开放英语3 第12单元-1

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开放英语3 第12单元

试卷总分:100 测试总分:0

一、Use of English(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。阅读下面的小对话,从四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(共10小题,每题2分,共计20分)) 1. – Are you sure about that?

– . A. You needn't worry about that B. I like the idea

C. Oh, no. I'm afraid of that D. Oh, yes. I'm absolutely positive 正确答案:E 满分:2 得分:0 2. – Would you like to see the menu?

– .

A. No, thanks. I already know what to order B. Your menu is very clear C. I hear the food here is tasty D. The setting is very comfortable 正确答案:B 满分:2 得分:0

3. – I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson.

– . A. The appointment is put off B. You look sick and weak

C. Please wait for a minute. He is busy now D. Tell me your ID number 正确答案:D 满分:2 得分:2

4. – Do you know if the Andersons are still living there?

– . A. Yes, they do B. Yes, they are

C. No, there aren't D. No, they don't

正确答案:C 满分:2 得分:0 5. – What if my computer doesn't work?

– . A. I'm not good at computer B. Ask Anne for help

C. I've called the repair shop D. There must be something wrong 正确答案:C 满分:2 得分:0

6. – Excuse me, how far is the airport from here?

– . A. You can take a taxi B. It's about thirty miles C. I'll fly to Sidney

D. It's only six hundred dollars 正确答案:C 满分:2 得分:0

7. – Ed said that his boy fell off a tree.

– . A. Oh dear! I hope he wasn't hurt B. Oh, no. A lucky boy

C. He might have broken his arm D. Nothing serious

正确答案:B 满分:2 得分:0 8. – Oh, the box is too heavy.

– ? A. What's in it

B. Can I help you to carry it

C. Whose is it D. May I have a try

正确答案:C 满分:2 得分:0

9. – How long have you lived in London?

– . A. I moved here from Paris B. My whole life

C. I've worked here for almost 10 years D. I've never traveled there 正确答案:C 满分:2 得分:0 10. – Where to? I'm so thirsty.

– ? A. Why don't we go now

B. Why don't we enjoy some beer at that bar C. Why didn't you look up the map

D. Why didn't you tell me about it earlier 正确答案:C 满分:2 得分:2

二、Vocabulary and Structure(共 15 道试题,共 15 分。阅读下面的句子,从四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(共15小题,每题1分,共计15分)) 1. We failed in our _____ to climb the mountain. A. trial B. contempt C. desire D. attempt

正确答案:E 满分:1 得分:0

2. We are told that it is __________ we are born that decides our nationality. A. the country B. anywhere

C. where D. somewhere

正确答案:D 满分:1 得分:0

3. A 15-year-old boy was _______ for stealing 22 charity boxes from local shops. A. convicted B. sentenced C. arrested D. attacked

正确答案:D 满分:1 得分:0

4. The roof of our house is broken, so it needs _______. A. repaired B. repairing C. being repaired D. to repair

正确答案:C 满分:1 得分:0

5. Last month, he paid a visit to the village _____ he had once worked for five years. A. where B. which C. that D. in that

正确答案:B 满分:1 得分:0

6. I don't think this kind of medicine has any _____. A. answer B. cause C. effect D. work

正确答案:D 满分:1 得分:1

7. The heavy rain stopped us _____ at the station on time. A. to arrive B. arrive C. arrived D. from arriving

正确答案:E 满分:1 得分:1

8. He _____________ in the laboratory the whole morning. A. has been working B. is working C. was working D. has worked

正确答案:B 满分:1 得分:0 9. It's not safe ______ in the street. A. played B. play C. playing D. plays

正确答案:D 满分:1 得分:0

10. She has brought ______________ two children by herself. A. - (不填) B. up C. on D. away

正确答案:C 满分:1 得分:1

11. That place is _____________ the south of the city. A. at

B. in C. on D. to

正确答案:C 满分:1 得分:0 12. I stopped _______ last year. A. smoking B. smoke C. to smoke D. smoked

正确答案:B 满分:1 得分:0

13. The restaurants ________ are good but the _________ here are much better. A. there…ones B. here…one C. there…one D. here… one

正确答案:B 满分:1 得分:0

14. I tried ________, but the line was engaged. A. phone B. phoned C. phoning D. to phone

正确答案:E 满分:1 得分:0

15. By the end of this year, I _____ enough money for a holiday. A. will save B. will be saving C. will have saved

D. will be saved

正确答案:D 满分:1 得分:1

三、Cloze Test(共 1 道试题,共 10 分。阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题,每题1分,共计10分))

1. Although international travel is usually an 1 and pleasant experience, travellers should

take steps

to ensure that their health does not suffer either 2 their time the air or their time abroad.

Before you go, check with your doctor or local travel clinic 3 injections are necessary for the areas

you are travelling 4 . Allow sufficient time to have these injections before you 5 because they

may take time to become effective. Be sure that the information on health is up-to-date. Check on the

Internet if you are not sure.

Don't go to bed late the day 6 you fly.

