container No. and total charge due from consignee, etc, are included and sent to consignee prior to vessel arrival. This is done gratuitously by the carrier to ensure smooth delivery but there is no obligation by the carrier to do so. The responsibility to monitor the transit and present himself to take timely delivery still rests with the consignee. M/F Manifest document that lists in detail all the Bs/L issued by a vessel or its agent or master,ie,a detailed summary of the total cargo 舱单 Batch Filing 批量报备
Manifest Discrepancy 舱单数据不符
Acknowledgement of Manifest Receipt 收到舱单回执 Packing List 装箱单
Cargo Receipt 承运货物收据 D/R Dock Receipt 场站收据
D/O Delivery Order 交货单(小提单)
A document authorizing delivery to a nominated party of goods in the care of a 3rd party。Can be issued by a carrier on surrender of a bill of lading and then used by the merchant to transfer title by endorsement。
Shipping Permit issued by a shipping company,authorizing the receiving 船公司托(带)运证明 clerk at pier/warehouse/on board to receive a stipulated amount of goods or materials from a specified firm/client。 Shipper?s Export Declaration 货主出口申报单
A customs house form, filled by the shipper of goods to other countries. Also called shipper?s manifest. It mentions the marks, numbers,
quantity, description and value of the goods at time and place of export. There is a different definition in USA as ?The shipper?s export
declaration (SEDs) forms 7525-V and 7525-V-Alternate(Intermodal) and the shipper?s export declaration for In-Transit Goods, Form 7513, are JOINT-BUREAU OF THE CENSUS-INTERNATIONAL TRADE ADMINISTRATION DOCUMENTS used for compiling the official U.S. export statistics and administering the requirements of the Export Administrative Act.
Shipping Advice 装运通知(似舱单 NVOCC用) Manifest information 舱单信息
FCN Freight Correction Notice 舱单更改单(通知) Surrender O B/L copies for consignment 交回提单副本
Release Note receipt signed by customer acknowledging delivery of goods 货物收讫单 Inspection-related Terms 检验相关术语 Customs Inspection 海关查验 Commodity Inspection 商品检验 Tally 理货
Tally Report 理货报告 Check 查验/检查/核对
Fumigation treatment with a pesticide active ingredient that is a gas under treatment conditions 熏蒸 Animal / Plant Inspection 动植物检验 INSP Inspection / Inspector 检验/检验员
Certificate of Origin ( normally issued or signed by a Chamber of Commerce or Embassy ) (始发地)原产地证书 Arbitration 仲裁
FAE Fresh Air Exchange 空气交换
The fresh air exchange system on a reefer removes harmful gases from perishable commodities. The fresh air vent is adjustable to accommodate a variety of cargo Force Majeure 不可抗力
M/F FILING Manifest Fling 舱单申报
ACS Automated Commercial System 自动商务系统
A system of software programs between Customs and brokers to communicate. These programs are design with the ultimate goal of paperless transaction between Customs and brokers
ABI Automated Broker Interface ( part of ACS ) 自动的报关行接口 Which permits transmission of data pertaining to merchandise being imported into the United States.
(Qualified participants include brokers, importers, carriers, port authorities, and independent data processing companies referred to as service centers.)
ACH Automated Clearing House ( part of ACS ) 自动清关
Which allows electronic funds transfer for payment of estimated duties, taxes, and fees on imported merchandise
AMS Automated Manifest System ( for anti-terrorism ) 自动舱单(反恐)申报系统 An application that expedites the clearance of cargo for the subsequent release of containers when imported to the U.S. through electronic submission of cargo manifests in lieu of bulk paper manifests.
CSI Container Security Initiative 集装箱安全防范措施 To address the threat terrorists pose to containerized shipping, Customs developed CSI. 为应对恐怖主义对集装箱运输。。推出 CSS Cargo Selectivity System 货物抽验
It is how Customs selects freight or documentation to be examined. Examinations are chosen by the risk of importer and manufacturer or activities with certain tariff numbers.
CTPAT Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism 海关贸易合作反恐条例 SCAC Standard Carrier Alpha Code 承运人标准数字编码 CHB Customs House Broker 报关行
A company or individual licensed by US Customs to do business as an agent with US Customs House.
SED (EX-DEC) Shipper?s Export Declaration 货主出口报关单
A form required by Census Bureau for export statistical purposes, which consists mainly of SHIPPER NAME, IRS No., CONSIGNEE NAME, HTS, VALUE and Shipping details plus Freight terms.
SLI Shipper Letter of Instruction 货主出口报关指示函 A carbon form that serves as Ex-Dec and/or B/L instructions.
HTS Harmonized Tariff Schedule 国际货物编码 The international coding system for commodities. BONDED WAREHOUSE 保税库
Warehouses approved by Customs for storage and/or manufacture of goods. Duties assessed and due when goods enter the U.S.(China) for consumption. No duties due if re-exported.
QUOTAs Quantity of one HTS item allowed to be imported at either higher or lower rate of duties. 进口配额 DDP Delivery Duty Paid 完税
DDU Delivery Duty Unpaid 未完税
DRAWBACK Duties payment refunded because freight is re-exported or for similar circumstances 退税金额 Customs fine 海关罚款 Customs seals 海关关封
Application for inspection 检验申请 To expedite the clearance 加快清关 Pilferage 盗窃/偷窃
War risk Insurance coverage for loss of goods resulting from any act of war 战争险 To be liable for a penalty of 受到。。。处罚 To increase predictability 增强了可预测性
Non-fraudulent violation of the regulation 非故意违反规定 To file certifications with Customs 向海关申报有效证明 To follow the current procedure 遵循现行程序 To abide by 。。。rule 遵照。。。规定
To provide specific language 提供一定说法 To be not authorized 不予认可
Container-related Terms 集装箱相关术语 fleet of containers 集装箱箱队 E/C Equipment control 箱管
TEU Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit is the value of 1 twenty-foot container. ( 20?GP) 20尺标箱 FEU Forty-Foot Equivalent Unit. 1 Forty-Foot equivalent equals (40?GP) 2 Twenty-Foot containers. 40尺标箱 Corner Fitting 角件 Corner Post 角柱
End Wall/Side Wall 端墙/侧墙
Bull Ring(D Ring)cargo-securing devices mounted in the floor of containers 箱内稳货环 Container No。 箱号
Seal metal strip or lead fastener used for locking freight car 箱封
Seal record a record of the number,condition and marks of identification on seals made at various times and places,referring to the
movement of the container between origin and destination 箱封检查记录 Collection and Distribution Transport 拼箱分拨运输 SL&C Shipper?s Load and Count 货主装箱、点数 SP & S Shipper?s Pack and Seal 货主装箱、加封
SOC Shipper?s Own Container (SHIPPER OWNED CTN) 货主自有箱 The maintenance of a sufficient quantity of containers may be expensive, but may prove to be worthwhile in the long run,
depending on the trade volume. In cases, shippers may purchase from the market the used container to send the cargo with, just for once and keep the container for a makeshift warehouse after its delivery or for some other use at destination
COC Carrier?s Own Container(CARRIER OWNED CTN) 船东自有箱 From others? point of view, containers for a specific carrier?s use are all called COC. Therefore, the carrier?s leased in containers are also his COC. Equipment change 换箱
GP General Product ( Dry Cargo ) Container 干货箱 DC Dry Cargo Container 干货箱 Garmentainer 挂衣箱
GOH Garment on Hanger 挂衣箱
HC/HQ HI-CUBE (HIGH CUBE)Container Any container which exceeds 8 feet 6 inches in height, usually 9?6?? 高箱 40 TH 40? TIE High Cube 40尺高箱
40 GH 40? Garment High Cube 40尺挂衣高箱
40?/45? HI-CUBE CONTAINER SURCHARGE 40?/45?高箱费 All-in Rate/40? x 1.125 ( for 40? HC ) 海运费计收 All-in Rate/40? x 1.266 (for 45? HC ) FR Flat Rack Container 框架箱 OT Open Top 开顶箱