Your body has a natural daily sleep pattern. It takes time to adjust to a new time zone. There are many

different 7 of jet lag: you may not be able to sleep, you may not want to eat or you may feel sick and

tired. You may not be able to concentrate for some days after you arrive.

There are several things you can do to 8 the effects of jet lag: - Do your 9 to relax during the flight;

- Sleep as much as you can on the flight. Use a mild sleeping pill if necessary; - Drink as much water as you can; - Don't drink alcohol and caffeine;

- Take mild sleeping pills 10 the first few days in the new time zone if you need them. 1).

A. excited B. exciting C. excitted D. excitting

正确答案:C 满分:1 得分:1 2).

A. of…on…of

B. of…in…of C. from…on…from D. from…in…from

正确答案:E 满分:1 得分:0 3). A. where B. - (不填) C. which D. that

正确答案:D 满分:1 得分:1 4).

A. - (不填) B. in C. to D. at

正确答案:D 满分:1 得分:1 5).

A. will leave B. is leaving C. leave D. have left

正确答案:D 满分:1 得分:1 6). A. after B. in C. on

D. before

正确答案:E 满分:1 得分:0 7).

A. effects B. effect C. affect D. affects

正确答案:B 满分:1 得分:0 8). A. short B. shorten C. less D. lessen

正确答案:E 满分:1 得分:0 9). A. good B. better C. best D. most

正确答案:D 满分:1 得分:1 10). A. at B. for C. of D. on

正确答案:C 满分:1 得分:1

四、Reading Comprehension(共 4 道试题,共 40 分。)

1. John Preston lives in a flat in north London. He moved there after his wife died four years ago

to be

closer to his daughter's family, and because his big detached house and garden were too much work for him as he got older. It's easier in the flat because the letting agent does everything that needs doing.

The agent has had the roof repaired and got the gutter replaced, but at the moment John is not satisfied

because the window frames need painting and the garden looks neglected. The agent had the windows painted two years ago, but the painters didn't do it very well, so they need doing again. John pays over

£1,500 a year for service and maintenance, and he thinks that it's not good enough because the flats

look shabby and a lot of things need repairing.

His daughter, June, and her husband, Pete, on the other hand, have to do everything themselves or find

builders to do it. They live in a large semi-detached house further out from the centre of London than

John, but they are still near enough to see him often. They live in the suburbs with a nice garden where

their children play. They moved there four years ago to have more space. The only drawback is that

June's husband has to commute into the centre of London every day, but, overall, they are happy with

their decision. When they bought the house, a lot needed doing to it and it still does. June says, \

have a list of things to do as long as your arm — the roof needs repairing and the chimney needs mending. The bedrooms need decorating and we haven't had the broken windowpanes replaced yet in the conservatory. We need to fix the gate and repair the path — it looks dreadful when you arrive.\1). What does the word \A. renewed B. refilled C. put back D. recovered

正确答案:B 满分:2 得分:2

2). The word \A. satisfactory B. in good condition

C. in bad condition D. attractive

正确答案:D 满分:2 得分:2

3). The word \A. advantage B. disadvantage C. return D. feature

正确答案:C 满分:2 得分:2

4). The sentence \A. we have to use our arms to do a lot of things B. we have few things to do C. we have quite a few things to do D. we have nothing to do 正确答案:D 满分:2 得分:2

5). Which of the following is TRUE about June and Pete's house? A. It's detached one with a large garden. B. It's a located near the centre of London. C. It was in a good state when they bought it. D. It generally please them. 正确答案:E 满分:2 得分:2

2. In the UK, in business situations, when you meet someone for the first time you shake hands and


\as \

you do?\before,


You don't shake hands every time you meet someone, you just greet them. If you are invited to

someone's house for dinner, it is usual to take a present– some chocolates or flowers or, if you know

them quite well, a bottle of wine. If you do not know the host well, don't be the last person to leave.

Telephone the next day to thank the host for the meal. English people don't like to talk about personal

things, and tend to avoid religion, politics and money.

Good topics for small talk are the weather, holidays, weekend activities, gardens and architecture, especially houses and homes. When you go to a pub or bar, it's usual to take turns to buy a drink for

everyone in your group and pay for the drinks when you get them from the bar and before you drink them.

1). The first paragraph tells us _________.

A. when you meet someone for the first time, you should shake hands and say, \

B. what you usually do and say, when you meet an old friend C. how to greet someone in business situations

D. when to avoid shaking hands and just greeting someone 正确答案:D 满分:2 得分:0

2). If you are invited to someone's house for dinner, it's better to _________. A. take a gift such as chocolates, or flowers if you know them quite well B. take a bottle of perfume for the hostess if you know her quite well C. leave the house before the last guest leaves if you don't know them well D. stay until the last moment even if you are not acquainted with the host 正确答案:D 满分:2 得分:0

3). English people like to talk about the following EXCEPT _________. A. gardens and architecture B. weekend activities C. weather and holidays D. income and marriage

正确答案:E 满分:2 得分:2

4). In the last paragraph. The sentence \

everyone in your group…\ A. it's usual to be responsible for the bill all the time B. it's usual to pay for a drink one after the other in a group C. it's usual to avoid paying the bill for a drink D. it's usual to go Dutch 正确答案:C 满分:2 得分:0

5). The subject matter of the passage is_________. A. British social customs B. British way of greeting people C. good topics for small talk D. some taboos in Britain 正确答案:B 满分:2 得分:0

3. Bill Cooper is portfolio (证券投资) manager of the $13 billion Value Trust Funds, one of the

best mutual

funds of the last decade. He is the only fund manager to perform the best for nine years in a row.