PF (Platform Container) 平板箱 RF Refrigerated Container 冷藏箱
COLLAPSIBLE CONTAINER(FR 框架) 折叠式集装箱 DG Container Dangerous Goods Container 危险品箱
Controlled Atmosphere an atmosphere in which oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen concentrations are regulated, as well as
temperature and humidity. 箱体内气体、温度、湿度调控 Empties Empty containers are provided by ship operators to cargo owners at container depots. Appropriate
charges are made for the lease of their ownership. 空箱 Genset a portable power generator, which convert fuel into Electrical power by mechanical means, and from which A reefer draws power. (手提式/轻便) 冷箱发电机 Power Pack 供冷箱用的小型发电机(可租用) Container Cleaning 洗箱 VEN Ventilated 通风
FRZ Frozen 冰冻 HTD Heated 加热
I.D. Inside Dimension 箱内尺码 Inside Measurement 箱内尺码
TW ( TARE WEIGHT ) The weight of an empty container 箱子皮重 Container Leasing Co。 租箱公司
Equipment Exchange (Interchange) Receipt 设备交接单 Repositioning 集装箱回空 Inventory Report 盘存报告 Sold Report 卖箱报告 Wear and Tear 正常损耗
Bend/Bow/Dent/Cracked 弯曲/压弯/凹进/裂痕 One Way Free Use 单向免费使用
Container Leasing long-term / short-term lease 集装箱租赁 长期 / 短期 Leasing Company 租箱公司 Repairing Company 修箱公司 Lift On/Off (吊)上车/下车费用 Drayage 短驳拖运 Master lease 总租赁
Trip lease/Return trip lease 航次/回程租赁 Round trip lease 往返租赁 Off-Hire Containers 退租箱
PTI (Pre-Trip Inspection) 冷藏箱预检费 Payload 有效载重量/净载重量
Cable sealing devices 绳缆式箱封设备
Europallet ( 800mm X 1200mm ) 欧(洲)式托盘 Standard pallet (1000mm X 1200mm ) 标准托盘
A 20?can hold 11 Europallets in 1 tier or 9-10 standard pallets A 40?can hold 23-24 Europallets in 1 tier or 20-21 standard ones
Wooden pallets must be strong enough to allow storage of 3 tiers when loaded. Carton boxes must not overhang the edges of the pallets.
Boxes which utilize less than 90% of the pallets surface and do not align with the pallet edge can shift in transit.
One-Way Lease that covers the outbound voyage only,after which the container is returned to the lease holder at or near destination 单程租箱
Dunnage Lumber or other material used to brace material in carrier?s equipment 垫料 Slip Sheet 活动隔板
Normal / Chemical wash 清洗/化学清洗
Detention Charges raised for detaining container at Customer?s premises for longer period than provided in Tariff 空箱滞箱费 Demurrage 重箱滞箱费 L/C Terms 信用证术语 L/C Letter of Credit 信用证
L/C is a reliable and safe method of payment, facilitating trade with unknown buyers and giving protection to both sellers and buyers. 为跟不了解的买方做贸易,采用信用证结汇十分方便,可以保护 买卖双方利益
1. The issuance of a L/C starts with the buyer who instructs his bank to open a credit ( issue an L/C ) in favor of the seller for the amount of the purchase.
2. The buyer?s bank ( opening bank ) sends the L/C to its correspondent in the seller?s country, giving instructions about the amount of the credit, the beneficiary, the currency, the documents required and other special instructions.
买方银行(开证行)将信用证开到其在卖方国家相应的议付行, 指示信用证金额,受益方,币种,所需的单据文件以及其它 特殊要求
3. Upon receipt of the L/C, the correspondent advises the seller of the same immediately.
4. The seller deals with the correspondent bank and prepares for the shipment of the buyer?s order.
5. After shipment, the seller presents the relative shipment documents to the bank, which should be clearly marked with
?On board MV xxx? together with a bill of exchange (汇票) drawn on the opening bank.
货载出运后,卖方将相关的盖有?On Board MVxxx?字样的 货载单证连同带有开证行抬头的汇票一并交议付行
6. The correspondent bank pays the money to the seller when documents presented are found to be in order.
7. The correspondent bank then sends all the shipping documents to the buyer?s bank, which, in turn, passes them to the buyer, who finally reimburses the correspondent bank through the buyer?s bank. 议付行然后将所有的货载单据转给买方银行,买方银行再转交给 买方;买方最终通过买方银行向议付行支付
to meet the applicable L/C requirements 以满足信用证要求 L/G Letter of Guarantee 银行保函 L/I Letter of Indemnity 赔偿保证书
Opening (Issuing)Bank at importers place 开(信用)证行 Advising (Notifying)Bank at exporters place 通知行 Paying (Drawee)Bank at exporters place 付款行
Negotiating Bank A bank named in the credit;examines the documents and certifies to the issuing bank that the terms are complied with。 议付行
Survey,Claim,Insurance-Related Terms 检验,索赔,保险相关术语 Invoicing 开发票
T/T Telegraphic Transfer 电汇 A/C Account 帐户 Appreciate 升值 Depreciate 贬值 Ditto/Do 同上
Credit Note 贷方通知单 Debit Note 借方通知单
Financial Responsibilities 财务责任 Capital Budget 资金预算 Cash Flow 流动资金
Balance Sheet 资产负债表 Statement of Account 对帐单 Amount Receivable 应收款 Account Payable 应付款
Accounting Dept。 财务处/会计科 CUR Currency 货币
PRO FORMA INVOICE An invoice composed in lieu of original invoice (代发票) Consular Invoice 领事发票 Documentary Credit 单证信誉
ALL RISKS (War,Strike,Riot,Mob not included) 全险(综合险) POLICY 保单
Insurance Premium 保费
We usually effect insurance for 110% of invoice value. (货运险)按发票金额的110%投保 The insurance value is calculated as : 投保金额计算方法 Costs of goods + amount of freight + insurance premium + a percentage of profit on the sale of goods the extra premium 其它险种保费 VOYAGE POLICY 航次保单 THE HAGUE RULES 海牙规则 Less risk of damage 受损风险小 Case 案例
Complaint 投诉
Justified / unjustified complaint 合理/不合理投诉 Dispute 争议 Surveyor 检验师
Cargo Surveyor 商检员/师 Surveyors Report 检验报告
Be (not)liable for the damage (不)对货损负责
The damage was obviously attributed to defective packing。 显然是因包装而造成货损 Endorse 背书
Liquidated Damage 违约赔偿金 Claim 索赔
Claimant 提赔方(人)
Irrespective of the result 不论结果如何 Within time limit 在规定期限内 Penalty 处罚 High fines 重罚
To be found short (missing/damaged) 短缺(灭失/受损) Final settlement of a claim 最终结案 Financial capabilities 财力
Payment will be made by 8 quarterly installments 每季度付一次,8期付清 though the grand total was correct 虽说总计数没错
Confidential 保密
IMO International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织 IMDG Code International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code The IMO recommendations for the carriage of dangerous goods by sea 国际海事组织危险品编码
Incoterms a set of uniform rules codifying the interpretation of trade terms defining the rights and obligation of both buyer and seller 国际贸易术语解释通则
To recognize the validity of the comments 注意到这些说法的合理性
ECU European Currency Units。A financial unit used for EC accounting 欧元单位 FMC-related Terms FMC相关术语
?The United States government takes the position that all practices related to cargo moving via CHINA SHIPPING to or from the United States are subject to the rules of the United States government, even though the practice occurs in China or in some other place outside The United States, and even though the Merchant or agent never goes to the United States.?