Cooper's interests in stocks (证券) began at the age of nine, when he noticed his father reading something in the newspaper. It looked different from sports or TV programs. So Bill asked his father

what it was. His father explained that he was reading the financial pages. His father pointed to a

column with some company's logo in it. \boy,


Young Cooper asked, \can make money without doing any work?\yes. So Bill responded, \

With this idea, he made his way out of his secondary school and into the university. He worked very hard

at his studies of finance. When he got his first job in a bank, he found that a university degree is not a

sign that one is a finished product, but an indication a person is prepared for life. He is now


big money, yet he knows clearly that is based on hard work.

1). In the sentence of the first paragraph, \


years in a row\A. for nine years in a line

B. for nine years as if rowing a boat C. for nine years running

D. for nine years fighting and quarreling 正确答案:D 满分:2 得分:2

2). It was ____________ that Bill learned his finance ABC when he was only nine years old. A. through his father's explanation

B. from the financial pages in the newspaper C. from his father's reading D. with his father's help 正确答案:B 满分:2 得分:0

3). It was the idea that ____________ that attracted the young boy.

A. if one owned a share of some company, he will have 25 cents more every day B. if one buys a share, he will have more money C. one can make money without working in a bank D. one can make money through buying stocks 正确答案:E 满分:2 得分:2

4). From the passage, we know that Bill's success lies in his ____________. A. good luck B. hard work

C. early awareness of how to make money D. firm belief in making money 正确答案:C 满分:2 得分:2

5). Bill Cooper soon learnt after his graduation that a university degree ____________.

A. meant nothing in a bank B. did mean that one was finished

C. only indicated that one was ready to start his career D. indicated that one was ready to produce more 正确答案:D 满分:2 得分:2 4. Telecommuting(远程办公)

It's 8:30, time for John to start work. So he turns on his radio. Then he eats breakfast. As he eats, he

reads his e-mail and reviews his to-do list. Then he sits on the sofa and thinks about an article he

needs to write … Wait a minute! Radio? Breakfast? Sofa? What kind of workplace is this? Well, actually it is John's house, and he is a telecommuter – he works at home, communicating with the

workplace through the Internet.

Like John, millions of people – and their employers – are finding that telecommuting is a great way

to work. Telecommuters can follow their own schedules. They work in the comfort of their homes, where they can also look after young children or elderly parents. They save time and money by not

traveling to work. Their employers save, too, because they need less office space and furniture. Studies show that telecommuters change jobs less often. This saves employers even more money. Telecommuting helps society, too, by reducing pollution and traffic problems.

Jobs that are suited to telecommuting include writing, design work, computer programming and accounting(会计). If a job involves working with information, a telecommuter can probably do it. 1). From the passage we know that John does his job ____________. A. by telephone B. in his office C. away from home D. through the Internet 正确答案:E 满分:2 得分:0

2). Which of the following is mentioned as one of the advantages of telecommuting? A. One can get along well with co-workers.

B. One can work on one's own schedule. C. One can work for several employers. D. One can enjoy a lot of traveling. 正确答案:C 满分:2 得分:0

3). The passage tells us that telecommuters change jobs less often and so ____________. A. they can get more work experience B. they will have a longer paid holiday C. their employers can save more money

D. their employers will give them a higher pay 正确答案:D 满分:2 得分:2

4). The phrase \A. acceptable for B. difficult for C. fit for D. bad for

正确答案:D 满分:2 得分:2

5). The passage is mainly about ____________. A. a new way to work B. John's working day C. various workplaces D. the Internet

正确答案:B 满分:2 得分:0

五、Writing(共 1 道试题,共 15 分。根据所给提示写篇短文。(本题15分))

1. be independent in English studies an active English-learner

enjoy the pleasure of English studies bear in mind(牢记) My English Studies

B. One can work on one's own schedule. C. One can work for several employers. D. One can enjoy a lot of traveling. 正确答案:C 满分:2 得分:0

3). The passage tells us that telecommuters change jobs less often and so ____________. A. they can get more work experience B. they will have a longer paid holiday C. their employers can save more money

D. their employers will give them a higher pay 正确答案:D 满分:2 得分:2

4). The phrase \A. acceptable for B. difficult for C. fit for D. bad for

正确答案:D 满分:2 得分:2

5). The passage is mainly about ____________. A. a new way to work B. John's working day C. various workplaces D. the Internet

正确答案:B 满分:2 得分:0

五、Writing(共 1 道试题,共 15 分。根据所给提示写篇短文。(本题15分))

1. be independent in English studies an active English-learner

enjoy the pleasure of English studies bear in mind(牢记) My English Studies