“美国政府的政策定位是凡?中海?承运的美国进出口货物的运作均应受控于 美国政府有关政策规定,即使此类运作仅发生在中国或在美国以外的国家或 地方;抑或发货人或其代理从来就没有到过美国。” FMC Federal Maritime Commission 美国联邦海事委员会 Enforcement Bureau FMC的执行局 Coast Guard 美国海上警卫队
CBP Customs and Border Protection 美国海关边防总署 ICB International Carrier Bond 国际承运人保证金 TIB Temporary Importation Bond 临时进口保证金 For shipments entering the U.S. on temporary basis Surety 担保 (保证金)
ATFI Automated Tariff Filing and Information System 自动费率报备系统 TARIFF(RATE)FILING 费率(运价)报备 AMENDMENT FILING 修改运价报备
OSRA Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 1998 1998航运改革法 DPI Distribution-Publications Inc. 美国一家运价费率报备公司 Violations 违规操作 Penalty 罚款
Suspend a carrier?tariff 吊销承运人运价本
Compel production of documents and answers to questions 强行要求出具文件、单证;对所提问题作出答复 Entering into a S/C with 与。。。签定服务合同 Knowingly and willfully 明知故犯 File a complaint 投诉
Operating under an un-filed agreement 按未经报备的所谓合同进行运输 Operating under an agreement that has yet to become effective under law 按尚未生效的合约进行运输
Misrating a bill of lading is a violation of the Shipping Act regardless of intent 无论动机是好或是不好,错定运价即是违反(84)航运法 Unreasonable discrimination or preference 不合理的歧视和偏袒
Unfair or unreasonable to deal 不公平或不合理的拒绝运输 Retaliation 报复
Monitor Carrier Rates 监督承运人运价
Purpose - to prevent unreasonable discrimination among shippers. 目的-保护托运人免受不合理的歧视 Require publication of tariff rates. 要求公布运价本
Require filing of confidential service contract rates. 要求对保密性的服务合同运价登记 FMC does not approve rates. FMC不对运价进行审批 Exception: controlled carriers. 例外:受控承运人
Petitioner request the Commission to determine whether CSA?s members have violated the Shipping Act through discriminatory service contracting and rating practices in the Caribbean trades that intentionally discriminate against OTIs in violation of sections 10… 控方请求海事委员会裁定?加勒比船东协会?成员公司采取签署旨在歧视远洋运输 中介的服务合同和确定运价的做法是否违反了航运法第10节。。。
NVOCC OTIs depend upon the member lines to transport their shipments, approximately 90% of which move under service contracts.
远洋运输中介中的无船承运人得依靠成员公司承运货载,大约90%的货是采用服务合同运输的。 Petitioner asserts that the member lines? service contract offers to NVOs have Eliminated all commodity rates other than FAK and GDSM, thereby depriving NVOs of a rate basis on which to compete for full container load (FCL), single commodity shipments.
控方认为公会成员公司给NVO签署的服务合同,仅保留了FAK和GDSM运价, 其它所有货种的运价都被取消,从而剥夺了NVO赖以竞争的单一货种的整箱货 的基价。 外贸常用词汇
出口信贷 export credit 出口津贴 export subsidy 商品倾销 dumping
外汇倾销 exchange dumping 优惠关税 special preferences 保税仓库 bonded warehouse
贸易顺差 favorable balance of trade 贸易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade 进口配额制 import quotas 自由贸易区 free trade zone
对外贸易值 value of foreign trade
国际贸易值 value of international trade
普遍优惠制 generalized system of preferences-GSP 最惠国待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT -------------------价格条件----------------------
价格术语trade term (price term) 运费freight 单价 price 码头费wharfage
总值 total value 卸货费landing charges 金额 amount 关税customs duty 净价 net price 印花税stamp duty 含佣价price including commission 港口税portdues 回佣return commission 装运港portof shipment 折扣discount,allowance 卸货港port of discharge 批发价 wholesale price 目的港portof destination 零售价 retail price 进口许口证inportlicence 现货价格spot price 出口许口证exportlicence 期货价格forward price
现行价格(时价)current price prevailingprice 国际市场价格 world (International)Marketprice 离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board
成本加运费价(离岸加运费价) C&F-cost and freight
到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost,insurance and freight --------------------交货条件----------------------
交货delivery 轮船steamship(缩写S.S) 装运、装船shipment 租船charter (the chartered shep) 交货时间 time of delivery 定程租船voyage charter; 装运期限time of shipment 定期租船time charter 托运人(一般指出口商)shipper,consignor 收货人consignee
班轮regular shipping liner 驳船lighter 舱位shipping space 油轮tanker 报关clearance of goods 陆运收据cargo receipt 提货to take delivery of goods
空运提单airway bill 正本提单original B\\L 选择港(任意港)optional port 选港费optional charges
选港费由买方负担 optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或 optional charges for Buyers' account 一月份装船 shipment during January 或 January shipment
一月底装船 shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or before Jan.31st. 一/二月份装船 shipment during Jan./Feb.或 Jan./Feb. shipment 在......(时间)分两批装船 shipment during....in two lots
在......(时间)平均分两批装船 shipment during....in two equal lots 分三个月装运 in three monthly shipments
分三个月,每月平均装运 in three equal monthly shipments 立即装运 immediate shipments 即期装运 prompt shipments
收到信用证后30天内装运 shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C
允许分批装船 partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted partial shipment not unacceptable ---------------交易磋商、合同签订-----------------
订单 indent 订货;订购 book; booking 电复 cable reply 实盘 firm offer 递盘 bid; bidding 递实盘 bid firm 还盘 counter offer 发盘(发价) offer
发实盘 offer firm 询盘(询价) inquiry;enquiry ---------------交易磋商、合同签订-----------------
指示性价格 price indication 速复 reply immediately 参考价 reference price 习惯做法 usual practice
交易磋商 business negotiation 不受约束 without engagement 业务洽谈 business discussion 限**复 subject to reply **
限* *复到 subject to reply reaching here ** 有效期限 time of validity 有效至**: valid till **
购货合同 purchase contract 销售合同 sales contract 购货确认书 purchase confirmation
销售确认书 sales confirmation 一般交易条件 general terms and conditions 以未售出为准 subject to prior sale
需经卖方确认 subject to seller's confirmation
需经我方最后确认 subject to our final confirmation ------------------贸易方式------------------------
INT (拍卖auction) 寄售consignment 招标invitation of tender 投标submission of tender
一般代理人agent 总代理人general agent 代理协议agency agreement
累计佣金accumulative commission 补偿贸易compensation trade
(或抵偿贸易)compensating/compensatory trade (又叫:往返贸易) counter trade 来料加工processing on giving materials 来料装配assembling on provided parts 独家经营/专营权exclusive right
独家经营/包销/代理协议exclusivity agreement 独家代理 sole agency; sole agent; exclusive agency; exclusive agent
-------------------品质条件----------------------- 品质 quality 原样 original sample 规格 specifications 复样 duplicate sample
说明 description 对等样品 countersample 标准 standard type 参考样品 reference sample 商品目录 catalogue 封样 sealed sample 宣传小册 pamphlet 公差 tolerance
货号 article No. 花色(搭配) assortment 样品 sample 5% 增减 5% plus or minus 代表性样品 representative sample
大路货(良好平均品质)fair average quality --------------------商检仲裁----------------------- 索赔 claim 争议disputes
罚金条款 penalty 仲裁arbitration
不可抗力 force Majeure 仲裁庭arbitral tribunal 产地证明书certificate of origin
品质检验证书 inspection certificate of quanlity
重量检验证书 inspection certificate of weight (quantity) **商品检验局 **commodity inspection bureau (*.C.I.B) 品质、重量检验证书 inspection certificate ---------------------数量条件-----------------------
个数 number 净重 net weight 容积 capacity 毛作净 gross for net 体积 volume 皮重 tare 毛重 gross weight 溢短装条款 more or less clause
-----------------------外 汇-------------------------
外汇 foreign exchange 法定贬值 devaluation 外币 foreign currency 法定升值 revaluation 汇率 rate of exchange 浮动汇率floating rate
国际收支 balance of payments 硬通货 hard currency 直接标价 direct quotation 软通货 soft currency 间接标价 indirect quotation 金平价 gold standard 买入汇率 buying rate 通货膨胀 inflation 卖出汇率 selling rate 固定汇率 fixed rate 金本位制度 gold standard 黄金输送点 gold points 铸币平价 mint par 纸币制度 paper money system 国际货币基金 international monetary fund
黄金外汇储备 gold and foreign exchange reserve
汇率波动的官定上下限 official upper and lower limits of fluctuation
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